Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 923

Vol 2 Chapter 913: Fire Dragon Pirates Vs5 Old Star

“Now, they are finished!”

The location is the deepest part of the Heavenly King, where the Five Old Stars are located, the control room of the invincible Heavenly King Uranos, the atmosphere is already jubilant and very lively.

There were happy smiles on the faces of the five old stars. The invasion of the Fire Dragon Pirates is now over, and their footsteps are about to stop there.

Although the understanding of the king is not too deep, the five old stars have also experienced the power of the king before, and the invisible fluctuations can suppress all those who are capable, even if Lord Yimu is above this king, he is under the control of the king. When the force field is enveloped, he can’t use his abilities arbitrarily, let alone the cadres of these mere Fire Dragon Pirates.

The ability cannot be used, and the second ability of Uranos is more powerful. The absorption of shock has become an indestructible barrier for the king, and absolutely no one can break it.

Now the scene on the light screen is that the group of Fire Dragon Pirates is completely cornered, and the walls on both sides of the corridor are gradually closing, and they are constantly being squeezed towards them. Squeezed into bolognese, it couldn’t be more ugly to die.

For Yu Wu Lao Xing, it seems that it is really time to celebrate, and they have completed the task given by Lord Yimu.


It was at this time that there was a sudden flash of light on a certain light screen, and nothing could be seen. Immediately afterwards, the Heavenly King trembled violently, as if he was about to fall from the sky at any time.

“Damn smile!”

The bearded Wu Laoxing said loudly. From another light screen, he could see that in the sky ahead, there was still a faint smoke of gunpowder from Pluto’s muzzle. Just before, Pluto gave them a heavy blow. The shield was blocked, but the impact was no joke.

“Fight back! Fight back!”

The bald five old star said loudly, “Show that **** some color!”


Next to it, the small soldier in charge of the control responded quickly, so immediately, the laser cannons at the level of the king gathered together, and the super-large beam blasted straight at the king of Hades.

Unsurprisingly, it is also useless to break through the shield of Hades. Even so, the two sides have already started a new round of firefights. Thunder surges, beams flicker, and the outside world suddenly collapses again. The subsidence, the power of ancient weapons, is enough to be called a god.

The battle went on for a long time, and everyone’s spirits were extremely concentrated. The manipulation of the King of Heaven was much more difficult than that of the King of Pluto. It really required a considerable degree of tacit understanding for various functions to be used perfectly.

The final result is of course that neither side can do anything to gain the other. Compared with the offensive power, the defensive power of these two things is terrifyingly strong.

“It’s too much trouble!”

The blond Five Old Stars whispered, “Is it really necessary to fight to the end, until one of the two sides runs out of energy before the battle can be ended?”

“Or wait for Lord Im and Fire Dragon to decide the winner.”

The bearded five old star said so.

“Then what’s the point of our existence?”

The blond five old star sighed.

“Don’t think about that now! It’s not right!”

The long-bearded Wu Laoxing said loudly, “The Fire Dragons are gone!”


In an instant, everyone’s attention was attracted, and what they saw was that the light screen that was originally monitoring the Fire Dragon Pirates was pitch black and there was nothing.

“Did the collision just now cause a problem with the wiring?”

The bearded five old star said, “Quickly switch the line and enable other cameras!”

“No! Lord Five Old Stars,”

The operator immediately replied that they had already done this kind of thing long ago, and there was no need for anyone to remind them, “There seems to be a problem with the nearby line, which cannot be manipulated and cannot be obtained.”

“Could it be that Hades’ bombardment really caused the line to malfunction?”

The bearded five old star scratched his head.

“This possibility cannot be ruled out.”

Sword-wielding Wu Laoxing nodded and said, “The Heavenly King has been severely damaged by Hades once before, and although someone has been repaired later, it is probably impossible for the craftsmen of our era to have the level of those who were 800 years ago. Some omissions are inevitable.”

“But there is a second possibility,”

The bald five old stars said solemnly, “It’s the fire dragon gang! They haven’t died yet, they ran out!”


The control room was suddenly quiet. Of course, this possibility could not be ruled out. The Fire Dragon Pirates defeated the other three Four Emperor Pirates, arrived at Ralph Drew, and ascended the throne of the Pirate King. The pirate group is definitely not. What kind of existence is like a cat and a dog, every member in it is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

“Check carefully! If there is a problem with the nearby line, call another monitoring!”

The bearded five old star said loudly, “Quickly confirm the location of the Fire Dragon Pirates!”

“Zi la la!”

“No, we’re already here!”

There was a sudden burst of sparks on the door of the control room, and then it opened completely uncontrollably. The figures of a group of people have been exposed from behind the door. The leader is a man with two short knives in his hands. His name is Dino~ www.readwn.com~ Croft Dino, the de facto second-in-command of the Dragon Pirates, who holds the position of cook on the ship, said, “Then you’re screwed, Five Old Stars.”


The bearded five old star was startled, “How could you guys be here?”

“Why not?”

The chef smiled and said, “It’s too superstitious to believe in the ability of the king.”


The sword-wielding Wu Lao Xing instantly pulled out the long sword in his hand. Now is not the time to care about how the Huolong gang came here. It doesn’t matter. The first task now is to resist the onslaught of these guys.

It is still thanks to Bebo that the Fire Dragon Pirates can appear here. This big white bear has made great contributions to today’s invasion.

Of course, the control system of the king is realized through dense lines, quite precise lines, which gives Bepo an opportunity to use Comrade Paso’s special atavism potion to achieve reinforcement similar to berserk, and then all The strength of the static electricity emitted has also been enhanced like an earth-shaking. It is actually quite simple to disrupt these circuits. After all, even if the King of Heaven can absorb lightning, not all internal circuits have such a function.

It was easy to let the line fail, and the Fire Dragon group drove straight in like this and came directly to the control room. They caught Fujitora’s onslaught and they were not found from beginning to end. They were lucky.

“Okay, let’s decide the outcome here!”

The chef smiled and said, “The end of the era, you are the harbinger of the end!”

Fire Dragon Pirates VS Five Old Stars, the battle begins.

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