Please Sign: Your Runaway Wife Has Been Captured

Chapter 104

Chapter 104 The Most Splendid Wedding


Just as he had promised, at 8:00 pm in the next evening, he sent out loudspeaker messages on time.

[Loudspeaker] Bluegreen-Clad: Please marry me, Flowing Light.

He sent out the same loudspeaker messages for dozens of times and successfully attracted wide attention.

[Public Chat] Onlooker1: What’s going on? Hasn’t the god-like Bluegreen-Clad gotten married a long time ago? Is there anything wrong about his marriage?

[Public Chat] Onlooker 2: What’re you talking about the one upstairs? Bluegreen-Clad’s wife is Flowing Light!

[Public Chat] Onlooker 3: Fuck, do they really want to court envy everyday?

Upon seeing these messages, Zheng Xiaoguang could not help but laughing while playing with her daughter in her house. When she saw a flickering Private Chat message on her friend list, she clicked it open and found out that it was from Bluegreen-Clad.

Bluegreen-Clad: Are you satisfied with my performance, honey?

Flowing Light: Well, it’s not bad.

Bluegreen-Clad: So do you agree to marry me?

Flowing Light: You can guess.

Bluegreen-Clad: Well, it looks like that I have to try harder.

[Loudspeaker] Bluegreen-Clad: I love you and want to make you my legitimate wife. Marry me, Flowing Light.

Zheng Xiaoguang could not help laughing and sent a reply to him on the Public Chat channel: Okay.

The next moment, 99 roses① that Bluegreen-Clad sent to Flowing Light began flowing on the Public Chat channel, and the channel was instantly submerged in rose petals.

[Public Chat] Thump-thump-thump: You’re super rich, god-like players! Oh, my heart. You’re killing me.

[Public Chat] Smily Beauty: The more envy you court, the faster your relationship will end!

[Public Chat] Small Fish Eats Small Shrimp: Hey, the one upstairs. What’re you talking about?

Bluegreen-Clad sent Zheng Xiaoguang a team invitation, and she immediately clicked yes.

Bluegreen-Clad: Come to the temple of the matchmaking god to apply for a wedding.

A minute later, Flowing Light arrived at the temple of the matchmaking god. Upon seeing her, Bluegreen-Clad began to apply to the NPC for a wedding②.

Game Message: I now pronounce you husband and wife. May your love bloom forever. The wedding of the bride Flowing Light and the groom Bluegreen-Clad will officially begin at 8:30 pm. Distinguished guests, please attend the wedding on time.

In addition to the announcement of the system, Bluegreen-Clad sent out another loudspeaker message on the Public Chat channel.

[Loudspeaker] Bluegreen-Clad: Our wedding will begin at 8:30 pm. Welcome to join it.

Bluegreen-Clad indeed had a huge audience appeal. Players who knew and did not know him as a friend quickly flocked to the temple of the matchmaking god to watch the wedding ceremony within 5 minutes after the announcement. Before the wedding started, the venue was packed solid with people.

When Li Lei and Han Meimei arrived at the place, they found it impossible to squeeze through the crowd and had to stay at the other end of the magpie bridge. Wherever they clicked, they could only see numerous people and could not find a way to advance.

Han Meimei could not help but send Zheng Xiaoguang a Private Chat message: There are more people attending your wedding than last time. Li Lei and I can’t squeeze through the crowd.

Zheng Xiaoguang helplessly told this to Bluegreen-Clad.

Bluegreen-Clad: Let them team up with you to follow you.

Flowing Light: That’s great.

Zheng Xiaoguang invited Han Meimei and Li Lei to team up with her. After joining the team, they finally arrived at the wedding venue.

The wedding officially began at 8:30 pm, and the wedding venue was at Moon Terrace. Bluegreen-Clad and Flowing Light put on their red wedding clothes which were included in their luxury wedding package. The former rode an one-horn flying horse, and the latter sat in a nice sedan. They began parading from Moon Terrace.

