Pirates: The Strongest Vice Admiral In History

Chapter 77 Double Team

"What wave is it?"

In the middle of the Grand Line, on a boat, two young men with similar looks stood chatting on the boat.

"Bah..." After the young man standing in front of the rudder spit out a mouthful of saliva, he kicked the corpse of the pirate wearing a hood next to him and flew out.

Pirate corpses lay densely all over the deck.

"Today's 2nd wave, the 24th wave I encountered after coming here"

"The pirates here are really rampant, they are already very close to G5..."

The young man at the helm said while controlling the rudder: "It's a special case. After all, that man must also know about the 'Battle of Interception' launched by the pirates. If you want to become an officer directly through special conscription... you don't have the strength The guy can't do it!"

"By the way, big brother," the young man at the helm turned his head to look at the young man leaning against the side of the ship.

"Why don't we go straight to the 'Naval Headquarters' enlistment?"


The tone of the young man resting on the side was full of disdain: "It's just a group of 'puppets' controlled by Celestial Dragons."

Although many details in the Summit War were not completely "live broadcast", after the war ended, the whole picture of the war was portrayed and disseminated.

"'Akainu' is an iron-blooded soldier and a qualified Marine general, but..."

"What about 'Dark Dragon'? Can he really do it? Change...this world..."

Their hometowns have not been recognized and protected by the Marine and World governments because they cannot afford the high "heavenly gold". Perennial famine and wars have constantly devastated their countries.

"Who knows, but..." The young man on the side of the boat closed his eyes: "We always have to try, we can't be stuck in West Blue forever."

Before the young man at the helm could reply, another ship flying the pirate flag sailed towards them in the distance.


"Hmph." The young man leaning against the side of the ship stood up and looked at the pirate ship on the sea in the distance.


"After more than a month of probing and fighting, the two sides are now fighting hard!"

"More and more New World pirates have joined the 'intercept', but... those who can come to this range..."

Ain drew a circle on the map with the new G5 base as the center: "At present, those who can reach this range are all guys with quite powerful combat capabilities. There are even some people..."

"They have spontaneously organized together. After breaking through the pirates' defense, they did not come directly to report, but continued to look for other pirates to fight."

"It seems that I want to wait for the last day to report."

Dylan laughed: "It's really a group of energetic guys, not bad. G5 needs this kind of people! How long is it until the end of the 'conscription'?"

"5 days!"

"Very good!" Dylan stood up: "Order!"

All the officers below looked straight, this is a very formal order!

"The 01 to 07 combat units of the MarineG5 branch are fully reorganized and ready for battle!"

"After the 'conscription' is over, 'clean' the outside for 10 days! Laozi's site..."

"You can come...but you can't go!"


The pirates outside also got angry with the recruits.

These guys... gathered from all over the world, including some well-known players.

Pirate hunter, fighting champion, captain of the kingdom's guard, well-known adventurer.

Although many of them are strangers to each other, for the same purpose, they form partners with each other, give their backs to each other, and move in the same direction.

Slowly, the pirates were actually squeezed into the middle ground between G5 and the "recruiters", and were double-teamed.

"Hina was surprised."

In Dylan's office, Hina stared at Dylan: "Is this your plan?"

"Huh? A plot?"

Hina took off the cigarette and looked at the red circle on the map: "Isn't it? Use 'conscription' as an excuse to stimulate the pirates' fear and defense against you. Lure them to block 'recruit', and then form a siege, very A successful battle plan, Hina is ashamed of herself!"

Dylan laughed dumbfounded: "It was purely an accident."

"That's what you are, Dylan, no wonder you have the respect of all Marines."


Hina held a cigarette, looked at the plaque above his head, and said leisurely: "Young, powerful, tolerant and kind to the people, ruthless and decisive to the enemy, owning a lot of wealth but not paying attention to personal enjoyment. Hina is very ashamed and deeply feels her own. Weak and superficial."

Dylan shook his head: "These are just the opinions of outsiders. I'm not that noble. I also have desires and selfishness. Don't believe in saints, Hina, saints...sometimes they are scarier than devils. "

"Black Threshold" Hina didn't answer this sentence, and stared at the huge plaque - "Justice for Peace".

"Will there really be a day of peace?"

"Who knows...you are from Granny He's side, and the 'Great Staff Officer' has a lot of information channels, right?"

Dylan looked at Hina, who was a little dazed, and shook his head. This is a responsible and clear-cut Marine general.

It seems that he came into contact with some secret information, and his confidence was hurt.

"Some things, you have to do it yourself to know the result..."

"Black Threshold" Hina left full of thoughts, and Dylan didn't say anything to her.

The old strong...

He disappeared with MISS Barkin after Dylan cut off Weibull's arm 7 years ago.

The current news is that the guy is "hunting" the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates around New World, claiming that he wants to get back "the wealth that belongs to his father".

The wind of refactoring "Seven Warlords of the Sea" has also been released. The first generation of Shichibukai currently has Mihawk, Hancock, and Doflamingo.

Locke Dar was killed, Jinbei rebelled, Moria was removed, and Xiong was removed.

If nothing goes wrong, this "Whitebeard II" should have entered their line of sight, after all, he was evaluated as a guy who "has the same strength as the young Whitebeard".

There are still nearly two years until the next "World Summit". Even if this system is to be abolished, it will not be achieved overnight.

Dylan doesn't think he can compete with Five Elders on such a big decision.

Even if there is, it is not necessary.

Power and requirements should be used in more reasonable places.

But Zephyr...

Looking at Ai En who came in to report, Dylan sighed in his heart, no matter what, I will help you, because you have supported me in the headquarters for so many years.

Naval Headquarters Chief Instructor - "Black Arm" Zephyr.

Although it has been a long time since he retired from the position of "Admiral", he still has the same reputation as Garp in Marine.

After the "capable person attack", Zephyr's attitude towards Dylan changed drastically, and he defended Dylan many times in the headquarters meeting.

Compared to salted fish Kuzan, Zephyr's love for him is more like his boss.

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