Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.103 Austin Vs Gary part 1

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Brock wasn't sure what to think about a 9-year-old gambling but from how he was acting he seemed to be winning a lot.

After watching another round, he saw a big biker break his cue. "That does it." He said about ready to grab the kid.

Seeing that Brock was about to intervene but the kid smiled as a flash of light emitted from his coat pocket showing he had a Pokemon and a huge hand caught the biker's hand.

The hand was on the end of a tail of a purple monkey who grinned mischievously.

"Ataro, nice timing as usual," The kid said with a grin at his partner right as the Aipom flicked its tail and the biker was pushed back a bit, uninjured but a little shaken. "Anyone else thinks I'm cheating?"

Brock felt his lips twitch at seeing that and figured the kid could handle himself so he left to continue his search for the shop.


"Wow, all of these games look fun," Yellow said as she and Kris walked through some of the stalls.

"They are but some of them are rigged," Kris said remembering what Ethan told her due to his love for games. "So you'll have to be careful in what you play."

"Smoo." Chumee agreed with a nod.

"That doesn't seem fair," Yellow noted with Kris nodding in agreement.

"No it doesn't," Kris said looking at Yellow. "You have anything in mind you would like to try?"

Seeing Yellow shake her head, Kris hummed in thought before snapping her fingers at seeing a certain game she would like. "How about that one?"

Following the direction Kris was pointing, Yellow saw a simple one where you had to toss a ball at some bottles with a few prizes showing. "That looks fun."

"Ah welcome young ladies." The stall owner said with a grin. "You looking to play?"

"How much?" Kris asked with confidence.

"100 Poke for three throws." The man said with Kris pulling some out before looking at Yellow.

"Do you have any money to play?"

"I do," Yellow said pulling hers out as she placed hers on the stall, the man picking them up to place 3 balls for Yellow.

"I'll wait until you're done before I play," Kris said wondering how Yellow would do.

Yellow picked up the ball and threw it but ended up missing the bottles. "Not a bad throw but not good enough." The stall owner commented.

Frowning, Yellow threw the second one to miss as well, but on the last one she pretended it was a Pokeball and threw it, hitting two bottles but the rest stayed on.

"That's too bad, you don't win a prize unless you knock all the bottles down." The man said with Yellow sighing but it was a little fun.

"My turn." Kris paid for hers but when she picked up the ball she frowned at seeing that the weight was off.

So with a smirk, she motioned for Yellow to stand back as the Johto girl backed up, placing the ball on the ground.

The Stall Owner gave Kris a weird look as the girl looked like she was about to kick it.

There wasn't anything against the rules preventing that but it would be impossible to.

Kris kicked the ball to where it curved as it hit one of the bars on the stall, bouncing off to knock down to table worth of bottles, earning two prizes as the Stall Owner looked on in shock.

"Alright for me I'll take the Ultra Ball prize and what do you want Yellow?" Kris asked like it didn't happen with the blonde-haired girl looking at Kris in a mix of awe and disbelief that she did something like that.

Moments later they were walking away with their prizes, Kris with her Ultra Ball and Yellow holding a Pokedoll. "That was amazing, how did you do that?" Yellow couldn't help but ask when they walked off.

Kris smiled a bit, placing the Ultra Ball in her bag. "A lot of practice," She said remembering why she learned to do that. "Let me tell you, if people say that doing something is impossible then you just have to prove them wrong."

Then Kris smiled and looked at Yellow.

"This time you pick a game."


Gary smirked as he sent out his Growlithe while Austin had Butterfree out. "Wow, you're using a bug against a fire type?" He asked him. "Are you asking to lose?"

"How about you quit stalling and we do this?" Austin asked the smirk on Gary's face sliding off.

"Your funeral Ashy-Boy." He said some

 annoyance in his tone.

The air was tense with Austin and Gary staring each other down, the former had a hand on his hat, bringing it down to where people wouldn't be able to see his eyes while Gary was tense, looking like he was about to run a marathon.

They relocated to a battlefield that was on another level in the Ship to avoid causing unneeded property damage as this wasn't going to be like fighting the Gentleman.

Despite the barbs from both sides, they knew that the two of them were strong enough to have caution in a battle as they didn't want to cause any damage to the ship.

Although Austin did ask where the cheerleaders were as he hadn't seen them at all right when they were moving to the field and Gary answered back that he was going to meet them in Celadon.

Finally, both trainers moved at the same time with Gary throwing his arms out to the side. "Flamethrower!"

At the same moment, Austin looked up his eyes narrowed. "Psybeam!"

Flames met with Psychic energy as the two Pokemon seemed to be evenly matched with their attacks.

As neither Pokemon gave up, Austin frowned going over Butterfree's moves. It was way too risky to use Gust as that would ignite the fire rather than put it out, same with String Shot.

Chemical Warfare was just asking for an explosion so he just needed to time it right.

Like Austin, Gary was going through the different moves he taught Growlithe and knew he had the advantage but Austin proved in their last fight that he could pull surprises out of nowhere.

"Agility to outspeed that bug and use Flame Wheel!" Gary changed tactics with Growlithe diving out of the way after releasing the Flamethrower, dodging the Psybeam to speed around the Butterfree who kept track of him due to how Pikachu moved a lot faster right as the canine covered himself in flames and launched at Butterfree.

"Spin past him at the last second," Austin said his eyes flashed right in time with Butterfree listening and performing the spin dodge. "Tackle when he lands."

Butterfree wasted no time as the flames died down around the Growlithe making him cry out as Butterfree rammed him.

"Chemical Warfare."

"Fweh!" Butterfree shot the three status-inflicting moves along with Confusion before the Growlithe could recover, making him stumble as he fell asleep glowing purple with his limbs locking up.

Unlike the Pokemon Games, there's no limit to the status effects you can get here.

"Psybeam!" Austin ordered with Butterfree blasting the Growlithe back, ensuring that the canine was knocked out.

Gary looked surprised by how easily his fire type was taken down before smirking. "I guess I better take this seriously." He said returning his Growlithe while Butterfree landed on the ground, looking ready to fight his next opponent.

Cheers could be heard from the crowd as they wanted to watch more of this fight.

Green was using this to easily pickpocket some people who were too enthralled in the battle to notice, but she couldn't help but be surprised by how strong these two were in comparison to some of the other trainers she's seen.

Gary sent out his next Pokemon, showing a Graveler that slammed its four hands together.

"Energy Ball!" Austin quickly took over with Butterfree charging the grass move up.

"Protect followed with Rock Blast." A protective dome kept the Energy Ball at bay while Graveler readied the Rock Blast before firing them right at Butterfree.

"Use Gust on the ground." An idea forming was forming in Austin's mind.

Listening to him, Butterfree flapped with all of his might and the force launched him out of the way of the Rock Blast but Gary recovered quickly. "SmackDown."

Due to how Butterfree was trying to recover from blasting himself into the air he was unprepared for when the rock slammed into him, grounding him into the ground with cracks appearing.

"That's a tough Butterfree," Gary muttered as despite being a Bug Type the Pokemon struggled to push himself up. "Rock Tomb."

The last thing Butterfree saw before losing consciousness was the rocks shooting from the ground, sending him flying right into the ceiling before he began to fall.

Austin quickly returned Butterfree before looking at the Pokeball. "You were great out there," Austin said while switching the Pokeballs out.

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