Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.375 A psychic surprise

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[Celadon City - Hotel]

The Celadon City Hotel was a sprawling, luxurious building that rose high above the rest of the city. Its gleaming glass windows and modern design spoke to the wealth and sophistication of the people who stayed there. Inside, the lobby was spacious and elegant, with high ceilings, plush carpeting, and comfortable seating arranged in neat rows. The walls were adorned with beautiful works of art and expensive vases filled with fresh flowers. The air was rich with the scent of perfume and cologne.

But all of this opulence was quickly forgotten as a series of explosions rocked the building to its core. The sound was deafening, causing people to scream and Pokemon to scurry about in confusion. The lobby shook violently, chandeliers swaying dangerously overhead. 

In the midst of the chaos, a Lucario and a Hitmonchan were engaged in a ferocious battle. 

Lucario repeatedly punched the Hitmonchan, his fists striking with incredible force. 

"Why do I have to fight this loser ?!"

 Hitmonchan tried to fight back, but he was clearly outmatched. Lucario grabbed his opponent's head and slammed it onto the floor over and over again, causing a sickening thud with each impact. The screams of the battling Pokemon echoed off the walls, adding to the already overwhelming chaos.

Meanwhile, in another corner of the lobby, a Scizor and a Charmeleon stood facing some opponents. Scizor's armor gleamed in the light. He had a serious, no-nonsense expression on his face as if he were always ready for battle. The Charmeleon, on the other hand, was more relaxed.

 Scizor's claw brushed against Charmeleon's as the latter exclaimed in shock, "What the fuck? Why are you holding my claw?! You psychopath!" 

Charmeleon turned to see a dozen or so Pokemon charging at them, their eyes blazing with fury. Scizor's eyes narrowed as he prepared for battle.

But Charmeleon was not one to back down from a fight. He grabbed Scizor's claw and declared, "Alright if you insist..." 

Scizor excused Charmeleon by saying, "Y-You bastard! Just admit it, you got scared we're outnumbered, huh?"

To this, Charmeleon replied confidently, "Nope. I can take them all."

The two Pokemon started exchanging blows while holding each other's claws. They reared their elbows, knocking two more Pokemon out cold as they traded insults. "Let go of me, fucker!" screamed the Charmeleon. 

"You let go, you black-marbled pig!!" retorted the Scizor.


The Celadon City Hotel was in disarray. The sounds of screaming and panic echoed throughout the grand building. The lobby was littered with knocked-out Pokemon and the remnants of the destruction that had taken place. Upstairs, on the upper floors, the scene was no different. 

It was here that a blonde businessman, named Samuel, in a blue suit, cautiously made his way up the stairs.

With each step he took, Samuel's heart raced faster. He wasn't sure what he would find when he reached the top of the stairs, but he knew it wouldn't be good. The sounds of battle grew louder with each step, and he could feel his pulse pounding in his ears.

Richard had been climbing the stairs to the top floor of the abandoned building for what felt like hours. His heart was pounding in his chest, and sweat dripped down his forehead. 

As he reached the top floor, he saw that his worst fears had been realized. The hallway was littered with Pokemon, all knocked out cold.

Samuel's eyes widened in shock as he surveyed the damage. The floor was covered in debris, and the walls were riddled with holes. He could see broken pieces of wood, stone, and metal scattered around the hallway. The air was thick with the smell of blood and burnt fur. As he walked cautiously through the wreckage, he could hear the sounds of Pokemon moaning and groaning in pain.

He saw a Snorlax lying on its back with most of its body frozen, and on its enormous belly was a Wartortle. The turtle Pokemon had put his ear to the Snorlax's chest, checking if the Pokemon was alive. "Winning is a damn tough thing to do," Wartortle exclaimed as he fixed his sunglasses. As Wartortle turned to Ninjask and asked," How badass was that line?"

"I give it a 7/10," replied Ninjask.

"Hell yeah !" Ninjask and Wartortle high-fived.

Samuel's eyes turned to see a giant inflated Jiggly puff. A Clefable's fist crashed into its face as it lifted Jigglypuff from the floor to the air before the fist crashed into the floor, cracking it. The knocked-out Jigglypuff was embedded into the ground. 

Samuel could feel the shockwaves of the impact under his feet.

As he continued down the hallway, he saw a Dragonair wrapping its body around a fighting-type like a serpent. 

"How is this lady's hug? Don't you feel sleepy?" Dragonair asked as the Machamp was sprawled on the floor, its muscular limbs twitching slightly as it lay unconscious. A crash occurred, and Samuel's eyes turned to see a Rhydon standing above an Arcanine, blood splattered on Rhydon's horn while the Arcanine was knocked out on the floor as a pool of blood formed around him.

But it was the scene at the end of the hallway that truly made Samuel's blood run cold. He saw a flash of yellow, and then he saw it: a Pikachu, with a look of pure malice in its eyes, was holding the vines of a knocked-out Tangela.

Samuel stood frozen in horror, watching as the Pikachu lifted a Machamp into the air by the vines wrapped around its neck. The Machamp struggled for a moment but then went limp, knocked out cold. Pikachu held the vines tightly, a wicked smile spreading across its face as it looked around the hallway, taking in the chaos it had caused.

Richard felt his stomach churn as he watched the Pikachu. He had never seen a Pokemon behave like this before. It was a terrifying sight to behold. 

