Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.12: Uncle Wilton

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"Whoa," Austin whispered, unable to keep the awe out of his voice as he stood on the hilltop, taking in the view. Pewter City sprawled out below him, a perfect blend of nature and urban life. It was like the city had grown out of the earth itself, with its stone buildings and winding streets nestled between the mountains. He could feel a weird mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling up inside him.

Yellow stood beside him, smiling at the sight. "It's a nice view, isn't it?" she said, her voice full of admiration. She pointed toward a building in the distance. "There’s the Gym, one of the city’s main attractions, along with the Pewter City Museum."

Austin followed her finger, his eyes locking onto the Gym. So that’s Brock’s Gym, he thought, a rush of adrenaline hitting him. He knew he’d have to face him soon, and the reality of it was starting to settle in.

"Pewter City is gray, the color of stone," a new voice suddenly cut through Austin's thoughts, and he snapped his head toward it. Yellow and he both looked down the hill to see a man standing there. His face was partially hidden under a fake beard and red cap, but Austin recognized him immediately.

Oh, it’s Flint, Austin thought. Brock’s dad… He remembered this guy.

Flint’s eyes flickered towards them as he continued. "This town has always been famous for stone."

Yellow glanced at him, tilting her head. "Uh, who are you?" she asked curiously. It was obvious she’d seen him around before, but it didn’t seem like she’d ever talked to him.

"The name’s Flint," he said, gesturing towards the rocks scattered around him. "And you’re standing next to some of my merchandise, young lady."

Yellow blinked, looking down at the rocks around her feet. "Okay, I know the city is famous for stones, but isn't this pushing it?"

Austin had to bite back a chuckle. Selling random rocks? Unless these were Hard Stones that could power up Rock-type moves… which was a dumb thought, honestly. No way people would actually buy that, right?

"Cha," Pikachu sighed beside Austin, flopping onto the ground, clearly worn out from all the walking they’d done. Yellow’s Weedle was still cradled in her arms like a baby, totally content to be carried.

"Your Pokémon seem exhausted," Flint noted, his eyes scanning Pikachu. "Did you just come out of Viridian Forest?"

Austin nodded, not really feeling like explaining the whole ordeal with Beedrills and swarms. "Yeah, we did."

Flint didn’t waste any time. "I’ll show you to the Pokémon Center," he said, already turning to lead the way.

Austin glanced at Yellow as they followed him down the hill. "So, is he a local?"

"Yeah," she said with a small shrug. "But I’ve never really spoken with him."

It wasn’t hard for Austin to spot the Pokémon Center. As soon as he stepped inside, he handed his team over to Nurse Joy, feeling a small knot of anxiety loosen in his chest. They’d be safe with her for a while. After that, he made his way to the video phone, dialing Professor Oak. He needed to sort out Yellow’s new trainer situation.

"You gave your Weedle to someone?" Professor Oak’s surprised voice echoed through the line as soon as Austin explained what had happened.

"Yeah," Austin said, shrugging a bit even though the Professor couldn’t see it. "Weedle liked her more, and she really wanted a Pokémon. Seemed like the right thing to do."

Professor Oak sighed. "I’ll have to create a license and get her registered in the system," he muttered, sounding tired. "It’ll take a few days."

"Thanks, Professor," Austin said, grateful. He wasn’t really sure how all this worked, but it was nice knowing Oak would handle it.

"By the way," Oak continued, a note of pride in his voice, "I'm impressed by how many Pokémon you've already caught."

Austin couldn’t help but feel a bit of pride swelling up inside him… until Oak dropped the next bomb. "Although Gary already has about twelve Pokémon."

Austin rolled his eyes, biting back a groan. Of course, it always came back to Gary. "Well, I’ll be in Pewter City for a bit, training the ones I have," he tried to brush it off, keeping his tone casual. He really couldn’t care less about Gary’s progress right now.

Oak nodded, seemingly satisfied with that. "Your mother’s been helping out at the lab while the restaurant is closed," he added. Austin flinched. Hearing about Ash’s mom… yeah, that wasn’t easy. There was a sharp pang of guilt twisting in his gut, but he forced a smile and said goodbye to Oak, hanging up the phone before he could dwell on it.

