Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.381 Austin Vs Sabrina part 5

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The trap was visible in less than a second. Harsh sunlight inundated the arena, as Gallade's arms began to glow, with bright orange flames appearing on them- a powerful fire-based attack heading straight towards the incoming trajectory that was Haunter.

Sabrina smiled.

The emerging fireball, propelled by pure psychic force shot towards the approaching spear, colliding with it face-first, with fire spreading through the very essence of Haunter's core, burning her up as the spear exploded violently outward, with the force of a small bomb. In a normal situation, it would mean Haunter getting excessively injured and possibly being rendered incapacitated, with Gallade becoming the winner by default.

There was only one, tiny little bit of complication, something that Sabrina had seen coming.

 While Haunter had mastered the basic concepts of the Art of Miasma with considerable proficiency, she was nowhere ready to apply alteration to it mid-construction, which explained the leakage of chaotic energies into the environment all around them. Chaotic energies which were, like the spear itself, extremely vulnerable to flames- chaotic energies that were, as of that very moment, converging toward Gallade, since it was the spear's primary target.

And that made all the difference.

The entire arena exploded, charring Gallade along with it. Especially with the Sunny Day active, fire-type moves, and thus, these explosions were much more powerful than they had any right to be, and the entire mass of matter and gas exploded with a violent discharge of heat, charring the only pokémon that had been caught amidst it.

Silence reigned in the arena for the next ten seconds, as the smoking heap that was Gallade fell on his knees, however, still very much awake and in the fight. However, Austin only had eyes for the still floating husk of chaotic matter—the burnt and charred remains of Haunter's Miasma, and he knew it in his heart that it would be hours, if not days before Haunter gained her corporeal form back again just like when they were practicing.

"Thanks for the amazing performance, looks like we need more practice." He raised his Pokeball, and returned to Gengar, before shoving his next Pokeball into the arena. " Go, Wartortle."

Gallade, charred and smoking, somehow managed to get up from his position, forming an attack stance, as he warily glanced at the turtle, who had appeared in front of him.

"End him. Use ice aqua jet."

Gallade quickly raised a barrier in time, as Wartortle, enveloped inside a considerable quantity of water, shot at his person, and mid-way in the air, the aqua jet froze.

Gallafe was in no position to keep teleporting, especially with his wounds, and hence, this was going to be a match of plain brute force.

The barrier glowed, before changing form from Protect to Reflect, the change instantaneous, as the Ice Aqua jet slammed against it with tremendous force. The barrier shattered, but the Reflect action caused the ice aqua jet to shatter as Wartortle flew towards Gallade while dark-type energy wrapped around his mouth.

And Gallade shot out a lethal thunderbolt, pushing out all of his energy into a single strike.

Wartortle bit into Gallade's neck, drawing blood, as pure, unadulterated electricity surged through the water-type, and by extension, into Gallade himself. The next moment, it was all over.

Sabrina was not amused.

Austin stood at his side, observing the Psychic Master in front of him. Her first choice had been Solrock, a psychic and fire type. The next had been Jynx, a psychic and ice type. Complete reverses of each other, while keeping the psychic element in common. The third had similarly, been Gallade, a psychic and fighting type. He could almost guess what kind of pokémon her fourth and final one was going to be.

"Interesting. To have gotten Gallade down by a mismanaged move of all things." Despite the expression on her face, it was clear that Sabrina was far from amused. " Let us continue." A Pokeball appeared in her palm, before her fingers clenched around it, clicking the release button.


The pokémon in front of him looked like a giant steel bell, with eyes at the apex, with two identical projections on either side forming a rudimentary version of limbs, though Ash felt skeptical if those… limbs were functional or merely vestigial.

"This is Bronzong." Sabrina clarified for him. "A part steel, part psychic. He is going to be my fourth battler for this match."

Ah. Steel this time. How amazingly poetic to have a high defensive type just right after an offensive one. 

Austin marveled internally at Sabrina's choice of battlers from the very first.

Austin's fingers tightened around Charmeleon's Pokeball as he tossed it out into the arena, and with a burst of red light, the flame lizard Pokémon appeared. 

"Charmeleon, let's start with an Aerial Rush!" Austin commanded. In a burst of agility, Charmeleon bounded forward, his body wrapped in a glowing aura that gave off a strange dragon-esque look. His body darted through the air, akin to the swift strike of Aerial Ace, crashing into Bronzong.

Bronzong retaliated with a powerful Gyro Ball, forcing Charmeleon to skid back. However, Austin had his strategy laid out. "Aerial Edge now!" With a brilliant glow, Charmeleon launched itself with Double Edge's momentum, incorporating the swiftness and accuracy of Aerial Ace into it. A brutal collision occurred, but the tough shell of Bronzong absorbed most of the impact, showcasing its sturdy Defense.

Charmeleon's momentum barely faltered. He rolled in mid-air and used Iron Tail to steady himself, swirling around for a Sword Draw combo. With a swift slice through the air, he hit Bronzong with a combination of the Iron Tail's strength and the sharpness of Aerial Ace, dealing significant damage.

Sabrina decided it was time to switch things up, calling back Bronzong and sending out her Jynx instead. The Ice/Psychic Pokémon danced into the arena, unfazed by the ongoing fierce battle.

