Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.374 You’re the Mole

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[The Pokemon League]

The sumptuous office of Lance, the master of Dragons and Champion of the Indigo League, emanated an air of grandeur. The walls, enveloped by opulent mahogany wood, carried the glyphs of ancient dragon lore, narrating tales of the primal Dragon-type Pokemon and their profound influence over the world.

The room was dominated by the floor-to-ceiling window that unveiled a stunning panorama of the Pokemon League stadium. Verdant and vibrant, it was a lush paradise inhabited by various Pokemon, each going about their day in tranquil harmony.

A sprawling oak desk, etched with intricate carvings, stood centrally, cluttered with numerous files and maps. Mementos from various regions, given by esteemed trainers, added a personal touch to the austere environment. A large, holographic globe spun leisurely, casting an ethereal light that played off the walls and ceiling.

Lance, the epitome of an indomitable champion, sat behind the desk, his tall figure wrapped in a regal, crimson cape. His auburn hair was styled neatly, and his steely grey eyes carried a spark of unwavering determination.

Across from him sat Richard Amano, an authoritative figure whose rugged exterior and seasoned demeanor were a stark contrast. His voice, a gravelly bass, echoed with an intimidating authority that commanded the room.

"Listen, Lance," Richard's tone was threatening as he leaned forward, eyes narrowed to slits. "If my granddaughter isn't returned unharmed, I swear, I'll financially cripple this entire region, both Kanto and Johto. I built my empire from scratch, and I will bring your league down if it takes that."

Lance listened without interruption, his demeanor calm and resolute despite the chilling threat. Once Richard finished, he responded, "Richard, I understand your concern and anger. Rest assured, we are utilizing every resource to ensure your granddaughter's safety. Our top priority is to bring her back unscathed."

The threatening presence of Richard seemed to recede as he leaned back, his narrowed eyes scrutinizing Lance. "So, who did you send, Lance?"

Lance, noticing the shift in Richard's demeanor, responded confidently, "I've assigned the task to the one person I trust above all else in this situation. The one Elite Four member whose psychic powers have earned her global acclaim. She's renowned as the most potent psychic in the world."

The room fell silent as Richard digested Lance's words, his gaze thoughtful and calculating.

Richard's gaze bore into Lance, his voice lowering to a deadly whisper, "And what if she fails?"

Lance met Richard's stare with a resolute glint in his eyes. His answer was immediate, unwavering, and carried a conviction that echoed in the silent room, "She won't."


[ Celadon City - Hotel ]

A taxi pulled into the Celadon City Hotel parking lot, the low rumble of its engine echoing off the surrounding buildings. The driver, a stout man in his fifties with a thick mustache and a faded cap pulled low over his eyes, peered through the windshield at the sprawling complex before him. He had been driving for hours, ferrying passengers from one corner of the city to the other, and he was ready for a break.

Sighing heavily, he looked back to the interior of his car to see Sabrina, the Gym Leader of Saffron City, sitting calmly in the backseat. Her long hair was neatly arranged in a low bun, and she wore a sleek black dress that accentuated her elegant figure.

The driver felt a jolt of excitement mixed with nervousness. Sabrina was one of the most powerful and respected trainers in the region, and her reputation preceded her. He cleared his throat and spoke in a respectful tone.

"Miss Sabrina, we have arrived."

"Thanks for the ride," she said, fishing for her purse in the back seat.

The driver grunted in response, already turning his attention to the meter as it beeped steadily in the background. He had been in this business for too long to waste time making small talk with every customer that came his way.

"So, how much do I owe you?" Sabrina asked, finally retrieving her wallet.

The driver paused, his eyes scanning the digital display on the meter. "That'll be thirty bucks," he said, his voice gruff.

Sabrina nodded, handing him a crisp ten-dollar bill and three crumpled singles. "Keep the change," she said before turning to leave.

But before the driver could even reply, there was a sudden crash on the hood of the car. The driver jerked his head towards the noise, his eyes widening in shock as the driver stared in disbelief at the unconscious Electivire and an older man sprawled across its body, he was suddenly jolted by a knock on the window beside him. He whirled around to see Sabrina peering in at him, her eyes focused intently on his face.

"Excuse me," she said, her voice soft but commanding. "Please, get out of this place."

As the words echoed in the vast expanse of the room, Sabrina lifted her gaze towards the hole blasted into the ceiling. A downpour of bullets ensued, streaking through the hole like deadly meteor showers. Yet, they were not aimed at her.

Sabrina's gaze shifted to the rooftop across the street, where a cohort of snipers stood, their weapons glinting ominously under the moonlit sky. But their crosshairs weren't trained on her. No, their murderous intent was directed toward the heart of the building.


The moment of respite that the makeshift shelter of the hotel room had provided was over. The once elegant setting had devolved into a battlefield; the posh furniture was overturned and torn apart, the curtains reduced to shredded remnants fluttering in the gunfire. The floor, once pristinely carpeted, was now an abstract mosaic of broken glass that crunched underfoot. This was the tumultuous scene that Austin, Lucario, and Pikachu were entangled in - their temporary sanctuary was now the heart of a chaotic storm.

Austin's usually playful face was pulled taut, his blue eyes alight with the flickering fury of a stormy sea. His voice was hoarse, the strain of yelling above the gunfire evident, "Who are these bastards?!"

Lucario was at his side, a pensive shadow contrasting Austin's raw energy. His focus was steady, unwavering as he returned Austin's heated gaze, "Why are you asking me? You're the guy with all the answers. What we should be focusing on right now is Green and Yellow's safety!"

Pikachu, the smallest member of their misfit trio, was visibly flustered. His round eyes were wide with worry, nervously darting between the hole in the ceiling, the myriad of bullets still pouring in, and his arguing companions.

