Pirates: God Class Vice Captain

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 – You Still Can’T Trust Me?

“Hehe…Okay, okay, there is a way to heaven, you don’t go, since you have made up your mind to be buried with the Navy, then go to die!”

After finishing speaking, Burt stopped talking nonsense with Du Hang, and rushed over with a single step!

With his night shadow fruit ability, the night is like day in his eyes! And his movement speed will be twice as fast in the night as in the day!

With such a sky-defying ability, not to mention a young pirate like Du Hang, even the famous pirate on the great route, he has the confidence to kill him with one blow. The night Mobert’s vicious reputation was not in the naval battle. I got it, but I got it from the assassination of the night after another, from the puffs of blood, and exchanged the lives of countless people!

Just when he was more than ten meters away from the three of them, he suddenly disappeared into the air.

This is one of the strongest abilities of his Yeying fruit. Every night, he has three chances to be completely invisible. With this ability, he once killed a “six-faced” big pirate, and the opponent did not play like this The type of tricks is a real fighter!

It was that knife that made his status as one of the “six sides” unshakable to this day!

The moment Burt finished speaking, Garp became fully alert, and his intuition told him that the other party was approaching rapidly, but he didn’t see anything.

“Damn it!” Garp gritted his teeth. If he can go back alive this time, he must practice his knowledge and arrogance!

Vickers froze for a moment, and suddenly opened his mouth to say something. At this moment, Du Hang’s figure suddenly rushed in front of her, and took away her strangely shaped short knife—

Vickers almost exclaimed, but still reacted in time and did not stop Du Hang.

While the two watched, Du Hang held Vickers’ dagger in his left hand, and slashed into the air with a blank expression. There was nothing there, but there was the piercing sound of gold and iron clashing, and there were many others. Less sparks burst out of the air!

The enemy is invisible!

In just a split second, Garp realized that he wanted to go to support Du Hang.

There was no emotional fluctuation in Du Hang’s eyes, and he turned on the selflessness at the moment of the shot. At the same time, in order to block Burt’s attack, he directly increased the muscle output to 100%!

As soon as the blade came into contact, Du Hang’s arm opened several wounds, but it didn’t affect him at all. Under Bert’s unbelievable gaze, he grabbed his Hailoushi dagger with his right hand, from bottom left to top right, Swipe hard.

Bert drew back and wanted to retreat, but it was not easy to retreat in the process of sprinting. Even though he had used all his strength, he was still scratched by Du Hang’s short knife.

At this moment, the surging sea power contained in the Hailou Jingshi directly made him lose his strength, and he fell down in front of Du Hang with a plop.

Garp roared, jumped up like a lion, hit Bert’s back with his knee, pulled out a sea floor stone handcuff from the back waist, and handcuffed Bert’s wrist!

The entire battle didn’t even take two minutes, but it made him, a battle-hardened old navy, break out in a cold sweat.

With mixed feelings, Garp turned to look at Du Hang.

“Thank you, Du Hang, if it weren’t for you, there wouldn’t be any fighters left…”

As he spoke, he couldn’t help showing a trace of grief in his eyes. It was his carelessness that caused his subordinates to be killed. He will bear this crime for the rest of his life.

Vickers’ mood is more complicated than Garp’s. She, who hates pirates the most, was rescued by a pirate today. What should she do?

Du Hang didn’t care about the attitudes of the two of them. He returned the navy girl’s knife casually, then tore off the sleeves of his clothes, and bandaged his split arms.

While fastening the cloth, Du Hang walked up to Burt.

“How many people have you come here, which faction you belong to, and what is the purpose of going to the island? Tell me quickly, I am not as good-tempered as the Navy.”

Before he could speak, Garp had already said: “It must be the Night Shadow Pirates. He is the captain, Night Devil Burt! One of the ‘Six Faces’!”

“Fuck, it’s still a Liumian? Why are you Liumian so frustrated? Just two days ago, one was arrested, and you followed suit?” Du Hang asked in surprise.

Bert cast an angry look at Du Hang: “Boy, be careful what you say, or you won’t know how to die!”

“I don’t know how I died, but I know that if you don’t answer my question, your life will be worse than death.” Du Hang took out his dagger and said.

“You… ah!”

Bert sneered, and just wanted to taunt Du Hang, delaying the time by the way, but was stabbed into the palm of the hand by Du Hang, the blade pierced through the back of the hand, pierced through the palm, and pierced into the ground.

“If you don’t die, you won’t die. Why don’t you understand, can you answer now?”

Seeing Du Hang’s expressionless expression, Burt’s teeth were about to be crushed, but he really didn’t dare to confront Du Hang. The expression, the calmer the expression of this lunatic, the faster he may die!

“I took three cadres with me, and more than five hundred people went to the island! I also went to the island with a cadre under Crazy Good! His name is Lal! The purpose is to capture the new star of the navy, Sengoku and Garp, and use it to Exchange the captured Mad Good with the Navy!”

He vomited cleanly, which surprised Du Hang. He thought the other party’s bones would be a little harder, and he was an assassin anyway.

“That is to say… the main force has all gone to the excavation site…” Du Hang touched his chin. If there is nothing wrong, only Roger is at the excavation site. With his character, what will happen is really surprising. Expectation…ah no, it’s worrying.

Seeing that the other two were still staring at him in a daze, Du Hang said without curiosity: “Hurry over there to check the situation, you two are not injured, maybe there is still time to save the scene, you are all here in a daze What are you doing, are you waiting to make up for me?”

Hearing this, Garp was taken aback and wanted to run to the excavation site. There are monitors sent by the World Government over there. If they die, he will be miserable!

“But this guy…” He frowned and looked at Burt.

“Don’t worry, I’m here to look at him. It just so happens that I’m seriously injured and I can’t leave. We are comrades who just joined forces to fight. Don’t you trust me?” Du Hang waved his hand and said, Karp’s heart turned I rolled my eyes and asked a pirate to guard the pirate, thank you for being able to tell.

But he has nothing else to do. Now that he has just cooperated with Du Hang, I believe he can do it once. Maybe Du Hang is really a good person.

Thinking of this, Garp clicked his tongue, said please, and ran to the excavation site.

Vickers glanced at Du Hang hesitantly, muttered something, and followed quickly.

Du Hang lit a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and slowly sat next to Burt.

Seeing Du Hang smoking leisurely, Burt was almost **** off, but now he is handcuffed by Hai Loushi, there is really nothing he can do.

Looking at Bert’s expression, Du Hang suddenly smiled.

“You called…Bert, didn’t you?”

Burt didn’t say a word, pretending he didn’t hear it, and Du Hang didn’t care, and continued, “Don’t you think it’s a bit too troublesome for the first half of the great route to be divided by six people from ‘Six Sides’? If there are fewer people , would it be better?”

Bert was taken aback.

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