Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.104 Austin Vs Gary part 2

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" Raticate, take the field." Austin sent the tawny-colored rat out who gave a yawn looking excited as she saw her opponent. "Sword Strike."

Raticate blurred over towards the Graveler who stumbled due to the sheer force of the blow, as the rat jumped back out of reach, landing on her feet.

"Stealth Rock followed by Stone Edge," Gary said with Graveler slamming his fists into the ground, making it glow before huge stone shards shot up right at Raticate who ran from side to side to dodge them.

"Iron Tail on the ground to jump up," Austin ordered with Raticate listening to dodge the rest of the Stone Edge.

"You never learn do you?" Gary asked with a smirk. "SmackDown."

"That's what we want," Austin said. "Use Quick Attack to jump off that rock."

"What?!" Gary asked with Raticate following orders, first twisting her body to land on the rock right where she kicked off, becoming a blur towards the Graveler. "Grab the tail!"

He thought that Ash was going to order another Iron Tail, so he figured it would be best to put a stop to that but Austin grinned right as Graveler did so.

"Ice Beam."

A flash later and a frozen Graveler stood on the field with Raticate landing showing that she won.

"Pika Pi!" Pikachu cheered with Charmander as they watched from beside their trainer how this was going.

That was two to one so far.

"Der." Charmander couldn't help but be in awe of how strong both Butterfree and Raticate truly were as while he's been around them for a bit he's never truly seen them battle. "C-Char?"

He looked at Pikachu asking if someday he would be able to be that strong earning a nod from the electric mouse.

"Okay you do have quite a few tricks up your sleeve, well so do I," Gary said sending Nidorino out. "Let's do this."

Austin couldn't help but have his eye twitch at the thought of fighting another Nidorino as Paul had one as Gary did.


Brock had a look of intrigue on his face while he stood in front of a stall.

It was a lucky draw and one of the prizes was an Expert Pokemon Breeder set.

But he knew that even if he entered, getting that set would be a bit of a long shot as there were other prizes besides that.

'I won't know unless I try.' He decided to place some Poke at the same time as someone else.

Feeling curious, Brock turned to see the same kid who was gambling a bit ago. "Sorry, you go first." The kid said a bit embarrassed as he didn't see Brock in his excitement.

"It's fine," Brock said with a friendly smile. "I'm Brock."

"Ethan, but my friends call me Gold." Ethan greeted back.

"Is it because of that display in the gambling den?" Brock asked curiously earning a snort of laughter.

"Nah, my friend Lyra called me that because I wouldn't stop calling her Crystal growing up," Gold said their tickets being taken to be randomized. "But I like it."

Brock chuckled at that. "Are you enjoying the cruise?"

Gold was now grinning from ear to ear. "Why of course, the food is great, I made more money here than I did back in Johto and I got to come to Kanto on this cruise." He said sounding happy. "Isn't that right Ataro?"

"Pom" Ataro the Aipom quickly climbed up Gold's shoulders to rest on there for a second reminding Brock of Ash and Pikachu.

"The Johto Region? I've never been there before." Brock commented earning a surprised look from Gold.

"Really? No offense but you look fifteen, shouldn't trainers have traveled a lot by that age?"

"I only started to travel as a Breeder," Brock explained to the young boy. "Up to three months ago I was the Pewter City Gym Leader."

"You were a Gym Leader?!" Gold looked at him in intrigue. "That means you're pretty strong right?"

"I suppose you want a battle?" Brock asked in amusement knowing that type of tone. "How long have you been with that Pokemon?"

"Ataro has been with me my whole life," Gold said with Ataro giving a nod. "I grew up in a house full of Pokemon."

"Here are your prizes." The stall owner said to the two of them showing what their tickets won.

Gold gave a cry of happiness when he saw he was an autographed poster from DJ Mary.

Brock on the other hand looked surprised at his prize.

It was a black and red egg.

"You're a lucky one, that egg is from the Alola Region." The Stall Owner said with Brock giving a start at that.

He didn't know anything about Pokemon from the Alola Region.

"Wow Brock talk about luck." Gold said carefully rolling his poster up so he could take it home.


"That was a lot of fun," Yellow commented with both her and Kris walking through the crowds holding bags of prizes. "Thank you."

"Hey it's no problem, games are always fun playing with others," Kris said flashing a grin. "You did pretty well for your first time."

Yellow gave a bit of a shy smile. "Only because I saw how they were played." She returned earning a laugh from Kris.

"So are you here by yourself?" Kris asked curiously as she found it a bit hard to believe that Yellow was, then again with the three Pokeballs on her belt she could be.

"No I'm with a group," Yellow answered her. "Ash, Misty, and Brock are somewhere else on this ship. You?"

"Ethan, he's a friend of mine," Kris said with a roll of her eyes but her lips had a bit of a smile.

Yellow blinked at that before Kris saw that she might've confused the young girl with how her tone.

"Don't get me wrong, Ethan is a good guy but he's obsessed with games and a bit of a flirt with pretty girls," Kris said in amusement remembering how Ethan usually flirted with different girls who only thought he was being cute because of his age.

Yellow let out a giggle as that last part sounded a lot like Brock.

"So what Pokemon do you have?" Kris asked as they both found a table to sit at. "Along with Chumee, I have Parasee my Paras, Monlee my Hitmonlee, Bonee my Cubone, Xatee my Natu, and Arckee my Arcanine."

"Whoa," Yellow said in awe at what she heard. "Where did you get an Arcanine?"

"Found him when I was a kid with my Dad," Kris said remembering the small camping trip near Mt. Mortar. "Although he took a lot of convincing to let me keep Arckee."

Especially after the Pokemon was the one responsible for her injury at the time, her other Pokemon were with her since her childhood, a lot like Gold's Pokemon.

"So your turn."

"Kitty is a Beedrill, Dody is a Doduo and Dish is an Oddish, " Yellow said listing them surprising Kris.

"Only three?"

"I didn't have a Pokemon until three months ago," Yellow said thinking back on it. "Kitty and Dody were gifts while Dish chose to join me."


"Thunderbolt," Austin said with Raticate blasting the electric attack at Nidorino.

"Double Team," Nidorino glowed before there were countless copies as the Thunderbolt slammed into three, destroying them. "Horn Attack."

The one behind Raticate lunged, leaving her to duck and jump back blasting another Thunderbolt, but Nidorino easily deflected it.

"I've been training Nidorino up a bit since our last encounter," Gary said remembering how he lost that part of the battle because he let his guard down.

"You talk as if you're the only one who's been training." Austin countered. "Sucker Punch."

"Double Kick."

Raticate and Nidorino clashed at each other, neither one wanting to back down.

"Iron Tail."

Raticate smirked and swung her tail, slamming into Nidorino but the Poison Pokemon bit the tail catching it much to their surprise.

"Rock Smash," Gary ordered with Nidorino bringing his paw up to slam into the Raticate sending her flying where she lay unconscious.

"Return," Austin said with the Pokeball out.

"Nice job out there," Austin said before realizing he was nearly out of breath.

And his body felt incredibly heavy.

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