Caught by surprise, Austin commanded his Pokémon, "Charmeleon, switch to Draco Twister!" Charmeleon roared, creating a vortex of wind with Twister, and then powering it with the fierce Draco Meteor. It spiraled towards Jynx with deadly intent.

However, Jynx was quick on her feet, using Psychic to deflect the incoming attack back at Charmeleon, creating an explosion upon contact. Both Pokémon were flung back, and their trainers watched with wide eyes as smoke filled the arena.

In the chaos, Austin saw an opportunity. "El Drago!" he yelled out. Charmeleon staggered back to his feet and unleashed a combination of Flamethrower and Dragon Pulse, which merged into a spiraling dragon-shaped flame that cut through the smoke and towards Jynx.

Despite the surprise, Jynx responded with a powerful Ice Beam, the intense cold clashing with the hot flames. Both attacks exploded upon contact, resulting in a blinding flash of light and a massive gust of wind that cleared the smoke.

Using the residual smoke as cover, Austin commanded, "Plasma Fists!" Charmeleon's claws glowed red-hot with Flamethrower, while a spark of electricity wrapped around them, giving his Metal Claw the power of Thunder Punch. Charmeleon, through the smoke, managed to land a powerful blow on Jynx.

However, Jynx retaliated with a close-range Blizzard, knocking Charmeleon back. He roared in defiance, not ready to give up yet, and used Metallic Dragon Claw, his claws glowing with an eerie light of Dragon Claw, empowered by the sheen of Metal Claw.

Seeing the incoming attack, Jynx prepared to use Psychic, but Austin was quick to call out, "Devil's Tornado!" Charmeleon swiftly shifted his move, creating a vortex of Fire Spin, then enhancing it with the swirling wind of Twister. The fiery tornado engulfed Jynx, causing her Psychic attack to fizzle out.

Austin saw the moment to end it. 

"Charmeleon, Meteor Machine!" he ordered. Charmeleon roared as the glowing energy of Draco Meteor formed around him. Suddenly, instead of just one meteor, several smaller meteor-like projectiles burst forth, heading straight for Jynx, each like a bullet.

Jynx, despite being battered and bruised, looked at her trainer who had a smirk on her face. Sabrina, knowing the dire situation, raised her arm and yelled, "Jynx, Destiny Bond!"

A chilling, dark aura surrounded Jynx. She stared at the incoming barrage of Draco Meteors, and despite the intense situation, she managed a smile. As the first Meteor hit, the bond activated.

The battlefield was filled with a bright light as the Meteors struck Jynx. The power of Destiny Bond worked its magic, and as the light faded, Charmeleon was seen collapsing on the other side of the field. The bond had linked their fates, and Jynx's downfall led to Charmeleon's defeat as well.

Sabrina smirked, "Well played, Ash."

Austin gritted his teeth but managed a small smile, acknowledging the intense battle. He returned Charmeleon to his Pokeball.

All right. What do I do? 

He pondered. 

He had come in prepared for a six-on-six, which had shortened to a five-on-five, allowing him three options that he was allowed to choose from. 

Of course, he would have wanted Haunter to be the one battling this one, but unfortunately, she was indisposed at the moment. Another part of him wanted to bring out Musharna if only to see just how much his psychic type fared against Sabrina's. 

Of course, there was another part of him, the wildly overemotional part that wanted him to include Pikachu, and prove to his starter that he had not ignored him. 

Austin grinned. 

This… this he could work with.

"Fine then." He lifted his fourth and final Pokeball and was about to throw it out into the arena when Lucario placed his palm on his shoulder, and instantly, Austin felt a temporary petrification get hold of him, enough to stop him in his actions and yet feel distinctly uncomfortable. 

For all he knew, it was almost like something had just gripped his body and let him free when he had ceased moving.

Before he could voice his confusion, Lucario smirked.

Austin knew that look in Lucario's eyes and asked," Want to show off, old man." 

"I'm not too old to kick some ass," Lucario answered back.

" Pika." Pikachu's ears fell as he realized that he won't get to battle since Lucario is going into battle.

But he was curious, just how strong was this old man in battle considering his human had always held him in extremely high regard and would actively ask him for advice on the performance of his Pokemon during training?


[ Omake Paragraph ]

In the ocean which serves as the habitat for most Qwilfish, they are an enormously fragile pokemon. Their dense hide requires them to contain an enormous amount of air inside their body just to float, and a single puncture wound beneath the surface can send them tumbling to the bottom of the sea as water replaces air, where they are crushed to death by the water pressure. In addition to poisoning their prey, Qwilfish also uses their spikes to pop one another to reduce competition for food: it is a common sight in deep waters to see two of them bobbing up and down while ramming another in the hopes of deflating the other before being popped themselves.

There is only one method for a Qwilfish to defend itself from obstacles, and paradoxically, that is to knock itself unconscious with an Explosion. Although the attack will not be used on other Qwilfish, for even if successful it will only knock them out, wild Qwilfish have been known to use it against everything from boats to Gyarados as a last resort. Trained Qwilfish have even been pressed into service as naval mines for this reason, but this is not commonly done, for Qwilfish require a great deal of training not to attack one another on sight.

On land, where most trained Qwilfish battle, their lower spikes instead act as something similar to legs, allowing them to walk with surprising mobility. Indeed, between this and their ability to survive being popped, many wonder why they remain in the water at all; perhaps it is simply that they enjoy the ocean too much to leave except in a Pokeball.

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