Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.376 Austin vs Sabrina part 1

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[Celadon City - Hotel] 

Samuel stood frozen in the doorway of the Celadon City Hotel, his eyes wide with shock and horror at the scene before him. The once-gleaming lobby was now a battlefield, strewn with the unconscious bodies of Pokemon and their trainers. The air was thick with the acrid smell of burnt electricity and the tangy stench of psychic energy as the knocked-out trainers and Pokemon disappeared.

Sabrina, the psychic gym leader of Saffron City, stood amidst the wreckage with an air of calm control. Her attire was simple yet elegant - a sleek black dress that accentuated her lithe figure, paired with two large silver bangles on her wrists that glinted in the harsh hotel lighting. Her long hair was split into two twin tails on either side of her head, a youthful touch that only brought out every bit of the fifteen-year-old as she was.

As Sabrina surveyed the aftermath of the battle, her crystal azure eyes locked onto a figure in the doorway. "Mr. Samuel, call an ambulance for the fallen trainers and leave this man for me," she commanded her voice firm yet soothing.

Samuel nodded numbly and quickly left the hall, leaving Sabrina alone with the mysterious figure who had caused such chaos in her hotel.

Austin's eyes roamed over Sabrina's form, taking in every detail of her attire and appearance. He couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for her calm control in the midst of such chaos. 

"What to tell me why you are here?" Austin said, his voice laced with a hint of curiosity.

Sabrina's expression shifted ever so slightly, a small smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "You played with a string of fate by kidnapping Erika. I was hired by the family to retrieve her back."

Austin's eyes narrowed.

"I see," he said, his tone measured. "And how did they find out I saved Erika?"

Sabrina tilted her head, her voice curious. 

"When was kidnapping ever considered saving ?"

When it involved Team Rocket.

Austin thought and as if she could hear his thoughts she remarked.

"So, team rocket had captured Erika, huh." 

"Don't tell me," Austin hummed, his mind racing with the possibilities. He wondered if Sabrina's powers had gotten to the point she could read his mind.

Austin's eyes narrowed as he imagined a lurid image of Sabrina in a scanty bikini, his fingers tracing the curves of her body. He felt a rush of adrenaline course through his veins, his primal desires overpowering his better judgment. But when he glanced at Sabrina, he was relieved to see no discernible change in her expression.

However, that fleeting sense of relief was shattered as Sabrina's face bloomed in a sudden, scarlet blush. 

Austin felt his heart skip a beat as he realized that Sabrina had somehow penetrated the fortress of his mind, exposing his most secret thoughts.

As if sensing his thoughts, Sabrina spoke up. "While I can only perceive the surface-level thoughts, I must say you have quite the imagination you have there Ketchum. I didn't think you see me in that light."

Hearing Sabrina's words, Austin wanted to bury his head in the ground in embarrassment. 

"So, are we currently being surveyed since I want to remove this helmet?" he asked, eager to change the subject.

"Don't worry, I've established a protective boundary around us. You're safe to remove your gear," Sabrina said with an ice-cold calm. 

"Appreciate it. Now, how the hell did they manage to find me?" Austin questioned.

With a simple flick of his wrist, Austin removed his helmet, revealing a pair of penetrating crimson eyes and a cascade of long hair. Sabrina, cool as ever, disclosed the unsettling truth.

"They traced you here through Erika's debit card," she stated nonchalantly.

Austin's brows knitted together in frustration. "How many transactions were made?"

"A thousand," Sabrina retorted, her tone detached. 

A frustrated groan escaped Austin's lips. "When this is over, Green, you're going to wish they'd found you before I did."

"I seriously doubt you grasp the weight of your transgressions," Sabrina declared, her voice echoing through the quiet room.

Austin swallowed, a knot of unease forming in his throat. "Oh?" He managed to croak out, his gaze pinned on Sabrina.

"Don't play coy with me," Sabrina retorted, her azure eyes sparkling with a fire that betrayed her anger. 

Hoping to ease the tension in the room, Austin attempted a flirtatious smile. "Could you possibly enlighten me on what I seem to be missing, gorgeous?"