When Austin turned around, he saw Yellow sitting on the floor, still hugging Weedle like it was the most precious thing in the world. She was talking to it softly, one hand gently petting its head. The sight made something click in his head.

Oh right… she has powers, Austin thought, remembering the manga. She could talk to and heal Pokémon by touching them. He thought there was even some telekinesis mixed in there.

Before Austin could think too hard on it, he heard Yellow say, "Wait until you meet Uncle Wilton, Kitty."

Austin blinked, his surprise freezing him for a second. Kitty? That was the name of her Caterpie in the manga. But she had a Weedle instead… things were already diverging more than he’d thought. First, the Spearow attack played out differently. Then Misty didn’t join the group, and now Yellow’s got a Weedle?

Dear God, how many things am I messing up? Austin's thoughts raced, the weight of all the butterfly effects hitting him.

Then his eyes caught something—a poster on the wall, advertising the Pokémon League Regional Championships. His gaze lingered on it, and he felt a frown form on his face.

"The Pokémon League," Austin mumbled under his breath. Do I… even want to do this?

As a kid, watching Pokémon, Austin had always dreamed of competing in the League. It was one of those impossible dreams that seemed so far away. But now?

I guess… until I can go home, I may as well, Austin thought, clenching his fists, determination sparking inside him. If he was stuck here, he might as well make the most of it.

Suddenly, a voice broke through Austin's thoughts, pulling him back to reality.

"Thinking of entering the Regionals?" a man asked from behind, and Austin nearly jumped out of his skin. 

"Don’t tell me you plan on challenging Brock," Flint said, a smirk playing at his lips.

"I am," Austin replied, feeling his heart rate steady as he locked eyes with him. "After some training, of course."

Flint chuckled, shaking his head. "You’d have better luck finding a different gym," he said, his laughter trailing behind him as he left.

Yellow was quiet during the whole exchange, watching Flint walk away. But before Austin could ask what she thought about it, a loud voice boomed through the Pokémon Center.

"Yellow De Viridian Grove!" A man stomped toward them, wearing an orange vest and hat, his face twisted in anger. Yellow jumped, looking terrified.

"U-Uncle Wilton," she stammered. "H-Hi."

"Hi?" Wilton practically growled, his voice full of frustration. "No note, one of my spare Pokéballs missing, and you were gone all night! Do you know how worried I was?!"

Yellow looked down at her feet, guilt written all over her face. "I just wanted a Pokémon," she mumbled quietly.

"Oh, so it’s alright to disappear for a day without telling anyone?!" Wilton’s voice rose, and Austin could feel the tension in the air. "You could’ve been killed."

"But I had help getting back," Yellow said quickly, her eyes darting nervously between Austin and her uncle.

Wilton’s gaze landed on Austin for the first time, sizing him up with a stern expression. "And who are you?"

"Um… Ash Ketchum."


It took two days before the trio made it to Pewter City and approached the back of the Museum where the Guard easily let them in.

But they saw a lot of activity in the base, something that confused the Trio.

"What do you think is going on?" James asked curiously with Meowth giving a shrug.

"What do I look like, a mind reader?" Meowth asked sarcastically only for a Grunt to approach them.

"Admin Jessie and James," The Grunt gave a nod of respect to the trio. "Executive Arianna asked to see you."

The Trio tensed, a bit surprised that Arianna was here of all places, her sadism was well known in the ranks of Team Rocket.

The fact that she was here didn't speak of anything good for them.

Taking the time to spare a glance at each other the trio walked towards the deeper part of the base where they saw Arianna with her Arbok out, looking through some files with a frown.

"You're late." Arianna said a bit harshly.

"Sorry Ma'am, we were delayed in the Forest." James apologized diplomatically, choosing to be the spokesperson considering Jessie's hot headed personality.

"I don't recall asking for an excuse," Arianna finally looked up to glare at James making him gulp and take a step back. "But you three have a lot of explaining to do with that mess in Viridian."

