Pirates: God Class Vice Captain

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 – Du Hang’S Preparations

“Boy… what do you mean?” Burt squinted his eyes and looked at Du Hang carefully. He couldn’t bear this guy who was just colluding with the navy forces, and then put on a cooperative face to himself in a blink of an eye. A little favor.

“Oh, don’t be so nervous. I won’t do anything to you. My arm is still hurt. Besides, you are being handcuffed by Hailoushi and you can’t move. Why don’t you just chat with me and just pass it off?” It’s time.” Du Hang waved his hand and smiled.

Bert snorted coldly: “I have nothing to talk to about the lackeys of the Navy.”

“That’s okay, I told you listen, just think I’m bored.” Du Hang said, picked up the pipe and took a puff, “Our pirate group, just debuted, you must have never heard of the name, called Roger Pirates, there are only three people in the whole group, and one fish.”

Bert sneered, as if mocking Du Hang and the others for their weak strength.

Du Hang exhaled the cigarette, took down the cigarette stick, put his arm on the propped knee, turned his head to look at Burt and said with a smile: “But in the regiment, my strength is only ranked third, and the only one who can fight The only thing I can get through is a fish that fights against the five scum, and the other two members of the group, if they pick one out at random, they can beat me like you.”

Bert couldn’t help it this time, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

He had heard Du Hang say that his pirate group had only three people, and he thought that Du Hang was the strongest, or the captain, with two people of average strength under his command, he could be eaten in the East China Sea. .

But he really didn’t expect that the other two people on the boat were stronger than him!

“If this is the case, then you are even more stupid. With such strength, why don’t you recruit more crew members and expand your power rapidly?”

“Ha… make a fortune in silence, do you understand? If we build a large fleet now, the navy will allow us to develop slowly? It must be a constant crusade. This is unexpected, no wonder you were arrested .”

“…” Burt was irritated by Du Hang again, but he couldn’t refute Du Hang’s words, because what Du Hang said was indeed true.

After holding back for a long time, he snorted coldly: “In the end, I’m still cowardly.”

“I’m proud of me, forget it, let’s not talk about this, in short, as a pirate group with strength, cards, ideals, and future, our vision will definitely not only focus on the East China Sea, the future will certainly be Entering the Great Airway, but after that? What to do on the Great Airway? Join a certain ‘Six Faces’ subordinate, become a gold medalist, vassal pirates? Is it inappropriate?”

Burt squinted his eyes and thought for a while. If it was him, he really didn’t like the two options. The former was too spineless, and the latter was too aggrieved. He had to avoid not only the navy, but also the sphere of influence of the big pirate group every day. , too boring.

He didn’t speak, and continued to listen to Du Hang.

“So I thought of a way.”

Unknowingly, Burt has changed from being inattentive and even resisting at the beginning to being fully focused now. Although he is slumped on the ground and weak all over, he still turns his head and stares at Du Hang, his ears Don’t miss a word.

Seeing Bert like this, Du Hang smiled inwardly.

He put the cigarette rod back to his mouth, and said slowly: “You and I join hands to destroy the other ‘six sides’, and then we will benefit by five to five points. In the first half of the great route, you will be half and half of me. Whoever dares to join us If you want to cause trouble in his territory, join hands and destroy him!”

Bert’s eyes twitched violently. What kind of dream is this little pirate who just set out to sea have? !

“Boy, are you out of your mind? Just because you want to destroy Liumian? Do you think that if you catch me by chance, you are better than all the members of Liumian? Let me tell you, ‘Six Faces’ can’t do anything except you. Other than me, almost all the captains are fighters through and through! The cadres under them are not vegetarians either! Not to mention that you only have three combat powers, even if you double it, it’s nothing!”

Bert, who had been silent before, said more than Du Hang when he became emotional.

“Moreover, the reason why Liumian is Liumian is only part of the reason for its top combat power. The bigger reason is that each of the ‘Liumian’ has hundreds of pirates! Several warships! With your strength, Everyone can pile you up to death!”

“Well…” Du Hang nodded, put down the cigarette stick, and exhaled the smoke: “So after talking so much, what you care about is actually our strength, not the matter of taking action against Yuhi’s colleagues.”

“I’m just fundamentally disproving your stupid idea.”

“Then let’s make an agreement.” Du Hang knocked the burnt soot in the cigarette rod, and smiled at Burt: “Within a year, we will enter the great route, and you only need to provide a ‘ Six Faces’ detailed information, don’t need to show up, let’s see how we can overthrow him, if you are satisfied with our strength by then, how about we talk about the future?”

This suggestion is really enough for Burt. No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t seem to do any harm to him, and… it seems that Du Hang will let him go! If that’s the case, he would be foolish not to agree.

If Du Hang and the others can’t do it, how can he live his own life? It’s better if Du Hang and the others can do it. Do you think you are a rookie like him? It’s so funny, if one day comes, the great route will belong to him, Burt the Nightmare!

Thinking of this, just as he was about to speak, Du Hang interrupted him with a smile: “However, just for this matter, it is a bit of a loss for me to let you go at the risk of offending the Navy, so in order to show our profound Revolutionary friendship, when you retreat for a while, work hard, let your men drag the navy for a while, don’t let them free up, I still have something to do, I don’t want the navy to disturb.”

“Hmph… I still have to drag the navy led by two small high-level officials. If you don’t make trouble, I’ve already captured them both and sent them back!” Speaking of this, Bert became a little annoyed.

“Tsk tsk, do you really think so? Then I’m really going to be disappointed in your eyesight.” After speaking, Du Hang turned the handle of the knife around, smashed the handcuffs at Hailoushi, and used the fruit ability to directly hit the mechanism inside the handcuffs. Smashed and let Bert go.

Seeing Du Hang’s handcuffs, Burt was shocked again. These are Hailoushi handcuffs, and Du Hang smashed them open? To what extent does he control power?

Under Bert’s gaze, Du Hang raised his mouth and retracted his knife: “With the strength of Garp and the Warring States, blowing up your entire regiment is just like playing. If you are not afraid of being arrested again, you can try again.” Arrest people, but then, I won’t save you again.”

After finishing speaking, Du Hang lit his cigarette again, turned around, waved his hands, and walked slowly into the woods.

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