Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.34 Suicune

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The thief girl " Leaf Green " was watching Austin's group through a pair of binoculars as she frowned.

She didn't know how she would get her money back right now because she saw how many Pokemon they had, and one of them was a former Gym Leader much to her displeasure.

Plus she was a little hesitant when she saw the Pidgeotto out and remembered how he had a Fearow from the Nugget Bridge.

Let's just say she wasn't a fan of Flying Types.

And she wasn't going to risk using Jiggly yet without knowing if it'll work or not.

"Maybe I can use Ditty to disguise myself." The girl muttered as she continued watching.


Later that evening, Austin was by himself as he had Pikachu, Rattata, Pidgeot, and Butterfree out. "Alright I'm going to let Scyther out, I'm not sure how he'll take being captured so be prepared for anything" He warned.

He could see the determined looks of his Pokemon, even Rattata was a lot friendlier to Austin due to how he's been battling with her against fewer bugs these days.

Giving a nod, Austin pressed the button as Scyther came out of his Pokeball.

Looking healed, Scyther glanced around warily before seeing the trainer who caught him and brandished his scythes threateningly before seeing the four Pokemon who were nearby, looking ready to attack him.

"They'll only attack if you try to hurt me," Austin warned the Scyther who was glaring at Pikachu, recognizing the mouse from their battle. "I don't want it to come to that,"

Turning his glare from Pikachu, Scyther gave Austin a look of disbelief. "Ther, Sky!" Scyther cried out.

"Look, I just want us to get along alright?" Austin asked while giving a friendly grin.

Scyther rolled his eyes and looked away.

' I don't think this is working." Austin thought with frowns.

Austin sighed. "Well I won't force you to like us, but can you at least give us a chance?" Austin asked taking a step forward causing Scyther to growl as he brandished his blades before stopping at seeing the other Pokemon tense up. "It's alright."

'No, it's not.' Austin thought as he was trying not to pale at seeing the blade's arms.

He can't believe he's attempting this.

Austin walked forward until he was right in front of Scyther despite Pikachu giving a worrying call.

"I won't have you battle unless you want to," Austin said, id and that caused Scyther to freeze as he gave him a look of disbelief.

They stared each other down for a few seconds before Scyther just looked away again. "Ther," Scyther muttered nodding towards his Pokeball.

"You want to go in?" Austin asked as the Mantis gave another nod. "Well alright."

Returning to the Scyther, Austin turned to see various reactions from the Pokemon as they looked at him in surprise, none of them expected him to get that close to the hostile Scyther.

' That was reckless and a complete ash thing to do .'

He's been a bit different ever since he came into this world and now he was doing some reckless things.

Could their traits of Ash be bleeding over to him?

Giving a smile to his pokemon, Austin turned to return the others only to stop and stare.

Standing across the water was a giant blue dog-like Pokemon with a purple mane and two white streamer-like tails that streamed forward.

"Suicune," Austin said in shock as it stared at them.

The teaware froze looking at the Legendary in a mixture of awe and nervousness.

It felt like forever as they stared at Suicune before it walked forward across the water, coming to a stop right in front of Austin.

From how it looked, Austin knew… Suicune knew that he didn't belong in this world.

Before he could voice anything Austin saw that Suicune had something in his mouth he dropped it before crying as he raced off.

They all watched Suicune's retreating form.

Looking down, Austin's eyes widened at what he saw.

It was a rainbow feather.


The Thief was looking in pure shock at what she just witnessed.

She was about to confront him before it happened.

She just saw a Legendary from the Johto Region approach the guy who stole her money like it was nothing.

Luckily she got a few pics of it, something that would earn a lot of money from the right people.

But now she was staring at the boy curiously as he returned his Pokemon and the Pikachu jumped on his shoulder.

Who was he?

Why did a Legendary just approach him like that when most trainers go their entire lives without seeing one?


[ Pallet Town - Ketchum Household ]

Delia Ketchum couldn't help but sigh. Her favorite drama series " To Be or Not To Be" was airing its final episode. She couldn't wait. Just 10 minutes before she finally finds out who wins the heart of the main lead, Antonio.

Switching on the tv, a news broadcast was airing.

The spire of light that appeared in Cerulean City between 10 and midnight could be seen from all over Kanto and the strange phenomenon was soon called: The Shine. The source of this anomaly is still unknown. Rumors say that some kind of Pokémon created it while other people claim that Rayquaza might have something to do with it. As of now, there's an abundance of theories swarming the web and while we still are waiting for an official response from the League we have confirmation that Suicune moved from Johto to Kanto this morning."

The news reporter that stood in front of the crater waited in silence and brushed a hair lock out of her face as she waited for the camera crew to get their shit together.

The broadcast changed and a bad-quality video started playing.

There was a big blue surface and although the quality of the video was around the same one you have in UFO sightings, I could still make out it was water.

A black streak shot over the screen and just like that it was over. The video was rewinded and paused the moment the black streak was visible. It zoomed in again, lowering the quality of the video once again.

If someone narrowed their eyes they could vaguely make out the shape of a Pokémon one might describe as Suicune.

The newscast went back to the reporter in Cerulean City. "Is there a correlation between Suicune's arrival and the Shine?"

She smiled. "Only time will tell. This was Lissa Thunders from Kanto. Now, back to you, George!"

"Thank you, Lissa." A fat man with a fancy suit replied, "Now we have some eyewitnesses..."

Delia Ketchum rolled her eyes. Every news channel liked to spout out the same nonsense that some Legendary Pokémon had a connection to the latest news.

Just a month prior, when the fog had engulfed the east coast of Kanto. People claimed that the weather on the coast resembled a spiral and the spark was lit. Many channels claimed that it was the work of a baby Rayquaza e.t.c. even though the weather change had resulted in the death toll of a migrating flock. Despite this tragedy happening, these people still didn't want to convey facts or statistics rather they wanted to convey a fake story along the lines of just a theory.


For the next three days Austin's mind was filled with question after question but no answers.

Why did Suicune give him Ho-oh's rainbow feather?

Austin knew that the rainbow feather was required in the games to encounter Ho-oh. Did that mean Ho-oh deemed him worthy of encountering and battling it?

But why? Why didn't he receive the Rainbow feather when he saw Ho-oh from afar?

Why has Suicune brought it to him?

Austin had so many questions but no answers.

Austin put the mystery of the Rainbow feather in the back of his mind as the three days passed by quickly.

He had a Gym Battle to appear in.

"I hope we got enough training," Austin muttered out loud as he remembered how strong Brock was compared to the Anime.

If that was different, how strong was Misty?

"I'm sure you'll do fine Ash," Brock said with a smile. "You've done more preparation than many trainers do for a Gym Battle."

"Yeah and you won the first Gym with Type Disadvantages, you'll win with Pikachu." Yellow piped up looking happy at the chance of seeing another Gym Battle.

"For all, we know the Gym Leader has a strategy to counter advantages." Austin pointed out, knowing that Misty most likely prepared for the Electric Impact and Counter-Shield.

"Chu. Pika Pi!" Pikachu had a determined look as he clenched a paw, a little excited about his first Gym Battle.

Giving a grin, Austin entered to see Misty waiting.

"Finally you showed up, I was beginning to think you wouldn't," Misty said with a smirk.

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