Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.367 Austin’s Realization

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At the beginning of time, a divine being, God, painstakingly crafted the first human out of the rich, fertile earth. His thousand hands, each representing an aspect of creation, danced in a beautiful, cosmic ballet, manipulating the raw material of the earth into a creature of intricate design. 

Watching the life spark ignite within his creation, God found himself consumed by a deep, profound affection. His gaze would frequently fall upon this first human, his beloved, and his divine heart would swell with joy. Yet, the man did not reciprocate God's affection. Instead, it was the world around him that captured his heart. Yet, God bore no ill will for his creation; on the contrary, he was pleased that his creation found happiness in the universe he had fashioned. 

As the cycle of life neared its end for the first human, he beseeched the God of Life and Birth for a singular wish - to safeguard his progeny. In honor of this last request, God enveloped the final resting place of the first human in a sanctuary, which, over the eons, blossomed into the lush, thriving Viridian Forest.

Travelers who dared to traverse this mystical forest found themselves inexplicably touched by the essence of the first human, a blessing, or perhaps a curse, imbued with an enigmatic power known as the Viridian Forest curse. Yet, the fate of those born within the sanctuary's borders remained shrouded in mystery. The perils of the forest made childbirth within its limits seem an impossible task, yet the allure of the mythical power drew many to its heart.

In the midst of this enigma, a miracle unfolded. Near the heart of the sanctuary, a child named Yellow de Viridian Grove was born. Born not just within the proximity of the forest but within the sanctuary itself, she was bequeathed a power unlike any other. This unique circumstance granted her a formidable ability, enabling even the most novice of creatures under her care to rise and rival the strength of an Elite Four Pokémon. 

But her abilities did not stop there. She was blessed with the power to heal, a remarkable trait that resonated with the life-giving essence of the God of Life and Birth. In addition, she possessed a remarkable telepathic connection that allowed her not just to communicate thoughts but to deeply comprehend and share emotions as well. 


The heavens churned and roiled, an untamed tempest that transformed the sky into a battlefield of elemental fury. Thunder roared, its echo reverberating through the expansive cloud cover, and lightning shattered the darkness, streaks of blinding white slashing across the black canvas of the stormy night.

Amidst the chaos, a lone figure ascended toward the brewing storm. Yellow de Viridian Grove, her eyes resolute and determined, clutched Pikachu, in her hands as she rode through the turbulent skies. Her heart pounded in her chest, matching the rhythm of the tempestuous winds that whipped her hair and cloak around her.

Suddenly, an icy chill permeated the air, biting and harsh, bringing with it an aura of formidable power. Yellow didn't need any further confirmation; she knew the God of Ice, Articuno, had made its presence known. Time was of the essence now; she could feel the urgency building, pushing her to act.

Her hands started to glow with a pure, white light, a manifestation of the incredible power she possessed. As the light seeped into Pikachu, he felt an overwhelming surge of strength. His power skyrocketed, breaking barriers he didn't know he could breach so soon. It was an exhilarating sensation as if he could stand toe-to-toe with one of Cynthia's formidable Pokémon.

Pikachu took a deep, steadying breath. His cheeks, normally a vibrant red, pulsed with the same white glow that enveloped Yellow's hands. Energy crackled around him, a testament to the incredible force he was about to unleash.

With a final surge of determination, Pikachu prepared to unleash his attack. He focused his newly amplified power, channeling it into a single, devastating move - Raijin's Descent. The air around them crackled with anticipation as Pikachu, powered by Yellow's unique abilities, squared off against the mighty God of Ice, Articuno, under the tumultuous, storm-ridden sky.


Giovanni stood at the center of the frozen forest, his eyes locked on the tumultuous thunderstorm that roiled in the sky above him. A frigid wind blew through the barren trees, sending leaves rustling and branches creaking in protest. The air was thick with the smell of ozone and the anticipation of something ominous, something foreboding that seemed to lurk just beyond the horizon.

As Giovanni watched, lightning bolts leaped across the sky, each one crackling with raw, untamed power. The storm seemed to pulse and throb with a life of its own, as if it were some kind of living entity, raging against the world with all the fury of the heavens.

