Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.15 Battle At Pewter City part 1

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[ POV Change ]

It was at the end of the week nearly the afternoon, that Austin stood in front of the Pewter Gym with Pikachu on his shoulder.

"Here we go," Austin muttered as he went to walk up to the door only to hear rapid footsteps.

"Wait." Austin turned to see Yellow running towards him with Kitty in her arms.

"Yellow?" Austin asked before remembering that he said she could watch the battle. "Did you run all the way here?"

"Y-Yeah, I've never seen an actual Gym Battle before," Yellow said panting but she had a smile.

Austin grinned before he pushed open the door and walked in only for the lights to be off.

"Who goes there?" A light shined on the other side of the room showing Brock who was dressed in brown cargo pants, an orange shirt, and a green vest as he sat with his legs crossed.

"I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town and I'm here to challenge you," Austin said repeating what Ash says in the Anime.

"Is this your first Gym Match?" Brock asked curiously.

"It is," Austin said giving a nod. "And I know there are special rules for each gym."

Brock raised a brow, not expecting that as he gave a nod. "Very well. How many Pokemon do you have?"

"Uh five," Austin said, as this was different.

"Since this is the first Gym Battle you can use all five against my two Pokemon and only you will be able to switch," Brock said as Austin's eyes widened.

' The heck?' Austin thought  in confusion. 'When did this become a thing?'

"How long have you been with that Pokemon?" Brock asked upon seeing the Pikachu on Austin's shoulder.

"Right now, close to two weeks," Austin said as he had to think about it.

"Yes, your Pikachu is in its cutest stage," Brock said with a frown. "It can't win."

"You never know unless you try," Austin said clenching a fist.

"Suit yourself, as a Gym Leader I have to accept every challenge," Brock said before looking at Yellow. "Are you here for a Gym Match as well?"

"No, I'm just spectating," Yellow said as Brock gave a nod and pointed towards the railway.

"Then proceed up there to safely watch the battle."

Yellow gave a nod as she went to leave only to stop and look back at Austin. "Good luck." She said as she ran.

Austin gave a nod before the rest of the lights came on to show the rocky battlefield.

Pulling out a Pokeball, Brock sent out a Pokemon that was a rock with two arms and a face. "Geo." Geodude slammed his fist together.

"Not starting with Onix this time?" Austin muttered as he pick out a Pokeball.

"Pidgeotto, take the field," Austin ordered as Pidgeotto cried.

"A flying type against a rock gym?" Brock asked with a raised brow.

Austin just gave a cocky smile and ordered the first move. "Use Sand Attack." He ordered as Pidgeotto moved at high speeds to knock sand everywhere.

"Futile," Brock said as he gave an order. "Rock Polish."

As Geodude began to glow, Austin decided to use his ace. "Steel Wing."

Pidgeotto shot forward, her wings glowing, catching Brock off guard as they slammed into Geodude, knocking him into a boulder as he shook his head, injured but not out.

"I see." Brock looked at Pidgeotto with a hint of surprise and approval. "Use a flying type to get me to lower my guard but you taught her a move to have an advantage. Smart."

"This may be my first Gym Battle, but I'm not stupid enough to come here without preparation," Austin said.

"Rock Tomb," Brock ordered as Geodude slammed a fist to the ground.

"Quick Attack to dodge," Austin said as Pidgeotto became a blur to dodge the constant rocks that shot up and she was doing good until one got a lucky shot and sent her to the ground with an injured wing.

"Now finish her with Rollout," Brock said as the Pidgeotto couldn't fly anymore.

"Run to the left to dodge," Austin said, as Pidgeotto dove out of the way quickly, catching Brock off guard.

"Pidgeotto is too injured to fight." Austin thought. "Plus with her wings injured, Steel Wing is out of the question."

Knowing that Austin took out a Pokeball. "Pidgeotto return." He said as he took out another Pokeball. "Rattata, take the field."

"Ratta!" Rattata snarled as Geodude regarded her.

"Smart choice," Brock said with an approving nod on how Austin recalled the Pidgeotto before she got injured more. "I take it you taught your Rattata a move to help her?"

Austin's silence was all the confirmation that Brock needed.

"Go, Ash!" Yellow cheered from the railway at seeing the match.

"Rock Polish," Brock ordered increasing his Pokemon's speed again.

"Quick Attack." Austin countered as Rattata ran quickly towards Geodude before she got close enough. "Chain it with Iron Tail!"

Rattata cried as her tail glowed and she slammed it on Geodude's head causing him to grimace in pain as some cracks appeared showing how he felt it.

But he was still standing.

'Geez, what does it take?!' Austin thought in shock.

"Yeah, his Pokemon are a lot tougher than I remembered."

"Tackle!" Brock exclaimed as Geodude knocked Rattata back quite a bit. "Now Rollout."

"Use Dig to escape from there," Austin said, as Rattata dove into the ground.

Brock smirked. "Magnitude." He said causing Austin's eyes to widen.

"Rattata! Get out of there-." He ordered but Geodude slammed the palm of his hands on the ground causing it to shake before Rattata came out unconscious.

Austin sighed and returned her. "You did great Rattata."

"I'm impressed," Brock said, as Geodude was panting. "You're a lot better than I first thought you would be, especially using Pokemon that aren't normally strong against Rock Types like that in your first Gym Battle."

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