Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.17 A Different Trio of Friends

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Brock returned Onix and smiled at the Pokeball. "You did great Onix." He said as he looked back at Austin. "I'm impressed Ash, you overcame all the odds using Pokemon many people never did in my Gym. Not only that but although your Butterfree just evolved you handled him as if he was a Butterfree for weeks and you were the first one I've seen to use him in this battle as a Metapod the way you did."

As he was saying that, Brock was approaching him as he pulled something out of his pocket.

"With that said, you deserve this," Brock said holding out a small gray circular badge. "The Boulder Badge is only the first step however, the other gyms are a lot stronger than me."

"That's why I'll train hard for them," Austin said 

"As long as you never forget to be kind to your Pokemon," Brock said as he saw his siblings approach him, looking sad at his loss but he smiled. "To tell the truth, I get more pleasure out of raising Pokemon than making them battle, what's your dream?"

"Uh…" Austin went into deep thought and after a few seconds, he answered.

"To see the world," Austin said knowing that the Pokemon Master dream belonged to the real Ash. "And to battle the best of the best."

"A fine dream," Brock said with a smile. "Mine is to be the world's best Pokemon Breeder. But my family comes before my dream."

"I understand," Austin said as he saw someone else standing in the shadows of the Gym. "But I think someone else would like to say something to you."

Brock looked confused as Flint stepped out of the shadows.

That was when Flint took the hat and fake beard off to show an older version of Brock.

"My father," Brock said in disdain as the siblings gasped in shock.

"Before I talk with my family, I have to know, how did you know I was Brock's father when we spoke," Flint asked turning to Austin.

When he was a kid he figured it out from how Flint was acting the first time he saw the episode but he gave a different answer as Austin said while shrugging.

"Your actions gave you away as well as how your voice cracked when you spoke about Brock." 

Flint paused as he considered that before turning to Brock who had a look of anger and he sighed, knowing this was coming. "Brock you should follow your dream." He said walking up to him. "When I left to become a trainer, I failed so badly that I was too ashamed to show my face to everyone. I should've come back instead of putting you and everyone else in so much pain so it's time I begin acting like a father again. You go fulfill your dream."

Brock was quiet. "First there are some things I have to tell you."

"I understand," Flint said preparing himself for a punch. "There are some things you need to get off your chest after all these years so don't hold back."

"Here." Brock handed him a wool thread and sewing needle as Flint now looked extremely confused before the teen began listing off the special needs each sibling needs as well as their hobbies, quirks, and favorite foods Flint managed to produce a pencil and small notepad out of nowhere and began writing frantically.

"S-Slow down, I can't write that fast!" Flint cried out at one point as Austin couldn't help but chuckle at this.

Yellow however looked at Austin as she realized that with how he had the badge now, he wouldn't be staying in Pewter City for too long.


"So Ash, you don't mind if I travel with you on your Journey right?" Brock asked as Austin shook his head.

They were both leaving Pewter City with Brock having a blue hikers bag on his back

"Nah I don't mind." He said although he was wondering how he could keep being from another world a secret from Brock. "Truthfully it'll be nice to have someone to talk with."

They stopped talking when they heard rapid heavy footsteps and both of them turned to see a two-headed bird-like Pokemon with brown feathers, black eyes, and yellow beaks running toward them.

"A Doduo?" Brock asked in surprise before they saw Yellow on the back of it wearing a straw hat with Kitty on her shoulder.

"Wait!" Yellow called out as the Doduo came to a stop, not even winded.

"Yellow, what are you doing?" Austin asked a little surprised that she got Doduo now.

"Um… C-Can I go with you on your journey as well?" Yellow asked nervously surprising Austin and Brock.

"Uncle Wilton allowed me to go, he even gave Dody here to me to help me catch up as well as to protect me," Yellow said rubbing Dody's head causing the Doduo to cry with bliss. "So can I?"

Not wanting to be a jerk. "Sure," Austin said since Yellow managed to follow them out here. "The more the merrier."

Yellow gave a cheer as Brock chuckled before they continued down the path towards Mt. Moon.


Austin's Pokemon Team

Pikachu (M) Ability: Static. Moves: Thundershock, Growl, Tail Whip, Quick Attack Iron Tail.

Spearow (M) Ability: Keen Eye. Moves: Peck, Leer, Focus Energy, Fury Attack, Aerial Ace, and Steel Wing.

*Combo* Aerial Wing (Aerial Ace and Steel Wing)

Rattata (F) Ability: Guts. Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Focus Energy, Iron Tail, and Dig.

Butterfree (M) Ability: Tinted Lens. Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Bug Bite, Harden, Confusion, Poison Sting, Sleep Powder, and Stun Spore.

Pidgeotto (F) Ability: Tangled Feet. Moves: Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, and Steel Wing.

Pokemon used to Own.

Weedle (F) 

Pokemon Seen: 18

Pokemon Owned: 5

Yellow's Pokemon Team.

Weedle (Kitty) (F) Ability: Poison Point. Moves: Poison Sting and String Shot.

Doduo (Dody) (M) Ability: Run Away Moves: Growl, Peck, and Quick Attack.

Brock's Pokemon Team.

Onix (M) Ability: Rock Head. Moves: Bind, Tackle, Harden, Mud Sport, Curse, Rock Throw, Rock Tomb, and Rage.

Geodude (M) Ability: Sand Veil Moves: Defense Curl, Tackle, Mud Sport, Rock Polish, Rollout, Rock Tomb, and Magnitude.

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