Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.108 Talks with Leaf

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Austin sighed while he was on the deck late that night.

Much to his surprise Team Rocket hasn't revealed themselves at all like he was expecting during dinner, but he was still on edge.

After all, they still had a week before he would be safe.

"Row." Fearow cried out as he was flying above them with Pidgeot and Butterfree the three of them racing.

It seemed that with Fearow's newfound attitude he began to respect his teammates a bit more and the three got along a bit better, although his passion for wanting to be one of the strongest flying types remained.

Pikachu, Raticate, and Charmander were nearby goofing off the former two trying to get the lizard to relax a bit more.

"You're up late." Austin blinked and turned to see Green who had a Jigglypuff out that walked with her-one that walked over to the other Pokemon to say hi.

"Couldn't sleep," Austin said looking back over the ocean. "You?"

"Still suckers to take from even late at night," Green said with a wink showing that she was still having fun. "They're a lot easier when they're intoxicated."

"Aren't you a little young to be in the bar area?" Austin asked dryly as he passed by it and one of the ship waiters stood guard to keep anyone underage out.

"I'm a thief, sneaking into places is my specialty." Green reminded him as he gave a nod, seeing what she meant.

Green glanced up to see his two flying Pokemon and quickly looked away to hide any fear.

Austin however took that chance. "Are Fearow and Pidgeot making you uneasy?" He asked much to her surprise. "One of my friends is scared of Bug Pokemon, so I can spot a phobia when I see it."

"I'd rather not talk about it," Green said sharply while Austin shrugged already knowing the story.

Even if he didn't he would've respected that wish of not talking about it.

"Alright," Austin said before thinking about something. "So if there are still 'suckers' for you to pickpocket what are you doing out here?"

He quickly checked his pockets making Green snort in amusement. "Don't worry I keep my promises," She said as she hasn't made any attempt to pickpocket him or his friends. "I'm just laying low for a bit as I made a lot of money already."

Green then sat on the rails to look back at the ship.

"I was just walking by when I saw you by yourself, which was odd because I figured you would be with your friends."

"And you came out here to talk?" Austin asked not buying it.

Green smirked as Austin did seem too smart to fall for her plays as she wanted to try and learn about this 'Pokedex' and what it was.

Well, that and learning he was from Pallet Town had her curious about the place because she knew that was her home before she was kidnapped, but on making it there first she couldn't find her parents showing that they moved away from the town after her disappearance.

"So you and that other guy are rivals?" Green asked to hope that she could get the information she wanted.

"Gary? Yeah, we both left Pallet Town on the same day." Austin said with a chuckle. "Although he sees me as more of a rival for the Pokedex than anything else."

As he mentioned, Green jumped on that chance. "Now you have me curious, what exactly is a Pokedex?"

Austin stopped as he realized his slip-up before shrugging. "It's an electronic encyclopedia on Pokemon created by Prof. Oak to help give information on them as they're scanned, whether it's their natural habitats, or behavior patterns as well as what moves they could learn." He said not bothered by her knowledge. "Prof. Oak gave one to Gary because that's his Grandson and gave one to me considering I reminded him of an old friend. He gave one to my friend yellow an old prototype but he still has a third one similar to the Pokedex Gary and I have if I remember correctly."

'Green was the owner of the third Pokedex alongside Red and Blue in the Manga, so I'm guessing she'll try and steal this one because of personal reasons.' Austin thought. 'In the end, Prof. Oak gives it to her.'


The next two days passed by slowly really as Austin was just beginning to believe that he may be wrong about Team Rocket is on the SS. Anne.

His Pokemon were getting stronger with the other trainers battling him and Fearow was catching up quickly.

In those two days, he saw that Misty got to know Rudy a bit better and he made a teasing remark at one point. The result was Rudy looking red while Misty threw her plate of food at Austin covering him in it.

It was still worth it.

Brock usually kept to the egg as he knew that hatching it was a good step in being a Breeder, Ethan typically spoke with him showing some interest-not surprising since he was the Hatcher in the Manga although Austin kept that quiet.

Yellow hung out with Kris when she wasn't with the others showing that she made a good friend, something that Austin was happy about as she didn't have many friends outside of their little group.

Gary has also been seen on the ship a few times but only battling as it seems that he took their tie as a loss.

Austin sighed as he won another battle with Charmander who looked like he was getting more confidence.

"Nice job," Austin said with Charmander smiling.

"You're a pretty good trainer, how long have you been battling? I'll say," Austin turned to see the looker he met on his first day here.

"Three months," Austin answered trying to think of a reason, why looker was approaching him.

Looker looked surprised by that. "Three months and you're already that strong?" He asked not expecting that.

"Thanks, but who are you?" Austin asked as he didn't want to slip up in front of a member of the international police.

"Oh no one special really, I'm just here to enjoy myself." Looker said, "Call me Looker."

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