Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.18 Legends of the Pokemon World

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Austin couldn't help but be surprised by how much longer it took to get to Mt. Moon in comparison to getting into Viridian Forest from Viridian City.

For three days they have been on the road and right now Pikachu was fast asleep sitting on his backpack to get comfortable.

Just feeling Pikachu right behind his head like that made Austin a little happy at just how comfortable the little guy was with him now.

"There it is," Yellow said pointing to the mountain that came into view past the trees. "Mt. Moon."

"I thought we would never find it," Austin said with a grin.

There were quite a few trainers on the road, mostly Bug Catchers or people who had Pidgeys and Rattata's but they were all good experiences for his team.

"People say that a huge meteor crashed into the Mountain back in prehistoric times," Brock said pulling Austin out of his thoughts.

"A meteor?" Yellow asked as Austin gave a nod.

"Yeah, I've heard about it, it's the Moon Stone right?"

Brock smiled. "Yeah, the Moon Stone is said to have the extraordinary ability to power up a Pokemon."

"That sounds cool," Yellow said with a smile as Austin was quiet.

It was… weird to have Brock and Yellow around.

Don't get him wrong, they're pretty cool people to have around but Austin just wasn't used to them yet.

Yellow didn't notice all that much considering she was into seeing the sights around them, but Brock did and was cool with it leaving Austin to be careful in how he acted due to how observant the Breeder-In-Training seemed to be.

"So Ash, what's your plan for the Cerulean Gym?" Brock asked curiously.

"Well I've heard it's a Water Gym, so I'm hoping to use Pikachu since he was the only one to not have a Gym Battle yet," Austin said as Pikachu drowsily opened his eyes with a yawn.

"Cha," Pikachu muttered tiredly.

"That sounds like a good idea," Brock said a little intrigued as he remembered how Austin beat him with type disadvantages.

How will he fight with a type advantage?

'And Pikachu should fight since he doesn't see Misty as a friend this time.'Austin thought remembering that.

It was kind of disappointing but Pikachu did become more of a fighter after Surge's Gym in Canon.

Any further conversation was cut off by a scream causing the trio to snap to attention and run towards it.

What they saw was a man crouching under a horde of Zubats, small dark blue bats with no eyes and purple wings.

Pikachu's eyes widened. "Chu, Pika Chu Pi!" He said in a panic.

"No Pikachu it's not our destiny to get chased by a horde of Pokemon in each area." He said with a sigh.

"Chu," Pikachu said as if to say, yes it was.

"What do you mean?" Brock asked curiously as Yellow explained about the Beedrill horde in Viridian Forest.

"Plus on my first day, we ended up getting chased by a Spearow flock," Austin said as he looked at Pikachu. "What do you say, care to give a light show?"

Chu." Pikachu jumped off his back as the man looked up in time to see Pikachu unleash a Thundershock on the horde of Zubats, causing them to fly off but not before Austin saw Brock catch one out of the corner of his eye.

When all the Zubats were gone as Pikachu landed on the ground, his cheeks still sparking, they all approached the down man who wore a white lab coat.

"Are you okay?" Austin asked before remembering the Anime as he did so, dodging a surprise hug as the guy fell to the ground again.

"Wow, you guys are the greatest. I'm talking super fatalistic, two thumbs up." The man said as Yellow and Brock looked a bit dumbfounded.

"Uh, it was nothing," Austin said with Pikachu walking back to him.

The man pushed himself up and this time he restrained himself from giving a death hug as he fixed his glasses. "They say a man's best friend is his Pokemon and with you two I believe it."

"Oh, that's… Nice?" Austin took a step back as the man continued.

"I'm so moved, such friendship I thought I would never see when the Zubat started attacking me, I thought I was done for and who shall arrive but two heroes who thank to I'm alive." The man threw his arms out. "I'M ALIIIIIVE!"

His proclamation could be heard across the mountain as Austin looked a bit weirded out as he looked towards Brock and Yellow for help but they looked just as dumbfounded.

"Did I mention how grateful I am?" The man asked, causing Austin to back up.

"Uh yeah."

"Why were the Zubat attacking you, mister?" Yellow asked curiously causing the man to gasp.

