Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.138 Team Rocket’s Attack part 5

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Blood was dripping from his face, half of it caked in a mixture of blood and flour-the flour is probably clotting the wound up now that he thinks about it. His clothes were sung badly and the hat was practically destroyed as he grabbed it to place in his backpack.

"Tle?" Squirtle looked at his trainer in concern.

"I'm fine," Austin told him spitting some blood out. "I'll be better when we're off this ship."

The only Pokemon he had with full health at this moment was Bulbasaur and he did lose a bit of blood.

Before leaving, however, Austin looked at the Pokemon that Team Rocket had before grabbing their respective Pokeballs off their belts and returning them, placing them back.

While he didn't like Team Rocket right now he didn't want to leave their injured Pokemon out.

Seeing some grunts in the other room when he went to leave, Austin quickly returned Squirtle and Raticate before sending Bulbasaur out.

Opening his eyes, panic quickly flooded at seeing the state of his trainer when Austin quickly placed a finger over his lips to shush him. "Team Rocket," He said with the Kanto Grass Starter getting it as he heard stories from the others. "Grunts in the hallway use Sleep Powder."

"Saur." Bulbasaur focused as spores shot from his bulb

Sniffing the air the Grunt's swayed until they fell over unconscious with Austin breathing a sigh of relief.

"Alright return-," Austin went to do only for Bulbasaur to take the Pokeball with a Vine Whip, giving him a slight glare. "Seriously?"

"Saur," Bulbasaur said with a nod showing he wasn't going anywhere.

Sighing, Austin just went with it having a feeling that Bulbasaur would be too stubborn to listen and he smiled slightly at him. "Let's get going." He said with Bulbasaur giving the Pokeball back that he placed on his belt. "We still have to find the others."

He hoped they were doing alright.


Misty was trying to catch her breath as she hid, seeing way too many for her to try and take on alone. Staryu was the only Pokemon she had besides Goldeen and Oddish with Starmie somewhere else on this ship.

Goldeen can't fight here without there being a pool and Oddish was still too young to be involved in a fight like this.

If she had Starmie along with Staryu or the Gym Pokemon she left behind for her sisters she would've been able to take them all down by herself. So right now stealth was her best option-.

Hearing buzzing, Misty froze and turned to see Kitty landing right by her making her pale as she tried desperately not to scream.

It might be Kitty and one of Yellow's Pokemon but it was still a Bug and she had a very severe phobia of them. Taking a deep breath as she tried to stop shaking, Misty scolded herself.

'Stop Kitty is on your side,' Misty kept thinking that. 'Just keep a calm head and try not to give away your position.'

Once she was sure she was calm she looked at Kitty. "Any idea where Yellow is?"

Kitty shook her head looking frustrated that her trainer was most likely alone. "Bzz-Z." Kitty buzzed waving her needles.

Misty went silent before nodding as an idea came to her.

Kitty was pretty strong for a bug Pokemon and being a Poison type gives her a good advantage.

"Think you can shoot a Toxic Spike around them?" Misty asked before rephrasing. "Non-Lethal Toxins."

Yellow will kill her if Kitty accidentally killed them.

Giving another buzz, Kitty glowed with Agility and took off catching the grunts by surprise.


"Look at the size of that Beedrill!"

"Quick take it down!"

They went to prime their Pokeballs only for Toxic Spike to shoot into the ground, catching them off guard before they surged purple with the non-lethal poison coursing through them paralyzing their limbs as they fell over.

Giving a nod, Misty then sent out Oddish. "You mind absorbing the Toxic Spikes?" She requested as Oddish would be unaffected by them and she didn't want to risk stepping on one after all that trouble.

"Dish!" Oddish said with a grin running around glowing purple as he began to absorb the spikes, Misty following behind him to get out of the room.

"Thanks, Oddish, and great job Kitty," Misty said her grin becoming slightly forced.

Kitty gave a nod not bothered by Misty's phobia as this was progress from when she was a Weedle.


Brock sighed when he returned his Graveler and Zubat happy that he ended up near their room as he caught some grunts attempting to make off with the Pokemon Egg and Graveler ended up around the corner so he didn't have to look far for him.

He wasn't gentle about the followed beat down either as while the Grunts were still alive they had a lot of bruises and broken bones ensuring they wouldn't be getting back up anytime soon.

"Really should've listened to Ash about those tickets being too good to be true," Brock muttered as his libido ended up biting him again considering that was what convinced him to get on this ship.

He knew that he and Misty would have no trouble given their status as Gym Leaders and Ash shouldn't have any problems with the Grunts considering how much stronger he has gotten. Brock was worried about Yellow but trusted that she could take care of herself until they regroup.

Still, it was the Executives he was worried about as he remembered the last fight with Arianna the only reason they survived was because of Lance's untimely arrival.

Thank God they had Ace trainers, Elite 4, and two Champions on the ship but what were they doing?

"Fweh!" Brock paused when he saw a Grunt fly back with psychic energy while a battered Butterfree flew into his view, landing nearby looking exhausted.

"You alright Butterfree?" Brock asked in concern with Butterfree's shoulders sagging in relief at finding someone. "Hang on I have a potion in my bag."

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