Their banter was cut short, however, as they pushed open the remnants of the room's door, revealing a hallway flooded with a gauntlet of trainers and their Pokémon. The cold gaze of a hundred eyes was fixed on them, an ocean of hostility that left a heavy silence hanging in the air.

Austin was the first to break the silence, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he turned to Lucario, "Seems like you've got a pretty hefty fan club, Lucario." The levity in his tone felt out of place, yet it brought a semblance of normality to the tense situation.

A trainer broke away from the crowd, his voice carrying a chilling command that echoed through the corridor, "Actually, we're here for all three of you. You need to come with us."

Lucario turned back to Austin, a knowing smirk spreading across his face, "Well, Austin, it looks like they've skipped the coffee date and jumped straight to an intervention."

"But you hate coffee," Austin retorted, maintaining his air of light-hearted defiance.

"Exactly. So, it's already a bad first date."

"So you wouldn't even consider second base?" Austin's smirk broadened as he played along with Lucario's analogy.


Pikachu, despite the situation, found himself chuckling at the banter, his worry momentarily pushed aside. His amusement, however, was short-lived as he turned to face the trainers and their Pokémon, their presence an ominous reminder of the trouble they were in.

Austin, now with a renewed sense of bravado, locked eyes with one of the trainers. He raised an eyebrow, his voice laced with a sarcastic venom, "Oh, God! Why couldn't those glory-hole bastards wear protection when conceiving you?"

The trainer was taken aback by the insult, confusion etched on his face. Seizing the opportunity, Austin flung his helmet at the bewildered trainer, knocking him down with a satisfying thud.

"And here's some protection for you!" Austin bellowed, standing tall in the face of his adversaries.

In a whirl of psychic energy, Austin, Lucario, and Pikachu were replaced by Butterfree, Ivysaur, and Scizor. The new team was ready for battle.

Wasting no time, Ivysaur and Butterfree combined their abilities to create a toxic storm of poison powder, sleep powder, and stun spore. Their combined attack, known affectionately among the team as "Chemical Warfare," filled the air, transforming the lavish hotel hallway into a toxic battlefield.

Scizor, never one to be outdone, conjured up a swirling Sandstorm. 


[ Celadon City - Subway ]

Erika sat with her back pressed against the wall, feeling the chill of the abandoned subway station seeping into her bones as she remembered the words of the comic cafe owner.

'Your purse must have been stolen by the mole. He is a famous thief around here.'

She wrapped her arms around her knees, hugging them tightly to her chest. Her eyes were fixed on the ceiling, where water dripped steadily onto the platform below. The sound echoed through the empty station, a constant reminder of the desolation of the place.

'I am cold ... and hungry. What should I do ?'

As she looked around, she couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. She was the princess of one of the richest families in the world, and here she was, surrounded by homeless people sleeping on cardboard boxes and makeshift toilets. It was a stark reminder of the vast divide between the haves and the have-nots.

' I am .... sacred! I want to go home.'

Suddenly, Erika heard a commotion coming from the other end of the platform. She looked up to see a group of people fighting over a purse. She recognized it immediately as her own, the one that had been stolen from her earlier that day.

"That's my purse."

Erika nervously made her way toward the group of people who were fighting over her purse. As she approached, she saw them dissipate one by one, like a flock of birds scattering at the sight of a predator.

She took a deep breath and approached the man who had her purse. He was a tall, wiry figure with shaggy hair and a rugged appearance. She recognized the man from the park who had claimed that it was his territory.

 Erika tried to keep her composure as she asked for her purse back.

"Excuse me, sir," she said, her voice shaking slightly. "That's my purse you have there. I believe it was stolen from me earlier today."

Erika took a closer look, and her heart sank. The man had a mole on his face, just like the thief who had stolen her purse.

"You're the mole!" Erika exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at him. "You're the one who stole my purse! You even have a mole on your face !"

The man looked confused, and he rubbed his face, revealing that the mole on his face was just a speck of dirt.

"I'm not a thief," he said, his voice calm and even. "I found this purse by the side of the road. It looked like someone had thrown it away, so I picked it up."

Erika hesitated, unsure of what to believe. The man's story seemed plausible, but she couldn't shake the feeling that he was lying.

"Please, just give me my purse back," she said, her voice pleading. "It's important to me."


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Deep in the Ilex Forest sit four long walls of Forretress arranged as an open box, stacked upon each other like a reef of Corsola. Although they are calm enough that tourists can walk straight up to these walls, they remain fierce guardians who relentlessly protect the integrity of their walls and whatever lies within them. Those who tried Electrode found another wall behind the first one, those who tried fire found each Forretress equipped with Occa berries; all of them ran for their lives.

The Forretress are normally silent, but when an aggressor approaches, they speak in unison words understood by other Pokemon as meaning "You shall not pass." Attempts to gain information from them have proven fruitless, save for one exception: when asked why they guard the walls, they answer that it is a "contract with a master." Who this master is, or what they are guarding, is left unanswered and unknown.

Therefore, there are no reliable reports of what lies within the Forretress walls. The difficulty of flight within and the thick canopy of the forest have made aerial observance impossible, especially as low-flying observers are within range of the Forretress' Gyro Balls. None have breached the wall in recorded history. And so mythology has filled the gap, although the myths do not agree. Some say that what they guard is a strange land where Celebi sleeps forever, even while simultaneously awake and messing with continuity elsewhere in a time travel paradox. Others say they guard the gate to hell, yet it is different to imagine any hell worse than an eternity as part of an unmoving wall, never speaking with your voice. One can only wonder about their contract, and what it gave the Forretress to make it worth it to stay in this wall forever

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