Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 924

Vol 2 Chapter 914: Blast! Mean Man

“Oh! It looks like their infiltration went well!”

In the sky in the distance, inside Hades, General Fujitora, who was sitting on a chair leisurely, smiled, “In this way, the battle is half won.”

His arrogance and arrogance can make Fujitora easily capture the trajectory of meteorites in outer space, and he can easily hear the sound of thunder surging in the sky in the distance. Of course, he can also easily hear it. There is a strange but passionate battle sound inside the king.

At this time, of course, there will be no civil war within the World Government. Such a battle can only be a battle between the Fire Dragon Pirates and the World Government.

Fujitora has no doubt that the Fire Dragon Pirates will be able to achieve the final victory, because he knows that the Five Old Stars are stationed above the Heavenly King. These old men are of course first-class in terms of political struggle and governance. Strong, but really encountered fierce battles, but it is not useful, or that sentence, the real strong are honed in battles again and again, as Tianlong people, the five old stars are this. You have never experienced a battle in your life, how strong can you be?

Time goes back to a little earlier, inside the king, the battle is just a touch away.

“As usual, when we have the upper hand,”

The maid walked up to the chef and said with a chuckle, “Shouldn’t you be persuaded to surrender?”

“Persuade to surrender?”

The chef smiled, “No need, these guys are the remnants of the old era. If they can’t step into the door of the new era, just get rid of them here!”

“Yeah hahaha! I like your words!”

Anilu smiled, and with a wave of the stick in his hand, a child in front of him was smashed into the air, smashing the screen in front of him.

“Calm down, Anilu,”

The chef said speechlessly, “Try to protect this place, this is the control room of the King of Heaven, it’s not good to sink it directly.”


Anilu was unhappy again, “Are you still going to be **** in the end?”

“It’s ok,”

Sakata stepped forward, “No matter what, the winner is ours.”

“Arrogant boy!”

The sword-wielding Wu Laoxing said angrily, “How much are you looking down on me?”


Bantian’s eyes lit up, his eyes fixed on the long sword in Wu Laoxing’s hand, “Your sword is good!”


As vigorous as a cheetah, Sakata’s voice appeared in front of the sword-wielding Five Old Stars in an instant, and Ju Ichi’s blade had already touched the old man’s neck.

The battle for the ownership of the King of Heaven officially begins at this moment.

The battle on this side has come to an end, and on the other side, the battle between Vlad and Im has also come to the last critical moment.


Vlad screamed, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and Im punched in the chest. The invisible impact came directly from the back, and the clouds behind it dissipated. Vlad only felt that his internal organs were going It’s like being directly smashed.

But at the same time, his fist was also wrapped in flames and slammed heavily on Yimu’s stomach. It was not an illusion. The fist had even penetrated a short distance into Yimu’s body, and Yimu’s body in this circle had been directly scorched. .


The two were knocked into the air by the other at the same time, and each gliding in the air for a long distance before stabilizing their figure.

“It’s so powerful! It’s so merciless! Comrade Im,”

Vlad touched his chest. There was a deep fist mark on the extremely solid scales. The chest was in great pain. It was not because the internal organs were injured. The bones seemed to have been directly broken, just as he thought before. In that case, Im’s attack can’t really be hard-attacked. Of course, for Im, his attack is the same. Just with his flame at this time, Im’s intestines are probably scorched.

Of course, for the two of them now, such an injury is not a fatal injury, and they are still recovering quickly.

“I must kill you, Fire Dragon!”

Without the slightest stagnation, Im’s body soared into the sky.

“Don’t die?”

Vlad was startled.


The coverage is extremely broad, like an endless wall. The turbulent thought power turned into an invisible impact cover and pressed down, leaving no room for Vlad to escape. The power is strong enough, yes, but such a large range The impact of ‘ will undoubtedly put a heavy burden on Im’s body. Even Im.

“And what’s the use of it?”

Vlad smiled, the flames on his fists were jumping, and he slammed his fists out, and the bright flames took the brilliance of the sun.

The tiny thought force that constituted the impact was directly burned, and the flames opened a big hole in the impact wall, and then slammed towards Yimu like a broken bamboo.


Im not discouraged, his body was affected by the power of thought, he avoided the flame in an instant, and appeared in front of Vlad, his fist slammed towards Vlad’s head again.

“More and more impatient, less and less skillful, what’s wrong?”

Vlad grinned, tilted his head to avoid the blow, and the head was hit to clear a gap, and then began to grow rapidly again.

At the same time, Vlad opened his mouth,

“Roar of the Fire Dragon!”

Zero distance, the flame impact close to the face, hit Yimu’s body.


With a sour voice, Im was directly blasted out by Vlad’s jet flame, and flew into the sky far away, then fell quickly, and finally stabilized his body.

“What’s wrong?”

Vlad said to himself, “I’m getting more and more impatient? Is it because of the changes on the king?”

“No, if it goes on like this—”

Im gasping for breath, his body was severely burned by Vlad again, and he has completely lost his sexual characteristics, making it difficult to distinguish between men and women.

Vlad didn’t guess wrong. Im was very clear. If he continued to fight, he would have no chance of winning. He had already suffered more serious injuries. Now the king will soon fall into the opponent’s hands. , until he is consumed by the fire dragon, the king of heaven and the king of Hades will start firing guns at the head, and then the game is really over.

There are two paths in front of Im, either ask Vlad and go back to Tianwang to stop the Huolong gang, or defeat Vlad as soon as possible and go back to Tianwang to stop the Huolong gang.

But it’s all impossible things.

“But after careful calculation, it should be almost the same no matter what?”

Vlad grinned, and the strong wind suddenly began to blow in front of him. Im rushed in front of him like a cannonball. His fist was raised high, and it would hit him in the next instant.


Vlad’s eyes widened and he saw a certain future.


Equally wide-eyed is Im~www.readwn.com~ who also sees the same future.

“It’s about time!”

Vlad smiled, and the black mist on his right hand met Yimu’s fist, and his right hand also caught Yimu’s fist when his body changed back to human form, “Then you are finished! Comrade Yimu!”


Just as Vlad said, the next instant, the white halo on Im’s chest suddenly burst, and blood poured out of her mouth.

“Despicable guy!”

The woman roared so weakly.


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