Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.368 Enter Amano Family

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When one thinks of the richest people in the world; their mind always goes to the Amano family. 

The Amano family is one of the most wealthy and influential noble families in the world. Their vast fortune and political power stem from the royalties from their Nitrogen Patent which has now grown into the control of the trading cities in Hoenn, Kanto, Johto, and Sinnoh, all of whom are a hub of commerce and international trade. The family's trading fleet spans the entire world, and they deal in everything from spices to precious metals.

In addition to their trading operations, the Amano Family also own vast estates and holdings throughout the world. Their lands are rich in resources and products, and they employ thousands of serfs and laborers to work their fields and mines. They also have a private army of well-trained trainers, which they use to protect their interests and enforce their will.

The Amano are known for their lavish lifestyles and extravagant spending. They live in palatial mansions, wear expensive clothing and jewelry, and throw elaborate parties and feasts. They are also patrons of the arts and sponsor many artists and craftsmen throughout the region.

Many people can't even dream of the life of an Amano but for a young Erika, the life of an Amano was nothing short of hell.


[ 10 Years Before Present Day ]

Erika was born as the youngest to the Amano family but her parents were emotionally distant and neglectful. Her mother was a strict and authoritarian figure who placed a great deal of pressure on Erika to conform to societal norms and expectations, while her father was often absent and disengaged.

Growing up, Erika was starved for affection and attention from her parents. She desperately seeks their approval but is constantly met with criticism and indifference. This emotional neglect leaves her feeling insecure and unworthy, leading her to develop a deep sense of self-loathing.

Erika's parents' neglect and emotional abuse also contributed to her twisted sense of morality as she tried to garner any kind of attention from her parents.

"Anything I say, you do." 

Those were the words Erika would say to her servants as she ordered them around to do absurd things from racing Houndoom to jumping off a Rapidash while riding them.

This behavior had caused Erika the only interaction she had with her parents when they would scold her.

For a young Erika, she viewed this attention as the only love she would come to know.

As her mood swings increased Erika would find herself to be viewed as a monster by the servants as the only form of affection she had come to know of was replaced by the affection only manifested for Erika in a mountain of things that threatened to bury her at any moment. 

Erika was left out to pasture in the halls of the mansion. Rows of carvings stared down at us. A maze of oppressive gloom. Though dozen of servants worked here, she couldn't say she saw them infrequently.

Her acts of cruelty were a child's desperate cry for attention.

One day, she found herself gazing upon a Pokemon. From her vantage point, high up in her mansion window, Erika watched as the two trainers; probably the children of the servants faced off against one another, each one commanding their loyal Pokemon with fierce determination. She had heard stories of these battles before, of course, but she had never actually seen one for herself. As she watched the trainers and their Pokemon dance around one another, a sense of awe and wonder washed over her.

But it wasn't just the spectacle of the battle that caught her attention. It was the love and bond between the trainer and their Pokemon that truly resonated with her. The way the trainers spoke to their Pokemon, the way they cared for them and protected them, was a love that Erika had never experienced before.

As the battle continued, Erika found herself rooting for one of the trainers, a young girl with a bright smile and fierce determination. With every command she gave her Pokemon, Erika could feel her heart racing, as if she were right there in the battle alongside them.

And then, with one final blow, the battle was over. The young girl emerged victorious, her Pokemon standing tall and proud by her side. Erika watched as the trainer and her Pokemon embraced one another, a bond of love and friendship that transcended words.

As she gazed upon the scene before her, Erika knew that she had found something truly special. The love and bond between a trainer and their Pokemon was a thing of beauty, something that she wanted more than anything else in the world. 

Erika's desire of being a Pokemon trainer quickly spread through the mansion.

Being a member of the Amano family was on full display as the top Pokemon breeders of the world offered Pokemon eggs, the top Pokemon food companies were quick enough to offer the most premium food to Erika, and even Elite Four members were called to teach young Erika about pokemon battles.

Despite all of this, Erika always pushed the responsibility of training her Pokemon onto others thinking that the love and bond will be thrown onto her lap like everything in the world.

Erika effortlessly won all her gym battles due to the strength of her Pokemon or the gym leaders purposefully losing out of fear from the Amano family but this strategy failed when she entered the Pokemon league where her Pokemon refused to obey her as she kept screaming out attacks.

This momentous failure led Erika to desperately try to save her image as she bought off the Gym leader of Celadon City from then on, her life took a very dangerous turn as she became Giovanni's target who wanted a puppet in the Amano Family.


