Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.369 Erika is Missing?!

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[Author's Note: As I'm wrapping up the Team Rocket saga over on my P@treon, I find myself in need of your input. I'm planning a massive 10k word chapter, a jamboree of fun and chaos, to be set before the Kanto Invasion by Team Rocket. This chapter will be a deviation from my usual style - it's going to be chock full of humor and enjoyable moments, in contrast to my reputation for dark, cosmic horror narratives that push characters to their limits. And no, I'm absolutely not known for that. So, I'd love to hear your suggestions for this fun-filled chapter. Perhaps Austin and Yellow could go on a date? Or we could have a cook-off between Green and Yellow? Or, how about Austin and Green go on a date? Maybe Dragonair and Lucario could be caught in a compromising situation, or Pikachu tries to win Chu-Chu's heart. Or, how about Yellow teaching Austin some culinary skills? I'm all ears for such lighthearted and humorous plot ideas.]


[ Celadon City ]

In the bustling heart of Celadon City, Austin trudged through the swarm of city-dwellers, a sense of bone-deep exhaustion gnawing at his core. Clad in a patchwork of scuffs and bruises, he was a figure that commanded attention. His clothes were frayed and torn, a vivid testament to a recent battle. Icicles hung off his arms and shoulders, melting slowly, dripping onto the ground below. His usually bright eyes were dull and tired but determined. Cradling his trusty Pikachu, whose fur was ruffled and singed, he appeared as a weary warrior returning from battle.

Beside him, Lucario walked with a stoic expression, his fur matted, a few scratches visible on his blue-black coat. His aura radiated protective energy, adding a layer of intimidation to the duo's presence. Their arrival on the street caused a ripple of hushed whispers and wide-eyed stares.

"Look at that lad," murmured a shopkeeper, her eyes wide with a mixture of awe and fear. "Seems like he's been through quite the fight."

"I think he must've gotten into an altercation with The Magikarp Mafiosos ?" a passerby chimed in.

While the whispers fluttered about them, Lucario abruptly halted and pointed towards a modest, timeworn mochi shop. Despite its rundown appearance, the shop exuded an inviting aura, a cozy sanctuary amid the urban chaos. Reading his partner's silent suggestion, Austin sighed, his aching body pleading for rest and nourishment.

With a glance at Pikachu, who was now sleeping soundly in his arms, Austin hesitated. Lucario, perceiving his trainer's uncertainty, advised, "Austin, we need to rest. This seems like a good place."

Nodding in agreement, Austin wearily pushed open the shop's door. The interior was dimly lit, bathed in the warm glow of paper lanterns. The air was thick with the sweet scent of fresh mochi, and the soft murmur of conversation filled the room. The homely ambiance, along with the promise of food and rest, provided a sense of relief to the battle-worn trainer and his companions.

Behind the counter, an elderly couple greeted their unexpected guests with gentle smiles. The woman, clad in a traditional kimono adorned with intricate floral patterns, was a picture of old-world grace. Her husband, in a simple white shirt and trousers, stood beside her, exuding an air of quiet kindness.

Spotting the delicious array of sweets, Lucario promptly ordered chocolate mochi. Austin, his mouth watering at the thought of food, requested some Tempura and a small cup of sake.

The woman, who Austin now knew was called Mrs. Tanaka, frowned at his choice of beverage, saying sternly, "You're still a student, dear. You shouldn't be drinking alcohol." With a swift movement, she removed the sake cup from his order. Despite his disappointment, Austin couldn't argue. He was, after all, underage.

By this time, Pikachu had stirred, and noticing a pot of coffee on the counter, he gestured towards it. Austin, interpreting his companion's request, ordered a cup for Pikachu. Mrs. Tanaka chuckled, amused by Pikachu's choice, "Well, at least someone knows how to behave themselves."

As the trio waited for their order, Austin allowed his gaze to roam around the cozy shop. The elderly couple's playful banter, the tantalizing aroma of cooking, and the tranquil atmosphere all combined to soothe his tired spirit. Lucario sat by the window, observing the city's hustle-bustle with a calm demeanor. Pikachu, now wide awake, was sipping his coffee, his tiny cheeks blushing from the warm drink.

Their order arrived promptly, an assortment of delicacies arranged beautifully on ceramic plates. The tempura was crispy, the prawns inside juicy and succulent. The mochi was a delightful treat, its sweet, sticky texture, unlike anything Austin had tasted before. He ate slowly, savoring every bite, the flavors a balm to his weary body.

The bustle of the shop seemed to fade into the background as Austin allowed himself to relax. The warm food, the soothing ambiance, and the comforting presence of his companions created a bubble of tranquility around them. For a moment, it felt like they were the only ones in the world, and time itself had paused in respect.

Lucario, breaking the comfortable silence, teased Austin, "You can't wait to turn 21, can you? And when you're 21, you'll be rushing to turn 30 so that people take you seriously." He chuckled, a low, rumbling sound that echoed around the small room.

Austin rolled his eyes at Lucario's jest, a hint of annoyance flashing across his face. However, he chose not to retort, instead turning to Mrs. Tanaka who was observing them with keen interest. "Excuse me, Mrs. Tanaka," he began, his voice low and respectful.

"Dear, I've already told you, I can't serve you any alcohol," she interrupted, her tone firm yet gentle. Lucario's laugh echoed through the room once more, adding to Austin's slight embarrassment.

"Hey, don't try, Austin. I'm sure Mrs. Tanaka has standards, unlike you," Lucario teased, earning a small 'Pika, Pi' of agreement from Pikachu.

