Please Sign: Your Runaway Wife Has Been Captured

Chapter 103

Chapter 103 The Scheming God-like Player Was Planning to Court Envy

SInce defeating Landscape Painter during the duel, Bluegreen-Clad had become a hot topic of conversation on the server Watery South. His popularity quickly overshadowed the gang boss of the Sacred Temple who had enjoyed himself a lot recently and Blooming Pear Tree who was only interested in fighting.

Every time Zheng Xiaoguang logged into his account, she would always see some Private Chat messages from some unfamiliar female players.

Peerless Lady: Hi~ God-like Bluegreen-Clad, can you help me to gain levels?

The Flower of Tieling: Hi, god-like player, add my QQ748734***

Feather Dress: You’re fierce, god-like player. Can you take me with you when you go to play instances?

Zheng Xiaoguang had met quite a lot of bad girls in this game by far, but she was still stunned upon finding out that they would not even let off a man who had a child.

Flowing Light: Why do they keep hitting on Bluegreen-Clad? What do you think?

She asked Han Meimei, as both Bluegreen-Clad and Li Lei were busy with their work and not online at this moment.

Han Meimei: Maybe they were deeply impressed by your marriage with him.

Upon seeing that she thought in surprise,”My marriage? Well, it was not I that married him back then. I was set up. Blooming Pear Tree used my account to marry him and hold a wedding ceremony. I don’t know the details at all.

“Han Meimei seemed to mean that there was something special about my marriage. I have to ask Blooming Pear Tree what he did back then.” With this in mind, she opened the game interface. To her surprise, Blooming Pear Tree took the initiative to speak to her.

[Private Chat] Blooming Pear Tree: I never discovered that Bluegreen-Clad is so fierce before. I have to exchange several moves with him someday.

Blooming Pear Tree had fought against Bluegreen-Clad during field PVP gang wars before, but at that time, their equipment was almost at the same rank. Given this, he seldom noticed the importance of skills during a PK.

“Well, guys just take a keen interest in PK fights,” Zheng Xiaoguang sighed inwardly. She quickly changed the topic by saying: You don’t have to be so hasty, bro. I would like to ask you something.

Blooming Pear Tree: [Confused Face] What’s it?

Flowing Light: Did Bluegreen-Clad buy you off and work together with you to delude me into marrying him on the excuse of forming an alliance between our gangs?

Blooming Pear Tree: [Shut up] [Shut up] Did he tell you everything?

Flowing Light: You’d better be honest with me now.

Blooming Pear Tree: It’s really not I that should take the blame. I can only say that Bluegreen-Clad is too scheming! Back then, I was eager to forge a Yellow Spring weapon, and he bought up all the materials that I needed. When I felt vexed, he brought the rare materials that he had worked hard to collect for me. To my surprise, he gave them to me for free and said that he was doing this to show his sincere interest in forming an alliance with my gang.

Flowing Light: Go on!

Blooming Pear Tree: Sigh, who the hell knew that he would ask me to marry you off to him the moment I finished forging the weapon. I realized that the alliance between our gangs was just an excuse and that his aim had been you since the very beginning. As the weapon was forged, I could not return the materials to him even if I tore down the weapon. As such, I could only grant his request. On that night, as you were not online, I logged into your account and proposed to him in front of everyone on the Public Chat channel.

Seeing the word “proposed”, Zheng Xiaoguang could not help but twitch her mouth. In the past, she had firmly believed that it was the god-like Bluegreen-Clad who chased after her. At this moment, she finally knew that it was she herself who proposed to him.

Flowing Light: Anything else?

Blooming Pear Tree: Well, you know the other things. I held a wedding ceremony for you. I also packed lots of things as your dowries and sent them to Bluegreen-Clad to return his favor.

