Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.11: Crush ?!!

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The night dragged on longer than expected. The Beedrill swarm didn’t clear out after an hour like Samurai had promised. They were stuck. Austin could feel the tension in the air, the quiet hum of unease as everyone settled in for the night. But his mind wasn’t quiet. It kept circling around one thing—Yellow.

Yellow. Not just some random girl, but the Yellow from the Pokémon Adventures manga. Austin's heart thudded faster every time he thought about it. She wasn’t one of those characters that crossed over between the manga and anime, like some of the others. She was an original character, unique to the manga. But here she was, right in front of him, in the anime world. How was that even possible?

Yellow, though, seemed more concerned about something else entirely. She mentioned she was supposed to be back in Pewter City before nightfall—something about staying at her uncle’s place. Austin watched her nervously fiddle with her ponytail, her fingers twisting the strands absentmindedly as if she were lost in thought, too.

Austin let out a sigh, trying to ground himself, but his thoughts kept spinning. What did this mean for the timeline? For everything he thought he knew? The more he dwelled on it, the more it felt like the world he knew was crumbling around him. If Yellow was here, what else could change?

Before Austin could spiral further, something clicked in his mind. "Weedle!" he blurted out, remembering something important. He quickly turned to Samurai, who was busy making some soup for them.

"Hey, Samurai," Austin called out, catching his attention. "Do you mind if I let Weedle out? I need to check if she’s injured."

Samurai gave him a nod, stirring the pot slowly. "Just make sure she doesn’t use Poison Sting while you do that."

Austin nodded back and pulled out Weedle’s Pokéball, his heart thudding slightly in his chest as he pressed the button. Yellow’s eyes flickered with curiosity, and Pikachu tensed beside him, always ready to defend. As soon as Weedle materialized, she shook her head and squirmed a little, her tiny legs tapping on the floor. Austin fumbled for the Pokédex, scanning her as quickly as he could.

"Weedle, the Hairy Bug Pokémon," the Pokédex beeped. "Often found in forests, eating leaves. It has a sharp stinger on its head that injects poison." The data flashed in front of Austin, and he felt Samurai and Yellow watching closely. "This Weedle is Female, and the Ability is Poison Point. Currently, this Weedle knows Poison Sting and String Shot. The Age of this Weedle is Two Weeks."

"Two weeks old, huh?" Austin muttered under his breath, impressed by how young she was. Weedle tipped her head to the side as if trying to understand what he was saying. Austin couldn’t help but smile.

"What’s that?" Yellow asked, her voice soft but curious, pointing at the Pokédex in Austin's hand.

He blinked. "Oh, this?" Austin waved it a little. "It’s a Pokédex."

Samurai looked interested too. "A Pokédex?" he asked, furrowing his brow. "I saw the other trainers from Pallet with one of those, but I never asked what it was."

Austin chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah, it’s like a high-tech encyclopedia for Pokémon. Tells you all sorts of stuff about them."

Austin glanced at Weedle, who had suddenly stopped moving, her eyes locked on Yellow. Before he could react, she wiggled her way over to Yellow, rubbing up against her leg just like Caterpie had done with Misty in the anime. The nostalgia hit him like a brick.

He smiled, trying to suppress a laugh. "Well, looks like Weedle likes you," Austin said, watching Yellow carefully stroke Weedle’s head, avoiding the stinger. There was something gentle in the way Yellow interacted with Pokémon—just like in the manga.

But as Yellow and Samurai started chatting, Austin's thoughts shifted back to his Pokémon. He couldn’t let himself get too distracted. He had a gym challenge coming up, and his team needed to be in top shape. He glanced at Weedle, then at Pikachu. He needed to come up with a proper training schedule. His team was growing, and they needed to be strong—really strong.

Especially Caterpie. He was behind, way behind. He should’ve been a Metapod by now if Austin was following the timeline from the anime. But he wasn’t. Austin had to fix that, get him back on track. Once they got to Pewter City, he’d work on him. Yeah, he’d fix that there.

But Yellow… she was throwing everything off. If she’s here, what else is going to change? Austin couldn’t shake the thought. Was the Elite Four going to show up with some weird new agenda? Were they going to be… eco-terrorists like in the manga? A shiver ran down his spine.

Austin swore, if that happens, he’s going to lose it.

He shook his head, trying to push those thoughts away. One thing at a time, Austin. One thing at a time.


The next morning, Austin and his group were trudging through the forest, with Samurai leading the way out. The air was still cool, with the faint sound of buzzing insects in the distance. Austin kept his eyes on the trees, half-expecting something to come bursting out at any second.

"So… how mad is your uncle gonna be?" Austin asked, glancing at Yellow. She groaned softly in response, her shoulders sagging a little.

"Very mad," she muttered, staring at the ground like it was the most interesting thing in the world. "It wouldn’t be so bad if I’d actually managed to catch a Pokémon."