Richard turned to see Austin standing in the middle of the floor amidst the chaos holding a sleeping Musharna in his armpits.

Austin looked around the chaotic scene, his eyes hardened but his lips curved into a light smirk. 

He looked at Samuel, who was rooted to the spot, his face white with terror. Austin rolled his eyes. "Hey, Butler man! You look like you've seen a ghost and you look like someone important so your bones, I won't break."

With that, he strutted towards a group of human trainers. He cracked his knuckles, eyes gleaming with mischief and determination. "Alright, fellas. Time for some dance lessons!"

Before they could react, he swiftly moved forward, his feet shifting with ease and precision. He swept his leg in a low arc, catching one of the trainers off guard and knocking him off his feet. "Oops! Guess you missed a step," he quipped with a cheeky grin.

The other trainers tried to retaliate, but Austin was quick. He twisted and turned, using a variety of martial arts techniques to effortlessly evade their attacks. "You guys need to work on your footwork!" he joked as he ducked under a punch and spun around, landing a solid kick on another trainer.

He continued his dance, twirling and flipping with an agility that was astonishing considering he was doing it all while holding a sleeping Musharna. "Just a tip," he said, backflipping over another attack. "Next time, try not to be so predictable."

"Bet you didn't see that coming!" Austin twirled, the hem of his jacket fanning out as he did a quick spin, smoothly transitioning into a surprise roundhouse kick that connected with the side of one trainer's face. The force of the blow sent the trainer sprawling to the floor, his eyes rolling back as he passed out.

"Gee, hope I didn't step on your toes!" Austin feigned a step forward, causing one of the trainers to instinctively step back in defense. But it was a ruse. Instead, he dropped low and swept his foot forward in a swift arc. The unsuspecting trainer yelped as his feet were taken from under him, causing him to fall flat on his back, knocked out cold.

"I hope you're not too 'swept' off your feet!" With a cunning smile, Austin performed a graceful backflip over an incoming punch. As he landed, he extended his arm and sent a powerful punch straight into the stomach of another trainer. The blow was so strong that it lifted the man off his feet, before he crumbled onto the ground, winded and unconscious. 

Austin's laughter echoed in the hall, a rich, jovial sound that stood in stark contrast to the grim, silent faces of the defeated trainers. He dusted off his hands, a satisfied grin on his face as he looked over his handy work.

"See, butler man? Speak or your bones break.."

Samuel gulped as he saw Austin glaring at him.

Samuel managed to pull all the courage he had and shout," Return Lady Erika, you fiend!"

Samuel's shout reverberated through the floor as he could see that Austin's Pokemon had won through the mercenaries' Pokemon.

"Sorry, I don't have Erika with me right now," Austin answered with an indifferent look before he suddenly went serious.

" Then you'll face the wrath of the strongest gym leader in Kanto !" 

Samuel exclaimed as he shivered when a hand clasped his shoulder as a feminine voice answered," Thank you for the compliment." 

Samuel felt a wave of relief wash over him as Sabrina appeared behind him. He turned to face her, grateful for the support.

Sabrina's long, dark hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall. She wore a simple black dress that hugged her curves, and her eyes were a piercing blue that seemed to see right through Richard.

"Thank you for coming Miss Sabrina," Samuel said, feeling a sense of calm wash over him.

Sabrina looked at him, her expression unreadable as she nodded.

Sabrina turned to Austin as her eyes glowed with psychic energy.

A trainer charged at Austin from his blind side, thinking he could use this moment to strike. But Austin was far too aware. He shifted his weight, his eyes never leaving Sabrina as he launched a savage sidekick to the oncoming trainer's knee. There was a sickening crunch, and the trainer howled in agony, collapsing onto the floor clutching his broken leg.

With a playful smirk, Austin quipped to Sabrina, "Now, isn't he just 'falling' for me? Maybe you're next, Sabrina... I've heard that love can also be quite... 'knee weakening'."


[ Omake Paragraph ]

The small white wings of a Dunsparce, which let it float a couple of feet off the ground with great effort, were once thought to be vestigial. The fossil record has proven this not to be the case; their ancestors were wingless creatures bearing a modest resemblance to Ekans and Arbok. Instead, it is a matter of nutrition. The production of Dunsparce wings requires a protein found only in small quantities in modern Pokemon, all of them quite large and rare. In prehistory, Dunsparce hunted these creatures with a paralyzing glare, then feasted on a limb before they recovered, alive but crippled, but the surviving Johto megafauna is either too fast or have too tough skin for Dunsparce to hunt them successfully.

It is greatly fortunate for Dunsparce that their glorious, many-colored feathers have often seen them mistaken for gods – a Palkia in miniature, a serpentine Ho-oh. Their beauty and power were so great, or perhaps their glare so fearsome, that rituals of animal and at times even human sacrifice developed out of a need to feed these Dunsparce, who became seen as defenders of their communities and of the universe itself – a custom which continued in many other faiths for generations.

When the feathered serpent cult declined, so did the glorious Dunsparce of old. Modern Dunsparce, with their small, white wings and pathetic fighting prowess, are larvae. The depictions of old Dunsparce in art, a Pokemon species unknown in modern times, baffled archaeologists and paleontologists alike until a few years ago. A rogue Team Rocket member was recently found with a large-winged Dunsparce in her hideout along with a pyramid of human skulls.

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