Upon seeing that, she thought to herself, “No wonder those people called me shameless and accused me of seducing Bluegreen-Clad. Cool Names Taken by Dogs also called me a liar. I told him that I would remain single in this game, but not long after that, I ‘proposed” to a god-like player

“Oh, no! This is so embarrassing! Is it too late to make up for this now?”

Flowing Light: How could you do this to me, bro?

Blooming Pear Tree: Uhm, you know that I’m always a straightforward person. I just forgot that I was using your account at that moment.

She dejectedly sighed to herself, “Sigh, no wonder those girls keep hitting on Bluegreen-Clad. They’re encouraged by me who successfully married a god-like player by throwing myself into his arms!”

Flowing Light: Hey, brother. Do you think that it’s too late for me to kill you now?

Blooming Pear Tree: [Sweats] No, sis. Don’t be impulsive. I did this for you.

Flowing Light: You sold me out for some materials. Aren’t you ashamed to say that you did this for me?

In the meantime, she complained inwardly, “How could you say that you did this for me when you embarrassed me so much in front of everyone?”

Blooming Pear Tree: I play online games for a long time. I have enough money to buy those materials. How can I sell you out just for those things?

Flowing Light: Then why did you marry me off to Bluegreen-Clad? You even worked together with him to delude me into joining the party of the League of Strong Families.

Blooming Pear Tree: I did lie to you at that time, but you have to listen to my explanation.

Flowing Light: So give me a reasonable explanation!

Blooming Pear Tree: [Wiping Sweats] You may not understand this, sis, but as a man, I have to tell you something. A guy who’s only able to speak sweet words, like Su Han, is not a responsible man. No matter how much you do for him, he won’t cherish it. He’ll even put all the blame on you when you break up.

In the meantime, he sighed inwardly, “Su Han is such a guy, and he still doesn’t realize what he did was wrong after these years.”

Flowing Light: What makes you think that Bluegreen-Clad is suitable for me?

Blooming Pear Tree: Bluegreen-Clad is different from Su Han. He’s spent so much efforts in getting you. That means that he really cares about and cherishes you. When he knew your past with Su Han, he did so much to help you getting over him. I was impressed. Given these, I approve of your relationship.

Upon seeing that, Zheng Xiaoguang thought to herself, “Yes, Bluegreen-Clad is indeed very different from Su Han. If Su Han is a disaster to me, then Bluegreen-Clad is my redemption.

“But that doesn’t mean that I don’t need him to do something to make me feel better.”

By 8:00 pm, when Bluegreen-Clad logged onto Shiny Sky and YY, Zheng Xiaoguang had been waiting there for him for an hour.

“Hi, Bluegreen-Clad. You knew that it wasn’t me that proposed to you, didn’t you?” Zheng Xiaoguang asked directly.

“Yes, I did know that,” replied Bluegreen-Clad. His voice sounded exceptionally attractive on YY.

“Just as I expected, my brother could not fool him at all,” thought Zheng Xiaoguang.

“Why did you agree to marry me when you knew that it was not me?” Zheng Xiaoguang asked in surprise.

“Well, what I wanted was you. I did not care much about the process and method,” replied Bluegreen-Clad.

“Humphy.” Zheng Xiaoguang silently lifted her middle finger straight up as she complained. “I’m so embarrassed.”

Bluegreen-Clad seemed to have expected this. He chuckled and asked, “So what do you want now? Do you want me to propose to you?”

“Yes, of course.” Zheng Xiaoguang said balefully, as she thought, “You let me, a girl, propose to you. Why can’t you, a god-like player, propose to me?”

“Okay, I’m going to hold a wedding ceremony again. When will you have time?” Bluegreen-Clad replied smilingly.

Zheng Xiaoguang twitched her mouth and said, “I’m online every night. Only you’re always busy with your work.”

Bluegreen-Clad knew that she was complaining about his sudden departure last week, he said in a comforting tone, “How about tomorrow? I’ll propose to you in front of all the players of the server Watery South.”

“That’ll be great,” replied Zheng Xiaoguang.

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