Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.382 The Power of Mega Evolution

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Sabrina watched as Lucario stepped onto the battlefield. His aura was unlike any she had ever felt before, bone-chilling and intense. It was as if she could feel the power radiating off him in waves.

She closed her eyes and tried to see into the future, to glimpse the outcome of this battle. But every time Lucario took a step forward, a different future played out before her eyes. 

But each future ended the same way, with Bronzong's defeat. 

Did she want to continue this battle?

Bronzong and Lucario stood opposite each other.

"Oi, Psychic woman; you can take the first move," Lucario exclaimed surprising Sabrina that he could talk before Sabrina realized that Lucario was manipulating his aura for his Pokemon speech to sound like a human's.

Sabrina's eyes glowed as she commanded Bronzong to take the first move as it began to sway back and forth releasing a dong sound.

Lucario frowned as he felt the effects of the moving metal sound.

Bronzong suddenly charged forward, ready to crush Lucario with a body slam while Lucario felt his body tense up as Bronzong tried to hold him down with the move "gravity".

But as Bronzong was about to make contact with Lucario, the aura Pokemon smirked and twisted on the balls of his feet as he effortlessly tore through the effects of gravity and dodged the attack.

( ~ DONG ~ )

The sound echoed throughout the hall as Lucario snorted while looking at Bronzong who was stuck on the floor.

" Hey, there buddy; needs some help."

Bronzong glowed with a fierce light as it prepared to use the move Explosion. Its metallic body hummed with energy, and its eyes shone with a dangerous light. 

Suddenly, Lucario exploded out in aura, its energy surging to the surface as it prepared to use the move, Force Palm. 

As Bronzong began to pulse with power, Lucario sprang forward with lightning-fast speed, striking it with a powerful Force Palm before it could unleash its deadly attack.

The force of the blow was incredible, and Bronzong shuddered under the impact. Its body glowed with a brilliant light, and for a moment it seemed as though it might be able to withstand the attack.

But then, with a deafening boom, a dust cloud covered the area.

Austin pinched his nose, as the smoke cleared, it became clear that Lucario had emerged victorious. Its Force Palm had been enough to knock out Bronzong before it could use Explosion.

As the dust settled, Lucario turned to face Sabrina. She met his gaze, feeling a chill run down her spine.

There was something about those piercing blue eyes that made her feel as though he could see right through her. As though he knew all her secrets and fears.

" My Mew, you're supposed to be strong. Looks like our definitions of strength are different. Look I don't have all day just send your strongest or is that the best you could come up with." Lucario exclaimed as Austin and Pikachu sighed.

Even though Lucario was much older and wiser than them, the old man turned into an adrenaline junkie when he battled.

Austin turned to Sabrina and saw that Lucario seemed to have pissed her off.

'So much for seeming mature, she is still the same brat.' 

Austin took a step back as he found Sabrina shifting her glare at him.

" Eyes here, toots," Lucario exclaimed as Austin could see Sabrina's vein pop.

With a wild glint in her eye, she hurled her PokeBall with all the force of a hurricane wind. "I'll show you strong," she snarled, her words dripping with venom.

In that instant, the ball burst open, unleashing a blinding light that seared the eyes and scorched the soul. From its depths emerged a creature of pure psychic energy, an Alakazam that shimmered like a mirage in the desert heat. 

On the opposite side of the battlefield, Austin's Lucario stood tall, its deep, sapphire eyes steady and unblinking. A silent exchange of nods between the trainer and Pokémon, and the battle was on.

As if on cue, Sabrina's Alakazam lashed out, twin spoons whirling, psychic energy surging forward in a maelstrom. Lucario watched the psychic onslaught unfurl, internalizing its power and momentum. With a swift pivot, it redirected the assault back toward its origin, forcing Alakazam to stagger slightly.

The aura-infused Pokémon wasted no time and channeled a ball of darkness, the Shadow Ball finding its mark on Alakazam's form and pushing it back. Regaining its stance, Alakazam responded with a Synchronoise, a wave of psychic energy that would have devastated any same type Pokémon.

Lucario's paw moved, a force field of energy materializing to absorb the brunt of Alakazam's attack. As the psychic shockwave dissipated harmlessly, Lucario darted forward, its paw ignited with power for a Power-Up Punch. The hit sent Alakazam skidding, but the psychic Pokémon promptly began restoring its energy with Recover.

