Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.102 The Orange Islands

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"Well, at least you showed an improvement," A familiar voice spoke up making Austin freeze. "Ashy-Boy."

Austin slowly turned to see Gary walking out of the crowd, holding a Pokeball. "Gary," Austin said giving a nod to him while Pikachu glared at the boy.

"So what are you doing here? There's no way you were invited." Gary commented offhandedly, spinning the Pokeball on one finger.

"Got lucky with some tickets," Austin said with a shrug. "What about you?"

"Decided to check this out after working on the Pokedex, speaking of which, how far are you in it?" Gary asked with a quirked brow. "I've already caught 40, there are many kinds out there."

Austin frowned as he vaguely remembered that line from the game and had a feeling about what was about to happen. "I prefer to catch not that many Pokemon." He said placing Charmander down.

"Oh really? Care to show their stuff?" Gary asked a challenging smirk on his face. "Think you can do it without causing a small fire?"

Charmander winced at hearing that while Austin finally frowned in anger. "You're going down," He said pulling a Pokeball off his belt. "Three-On-Three?"

It was time to finish what they started in that forest.

"Four-on-Four," Gary said instead his cocky smirk now looking serious.

The crowd gathered around the two could just feel the tension between the two while Green looked between them, curious about what this talk of a 'Pokedex' was.

Maybe she could find out from this battle.


"Hey you there, boy!" James blinked as a man in a white shirt caught his attention.

"Hm, me?" James asked looking at the man in surprise.

"Look at this Pokemon," The man said pointing down.

James quirked a brow and looked to see a red-scaled Pokemon with a yellow crown. "A Magikarp?" He asked in surprise.

"Do you know the legends of this Pokemon?" The man asked with a wide grin. "Legends tell that one Magikarp lays a thousand eggs at once and if you can sell them you would be rich."

James just looked from the Magikarp to the man with a deadpanned expression as he knew a lot about Pokemon and knew a scam when he saw one, especially since Magikarp was said to be the weakest Pokemon in existence-.

'Then again the evolution isn't half-bad.' James thought about the possibility of having a Gyarados on his team. 'That's a major powerhouse there.'

Along with his other two Pokemon, he would be a force to be reckoned with if he could just get it to evolve.

"How much?" James asked curiously.

"3000 Poke." The man said with a grin. "Not much considering the payment you would get in return-."

"You're not fooling me, I already know about Magikarps," James said surprising the man who sweated a bit. "I wonder what the captain would say to such a scam?"

"Okay, okay fine," The man muttered. "500 Poke."



"So are you here by yourself?" Rudy asked with him and Misty sitting by the pool, Oddish and Exeggutor playing around behind them.

"No, my friends are here as well, we're planning on getting off at Celadon because one of them is doing the Gym Challenge," Misty said with a shake of her head. "What about you?"

"I'm by myself, I wanted to take my sister but she decided to stay back on Trovita Island."

"I've never heard of that place," Misty said in surprise.

"It's on the Orange Islands, think of them as a vacation resort with its Gym Challenge," Rudy said with a grin, not letting out he was one of the Gym Leaders. "The Captain is a good friend of Drake, another friend of mine and he asked for me to come here in his place."

"The Orange Islands?" Misty blinked at that. "I'll have to look into them."

"You won't be disappointed by what you find, that's for sure," Rudy promised her with a smile.

"So you have a sister?" Misty asked with Rudy giving a nod.

"Yeah, Mahri is my little sister and she's a sweetheart." Rudy said fondly. "What about you? Any siblings?"

"Three, I'm the youngest," Misty said with a sigh that Rudy noticed.

"I'm guessing there's trouble at home?" He asked before rubbing the back of his head. "Uh not that you have to tell me considering its none of my business-."

"No it's fine, I love my sisters but it's hard not to be jealous of them with how successful they are," Misty said leaving out how she thought they were beautiful to a lot of people while she was seen as a tomboy. "And their teasing doesn't help at all."

"Well that's how older siblings show their love," Rudy said with a chuckle as he did that to Mahri a few times and they were very close. "And don't worry about it, I'm sure you're very successful at whatever you put your mind to."

Misty gave a slight chuckle. "Thanks." She said, Rudy, giving a grin in response to his chuckle.

"Dish!" Oddish laughed about somehow getting on Exeggutor's head. "Odd."

"What other Pokemon do you have besides Oddish?" Rudy asked curiously.

Misty perked up at that. "Oddish belongs to my friend but I have a Staryu and Starmie, I usually use water Pokemon," She said with a smile. "You?"

"Besides Exeggutor here, I have an Electabuzz and funnily enough a Starmie of my own," Rudy said with a grin. "Back home I have a few other Pokemon but they're looking after Mahri while I'm here."


"I think I'm lost," Brock muttered as he was trying to find the ship store to get a map of the ship so he could find his way around but ended up finding what looked to be a casino.

"Wahoo, take that." A voice cried out as the teen saw a nine-year-old with raven black hair, wearing a yellow/black hat that was backward with his bangs sticking out and a pair of goggles over them, wearing a red jacket and yellow shorts playing competitive billiards and seemed to be winning as he held the billiard cue. "Another 500 Poke."

"Brat must be cheating."

"No, my skills are legendary." The kid said spinning the cue as he picked the ball back up. "There's a reason people back home call me the Gold bringer."

Brock wasn't sure what to think about 9-year-old gambling but from how he was acting he seemed to be winning a lot.

After watching another round, he saw a big biker man break his cue. "That does it." He said about ready to grab the kid.

Seeing that Brock was about to intervene but the kid smiled as a flash of light emitted from his coat pocket showing he had a Pokemon and a huge hand caught the biker's hand.

The hand was on the end of a tail of a purple monkey who grinned mischievously.

"Ataro, nice timing as usual," The kid said with a grin at his partner right as the Aipom flicked its tail and the biker was pushed back a bit, uninjured but a little shaken. "Anyone else thinks I'm cheating?"

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