[ Present Day ]

[ Celadon City - Hotel ]

[ Room A113 ]

Yellow sat on the edge of the hotel bed, her Pokémon scattered around her. They were her closest companions, and she loved them dearly. She watched as Kitty, the Alpha Beedrill, dipped her antennae into a jar of sweet honey, eagerly lapping up the sticky substance. Tenty, the Tentacool, bobbed in his fishbowl, watching the others with interest. Tiny, the Dratini, chased his tail, a playful expression on his face, while Chu-Chu, the Pichu, giggled and sparked with energy.

As she tended to her Pokémon, Yellow couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment as she wondered if Austin was alright since he had Abra teleported her away after she had temporarily powered up Pikachu.

Her friends were happy and healthy, and their playful chirps and purrs filled the room with warmth.

But as she finished up, Yellow's attention was drawn to the nearby couch, where Green was sitting with Erika. The older woman was in the midst of an LSD trip, her eyes wide and unfocused. Green was rummaging through Erika's purse, a sly grin on her face.

Yellow's brow furrowed with concern, but before she could say anything, Green turned to her with a smile.

"Hey, Yellow, could you watch Erika for a bit?" she asked, rising from the couch. "I need to use the bathroom."

Yellow nodded, feeling a sense of obligation to care for Erika. But as Green disappeared into the bathroom, Yellow couldn't help but feel uneasy.

She turned back to her Pokémon, hoping to take her mind off things. As she refilled their water bowl, however, she caught sight of Green out of the corner of her eye. The other girl had snatched up the laptop from the nearby table and was clicking away at it furiously.

Yellow sighed, knowing that Green was up to no good. She was about to confront Green when suddenly, she heard a sound.

It was a rustling, coming from the direction of the purse. Yellow looked over, her curiosity piqued. She watched as Green pulled out a small, rectangular card. It was black, with a glossy finish and a single letter embossed on the front: X

" What is that ?" Yellow asked Green remained in a daze as she answered.

" X Centurion Card."

" What ?" 

" Don't you realize, what this is ?!"

" No."

" Yellow, in my hand is one of the rarest cards in the world. Only 7 have been made in existence. It provides free access to most of the public services and permission to go almost anywhere in the world without a visa and it has a no spending limit !"

" And ?"

Green turned to look at Yellow as she smiled," I am going to use it."

"Green, that's not right," she said firmly. "Put it back."

Green's face fell, and for a moment, Yellow thought she might argue. But then she sighed and tucked the card back into Erika's purse.

"You're right," she said. "I shouldn't have taken it."

Yellow nodded, relieved. She knew that Green could be impulsive at times, but she was glad that she had listened to reason.

As Green vanished into the restroom, Yellow grinned, only to feel a sudden sense of loss. Glancing downward, she realized the card and laptop had vanished. 

"Green! Get back here!" Yellow called out, only to receive a response from her friend.

"Don't worry, I'm going to get you a perfume that will make Ash unable to resist you! He'll be captivated and only have eyes for you."

Yellow blushed at Green's statement, her thoughts racing.



[ Omake Paragraph ]

The hard thing about battling a Slowking in the old days was not their power – for they were never anything impressive – but the fact that Pokemon must battle them without being able to count on their trainer. The psychic waves emitted by a Slowking disrupt the communication between the Pokemon and trainer, filling the Pokemon's head with such confusion that they only hear half their trainer's commands. In some battles, this is no issue at all. With a few exceptions, pokemon are not stupid, and they know when to use super-effective or simply powerful techniques; it is with good reason that those who command Pokemon are called trainers and not tacticians. They are not invincible Pokemon.

What Slowking is, and why the League banned them unless they wear a frequency-altering item, is an anti-strategy that can counter every strategy. Thunder Waves paralyze Pokemon, but Slowking paralyzes the trainers, and it is after all the trainers who make the rules. Yet it is hard not to side with the trainers. Pokemon battles of the Slowking era were as dull as the Slowpoke from which they evolve, a simple trading of attacks with none of the dramatic flair, clever techniques, or even tactical retreats which have made these battles beloved around the world. Double and triple battles were even worse, with multiple Slowking being used for a truly terrifying disruption; indeed, many trainers used a Slowking simply to counter other Slowking! Something had to change.

One must weep for the Slowking who were abandoned by their trainers after the ban, and only a few brave souls still use them with frequency limiters today. But one must also remember that banning Slowking not only saved the League; it saved the great game of Pokemon battles.

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