Keeping its cool, Lucario concentrated its aura into a sphere, the battlefield glowing under the radiant blue light of the forming Aura Sphere. Alakazam took advantage of the situation, teleporting behind Lucario to launch a Shadow Ball.

But Lucario was ready. With a burst of Extreme Speed, Lucario evaded the oncoming attack and spun around in mid-air, launching the Aura Sphere directly at the momentarily bewildered Alakazam.

"Is this your strongest ?" Lucario questioned as Sabrina's eyes flashed with anger.

"Fine! You want me at my strongest, I'll give you it." 

With a fierce determination, she reached for the mega stone on her wristbands, feeling its pulsing energy thrumming beneath her fingertips.

And then it happened. A brilliant light exploded from the stone, enveloping the Alakazam in a blinding halo of power. Its body grew larger and more muscular, its skin rippling with otherworldly energy. Its spoons glinted like razor blades, and its eyes blazed with a fierce intelligence that was both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

Austin, Pikachu, and Lucario were left standing in shock at the mega-evolved Pokemon.

" How is this, Ketchum?!" Sabrina asked with a savage grin as if her personality had taken a complete shift.

" Oh, wow, talk about a complete 180 in personality! It's like they're a whole new person! I mean, I'm all for self-improvement and personal growth, but this is on a whole other level. It's like they've shed their old skin and emerged as a new, improved version of themselves. It's honestly kind of inspiring to see someone take control of their life like that. I hope they can maintain this new outlook and keep pushing forward. Go get 'em, champ!" A dry voice exclaimed as Austin turned to see Abra eating a piece of pizza.

" Give me a piece." 

" Pika."

" Oh, look at this guy! Offering pizza like he's some kind of pizza saint or something. Who do you think I am? The Pizza Pope?" Abra asked as Austin just snatched a slice and gave it to Pikachu.

" Well folks, we've got a real pizza bandit on our hands here. This guy just straight-up took that slice like it was nobody's business. I mean, you could practically see the guilt written all over his face, but he just went for it anyway. And let's be real, who can blame him? That pizza looked like it was sent straight from the gods themselves. I'm not saying it was the right thing to do, but I can understand the temptation. In any case, I hope that slice was worth it, my friend. May the pizza gods have mercy on your soul." Abra exclaimed as Austin answered.

" I thought you were an atheist," Austin asked as Pikachu nibbled on the pizza.

"Well, well, well, looks like we have ourselves a mind reader here. Newsflash, pal - just because I make jokes about religion doesn't mean I'm an atheist. I mean, come on, have you seen the state of the world lately? If anything, I'm agnostic."

"Dure you are buddy._

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Lucario looked at Mega Alakazam with a grin.

As Lucario stood before Mega Alakazam, his eyes began to glow with an eerie red light. His fur stood on end and his aura emanated an ominous energy that made even the bravest of trainers tremble.

" In all my years as a warrior, I have never seen such power." Lucario asked with a demonic grin on his face," I wonder, can you kill me with that power ?!" 


[ Omake Paragraph ]

At the north end of the Safari Zone is a long, winding path marked on maps as the Road of a Hundred Scizor, which terminates in the hideout of the ninjas who rule Fuchsia City, a secret capitol where issues of war and governance and nefarious deeds are determined. The road is aptly named, for any who travel on it are chased away by what seems like a hundred Scizor, although to be fair most are too busy running away to count them. At times, they have chased away whole armies, and even great heroes fear and avoid this road, for a Scizor's claws are sharp enough to cut the threads of fate.

In reality, there are nowhere near a hundred Scizor guarding this road, nor even in all of Fuchsia City. If there were that many, Scizor would be reported frequently in the foreign wars and internecine strife which makes up so much of that city's history, and Fuchsia would import massive amounts of the rare metals which make up a Scizor's coat to maintain such a large population. Most researchers believe there to be at most six Scizor protecting that road, and maybe even as few as one.

Why, then, have eyewitnesses reported massive swarms? Fuchsia Pokemon are masters of illusion and Scizor skilled users of double teams, and their bullet punches strike with such speed that it is impossible to identify the direction of the user, and difficult to even see the punch. Fighting one Scizor seems as difficult as fighting one hundred, and this holds as true in the Indigo Plateau as in Fuchsia City. This is especially true if one neglects or forgets their one weakness, for 

the only reliable way to defeat a Scizor is to set it on fire.

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