Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.139 Team Rocket’s Attack part 6

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" Ataro Swagger!" Gold shouted as he was running with the others, dodging swipes from the large Muk his Aipom making funny faces at the Pokemon.

They were still in the same room that Petrel left them in as Kris was not going to leave Xatee who was still in the psychic battle with the Hypno and losing if the injuries showing up were of any indication.

Arcee got poisoned badly with a Toxic making Kris recall him because if left untreated for so long there was a chance he could die.

Seeing the Muk glow red, they were given a small reprieve when it was stumbling, leaving for the three to take cover behind some of the debris that fell during this fight.

"We're getting nowhere." Kris panted not sure what they should do.

"Kris, don't you have your Cubone?" Gold asked seeing Ataro jumping and weaving around the Muk with Tenty giving him support from a distance with Water Pulse.

"Yeah but he's not strong enough to take the Muk head on like this," Kris warned him. "Especially since Muk is now stronger thanks to your Swagger."

"Well excuse me for giving us some breathing room-." Gold's retort was interrupted when the Muk snapped out of its confusion and nailed Ataro, sending him flying into the wall. "Ataro!"

"What if you get behind the Muk?" Yellow asked rushing over to Ataro to grab him for Gold because she felt that if there was a time to use her ability it was now.

"That could work-." Kris began only to pause at seeing Ataro glow and heal due to Yellow holding him. "What was that?"

Gold however grinned. "Awesome since when could you do that?" He asked with Yellow looking away.

Muk's roar as Tenty came crashing near them brought their attention back to their problem. "As much as I'd like to know too we have a bigger concern," Kris said tossing Gold her Cubone's Pokeball. "Think you can get him behind the Muk?"

"Just give me an opening." Gold said still having his Pool Cue, Ataro awake again and on his shoulder. "You know what to do Ataro?"

"Pom." Ataro gave a nod.

"Give me Arcee's Pokeball," Yellow said with Kris giving a nod trusting Yellow before the Pokeball glowed. "Okay, the poison and his health are healed."

Relief flooded Kris's face before she sent Arcee back out. "You're a godsend right now Yellow." She said happily that the blonde was there with them while Yellow felt herself blush a bit at that never being called that before.

"T-Thanks," Yellow muttered healing Tenty and Dody now that she had the chance before realizing she was out of breath.

All of this healing was taking its toll on her.

"Arcee use Flamethrower!" Kris ordered as the Arcanine shot a jet of flame to engulf the Muk as it roared in pain followed by a stream of stars from Ataro while Gold calculated where to hit before placing Bonee's Pokeball down and readying himself.

A cry however made them look towards Xatee to see her looking pretty injured almost out.

"Crap if that Hypno wins we might get separated again." Gold said with Yellow frowning before sending Dody out to help distract Muk and running towards the Psychic Types. "Yellow?!"

"Trust me!" Yellow called back nearly flinching when the Muk swung at her but Tenty intervened with a Water Pulse, knocking the arm back right as Yellow jumped to reach Xatee her hand resting on her head to heal the psychic bird to full health.

Now healthy while the Hypno was tired, Xatee had no trouble finishing it off, blasting it against the wall.

Seeing that, Gold quickly hit Bonee's ball sending the Cubone right behind the Muk where it popped out wielding a Thick Club a star-shaped crack on its skull. "Bone!" He called out using Bone Club to severely weaken the Muk leaving for Xatee to turn her attention to it her eyes glowing for a Psychic, attacking Muk's brain to knock it out.

"Alright we rock and we rule!" Gold said with a cheer despite the acid-like liquid all over the room. "A lot more fun than the local scammers in New Bark Town."

"How was that fun?!" Kris asked in disbelief thinking she should get her friend's head checked. "That was dangerous right Yellow?"

Hearing no answer the two grew worried and rushed to Yellow only to see that she was asleep with Gold snickering. "Guess she got tired."

"Makes sense she did heal our Pokemon," Kris muttered as that type of energy had to come from somewhere. "Come on we need to get going."


"Chu!" Pikachu had a few scratch marks as he shot a Thunderbolt at Meowth who seemed to know Double-Team before using his ears to locate the real one, blocking another Shadow Claw with an Iron Tail. "Pika Pi!"

"Not so fun when you're on the losing side huh?" Meowth taunted trying not to pant because while he was certainly giving a lot of damage to the mouse, he was taking a lot as well. After all, this Pikachu was tough dammit.

And this was Pikachu without following his trainer's orders so he knew that if Pikachu was with that twerp he would be in a world of trouble.

"Get a load of my Payday!" Meowth said jumping into the air as coins littered the floor right when Pikachu tried to use Agility having him slip on them as he went sliding. "Now take this!"

Running in for a Fury Swipes, Meowth was caught off guard when Pikachu took advantage of being on his back, spinning in place letting out electricity, zapping him his limbs locking up to show he was paralyzed.

"Oh, man," Meowth muttered right as Pikachu slammed a Brick Break into his face, sending Meowth into the ceiling where he fell to meet an Iron Tail from Pikachu knocking him out.

Panting slightly, Pikachu's ears drooped happy to finish that before he took off sniffing the air to find his trainer.

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