Poison City

Book 2 Chapter 128. Links and Calls (Part 2.)


“Obviously, because this seems to go beyond the business of our district alone.” Tyler Khan sighed: “As we speak, liaisons from our community have met with leaders and law enforcement officials in the city to discuss this. It is a matter of grave importance.”


“I see. And - what do you think we can do to assist you in this? ” Captain Ko sighed: “Information and intelligence? Tag along on your investigations?”


“Currently not much, we just ask that you keep an eye out for any signs, rumors and - and maybe reported occurrences that resemble paranormal incidents, of course.” Tyler Khan nodded: “And - the more information the more helpful it can get. Even if you don’t believe it to be true, if we can still collect the information it’d still be tremendously helpful.”


“Sounds alright. And - do you happen to have a list of places where these scholars, practitioners and monks reside?” Kevin asked: “I mean - we can start from SOMEWHERE if you’d like our help investigating - ”


“That is - sensitive information, I’m afraid. ” Tyler Khan shook his head: “But - I think I can provide you with some information with one case we’re looking into. One of our best investigators is already on a case, where some unknown assailants attacked a small, pretty run down temple, and they murdered the temple watcher. His name was Clergyman Gyuu Park, of the Fragrant Chrysanthemum Temple, around 20 minutes drive away from here.”


“Way - I thought I heard of this name and the temple before.” Kevin couldn’t help but mumble and turned his eyes Marcus’ way: “So - what is the situation there? How can we get in touch with this investigator of yours?”


“I’ll give her a ping. Then she’ll know that I made contact with you beforehand.” Tyler Khan nodded at Kevin with a smile: “She’d be happy to receive help from you. Things have been - challenging for many of us.”


Marcus frowned. All of this talk brought an image into his mind: the vision the White Wuchang let him see. The corpse of bald men, and the simple clothes they were wearing while standing next to the altar - could they actually be the scholars and monks Tyler Khan was speaking off?


“Can I - can we take a look at the pictures of the monks and scholars that are confirmed missing? That’s not sensitive information right?” Marcus raised his hand: “Not to put up posters or anything, but it’d be great if we have at least some ideas on who are missing. And if our officers know what they look like, there’d be a way better chance of their being found.”


“Good point, I will have our people forward them right over.” Tyler Khan gave Marcus a thumb up: “But do be aware - those pictures tend to be dated and low definition, because we only registered them when they went into reclusion and only take pictures of them once every five years. Some of them don’t even allow us to take pictures at all…”


“That’s fine. Whatever help they could be, it’s good to have that information nonetheless.” Shrevas interrupted: “After all - you’re asking us to at least be on the lookout for these scholars.”


“And - I have a general question as well.” Marcus raised his hand again, with his eyes fixed on Tyler Khan’s face: “If I understand correctly - these scholars and practitioners don’t meddle at all with the affairs of normal people. And - if they’ve been away from the secular world for several years, and they’ve only started going missing, I would almost say, that someone was attempting to do some kind of big ritual. And it’s not some simple ritual, it must be vast, it must be grand, it must be very, and I mean very, impactful. Do you happen to have an idea on what that might be?”


Tyler Khan’s entire body shivered once at the mention of a ritual. It was barely noticeable, but it did not escape the attention of Marcus. He knew something, yet due to whatever reason, he did not disclose it.


“That’s - uh - that’s a theory we’re working on as well. It’s possible, but not very likely.” Tyler Khan forced a dry smile: “The reason is simple - though these practitioners tend to keep a low profile, they are also simple minded and stubborn. It would not be easy to make them do anything. More importantly, most of them do not have any family anywhere, so it would be hard to blackmail them as well.”


“Yes. But if these kidnappers are desperate enough, they would still bring them along. After all, if it was me, I would just hide and imprison them somewhere, and - ” Marcus thought for a moment, before he could finish his sentence, the face of Simon Tu, or better known to him as Sitch, flashed through his mind.


“What is it, Marcus?” Keryn asked with a frown.


“No - it’s just - I thought of something.” Marcus sighed.


“If you know something, maybe you can let us know? ” This time, it was Tyler Khan’s turn to fix his eyes on Marcus: “And perhaps - I hope, that this would be mutually beneficial.”


Marcus sighed, then looked at Captain Ko with an inquiring expression on his face. Captain Ko frowned, then shrugged, signaling him that he should be free to say what he wanted to.


“Sitch.” Marcus hesitated before uttering this name. His stomach churned, and his heart ached at this name. “When we first arrested him, he told me that he was working for something grand, something great, and something bigger than himself.”


All the others in the room went silent, including Tyler Khan. Marcus thought for a while, then stared at Tyler Khan, who was also staring at him.


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