Poison City

Book 2 Chapter 129. Links and Calls (Part 3.)



“I - I think that’s definitely a useful lead. I’ll ask my colleagues to look into it. But - I’ve gotta say though - ” Tyler Khan seemed to be weighing his words, trying not to offend or sound too dismissive: “What I’m trying to say is, this is probably the desperate pleas of a career criminal under the pressure of arrest.”


Marcus narrowed his eyes for but a brief moment, then shrugged: “Yeah - yeah, it’s a possibility. I’ve definitely considered that. It’s just - if I was to make these reclusive pious scholars work for me for some dirty ends, then I would probably not use force. Instead, I’ll try to deceive them. And IF - I mean that’s not really that big of an IF, if all these missing scholars are all parts of an overarching criminal undertaking, then creating a grand narrative like that would be one of my key measures.”


“Yeah, that’s - that’s for sure a good angle.” Tyler Khan nodded at Marcus with a slightly insinuating smile: “You - uh, you’ve spent time in the South-Eastern District, Detective Cai?”


“Yeah, I spent some time there. Not enough to be an expert or anything, but - ” Marcus nodded, but then immediately raised his eyebrows at a specific detail he almost missed: “Wait, here’s something I don’t understand. This clergyman who got murdered, he’s - he’s a clergyman right? Not a reclusive scholar like the missing ones?”


“No. You’re correct, from what I’ve heard, he’s got the talent on that front for it. But he did not want to be a scholar and ended up becoming the clergyman of that temple - one that’s without a clergyman or clergywoman for quite some time.” Tyler Khan sighed: “And unlike most of the scholars, he’s a practitioner of mystic martial arts as well. And - as you might expect, there are signs of struggle and fierce fight in the temple.”


“What about the assailants? ” Marcus asked.


Tyler Khan paused for a brief moment: “I’m not at liberty to disclose that information.”


Almost everyone working for the precinct in the room groaned. And Tyler Khan, with embarrassment, tried to wave his hands to diffuse the situation and lighten up the mood.


“I know - I know. My deepest apologies for the confusing and frustrating situation. ” Tyler Khan shook his head and bowed gently: “But please be assured, I will have an answer for you very soon. I apologize on behalf of our investitive section. As you know, things are getting really hairy everywhere across the city. I guess I won’t have to tell you that, considering the upcoming election season of the city. Our district is already swamped, and the process of information sharing authorization is a bit slow. And I thank you for your understanding and patience.”


Kevin scoffed: “Yeah, yeah, I know you’re busy. But you’re asking for help - ”


“Kevin!” Captain Ko cut Kevin off, then turned to Tyler Khan: “Mr. Khan, please when you get a chance, get that authorization. You see, we’ve been working on all kinds of intel sharing policies on our end as well. I can only expect the community collective will show a similar level of respect and courtesy for our effort and time.”


“Of course, captain. I will get everything through as fast as possible. ” Tyler Khan nodded: “I sincerely appreciate your patience. ”


The entire exchange not only did not give Marcus any clarity on the whole situation. But a risky idea popped into his mind.


“... oh man.” Marcus rubbed his temples and mumbled with a low but still audible voice: “When can we get a fucking break, huh? I was kinda hoping for that food festival. Too bad it got canceled. I could use a break, holy fucking shit.”


Tyler Khan and Captain Ko raised their heads and fixed their eyes on Marcus, surprised and suspicious.


“I’m - I’m sorry.” Marcus acted surprised: “Please - please continue.”


“That was all I wanted to say to you officers. Thank you very much for your time.” Tyler Khan chuckled: “And, Detective Cai, since you’re looking forward to the food festival this much, I have good news for you: the community collective will be hosting our own food festival soon, and we’ll be inviting all of the vendors that cannot make it due to the previous plan getting canceled.”


“Oh, really?” Kevin raised his eyebrows, his voice got slightly higher pitched, but he pushed it down and tried to use his normal voice: “Where will that be held?”


“From what I’ve heard, the edge of the Lanmian Forest.” Tyler Khan shrugged.


“The Desolate Forest? What the hell?” Brian Sai and Shrevas gasped at the same time.


“Well, I’m sorry, it seems that the infamy goes way beyond the bounds of our district and gets exaggerated at every term.” Tyler Khan sighed: “The desolated area was only a small part of the entire forest, and it’s nowhere near the edge. The community collective has canvassed the area, and we can be sure…”


“It’s okay, everyone, we can adjourn this meeting and talk about other things on a separate occasion.” Captain Ko nodded at everyone: “Marcus, Kevin, I have a meeting with some city people later. Come to my office in forty minutes.”


“And I have to report to my station to follow up on the clearance issues we just discussed.” Tyler Khan waved his hand at everyone: “I’ll come back with some news as soon as I can. And with some news about the Food Festival as well, so detectives - please stay tuned.”


Kevin and Marcus watched as Tyler Khan left, then headed into Kevin’s lab.


“Something’s not right.” Kevin scoffed and threw his phone on the table: “That food festival - I don’t think it’s good, Marcus. It’s not good.”


“Don’t worry. I actually know a little bit about that forest. ” Marcus shook his head and considered for a while: “I’ll go check it out.”


“Need me to come with?”


“Nah, it’s fine.” Marcus thought for a moment: “I’ll tell you what I find. That place is not as dangerous as rumors say, yet it is complicated enough - ”

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