Articuno floated beside him, its wings outstretched as it surveyed the storm with a regal, unflappable demeanor. Its feathers shimmered in the eerie glow cast by the lightning, each one catching the light differently. The bird was a sight to behold, its icy-blue plumage lending it an almost ethereal quality.

Giovanni's hair stood up as if electrified by the sheer intensity of the storm.

Suddenly, a beam of pure lightning shot towards him, launched by the treacherous Austin who stood smirking in the distance. But Articuno was ready, and with a fierce cry, it unleashed its powerful ice-type attack, Sheer Cold, to counter the assault.

The two attacks collided, battling for dominance in a spectacular clash of absolute zero and electricity. The air crackled with the sound of raw power, the very ground shaking beneath Giovanni's feet. For a moment, it seemed as though the ice had the upper hand, but the lightning surged forward, overpowering the attack and crashing into Articuno.

This was a signal that Cloyster needed as it teleported away with Giovanni as Austin looked at the sky with a smile.



As the echoes of the thunder and the clash of ice and lightning faded away, the forest fell into an eerie silence. The trees stood frozen in place, their branches crackling with ice as if frozen in time. The air was thick with the acrid smell of ozone, and the ground was scorched from the lightning strike that had struck the area. The leaves on the forest floor had been reduced to ash, and the once vibrant colors of the forest had been replaced by a dull gray.

In the center of the destruction, lay the body of Articuno, its wings outstretched and its feathers charred from the lightning attack. The legendary Pokemon had fought valiantly, but the power of the lightning had been too much for it to bear. Its body was still, and there was no sign of movement, not even the rise and fall of its chest to indicate it was breathing.

A few minutes later, Giovanni appeared back and this was the aftermath that he saw.

Giovanni cursed under his breath, his eyes darting toward the downed legendary Pokémon. Articuno lay sprawled on the ground, its wings outstretched and its feathers charred from the lightning attack. Giovanni walked towards it, his expression darkening with each step as he took in the extent of the damage.

As he drew nearer, the faint echo of sirens growing louder reached his ears. It was the unmistakable sound of police officers closing in. A wave of panic swept over him, clutching his senses with an iron grip. He knew he needed to make his escape immediately, especially in the weakened state he found himself in.

With this realization, he spun on his heels, ready to make a hasty exit. However, in his rush, he overlooked a seemingly insignificant detail. A scrap of clothing lay on the ground, scorched at the edges yet preserving its original form.

Had he noticed this overlooked piece of evidence, he would have been able to piece together a shocking truth. The burnt body nearby, which he had hastily assumed to be Austin's, was in fact, not him. Instead, it was a decoy, another unfortunate soul procured by Austin from the nefarious Domino.

This crucial oversight, this twist of fate, held severe repercussions. Unbeknownst to him, it was a pivotal moment that would drastically reroute the course of Giovanni's life. The reality he had come to know would be skewed, pushing him down a path fraught with challenges and surprises he could never have anticipated.


[ A Few Minutes Ago ]

[ Celadon City - Landfill ]

The police cars were parked haphazardly outside the landfill, their flashing red and blue lights casting an eerie glow over the surrounding area. The officers bustled about, distributing what little food they could scavenge to the survivors of the disaster that had struck both humans and Pokémon alike. Detective Jackson sat in the driver's seat of his car, his hands gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles had turned white. He couldn't shake the images of what he had seen inside the landfill from his mind.

The air was thick with the stench of decay and waste. It mingled with the acrid smell of burnt rubber from the tires of the police cars, creating a nauseating cocktail that seemed to cling to everything. Detective Jackson wiped the sweat from his brow, which had accumulated despite the heat of the summer night. He glanced over at his partner, Detective Rodriguez, who sat beside him in the passenger seat. She had her arms wrapped tightly around herself, shivering despite the heat.

The two detectives were dressed in their standard-issue police uniforms. The fabric clung to their bodies in the oppressive heat, causing sweat to pool in uncomfortable places. Detective Jackson had removed his jacket and loosened his tie, but it had done little to alleviate his discomfort.

Across from them, Detective Jenkins leaned against his car, smoking a cigarette while his partner counted the Team Rocket PokéBalls. The officer had seen some bad things in his time on the force, but the sight of the bodies had shaken him to his core. He wore a similar uniform to the other detectives, but he was slightly more disheveled. His shirt was unbuttoned at the top, and his tie hung loosely around his neck.

