Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.35 Against the Sensational Sisters

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Austin entered to see Misty waiting.

"Finally you showed up, I was beginning to think you wouldn't," Misty said with a smirk.

Austin returned it. "Nah, when I make a deal for a battle, I keep it." He said before seeing Brock and Yellow looking confused. "Guy's this is Misty, one of the four Gym Leaders of Cerulean, Misty this is Brock and Yellow."

"I thought it was three?" Brock asked in confusion looking at Misty. "And no offence but Kanto Gym Leaders have to be over Thirteen."

Misty looked a bit embarrassed by that. "Well, my Sisters are a lot worse than I thought in running the Gym." She confessed. "I've tried to get them to focus more on the Gym itself but they worry more about their show, but since I'm their family and have some Pokemon of my own I can fill in."

"How bad could they be?" Austin asked with a raised brow.

Misty sighed. "The only Pokemon they had left was a Goldeen."

Brock frowned. "I'm surprised that the League hasn't tried to take their Gym away." He said at hearing that.

Yes, he knew that they focused a lot on their show, but he didn't think they neglected their Gym that badly.

Misty shook her head. "They tried, but I made an appeal to take over when I'm old enough, that was why I was travelling earlier to get stronger and catch Water Pokemon." She explained.

"So that's what you were doing when you saved me from the Spearow Flock," Austin said despite knowing.

Misty gave a nod. "Their Pokemon are healed so if you want to challenge me you'll have to beat them, it's the only way to make it official since I'm still too young to be a Gym Leader."

'Well, there's another thing that's different.' Austin thought no longer feeling surprised as by now he's learned to just expect anything in this world.


Austin stood on a battlefield ready as he saw three teenage girls. One was in a red swimsuit with orange hair, the middle one was a bluenette with a green swimsuit and the final one had pink hair and an orange swimsuit.

Brock didn't run up to flirt with them because he already has done that multiple times whenever the Gym Leaders met up for the year, but he did give them awestruck looks at their beauty as he and Yellow were in the stands.

"So who's up first?" Austin asked as they all looked at the Bluenette who sighed and walked over to the field.

"This is a One-on-One match between Lily of the Sensational Sisters and the Challenger Ash from Pallet Town." Misty began as a Referee. "The match will last until one's side Pokemon is defeated."

"Butterfree go," Austin said wanting to save Pidgeotto and Pikachu for Misty and he saw Misty freeze a bit at seeing Butterfree before shaking her head.

"Shellder you can do this," Lily said in a valley girl's voice as she sent out a purple shell Pokemon as it opened up to show darkness with two eyes blinking and a long pink tongue sticking out.

"Like use Icicle Spear," Lily ordered as Shellder began shooting spears of ice right at Butterfree.

"Confusion to knock them down," Austin ordered as Butterfree's eyes glowed before the spears came to a stop and fell. "Now use Gust."

"Feh." Butterfree kicked up the wind but Lily ordered a Protect, preventing harm from coming to Shellder.

"Sleep Powder," Austin ordered.

"Withdraw." Shellder quickly went into its shell, protecting itself from the spores while increasing defence.

"Smart, it keeps the Shellder safe from the spores," Brock said as Yellow was cheering for Butterfree.

Frowning, Austin decided to end it. "Use Confusion to pick it up and slam it into the ground."

Butterfree gave a nod as psychic energy surrounded Shellder and lifted him high enough before slamming him into the ground a few times.

After a few seconds, the shell opened up to show that he was unconscious.

"Shellder is unable to battle," Misty said as Lily sighed and returned her Pokemon. "Alright, Daisy? Violet which one of you is next?"

"I'll fight." Daisy, the orange head said walking up knowing that Violet wasn't a good battler, just below Lily before sending a blue tadpole Pokemon with arms and legs. "Poliwhirl you're up."

Returning Butterfree, Austin sent Rattata out who looked confused. "Sword Strike!"

Rattata gave a nod and shot forward combining Quick Attack and Iron Tail as it slammed into the Poliwhirl, sending her rolling across the field but she got up quickly, the steel part of the attack didn't do much damage.

"Double Slap." Poliwhirl shot forward delivering a barrage of slaps, knocking Rattata down. "Body Slam!"

"Use Quick Attack to get away," Austin said as Rattata was more limited than Butterfree due to how the field was a few mats on the pool.

"Water Gun," Daisy ordered as Poliwhirl began shooting streams of water at Rattata who was using her speed to dodge them.

Daisy so far was showing that she was a good battler, but her head wasn't fully in it otherwise her Pokemon might've been able to take Rattata down as shown by the marks a single Water Gun made.

"Get in close and use Hyper Fang!" Austin ordered as the small rat shot in and bit Poliwhirl by the arm causing her to cry out in pain.

"Shake it off," Daisy ordered not wanting to see Poliwhirl hurt that badly as Poliwhirl began shaking the Rattata who held on.

That was when Poliwhirl let out a Bubblebeam that slammed into Rattata knocking her across the field, looking very injured as she was pushing herself up.

"Finish it with Body Slam," Daisy said with a grin.

As Poliwhirl lunged at Rattata, the rat cried as she began to glow.

"No way," Daisy said in shock as Austin had a grin.

Brock and Yellow however looked worried in the stands.

The last time one of his Pokemon evolved it stopped listening to him.

In Rattata's place stood a big, bipedal tawny coloured rat with a creamy underside and large buck teeth as she hissed at Poliwhirl in an intimidating matter, causing the Tadpole to back up a bit, wary of her.

Taking out the Pokedex, Austin scanned her. "Raticate the Mouse Pokemon. With its long fangs, this surprisingly violent Pokémon can gnaw away even thick concrete with ease." The Pokedex provided. "This Pokemon has learned the moves Sucker Punch and Attract."

Looking up, Austin finally felt some worry. "Raticate, you alright?"

Raticate turned and looked at him before giving a grin as she nodded, showing that she wasn't about to pull a Fearow on him.

Giving his grin, Austin decided to test one of the new moves out. "Sucker Punch!"

Raticate became a blur and slammed into the Poliwhirl faster than she could see, slamming the Tadpole into the wall where she fell over, unconscious.

"The winner is Ash from Pallet Town," Misty said giving a nod. "That's enough to where you can challenge me."

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