Pirates: The Strongest Vice Admiral In History

Chapter 78 Right And Wrong




The G5 middle-level kendo field in the dead of night.

Tashigi looked serious, holding the "Flower Island" tightly and swinging the knife meticulously.

must be stronger...

You have to work harder than others...

Beads of sweat had already appeared on his forehead, and sweat had also slid down his cheeks.

The glasses had been covered by steaming mist, and although her arms had begun to lose control and her body had begun to become stiff, she was still strictly completing the swinging of the knife again and again.

Meticulous every time.

Dylan sat on the windowsill behind her and watched her quietly.

After she stopped, Dylan tapped on the window sill.


After finishing the training, Tashigi returned to a dazed look, and quickly wiped his glasses after hearing Dylan's voice: "Huh? Vice Admiral! Sorry to disturb your rest!"

Dylan jumped off the ledge, walked to the cushion next to him, and motioned for her to sit down and rest too.

"I can feel the anxiety in your heart, but I don't quite understand where this anxiety comes from."

Tashigi, who was sitting across from him, held "Huazhou" tightly in his hand when he heard this sentence, and remembered the "hidden famous sword" - Hedao Yiwen, and its owner.

"I...I want to do more! If I had more power, I could..."

"Power..." Looking at the unwilling Tashigi, Dylan took out a Devil Fruit and placed it between them.

"This is a very powerful Devil Fruit, comparable to Tahir and Shiryu. If you simply want power, I can give it to you without any price or reward."

Regarding Teach's body, he once speculated that the reason why the "Garuda Fruit" has been shelved in his hands is that there is no suitable candidate, and another reason is that when the conditions are ripe one day, he wants to Try it yourself.

After all... In some respects, maybe he and Teach physically have something in common!

Looking at the red-gold Devil Fruit in front of him, Tashigi hesitated, but then shook his head again.


Although he knew that Mr. Shiryu's combat power has improved a lot because of the fruit, Tashigi still followed his heart and replied: "I want to be a simple swordsman."


Looking at the sweaty Tashigi, Dylan put the fruit back into the ring and took another knife.

"Then...try to tame it. When you can tame it, you will be a powerful swordsman."

"Second Generation Guiche" - twenty-one workers of the big fast knife.

A thank you gift from Wanokuni swordsmith Hitoru Tenguyama.

"Second Generation·····Onitoru······· Such a famous sword················"

"Tashigi!" Seeing his hesitation, Dylan shouted.

"Don't underestimate yourself! But don't push yourself too hard either."

"Everyone has their own 'stage'. No one can be the savior by himself."

"Fighting bloody battles, killing generals and capturing the flag is to contribute to peace, and to stick to the rear and protect the environment and the people is also to contribute to peace. Don't be fooled by this era. Everyone has their own good and favorite things. Don't force yourself, Follow your heart."

Dylan stood up and walked out the door.

"I've already told Ain that you can join the 06 unit she leads, and you can go with her for the next 'hunt'."


When he reached the first floor, the light in Ayu's room was still on.

Because Ayu is still young and often needs to go to the school to exercise and study with Tahir, Dylan specially arranged her room on the first floor.

Looking at the clock at the end of the corridor, Dylan went to Ayu's room door and knocked.

"Haven't you rested yet? Ayu."

"Di... Brother Dylan... wait a moment... I'll open the door for you right away."

After a flustered sound, Ayu's footsteps sounded at the door.

"What are you doing? If you don't rest so late, you won't grow taller."

Dylan stood at the door, not intending to go in anytime soon.

The child grows up and begins to have his own privacy...

Ayu bit her lip, turned her body and asked Dylan to go in.

In the room, a thin quilt was neatly folded on her little bed, and there were a few clothes beside her that hadn't been hidden in time.

It was all the luggage that Hitoru Tenguyama had prepared for her when she left Wanokuni two years ago.

The clothes and quilts are all starched and almost faded, and they are covered with patches.

Looking into Ayu's red eyes, Dylan sat beside him and touched her head.

I am usually very busy, although most of G5's affairs are handled by other people, but East Blue, Water City, Magnetic Drum Island, add up, and I still have my own cultivation.

With these things piled up, he actually has very little leisure time every day.

There is very little time to accompany Ayu.

"Are you worried about Feiche?"

Ayu lowered her head, and big teardrops rolled down her cheeks.

"Brother...Ayu lives like this every day in G5, but everyone in the village..."

Although Dylan left a lot of food and easy-to-cultivate grain seeds to the village when Dylan left, but that kind of place...

The pollution is serious, and they often face the looting of "Beasts Pirates". It must be back to starvation now.

"Ayu..." Dylan showed a trace of apology: "Brother promised you that he will return to that place. By that day, everyone will have enough to eat and drink clean water."

"At that time, you will tell everyone what you have seen and heard on the sea."

Ayu raised his hand and wiped his tears with the back of his hand, then looked up at Dylan: "I'm sorry, big brother, Ayu knows you are busy, Ayu shouldn't..."

After patting Ayu's back and comforting him, Dylan shook his head: "Why, I have something sad in my heart, of course I should tell my brother, this is my honor."

After Ayu calmed down and fell asleep, Dylan sighed softly, turned off the light and walked out lightly.

In the darkness, tears rolled down Ayu's face again.


At the end of the corridor, Dylan lit a cigarette and sat on the steps, looking at the vast starry sky outside the window.

"It's rare to see you like this."

Bellmel walked over to him with his coat on and sat down, took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it for himself.

"What's on your mind? Why don't you tell me too?"

"Bell Mel..."

Dylan looked at the sea and the starry sky in the distance and sighed: "Sometimes, when I see Ayu, I wonder if I did something wrong... At that time, should I just call Nami Bringing Nuo Qigao to G5, will it be different from today's situation."

When he returned to Cococia Village in the past two years, he clearly felt Ajian's self-blame and Nuoqigao's pain.

"It's not your fault, Dylan." Bellmel also sighed: "You saved us once back then, and in the past two years...I talked with Tahir about some things, he told gave me some of his conjectures."

"Back then, you rose so fast and your methods were tough, if you brought them to G5 at the very beginning...unless you stay close to each other, even if Tom is at the base, I'm afraid you may not be able to take care of them. After all, Tom also needs to practice, and he also needs to take care of the dock and workshop. If people know that 'Dark Dragon' Dylan's righteous sister is in the base..."

"Later, when our strength became stronger... Nami...she already had her own ideas, and at that time, I'm afraid you also realized the existence of 'those people'."

"It's 'those people' who led Nami on purpose... right? It's not your fault, you gave them a life of abundance and a carefree childhood, you've done a good job, Dylan , don’t blame yourself. If you want to blame yourself, I, a mother, should blame myself even more.”

"After a while, I will look for Nami, and besides..." Dylan extinguished the cigarette butt in his hand: "I have sent someone to pick up Nuo Qigao, let her come and help me."


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