"There were too many trainers there for us to take head on by ourselves." Meowth began only to duck an acid attack from Arbok.

"Do you three take me for an idiot?" Arianna asked her glare darkening. "You think I don't watch the news were it was rumored that a single boy stopped you?"

The trio shifted a bit nervously, not realizing that was on the news.

"So not only did you fail but you tried to lie to me, your superior," Arianna closed her folders with a smirk that was slowly turning sadistic. "I really don't like that-."

"Enough Arianna," Another voice spoke up as a young man with light-green hair entered the room with a frown. "Just get to their assignment."

Arianna gave a small pout. "Must you always ruin my fun Proton?" She asked noting how the trio looked relieved that he entered.

Proton was always the most levelheaded of the Executives behind Archer.

"Your 'fun' as you call it results in us having less grunts in the field," Proton said not hesitating to call her out on how she overdoes it. "I'd rather you not do that to our Admins when we'll need them for a mission."

"So you want to ignore their failure and attempt at lying?" Arianna asked with Proton giving a sigh.

"I'll deal with them myself, go get ready for the mission before the boss calls."

Arianna gave a shrug and left, her Arbok following her while the trio nearly collapsed from relief. "Thank you Proton sir-."

"Don't thank me yet, you still have a lot to answer for with that failure in Viridian." Proton snapped but he softened up a bit.

Truthfully he liked the Admins as despite their eccentricity they do get the job done-so for them to fail this last one had him a bit concerned.

"So what happened and I want the truth." Proton crossed his arms while the trio stood at attention.

"We failed because we underestimated a kid who had a Pikachu and a Spearow," James said a hint of fear in his tone as this would make them the laughing stock of Team Rocket if it really got out. "We didn't think he would be able to beat us so we toyed with him instead of completing the mission."

Proton frowned, not pleased with that but it was to be expected as the Admins do have a history of toying with the trainers they battle.

"Describe him."

"He looked to be ten, black hair and a blue vest with a hat on." Meowth cupped his chin in thought.

"I'll have to let the boss know about this," Proton said making them deflate. "If someone opposes Team Rocket they must be dealt with. Anything else?"

James and Jessie looked at each other before they decided to get this out of the way. "We attempted to ambush him in the Forest to get revenge and take his Pokemon but he managed to obtain three more Pokemon and while we defeated two of them-one being the Pikachu-he managed to beat us with the other three." Jessie took it from there with Proton narrowing his eyes.

"What were these other Pokemon?" He questioned wanting to know every little detail about this trainer.

"A Rattata, a Pidgeotto and a… Caterpie." Meowth listed them, hesitating on the Caterpie.

"A Caterpie? It must be a Metapod by now." Proton gave a slight curse under his breath. "Is that all?"

At their nods he spoke again.

"We'll have to postpone your punishment until after this mission, perhaps if you do well you'll be rewarded instead," Proton said making their eyes shine. "In a week or two we'll be heading into Mt. Moon to search for the mythical Moon Stone to use its power for our cause. Arianna will be there to oversee the operation but you three will be in charge."

The trio could scarcely believe it. A mission of this caliber and they were in charge of it?

They can't afford to screw this up.

"Take the time to train your team to prevent anything like that from happening and make sure to find the Moon Stone." Proton ordered checking his Pokegear when it went off to see that it was more orders from the Boss for him to speak with him about a matter he's been looking into. "That will be all."

"Sir." The trio saluted Proton as he left.

After a few seconds they collapsed in relief. "Oh man I thought we were done for when Arianna called us out." Meowth said lying on the floor his heart pounding.

"It was lucky that Proton was here otherwise we wouldn't be here." James mused before looking at Koffing's Pokeball.

Jessie gave a nod pulling out Ekan's Pokeball as well. "He's right though we need to train our two Pokemon up if we want to avoid what happened with that twerp," She told them with the two giving a nod of agreement. "We are really sloppy if a rookie beat us."

"Meowth and then we'll be top members for sure." Meowth had a wide grin just imagining that.

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