Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.33 Fairy Type ?!

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Green chuckled as she made it to where she was hiding as a round, pink Pokemon was near her. "Jiggly, we managed to scam another naive trainer."

"Puff!" Jigglypuff clapped her hands as the girl went to add it only for her eyes to widen.

In her bag, there was a piece of paper instead of Poke.

Grabbing the paper, she recognized it as the same paper that Austin was writing on earlier.

'Next time you try to scam another trainer, make sure that they don't know how to tell real items from fake ones. Or try a more honest line of work, whatever works. -Signed, Ash.'

"I-I was scammed?!" The girl muttered in shock as Jiggly looked a little worried as her trainer was shaking.

How did he pickpocket her and how did she not notice?!

Crumpling the note, the girl ran out with Jiggly behind her to get her five thousand back.


"Come on Butterfly," Austin said as Butterfree was standing on the ground his eyes glowing with a boulder being carried through the air. "You can do this."

The Bug Pokemon was trying to strengthen how much he could carry with his Confusion Attack.

Out of the corner of his eye,e he could see Brock having a mock battle with Yellow, Dody versus Zubat.

After consulting with Professor Oak last night, he was able to get permission to keep 7 Pokémon on him after a few hours of trying to convince Professor Oak of his ability to feed and take care of 7 Pokémons. In actuality, the rule of 6 Pokémon was to lessen the burden on the trainer's shoulders and if the sponsor is convinced then the trainer may carry more than 6 pokemon. 

Professor oak also had put the condition that he must get at least 3 badges this month or his pass on keeping 7 pokemon would be terminated.

He hasn't let Scyther out yet, he planned on doing that later today because Nurse Joy was giving an inspection over him to make sure he was healthy.

Looking from Butterfree to Pidgeotto, he saw that she was doing twirls in mid-air to dodge Thundershocks that were being fired by Pikachu, they weren't as strong as the little guy could make them be but they stung enough to where Pidgeotto was adamant about dodging them.

Rattata was having a spar with Brock's Geodude who knew how to battle without his trainer's assistance, something she was trying to learn and to improve her skills.

Butterfree was struggling though as he never really used his psychic abilities until recently, something that Austin felt would be a disadvantage later on if left unchecked.

He wanted to try with Fearow again later, but for right now he was content with just training for the Gym.

And there was the fact that he didn't know if Scyther would accept him as a trainer, he didn't want to have two disobedient Pokemon at once.

Suddenly Austin saw Butterfree struggling.

"Butterfree, don't push yourself like that," Austin said feeling some guilt in not realizing how exhausted this was making the Bug Pokemon.

Feh." Butterfree made a relieved sound as he slowly placed the boulder on the ground and sat down breathing heavily.

Austin looked to see Clefairy use a sound attack that had pinkish energy and it slammed into a tree that created ring-shaped indents into it much to his joy.

"What move was that?" Austin asked in surprise.

Brock heard him. "It sounded like Disarming Voice."

Austin blinked, he hadn't heard of that move before.

"It's a Fairy-Type Move." Brock supplied.

"Oh okay-." Austin stopped. "Fairy-Type?"

There was a Fairy-Type?!

Looking to the side, he pulled the Pokedex out and typed it in only to show various Pokemon thaw areas this new type.

And they were effective against Dark, Fighting and Dragon, the last one surprising Austin while the types that could defeat it easily were Poison and Steel.

Some Pokemon who were originally a different type like Clefairy, Azurill, Ra, lots, and Meanwhile were Fairies.

When was there a new type?!

… And why Fairy? Wouldn't it make more sense to call it Light considering it can beat Dark?

Brock had a worried look as Austin looked extremely shocked before he regained his composure.

"But man Clefairy is a powerhouse," Austin said hoping to hide how he reacted, although from how Brock was looking at him he wasn't fooling him.

Clefairy however had a look of pride at that.

It wasn't just Austin's Pokemon who were getting stronger, Yellow's teaware and Brock's Zubat were easily catching up with Geodude and Onix.

Kitty hasn't evolved yet, confusing Austin as you would think she would evolve easily but she has a combo move called Poison String to where she would trap opponents in a String Shot that had Poison Barbs in them to slowly poison them, something that is a good strategy although Yellow didn't look like she enjoyed that move even if she knew it may be necessary.

Dody learned Fury Attack having seen Fearow do it plenty of times when he was a Spearow, Rage was learned naturally as a wild Pokemon attempted to attack Yellow while Dody was around and Pursuit was learned through training.

Clefairy also learned some moves, as it turned out knew Magical Leaf and he learned Double Slap, Defense Curl, and Wake-Up Slap, all of them were useful in causing damage or in Defense Curl's case, Clefairy ensuring that would be able to withstand most attacks.

Zubat was a Pokemon eager to show her strength to Brock by learning Confuse Ray, Wing Attack, and, Air Cutter quite quickly. The last two helped a lot with her being more versatile in a fight and was showing that she could hold her own with her speed in being able to dodge most attacks.

She wasn't up there with the Rock Pokemon but Zubat was getting pretty close.

Giving a smile, Austin saw Rattata managing to beat Geodude with an Iron Tail by herself showing how far she came from the first Gym Battle.

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