Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.109 Austin Vs Looker

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"Call me Looker."

"So what can I do for you?" Austin asked curiously only for Looker to hold up a Pokeball.

"I'm curious about your strength for myself, care to battle?"

Raising a brow, Austin gave a nod while wondering.

What was Looker's goal in this battle? Was he trying to not arise any suspicion from the team rocket members hidden in the SS Anne or was there something else that Looker was trying to achieve by battling?


Brock had a smile as he used a cloth to carefully clean and polish the egg, Zubat was on the table crawling towards it to use its sonar to try and see in the egg, giving a small cry when it didn't work while Graveler sat in the room watching with a smirk.

"You just have to be patient," He told the bat Pokemon with a smile. "I'm just as curious about what Pokemon this is too, but I can wait until it hatches."

Zubat gave a small cry as she crawled over to his arm earning a laugh from Brock with Graveler's body now shaking in amusement.

As he looked back at the egg, Brock found himself wondering how the next Breeding Competition would go and if he would win it or not.

'I'll need to get a whole team so I stand a chance.' Brock thought as he had to have diversity as each Breeding Competition was said to have its rounds.


Ethan sighed as he sat back his goggles over his eyes and in a pair of swimming trunks, relaxing for once with Ataro sitting next to him wearing a pair of sunglasses.

They were on an inflatable tube in the pool currently.

He had to avoid the gambling den for a bit as he didn't want to be banned from it, but there were some good things about being out here.

Notably the swimsuits he could see.

His goggles covered his wandering eyes as he took in the view hiding a grin.

Ethan was well known in New Bark Town as a terrible flirt despite his age but Ethan felt that was his advantage considering people let their guard down with his age.

Although he never gets far with the flirting as if it becomes clear that he's annoying someone he stops.

"This is the life right Ataro?" Ethan asked looking down at the Aipom who somehow got a fruit drink and was sipping it through a bendy straw making the boy blinked. "Where did you get that?"

Atari's tail hand pointed to the side of the pool where someone was passing some out to the other guests of the ship.

"Huh," Ethan muttered wondering if he should get one before shrugging.


"So how many Pokemon?" Austin asked curiously with him and Looker making it to the battlefield.

"Just one-on-one, I think is fine," Looker commented with a shrug.

'So he still has that unique dialect' Austin thought as they stood on opposite sides of the field with him sending his Pokemon out.

"A Noctowl?" Austin asked in surprise since he was expecting crogunk to be used.

Austin looked at Pikachu, giving a nod as the electric mouse ran out there his cheeks sparking.

Looker took note of that with a raised brow.

"Agility." Both trainers cried out at the same time as both Ying and Pikachu began to move quickly around each other becoming blurs.

"Chain it with Quick Attack," Austin said with Pikachu's speed becoming greater.

Looker was prepared though. "Reflect." The wall of energy surrounded Ying right as Pikachu collided with the barrier wincing from the pain in his head. "Now Moon Blast!"

The blast of pink energy slammed into Pikachu but the mouse used the momentum to land on his feet and continued to run around the Noctowl.

"Then let's try this, Thunderbolt!" Austin said with a grin as Pikachu fired the blast before Looker exclaimed.

"Mirror Coat." Ying cried out as the Thunderbolt rebounded right at Pikachu who narrowly dodged it. "Shadow Ball!"

The Ghost Energy shot at Pikachu who used Iron Tail to slice through it.

'He can counter Physical and Special Attacks easily.' Austin compared Looker to being like Conway.

'Yeah but just because they reflected the attacks doesn't mean they didn't connect.' Austin reminded himself as despite the strategy, Looker was using, there were a few flaws in it.

"Think you can get past Ying?" Looker asked with a smirk showing he had a lot of faith in that Pokemon

Austin gave a subtle nod right as Ying began to use Feather Dance to further lower Pikachu's physical strength.

Flash Clone." Austin called out with Pikachu listening as multiple Pikachu ran around the field with Ying frowning.

"You do realize Ying can tell which one is considering he can use psychic attacks right?" Looker asked with Austin blinking, not thinking about that but he steeled himself right as he ordered a Whirlwind to blow them all away.

Pikachu however was gone.

Looker looked taken aback, wondering where the mouse was right as Pikachu shot out of the ground using Magnet Rise to latch onto Ying who cried out. "Shake him off with Giga Impact!"

Energy covered Ying as he flew around the move slowly causing damage to Pikachu who stubbornly held on while Austin took advantage of this. "Pikachu use Thunderbolt!"

"Pika." Sparks covered Pikachu's cheeks before he let out a huge blast. "Chuuuu!"

It wasn't a Thunderbolt as the electricity surged all over the field, going everywhere and tearing the battlefield up.

"That's Discharge," Austin said in shock while Ying was crying out in pain before going silent as he slammed into the field it.

Pikachu rolled off of Ying's back a bit dizzy while the bird pushed himself back up, intent on continuing the battle but Looker called him back.

"Ying you did great, take some rest." He said returning the Noctowl while Pikachu stood up a bit unsteadily.

"Pikachu you alright?" Austin called out with Pikachu giving a nod.

"I have to say not many people can give Ying a workout like that," Looker commented holding his friend's Pokeball. "Any chance you'll be competing in the Indigo League?"

Austin looked surprised as he gave a nod.

"Regardless if you win or not, give me a call. We could use a talent like you." Looker said while handing Austin a card before turning to walk off. "Till again we meet, young trainer."

As he walked, a crowd of people passed in front of him and he was gone.

Austin and Pikachu looked at the card in their hand.

It was a blank white card with a single number on it.

' Did I just get scouted by a member of the international patrol police ?!'

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