Sabrina's icy demeanor cracked just slightly at this, a small grin playing on her lips. "You've clearly been practicing your lines in front of the mirror," she quipped. "Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Casanova. But I think you've overlooked a critical piece of information. The Amano family isn't just wealthy—they're powerful enough to have the entire Pokemon League trembling."

Austin blinked, surprise momentarily overriding his flippant demeanor. "Ah, so you're here to nab me then?"

"Indeed. The Amano family has offered a handsome reward for my assistance in locating their daughter. You wouldn't happen to know where Erika is, would you?" Sabrina questioned, her eyes narrowing in a silent, piercing interrogation.

Austin's crimson eyes darkened a new realization sparking within him. "Yellow and Green... they haven't been captured," he muttered under his breath.

"Confused as to Erika's whereabouts, are we?" Sabrina queried, a trace of amusement dancing in her eyes.

Austin managed to compose himself, shooting her a glare. "Stop diving into my thoughts."

"Then refrain from picturing me in a variety of swimwear," Sabrina shot back, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Taken aback, Austin blinked. "Can I... perhaps take my leave?"

"I'm afraid that won't be possible," Sabrina stated, her face impassive.

Austin's face twisted into a smirk, his eyes sparkling with defiance. "Is it my irresistible charm that's preventing you from letting me go?"

Sabrina snorted in disbelief. "Keep on dreaming, Mr. Casanova."

Despite his predicament, Austin's smirk grew wider. "Oh, no need to apologize, darling. Are you suggesting the Amano family has snipers stationed all over this place, expecting a showdown?"

"Indeed, they do," Sabrina admitted.

Austin extended his hand dramatically, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Then I suppose this counts as a gym battle?"

Sabrina rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress the twitch of her lips. "By the looks of it, I guess I will have to acknowledge it as one, Mr. Casanova."

Sabrina smiled. A serene thing. "We will do a four-on-four battle. Substitutions are allowed. The match ends when either of us has lost all four pokémon."

For some reason, Austin didn't think that the words bade anything good for him.

"Four on four…" He muttered, mentally figuring out which pokémon to use. "I accept."

The Saffron gym leader smiled. "I shall choose first." She raised her left hand in the air, palm opened skyward, as a Pokeball materialized in her hand. A sight touch of her fingers on the surface, and the ball shivered open, liberating the pokémon within.

The creature that floated on the ground resembled the sun, with a central dirty-orange body two squinted eyes with crimson pupils, and rocky fragments protruding out of the surface like a corona. Even from a distance, it is pretty sure that the thing was part-rock at the very least. 

"That is Solrock. A part-rock, part-psychic type." Sabrina offered.

"Uh… thanks I guess," Austin said before taking out his PokeBall.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

When the rain pours from the clouds and lightning fills the sky, most flying-type Pokemon search desperately for cover, hiding from the vast packs of electric types it brings as much as from the actual storm. And then there is Gligar, who do not hide, but swarm. Many have speculated as to why they are immune to electricity; some have suggested that they are not flying types at all, because they merely glide through the air. Yet their gliding is more flight than levitation, and their reaction to other types leaves no doubt. They are both flying and ground, a fact that made the phrase "Gligar's type" a synonym for a paradox.

And it is this paradox which has allowed them to be nicknamed "Tornadus' revenge." When thunderclouds gather in the air, Gligar climbs the tallest tree around: some desert Gligar even take advantage of their excellent hearing to climb cacti and travel long distances to the storm. When the rain comes, so do the Gligar, who search for other flying Pokemon who can not locate cover and follow them until they find their prey; electric-type aviators such as Shinx and Pikachu. When they have found such creatures, they circle the pack from a few feet over the ground, firing poison stings and felling them one by one, until their number is sufficiently reduced to finish them off with an earthquake.

This is not a type of solidarity, of course, but the law of the jungle. Gligar protects other fliers incidentally; their purpose is to use them as bait. But the sight of a Gligar fighting off a pack of small electric Pokemon singlehandedly while a Pidgey or Hoothoot escapes leaves a powerful impression on many bird keepers, who capture one themselv

es to protect their Pokemon from thundershocks and thunderbolts.

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