Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 900

Vol 2 Chapter 89: Fearless Man

With the virtues of that country, they have never stopped resisting. Everyone is a sovereign country. Why do you want us to change the country with just one sentence? Why can you do whatever you want? Can you fight?

A country cannot win, but it may not be possible for more countries to unite, because the technological advantages of huge countries are not as great as imagined. After all, not all lunar people have been killed. There are also a lot of lunar people in the sea.

Among them, there are also a lot of excellent scientists. These people are naturally full of hatred for the existence of that huge kingdom. Since there is a common enemy, then naturally there is nothing to say. Everyone hit it off and the alliance happened like this. of.

“So that country was destroyed?”

Fred asked.

“How can it be so easy?”

Im said casually, “It would be too easy if it was really that easy to beat them.”

In fact, the first joint search for the huge kingdom was easily destroyed. Even the lunar scientists brought powerful weapons to this side, and even a large number of Devil Fruits, but the result of the war is still It was this side that was utterly defeated, and the fleet was completely wiped out before the fleet even reunited.

Because if the enemy is all the sea kings in the entire sea, it is really impossible to win no matter what.


When Im said this, Vlad was surprised. Such an ability is quite clear. Sea King Poseidon, one of the three ancient weapons, can easily overturn the terrifying existence of the sea.

The current Neptune carrier Bai Xing is also a member of the Fire Dragon Pirates. Now he should be working hard to manipulate the Neptunes to attack the Royal Coalition Army around the world, to reduce the pressure on Dorag and them. After all, it is difficult for Neptune to interfere with the beginning of Tianwang, and Bai Xing comes over Can’t help either.

“Yes, Aquaman,”

Im said, “After they have the King of Heaven, their progress is not over yet. After they dominate the sky, of course it is the sea.”

Undersea machinery is difficult to work effectively, so, of course, biological weapons are better. At this time, the mermaid family who has been living on the seabed entered their line of sight, and can swim freely on the seabed, with the highest swimming speed in the world. Communication fish, such an existence is really the most suitable.

As a result, the mermaid princess of that generation became a test product, a very bold experiment, whether it is a sea king or a sea beast, they have a strong sense of hierarchy, and they are generally simple-minded.

That is to say, if there is a guy with a high level who can negotiate with all the sea kings, does it mean that he can easily manipulate all the sea kings?

Neptune was born like this. The fine-tuning of the genetic level has given Mermaid Princess an overwhelming rank advantage over Neptune. By borrowing technology similar to Devil Fruit, Mermaid’s spiritual power has been increased, and she can compete with Neptune at a distance. comminicate.

This is the sea king. It is very strange that the experiment was only successful in this case. After that, even if you master the technology and want to mass-produce it, you can no longer do it. It is like a devil fruit. One cannot have the other.

But this is enough, one sea king is enough to manipulate all the sea kings in the world. Such a force was already a force that all the countries that stood up to resist could not compete even if they were united, and the first war came to an end.

The huge kingdom has not stopped expanding, and the battle has continued, so the natural resistance against them has never been quelled.


“Joey Boy and I are the leaders of the Resistance!”

Im said so.

The battle situation has always been overwhelmingly unfavorable for the resistance forces. With the overwhelming combat advantage of the giant kingdom of Tianwang and Sea King, a slightly stronger war has never been lost. The resistance forces cannot even make a large-scale voyage.

Until Joey Boey risked his life to sneak into the huge kingdom, rescued the mermaid princess who was manipulated, and successfully pulled the sea king Poseidon to this side.

Although Im said it was an understatement, Vlad knew very well how thrilling it was. Infiltrated into the base camp of the hostile forces, and successfully abducted the opponent’s most powerful weapon, I also know that whether it is courage or strength, it is the best choice.

The war situation finally began to tilt towards the resistance forces, and each time the blockade became a huge kingdom. When all the persecuted races in the world joined the resistance forces, it was actually that huge kingdom that was invincible in the world. At this time, it was also powerless.

The second change of the war situation was in the capital of seven waters, where lunar scientists and the best shipbuilders in the capital of seven waters gathered together to build the most ferocious battleship in the world, which is considered to be enough to compete with the heavenly king and the sea king. Side by side, Hades.

This time, even if it has been transformed and has been able to completely defend against the capable, even the heavenly king who can forcefully erase the ability of the capable person through reverse fluctuations cannot withstand the bombardment of this Pluto.

The war is finally over. Im told her that the last battle was extremely brutal. I don’t know how many islands were sunk and sunk to the bottom of the sea, and I don’t know how many people lost their lives in this war.

But at last, the war is over, and the rule of the evil kingdom has disappeared from this sea.

“And then? And what happened?”

Fred asked anxiously.


Im said casually, “Then I killed Joey Boy and formed the World Government. This is the end~www.readwn.com~ No, Boss Im, didn’t you say anything at the most critical time?”

Vlad was quite disappointed, but it’s not hard to guess what happened after that. It was nothing more than a disagreement between the two former partners, and then the rebels split and went to war. Im said that he inherited the will of that country. The guy he will never forgive, and also said that Vlad and Joey Boy are very similar, and then look at the current world government, it is not difficult to guess.

“finally found you!”

It was at this time that a very excited voice came from behind, “Hee hee hee! Fire dragon! Let’s have a showdown with me! Whoever wins is the real One Piece!”

“Tsk! Hasn’t this run yet?”

Vlad raised his head helplessly, the King of Heaven and Hades are floating in the sky, and there are still people who don’t have long eyes to come to court death?

“Are you fearless?”

Im turned his head.

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