Ignoring their playful banter, Austin continued, "Mrs. Tanaka, I have more Pokemon with me. Would it be possible to serve them some food as well?"

"Oh, I would be delighted to, dear. But remember, no alcohol for them either!" Mrs. Tanaka responded, her eyes twinkling with humor.

"Of course, Mrs. Tanaka," Austin responded, chuckling softly. He then proceeded to release his other Pokemon from their Pokeballs, filling the small shop with a variety of creatures.

Mrs. Tanaka's eyes widened in surprise, her gaze sweeping over the numerous Pokemon now crowding her shop. "My, my! You have quite a collection, young man. You must be a very skilled trainer," she praised, her voice filled with genuine admiration.

Austin blushed at the unexpected praise, his fatigue momentarily forgotten. His Pokemon, joining in the praise, created a chorus of cheerful cries, their voices filling the small mochi shop with a joyous symphony. 


[ Celadon City - Hotel ]

Yellow wasn't able to confront Green as she was met with a frenzy of energy from her hyperactive Pichu. The electric mouse was bouncing off the walls, and Yellow could barely keep up as she tried to calm him down. "Pichu, please, you need to settle down. We don't want to disturb people in the other room," Yellow pleaded, trying to catch Chu-Chu's attention.

As she turned around, however, Pichu ran into Erika's purse, which was lying on the nightstand. In a split second, the contents of the bag spilled out onto the floor, revealing a small bag of colorful pills. 

" Huh, I didn't know Erika carried around candy," Yellow exclaimed catching the attention of everyone in the room.

" Do you have some candy ?" Yellow asked receiving nods from Kitty, Tenty, Tiny, and Chu-Chu.

Yellow handed out a piece of "candy " to everyone as they popped it into their mouths.


[ Yellow's POV ]

I felt a wave of relaxation hit me like a ton of bricks while I savored the "candy."

My body felt light and tingly, and the colors in the room began to shift and dance. As I looked around, the walls seemed to move and warp in impossible ways, and the familiar objects in the room began to take on new and surreal forms.

At first, the experience was exciting and almost euphoric. The world around me seemed to come alive with vibrant colors and swirling patterns, and every sound and sensation felt amplified to an almost overwhelming degree. I could feel my heart racing, and my mind felt like it was exploding with new ideas and sensations.

But then things started to take a turn. The colors became more intense, and the patterns began to twist and contort in disturbing ways. The room felt like it was closing in on me, and every sound became a deafening roar in my ears.

I tried to focus on my breathing and remind myself that it was just a drug-induced hallucination, but the feeling of terror and panic only continued to escalate. I felt like I was losing my grip on reality, and that the world around me was collapsing in on itself.

My thoughts became disjointed and chaotic, and it felt like time was moving at a different pace than the rest of the world. I couldn't tell if it had been minutes or hours since the trip had begun, and I couldn't find a way to ground myself in the present moment.

As the intensity of the trip reached its peak, I felt like I was being pulled into a vortex of darkness and chaos. Every sensation felt like it was too much to handle, and I couldn't find a way to escape the overwhelming flood of emotions and sensations.


Erika had been sleeping soundly on the couch in the hotel room when she was suddenly jolted awake by a loud noise. As she opened her eyes, she was met with a scene that she could hardly believe. Yellow, Chu-Chu, Tenty, Tiny, Dish, Dody and Kitty were all lying on the ground, their eyes wide open and their bodies twitching as if in the throes of some kind of feverish dream.

"What's happening?" Erika cried out, struggling to sit up and take in her surroundings. As she looked around the room, everything seemed unfamiliar and distorted. The furniture was warped and twisted, and the colors seemed to blend and blur together in a confusing, surreal haze.

Erika felt her heart rate start to race as she realized that something was seriously wrong. "Where am I?" she demanded, looking over at Yellow and her Pokémon in fear and confusion.

But Yellow and her Pokémon were in no state to answer. They were lost in their worlds, completely consumed by the effects of the mysterious pills that Erika had unwittingly brought into the room.

With a sense of mounting panic, Erika grabbed her purse and ran out of the hotel room as fast as she could. She didn't know where she was going or what she was going to do, but she knew that she needed to get as far away from that room as possible.


[ Omake Paragraph ] 

When a necklace is stained with blood during a spurned lover's suicide or murder, a Misdreavus is born. The only corporeal component of these ghost-type Pokemon is a blood-red necklace at its center, and while sleeping or hiding they sink back into the necklace as though it were a Pokeball. Initially, a Misdreavus haunt, play vicious pranks on, or even kill the person who either killed them or who they blame for their death, but such revenge does not allow their spirit to move on.

Instead, Misdreavus forget what they loved in life and become addicted to causing pain and terror in others. Their happiness seems entirely a thing of the past, and they only remember that they were happy when alive, not what it felt like to be happy. This fact creates deep envy in them and causes them to torment others all the more, for the closest thing they feel to happiness or vitality is schadenfreude. Whether yanking people's hair, floating above them in their dreams, or making them lose their balance on staircases and steep hills with their haunting cry, they are a vicious Pokemon that make even Haunter seem friendly, and for many people, the sight of a Misdreavus is even scarier than their actual pranks.

It takes a skilled trainer to tame a Misdreavus, to put up with their haunting trickery long enough to make them remember that there is more to life than suffering. But when they do, they are rewarded with a wonderful friend and a Pokemon with the potential to achieve an amazing power.

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