"Never call me mister, my name is Seymour." He introduced himself. "Seymour the Scientist. Knowledge, Research. I'm Seymour the Scientist."

All of them were quiet at that before Austin turned to Yellow and Brock and twirled a finger around his ear to say the guy was a bit nut.

None of them disagreed with him, although Austin knew that the guy was just a bit eccentric.


Now Seymour was taking them through the cave where lights were strung up all around them.

"See, somebody lit this whole cave up inside and it's confusing the Pokemon," Seymour said as Brock immediately got it.

"So that's why the Zubat's attacked you in broad daylight." Brock realized as he knew they were Pokemon that liked to be kept in the dark.

Seymour gave a nod as he pointed. "Look here, these Paras are planting their mushrooms everywhere." He said as they saw the mushroom Pokemon doing just that before pointing to a yellow rodent-like Pokemon that was on its belly. "And the hot lights are drying up these Sandshrew."

"Pi." Pikachu had a sad look as Yellow silently approached the Sandshrew and knelt next to it causing it to raise its head weakly.

"Poor Sandshrew," Yellow said patting its head as she focused while Seymour continued regaining Brock's attention Austin watched as the Sandshrew gave a light glow before blinking as it stood up, looking much better.

Knowing about it is one thing, but seeing it is another.

"That's why I'm patrolling these caves," Seymour said clenching a fist. "To catch the ones responsible for putting the Pokemon in pain."

"But who would do this?" Yellow asked in worry. "Who would hurt any Pokemon like this?"

"I have a pretty good idea who," Austin muttered looking at Pikachu who looked confused before his ears pricked as he realized who Austin was talking about.

Brock however heard Austin and gave him a curious look as Seymour continued. "I think they're after the Moon Stone."

"Makes sense," Brock said looking away from Austin as he frowned. "Anyone would want it for its power."

"You see ever since I was a little boy I believed that Pokemon came to Earth from outer space," Seymour said holding up a finger as Brock and Yellow looked intrigued while Austin looked skeptical.

"Outer Space?" Yellow asked imagining it.

"Yes, and where is this spacecraft you may ask?" Seymour asked not giving enough time to answer. "Why it's none other than the Moon Stone."

"Well… That's an original theory." Brock said with a low chuckle.

"Sorry to burst your bubble Seymour, but I've heard Pokemon came from somewhere else," Austin said causing the Scientist to give him a curious look.

"Oh? And what's your theory?" Seymour asked causing everyone to look back at Austin.

Austin sighed and sat down as if this could take a while. "First, who here has heard of Arceus?" He asked confusing them but Pikachu perked up in surprise.

"What Pokemon is Arceus?" Brock asked curiously as he hasn't heard many legends outside of Kanto.

Austin smiled. "Arceus is a Legendary Pokemon in the Sinnoh Region and is said to be the God Pokemon who created three Pokemon Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina." He said pulling them in. "Dialga became the Master of Time and Palkia is the Master of Space setting the two foundations of the world. Giratina however was banished to a place called the Reverse World due to how violent he was. After creating those three, he created Azelf, Uxie, and Mespirit the Lake Trio of Sinnoh who stood for Willpower, Knowledge, and Emotions."

"I've never heard of these Pokemon," Yellow said as Austin chuckled.

"Well, they're only the first of many legends," Austin said as he continued. "From there he created three more Pokemon. Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza due to how the Earth at the time was in its early stages. Groudon was called the Continent Pokemon while Kyogre was born in the deep ends of the sea and Rayquaza is said to be the Master of the Atmosphere due to their unique nature they were dubbed the Weather Trio since whenever Groudon is around harsh sunlight fills the area and Kyogre causes endless rain on his appearance. Groudon and Kyogre became bitter rivals due to their respective natures so Rayquaza was the one to end their fights with the help of the Regi Trio."

"Regi Trio?" Brock couldn't help but ask as he was both interested in the story and surprised by how much Austin knew.

Austin smiled. "Regirock, Regice and Registeel." He said naming the three. "There's also one called Regigigas who is said to have moved all the continents to their current location. And finally, Mew has created who in turn created the Pokemon we know about today."

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