Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.101 Austin Vs Gentleman

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"Well I have to say, I didn't expect to run into you here." Leaf Green said with a hand on her hip while Austin nervously took a step back. "You pickpocketed me."

Thankfully she whispered that last part so no one overheard them when Austin snorted. "Says the girl who tried to scam me with those vitamins," He retorted to her crossing his arms. "At least I paid for them."

Green just looked at him before smirking. "Well played." She said sounding a little amused. "So what are you doing here?"

"Wanted to battle some trainers on here," Austin said with a shrug. "What about you?"

Austin was a little suspicious as Green giggled. "Oh just socializing." She said with a wave of her hand.

"Some people are missing stuff aren't they?" Austin deadpanned earning a small gasp from Green.

"Why I never, are you accusing me of stealing?" Green asked sounding like she was offended.

Austin just looked at her, showing that she wasn't fooling him.

"Pi." Pikachu nodded showing that he agreed with his trainer on this matter.

Green pouted a bit before frowning. "You're not going to rat me out are you?" She asked keeping her nervousness hidden as while she could easily get away with Ditty, she didn't want the whole ship on alert for the week.

Surprisingly, Austin shook his head. "I should but nope."

"Pika Pi?!"

"Y-You're not?" Green asked in disbelief before narrowing her eyes a bit. "What's the catch?"

"Just as long as you don't pickpocket my friends or me I'm fine," Austin said with a shrug.

Green frowned before accepting that but it still didn't explain why Austin was at ease with her stealing from people like that.

"Alright do it!" Austin perked up at that voice and turned to see a gentleman with a Raticate battling another trainer Starmie.

"That guy." Austin immediately recognized him as he grinned.

"Sweet a battle." He said moving to get a closer look before pausing as he looked back at Green. "You want to watch-er… You know I haven't gotten your name."

Austin was hoping she would tell him so he wouldn't have to remember not to call her by her Manga name by mistake.

Green thought about giving him a fake name before shrugging. "Leaf Green." She said as Austin wasn't going to turn her in so she didn't mind.

"Nice to meet you," Austin joked with a grin. "You want to watch the battle?"

At first, Green was going to decline, thinking about going back to pickpocketing before an idea came to her.

From what she knew about this guy, he loves to battle so chances are he would challenge the winner. The perfect moment to set up a betting pool.

So with a smile, Green agreed surprising Austin as he only asked to be polite.

They made it in time to see the Starmie get defeated by the Raticate with the Gentleman leaning on his cane a bit. "Very good effort, just keep training." He said while a sign was above him showing a score.

Austin's eyes widened as this guy was undefeated with 20 battles and his Raticate didn't look too tired.

"So anyone else hoping to battle me?" The Gentleman asked spinning his cane to rest over his shoulder, looking expectantly into the crowd. "I'll take on anyone."

"No way." Someone whispered.

"This guy is unreal," Another person said. "I don't think anyone can beat him."

Austin however grinned. "I'll take that challenge." He called out moving to take the boy's place.

"Ah good, now choose your Pokemon." The Gentleman said with Raticate preparing himself.

'I could have this be a Raticate-only fight, but I could also follow the original timeline with using Butterfree.' Austin thought as he didn't want to use Pikachu before an idea came to him.

"Charmander takes the field," He said sending the fiery lizard out who yawned only to blink when he saw the Raticate in front of him. "Up for a battle?"

"Char." Charmander looked a bit uneasy, thinking about the last time.

"Chu Pika," Pikachu called out his support with Charmander giving a hesitant nod before preparing himself.

No matter his feelings his new trainer was counting on him, he can't mess this up.

'I promise, no fire attacks.' Austin thought knowing that Charmander would hesitate on them. 'But you need this to heal from it.'

"Alright put them up," Austin blinked and looked to see Green talking with some other people. "100 Poke on who wins, any takers?"

"I should've known," Austin muttered.

Much to his annoyance just about everyone bet against him with Green having a grin. 'Now Ash just needs to win and that's free money.' She thought looking back at the battle.

With everyone betting against the guy and her placing 100 on him if he wins she'll be getting around 3000 Poke.

"Quick Attack." The Gentleman ordered with the Raticate charging right at Charmander who quickly jumped to the side in fear. "Follow up with Hyper Fang!"

"Cate." Raticate lunged at the fear-stricken Charmander.

"Cover yourself with Smokescreen," Austin said calmly, snapping the lizard out of his fear before he fired black smoke all around him, the Raticate landing in it coughing. "Now Dragon Claw."

"Der." Charmander was able to easily see through the smoke and slashed at the Raticate his claws glowing with green dragonic energy the rat was knocked to the side, right out of the smoke.

Raticate however landed on his feet and did another Quick Attack taking Charmander completely by surprise.

"We're limited in this battle." Austin thought as he was tempted in having Charmander use Ember or Flame Burst but they had to take this slow to get the small Lizard to recover.

"Maybe not," Austin muttered looking like he was thinking out loud right as the Raticate lunged for a Super Fang he reacted. "Thunder Punch!"

Charmander narrowed his eyes in focus as electricity surged through its fist and he shot forward barely hitting the Raticate right as it disappeared.

It didn't do that much damage since Charmander has yet to master the attack, but the Raticate landed nearby flinching in paralysis, suddenly raticate's body landed on its side and its eyes showed that it was knocked out.

"Alright," Austin said with Charmander blinking in surprise.

He had done it.

He had won.

The gentleman took out his Pokémon and left. Austin said while picking Charmander up. "Nice job Charmander you are getting stronger."

"Mander." Charmander looked away at the praise in embarrassment while Pikachu smiled.

"Chu." He said agreeing with Austin.

Green grinned as she collected all her money from the people around her who betted against Ash.

He truly is a strong trainer but what makes him so special, is that a legendary would come to him.

Green thought as she glanced at Austin.

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