Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.14 Flint

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Flint from behind a tree watched as Austin trained Pikachu and the others. 

He honestly expected the kid to run straight to the Gym after he said that he would have better luck elsewhere, but the fact that he was training his Pokemon to have a chance against Rock Types, three of them being naturally weak against them showed that the kid has promise.

He decided to speak with the kid that evening.


It was getting dark by the time he stopped the team.

Right now only Spearow's wings and Pikachu's tail were giving a low glow from the training, not surprising since Pikachu and Spearow were his strongest.

Caterpie was panting from the training he had with Pikachu as Pidgeotto looked a little disheartened at not getting even a small shine from her wings.

Rattata however took some convincing to stop since she has been waiting to be trained once she has been caught.

"Okay, I think we're good for tonight," Austin said to them. "Tomorrow I'm giving you guys a day of rest before going back to training."

Spearow, Rattata, and Pidgeotto gave cries of annoyance at a day of rest as Pikachu and Caterpie practically collapsed in relief.

"Hey, you guys need a day to heal from the training so you can train longer," Austin said remembering how hard it was to keep up exercising at home due to how sore the muscles would get the next day.

Was that the same for Pokemon?

A bright light caused Austin to look over at Caterpie as he began shooting String Shot into the air.

"Didn't take too long." Austin quipped as the glow died down to show a Metapod sitting where Caterpie was.

"Meta." Due to a lack of facial expressions, Austin could only tell from the voice that the cocoon Pokemon was happy.

Giving a grin, Austin pulled out the Pokedex to scan him as Pidgeotto, Pikachu and Rattata gave him their congrats while Spearow was quiet, giving a small nod.

"Metapod the Cocoon Pokemon. The Evolved Form of Caterpie. A steel-hard shell protects its tender body. It quietly endures hardships while awaiting evolution." The Pokedex Beeped. "This Pokemon's Ability has changed to Shed Skin and has learned the Move Harden."

Deciding to return the others, Austin saw how Pikachu was exhausted. "Hey Pikachu, I know you don't like your Pokeball, but if you're exhausted do you want to just jump on my shoulder?"

Pikachu gave him a curious look before deciding to take him up on that offer as he jumped up there and made himself comfortable.

"You are a unique trainer." Flint's voice came from behind causing Austin to nearly jump but he turned to see him.

"Uh… Thanks?" Austin said not sure why he was there. "Can I help you?"

"Follow me," Flint said as he walked off.

Austin knew what was about to come as he did so and they were spying on a house with a bunch of little kids as someone was in an apron cooking before a little girl grabbed his pants leg. "I tore my skirt."

"Okay, I'll sew it up for you." The teen turned and showed that it was a teen with black spiky hair, tan skin, and squinty eyes.

"That's Brock, the Pewter City Gym Leader," Flint said as his voice was a bit cracked.

"Why are you showing me this?" Austin asked curiously as he knew the answer while Pikachu looked on in curiosity as they left before they would be spotted.

"I wanted you to know the truth so when you do face him, you do so with all of your heart," Flint said surprising Austin because that answer was different-heck he never gave him an answer. "You have a potential kid, I saw that when you trained those five Pokemon and evolved one and I thought maybe you could give Brock the battle he deserves."

'A battle that he deserves?' Austin thought.

"Brock has ten little brothers and sisters and that's why he never left Pewter City."

"What about his parents, like a Dad?" Austin said that as the last part was directed at Flint.

Truth be told he didn't really like Flint due to how he abandoned his family in the Anime, but hearing how his voice was while talking about Brock, just made him feel sorry for the man.

Flint looked as if someone just punched him. "His good-for-nothing father left the family to become a Pokemon Trainer and they never heard from him again." He said his voice barely kept from cracking. "Brock's heartbroken mother tried her best to keep things together but sadly she passed away. So Brock is the only person his brother and sisters have left."

Austin was quiet as they were near the Pokemon Center now.

"I should go," Flint said as he turned to leave.

"Flint." Austin looked at him as the man stopped. "You should talk to Brock instead of saying you're good for nothing father."

That caused Flint to spin around in shock, but Austin was already going inside.

'He needed to hear that.'Austin said to himself as he handed his Pokemon to Nurse Joy.


The next week passed by pretty quickly as Austin kept training and while he didn't see Flint at all the next few days, he knew that the man was probably thinking over what he said.

It took up to three days for Spearow and Pikachu to master their attacks while both Rattata and Pidgeotto did so in four days. Rattata even managed to learn Dig on the sixth day while Pikachu had trouble with it.

Metapod didn't get much in battle experience, but Austin did teach him how to fight effectively as a Cocoon, just in case.

Surprisingly enough, he didn't even see Yellow all that much in the week, probably due to her being in trouble with her Uncle.

But it was at the end of the week nearly the afternoon, that Austin stood in front of the Pewter Gym with Pikachu on his shoulder.

"Here we go," Austin muttered.

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