"Hey, you okay?" Detective Rodriguez called out to him.

Jenkins shrugged. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just trying to process everything."

Detective Jackson opened his car door and stepped out, feeling a rush of cool air wash over him. He walked over to Jenkins, joining him against the car.

"I can't believe someone would do something like this," Jackson said, his voice heavy with emotion.

Jenkins took a drag on his cigarette, exhaling a cloud of smoke. "There are some sick people out there, man. It's our job to catch them and put them away."

As the officers spoke, Looker stood beside his car, talking on the phone with his boss, Tom. His attire was slightly more formal than that of the detectives. He wore a crisp, black suit with a white shirt and black tie. His hair was slicked back, and his posture was straight and rigid.

"Tom, we need backup immediately," Looker said urgently. "There's something strange happening at the landfill."

Tom's voice crackled over the phone. "What's going on, Looker? And why the hell are there so many internet articles about you and some damn superhero?"

A wave of icy trepidation snaked its way down Looker's spine, a sensation entirely incongruous with the sultry midsummer heat that typically lingered in the air. He was a man acclimated to the blistering weather, with its sun-soaked days and balmy nights. But this... this was different. It was as if the temperature had dropped a hundred degrees in a single heartbeat, yet the world around him remained seemingly untouched by the sudden chill that had gripped him.

He swept a subtle, scrutinizing glance over his fellow officers. Men and women who were seasoned in their roles were hardened by the unpredictable elements of their duties. Yet their faces now were etched with the same deep-seated unease that was gnawing at his gut. Their eyes darted around the scene, fraught with confusion and concern, their uniforms suddenly seeming less like shields against the world and more like mere fabric under the weight of the inexplicable event unfolding before them.

In the silence that followed, there was an audible gasp. It swept through the group like a wave, shattering the tense quietude with its echo. The sound jerked Looker's gaze upward, pulling his attention away from the sea of distressed faces around him.

Beyond the landfill, with its mountains of discarded remnants of human existence, the forest stood in stark contrast. Yet, it was not the forest as they knew it. The lush, verdant green that usually painted the landscape was gone. Instead, the entire forest had been transformed, engulfed in a breathtakingly beautiful, yet terrifying spectacle of ice. 

The sight was mesmerizing, almost ethereal. Each tree, each leaf was meticulously encased in a clear, crystalline sheath of ice. The once-green forest now shimmered with a spectral beauty that was both alien and awe-inspiring. The ice was as clear as glass, catching the red and blue strobe of the police cars' lights, refracting them into a bizarrely beautiful light show that danced across the icy expanse.

There was a symphony of noise that accompanied the sight. A constant undercurrent of crackles and groans emanated from the frozen tableau as if the forest was struggling under the weight of its icy prison. It sounded alive, a living entity voicing its disquiet. It was a chilling chorus that added to the surreal scene, making the officers' skin prickle with apprehension.

"Boss," Looker stammered, "you won't believe what we're seeing right now. The forest, it's... it's frozen."

Tom's voice took on a note of concern. "Frozen? What the hell are you talking about, Looker?"

Before Looker could respond, one of the officers pointed toward the sky.

Suddenly, a crack of thunder shook the ground beneath their feet, causing Looker and his team to stumble. A bolt of lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating the forest in a blinding flash of light. The officers shielded their eyes, squinting against the bright glare.

As the light faded, Looker and his team saw that the forest was now completely transformed. The trees glowed with eerie energy, pulsing with different colors that danced and flickered in the darkness. The sky above them was filled with swirling patterns of light like a celestial canvas come to life.

For a moment, the officers stood in stunned silence, taking in the surreal scene before them. Then, a sharp crack of thunder jolted them back to reality, and they sprang into action.

Detective Jackson, his heart racing with a mix of fear and adrenaline, quickly assessed the situation. 

"What the hell was that?" 


[ Celadon City - Alleyway ]

The alleyway in Celadon City was dimly lit, the streetlights flickering on and off as if trying to ward off the darkness that clung to the walls. It was a place that most people would avoid, a place that smelled of decay and decayed things, where the gutters ran with sewage and the air was thick with the stench of rotting garbage.

