Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.110 The Banquet

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The banquet hall was at the very least, three times larger than the sky-high Pewter city gym in sheer size. It was twice the size of the turbine chambers present at the Commerce City Power plant. On the main platform, stood a single host, a blonde-haired woman dressed in robes of immaculate blue, with the entire audience facing her, standing opposite the grand platform.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen." The host spoke gracefully, her expressive eyes shining brightly at the audience in front of her. "Welcome to this beautiful night at SS. Anne's. I hope you all have a lovely travel experience."

The entire audience clapped at her welcoming statement, as she continued. "I will take this moment to call in someone extremely special, to introduce all of you to the finer details of this particular trip." With an elegant wave, she welcomed a certain brown-haired man, who looked slightly embarrassed before walking up to the stage.

"Why the hell did we need to dress up like this?" Austin complained, muttering to Brock who smiled.

"Because it is the dinner code. Black coat with tails, white shirt, and black trousers. That's why they got us a suit in the rooms."

( ~ Snickers ~ )

Hearing the giggling beside him, Austin didn't even need to turn to see Kris giggling at him while Yellow was trying to hide a red blush.

" Why do you have all the luck with the ladies ?"

Hearing Ethan or Gold's words, Austin just rolled his eyes.

"Hush!" Misty called out.

"-Please welcome on stage, the former Champion of Hoenn, and presently, the Deputy to the Champion of Kanto and Johto. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Steven Stone."

"THAT is Steven Stone?" Rudy muttered excitedly. He had heard about the nearly unbeatable Steel-master who had reigned as Champion before leaving his seat for Wallace, who was reigning as the present Champion of Hoenn. 

Austin couldn't help but be excited as he gazed upon one of his favorite characters in the Pokemon series 

"Hello everyone…" Steven began, his bangs falling right in front of his eyes, getting him quite the exotic ruffian look with his silver hair color, as he addressed the audience. "To those of you who don't know me… My name is Steven Stone and I…."

He paused, as he was met with a cheering audience, pausing until most of the cheers had ceased.

Steven chuckled. "I am presently serving as a special Deputy to Champion Lance, who is present, working to ensure everyone's safety from any forms of external threats. So I would like a round of applause for our diligent Champion."

Another set of cheers inundated the hall.

"I have been chosen to conduct the entire event by the League because Lance said… that I'd manage it best, but I can't help but feel like Monarch Henry VIII's last wife. I kind of know what I'm supposed to do, but I'm not sure how to do it any differently."

Snorts reverberated in the entire hall.

"The world is changing," Steven began, "and with the latest developments, we have seen amazing, exciting things. Pokémon, of a variety of types and forms and legends arising all over, our mythology coming to life, and regions coming together in mutual aid and support." He paused, "like our own Kanto-Hoenn Exchange."

After the thunderstorm of clapping had ceased, the silver-haired man continued, "Keeping that desire in mind, this cruise trip is something that Champion Lance, the Elite Four of Kanto, and similarly, Champion Wallace of Hoenn and respective Elite Four, have all been working on, over the last couple of months. And now, that we are all here, which brings us to our main event."

He lifted his hands wide open in a welcoming fashion. "I invite you all, to the SS. Anne's Clubsplosion Event!"

Thunderous cheering met his statement.

"-but I haven't even mentioned what it is yet!" He returned with a fake whine, much to everyone's chuckling. Former Champion or not, Steven Stone knew how to charm an audience. "The Clubsplosion is going to be an all-open tournament, open to every single trainer in this compound, the number, I'm told reaching a staggering high of two hundred and fifty-six." He joined in with the clapping. "Two hundred and fifty-six, and all of them are just trainers."

He allowed himself a brief pause. "There are, hidden among us, some very, very special guests, who have requested me, not to reveal their identities, until the tournament is over." He smirked at the crowd's reaction, before continuing, "Nevertheless, I can assure you that they will be present to award the prizes for the Clubsplosion event which begins just tomorrow."

Another cheer ran amongst the audience.

"The organizers have decided, to have three rounds of elimination, with a single round a single day, which I believe, should be good to include all the trainers around here, and reduce it down to thirty-two, who would proceed to the Quarter-finals, the semi-finals, and eventually, the winner will be decided seven days from now, when we have a grand celebration, and a live performance by Jimmy Carrera."

The crowd cheered madly.

"We have decided that the top-four, will each get a mystery pokémon, kept inside these brand-new ultra balls." He waved his hand as a table materialized into existence. There were eight, shining ultra balls, sitting on pouches on the table, the distinct U on the ball shining vividly, even from the distance. "Initially, we were planning to have four pokémon eggs for the Top-4, without revealing the nature of the pokémon within. Then, our dear Ice-Queen Lorelei had an intriguing idea."

He mysteriously paused, as he allowed the audience to digest that.

"Instead of eggs, we decided to get top-of-the-line breed pokémon, given to us by the best breeders in the Kanto and Hoenn region, eight pokémon, all of whom agreed to be part of this contest, and be awarded to the winners. All eight pokémon inside these balls have the potential to be aces for any trainer and hope to develop their abilities under their future trainers." He pointed towards the eight ultra balls.

" Each of the Top-4 will have the choice to choose one from these eight at random, though, you'll have to wait for the finals to know what those… mystery pokémon are," Steven smirked at the reaction before continuing. "Additionally, the Top-4 are going to get four packs of full restores each as well."

" The third runner-up is going to be awarded five ultra balls." Steven began, the audience cheering at the mention of the highly anticipated prize. Ultra balls, were, after all, a thing of luxury in the pokémon world.

"The second runner-up will get five ultra balls and three thousand pokedollars." Steven continued. "The runner-up shall be getting seven ultra balls and five thousand pokedollars."

Steven took a break. "The winner, of the Clubsplosion event, will be awarded…."

Everyone waited with bated breath.

"… With ten ultra balls and a direct entry into the top-32 of the upcoming Indigo Conference."

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