Members of the League of Strong Families and the Matchless were the most excited onlookers. They kept sending out congratulation messages on the Public Chat channel.

[Public Chat] Big Fish Eats Small Fish: Congratulations to our gang boss and our first lady. What a splendid wedding!

[Public Chat] Nine-Tailed Red Fox: Congratulations to our gang boss and his wife. May your love bloom a hundred years. Have another baby.

[Public Chat] Soft-heartedness is a Disease: Congratulations, Flowing Light. Hope you have a happy remarriage~

Upon seeing the message from Soft-heartedness, Zheng Xiaoguang was so surprised that she nearly spouted out the water in her mouth. She complained inwardly, “You’re remarried! Everyone in your family is remarried.”

The wedding package that Bluegreen-Clad chose was the most expensive one available in Shiny Sky. It cost 16,666 gold ingots and included a band that would play music and follow the sedan during the wedding ceremony. Beside the band, there were 8 maids who would scatter roses and red envelopes along the way during the parade. Lots of players followed them to pick up the things they scattered. The whole parade looked very lively.

A colorful divine bird was hovering over the parade team while giving out golden light. It was said that the bride and the groom could ride the divine bird to fly to anywhere they wanted after the parade. This was a new thing included in a luxury wedding package, and everyone called it a “honeymoon travel”. The bride and the groom could enjoy this travel within 24 hours after their wedding parade.

Flowing Light: Why did you spend so much money on this wedding?

All she wanted was just a simple wedding ceremony.

Bluegreen-Clad: I must give you the best.

When everyone was gasping at the splendid wedding, a male assassin suddenly rode to the magpie bridge and stood in the way of the parade team.

[Nearby] Onlooker 1: Wow, is this a bride snatching? Who dares to snatch the bride from Bluegreen-Clad’s hand?

Shiny Sky allowed its players to stop the wedding parade and snatch the bride or the groom during a wedding. According to the old rules, a female player could only snatch the groom, and a male player, only the bride. Nevertheless, new rules removed such gender restrictions.

Anyhow, no matter who came to snatch the bride or the groom, he or she could not succeed unless the bride or the groom agreed to leave with him or her. As such, bride snatching and groom snatching were just considered to be a good entertainment which would create an active atmosphere for the wedding. Everyone was laughing and did not much attention to the male assassin.

To their surprise, the male assassin ignored all the jokes and shot a hidden weapon at the bride’s sedan. Upon being hit by the hidden weapon, Flowing Light fell out of her sedan and lost 1,000 blood points.

[Nearby] Onlooker 2: Fuck, he’s that jerk Motherfucker.

[Public Chat] Motherfucker: Fuck the first lady of the League of Strong Families. She’s a slutty bitch. She used to seduce our Shallow Sleep. That Landscape Painter was probably her lover too. As the gang boss of the League of Strong Families enjoys wearing green hats, I’ve come to deliver you one more hat. (“Wearing a green hat” is an expression that Chinese use when a woman cheats on her husband or boyfriend.)

Her affair with Shallow Sleep was a lie made up by Venus.

As to Landscape Painter, he had never mentioned Flowing Light when he threw down a duel challenge to Bluegreen-Clad. Despite that, many people still believed that they fought this duel because they were rivals in love.

Motherfucker obviously wanted to make mischief by saying that. Upon seeing his words, everyone was stunned, and then some of them began to gossip about it.


①Roses: In Shiny Sky, a couple can increase their relationship points by sending each other roses. A rose equals 100 relationship points. The shop allows a player to buy 1, 9 or 99 roses at a time. Only sending out 99 roses will trigger a display on the Public Chat channel. To get married, the groom has to send the bride 99 roses. Player can also send one another roses to increase their relationship points when they team up together to fight monsters.

② Weddings: In Shiny Sky, a couple can choose whether to hold a wedding ceremony. They do not have to hold a wedding ceremony on the day when they register marriage. Weddings have no influence on couples’ special missions and their couple skills. By holding a wedding ceremony, a couple can get wedding candies, special props and extra missions.

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