Austin and his Pokemon had been teleported here, hidden within the confines of the garbage containers that now lay strewn about the alley. Pidgeot, Dragonair, and Clefable were the first to emerge, their eyes scanning the alley for any signs of danger. Fearow and Scizor were not far behind, their play-fighting sending garbage flying in all directions. Ninjask and Wartortle soon joined in, their high-pitched laughter echoing off the walls.

Meanwhile, Chansey was busy tending to the Pikachu that had become drenched in sweat. The egg-shaped Pokemon cooed softly as it applied a salve to the little electric mouse, who seemed to relax under Chansey's gentle touch. Ivysaur stood nearby, holding the Pikachu up so that Chansey could reach all of its injured areas.

As they all settled in, Abra spoke up, "Wow, this is just like a garbage truck simulator. I can almost smell the fresh garbage juice." Ditto, who had been clinging to Austin's face, suddenly fell onto Abra's head, causing the psychic Pokemon to let out a yelp. "Get it off! Get it off!" Abra cried, shaking its head vigorously.

Ditto, now free from Abra's head, looked around frantically before its eyes landed on Lucario. " Ditto, Di," it asked, pointing a slimy pseudopod at Abra.

Lucario, who had been gazing at Austin with a look of concern, tore his gaze away from the human to address Ditto. "I'm not sure what I can do, Ditto," he said slowly. "But I'll see what I can do."

As Lucario began to move towards Ditto, a sudden crash sounded behind them. Musharna had fallen from Austin's head and landed with a resounding thud on the ground. "Sorry about that," Austin said absentmindedly, his eyes still fixed on the empty sky above.

The Pokemon all exchanged glances, unsure of what to make of their trainer's behavior. 

Meanwhile, Austin was extremely ecstatic at his discovery.

As a devoted fan of the Pokemon Adventures manga, Austin was intimately familiar with the lore behind the Viridian Forest Curse, the inexplicable phenomenon that bequeathed select trainers, like Yellow, with extraordinary powers. This cryptic curse had, he knew, touched Giovanni with its mysterious benediction, bestowing him with undefined but potentially formidable abilities. 

The uncertainty surrounding the true extent of these powers had left Austin in a state of hesitation, quivering on the precipice of a battle with Giovanni. The thought was daunting - if Giovanni could amplify the prowess of his Pokemon to rival that of the elite four, akin to Yellow, it would make him an opponent of cataclysmic potential. Yet, Giovanni was already a formidable adversary, even without such a power. 

This particular encounter, however, had dispelled Austin's dread. Giovanni, despite the curse's influence, was not invincible. As this revelation dawned on him, Austin's trademark Doflamingo laugh rang out, echoing through the air, a sonorous "Fuffuffuffuffu!" It was laughter that symbolized both victory and relief.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Although a variety of Pokemon has been depicted in heraldry, none are quite as prolific as Murkrow. This is not the most obvious choice, for they are a cowardly race of birds that gathers in flocks to peck people and Pokemon repeatedly and feast upon their eyes – quite far from a symbol of majesty or power! What Murkrow did represent was the ability of nations to rise to power through cloak-and-dagger schemes.

For one of these nations, it was a matter of personal preference turned into a national symbol. A great and terrible king had declared Murkrow his favorite Pokemon, mostly because he identified with their reputation and enjoyed blinding as a means of punishing his vanquished foes. For another, it represented their nation's roots as a group of thieves and brigands plundering shiny objects in the name of their god. And for the last, it was a two-headed Murkrow, which claimed to represent east and west, the two halves of their perpetually divided nation: in reality, a mutant Murkrow had a nest in their castle when they had gained independence from the Emperor so many years ago.

Inherited kingdoms and fabricated casus belli were the ways of empire in this age, and those who rose to the top in such a tumultuous world would inevitably be compared to Murkrow; cartoonists portrayed them as a flock of three when they acted together to partition a rival; even without the coincidences of history, the comparison was inevitable. As for the birds themselves, they flourished behind kings who, caring more for their symbols than their subjects, forbade them to be killed. Then came the revolution, and the republic which followed the old empires slapped a Honchkrow on the flag to demonstrate the evolution of government.

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