Austin frowned, her words digging at him. He knew how much it sucked to feel like you’d let someone down. But then he remembered something—how Weedle had reacted to Yellow yesterday, not him. His hand instinctively went to his belt, fingers brushing against the Pokéball that held Weedle. An idea started forming in his mind, and he pulled out the Pokéball, staring at it for a second.

"Pika?" Pikachu stopped beside him, tilting his head as if he could sense Austin was deep in thought.

That got Samurai and Yellow’s attention too, and they both stopped walking. "The exit is nearby if you’re tired," Samurai said, but Austin barely heard him. He wasn’t tired; something else was on his mind.

Austin turned to Yellow, feeling a bit of nervousness bubbling up in his chest. "Hey, Yellow," he began, catching her attention. "What would you think about having Weedle as your first Pokémon?"

Her eyes widened, blinking at him in surprise. "But I thought she was yours."

Austin shrugged, chuckling awkwardly. "Well, I only just caught her yesterday. Besides, it seemed like Weedle took a liking to you more than me." He held out the Pokéball, feeling a little weird offering her the Pokémon he’d caught.

Yellow hesitated for a moment, staring at the Pokéball like it was some kind of rare treasure. Her fingers trembled a bit as she reached out and took it from him. "T-Thank you," she said softly, almost like she couldn’t believe it.

Samurai, standing nearby, gave Austin a curious look. "You sure about that?"

"Yeah, I’m sure," Austin said, nodding. Pikachu gave a little nod too, backing him up. It felt right, like Weedle belonged with her.

Then it hit Austin—he hadn’t thought this all the way through. He winced. "I’ll have to call Professor Oak to help with changing ownership," he muttered, scratching the back of his head. "That way, if I catch another Pokémon, it won’t be sent to his lab by accident."

Yellow gave a small nod, still clutching the Pokéball tightly, her face glowing with gratitude. They continued walking in silence for a while, the sound of their footsteps and rustling leaves filling the air. It wasn’t long before Samurai came to a stop, gesturing to the end of the tree line.

"Alright," he said, "this trail will lead you straight to Pewter City."

Austin looked past the trees and saw the dirt path stretching out ahead of them. Finally, a real road out of the forest. Samurai turned to leave, but not before giving the young trainer a grin. "Next time, however, I’ll emerge victorious from our battle."

Austin smiled back, feeling a weird sense of respect for the guy. "I’m looking forward to it," he said, extending his hand. They shook, and it felt like a promise, even though Austin knew Ash never ran into Samurai again in the anime. A part of him wondered what had happened to him.

As Samurai disappeared back into the trees, Austin let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. When he turned around, he saw Yellow cradling Weedle in her arms, her face lit up with a big smile. It was like she was a different person from the timid girl who had been chased by Beedrill yesterday.

"So, how long until we reach Pewter from here?" 

"At least twenty minutes," Yellow said, her voice soft but filled with excitement. Then, she looked away, a slight flush creeping up her cheeks. "So, um… how long are you going to be in Pewter City?"

Austin froze for a second, feeling an odd mix of awkwardness and understanding settle in his chest. He may have been physically ten again, but he wasn’t dense like Ash had been in the anime. He could see what was happening—Yellow had a crush on him. Or, rather, on Ash.

It was just like in the manga when Red saved her and helped her catch her first Pokémon. She was probably just caught up in the moment, right? That’s all it was… right?

Austin cleared his throat, trying to play it cool. "Probably a week or two," he said casually, doing his best not to make it obvious that he could see the beginnings of her crush. No need to make things more awkward.

Besides, chances were that this crush would fade soon enough. He’d had that effect on people before.


Meanwhile the days after battling Austin, didn't go any better for the Rocket Trio as they were now running through the forest yet again with Meowth now wrapped up like a mummy.

After spending a whole day lost, the ended up accidentally running into the twerp again in the Forest and went to beat him down with their Pokemon as payback but the twerp has been busy with catching three new Pokemon and managed to use those five to beat them, sending them running for the hills again.

"That twerp is seriously starting to tick me off." Jessie grunted with them panting now in deep Beedrill territory, so they had to be careful. "I could forgive the Viridian Heist as we underestimated him but this?!"

"Jessie maybe we should stop and focus on getting back to base?" James suggested tiredly. "We need to restock on supplies and I don't think we should keep the Boss waiting anymore."

"Y-You're right," Jessie conceded, biting back the retort she had as while she figured they could last without the supplies, not reporting back to the Boss was asking for a death sentence. "So what do we tell him?"

"How about we say that there were too many tough trainers there for us to handle?" Meowth suggested as both Rocket Members gave a nod.

It was good one as while they were stronger than the average grunts the trio specialized in stealth-when they're not being flamboyant. So the Boss wouldn't think anything about that lie unless something else happened.

"Let's just focus on getting out of the forest first before we head to the safe house in Pewter City," Jessie said taking command, something that the other two usually left for her to do. "Once there we work on our story."

"Meowth, that's right."

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