Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.383 Vs Mega Alakazam

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[POV Change]

The Alakazam line is a unique set of psychic-type Pokémon. Their psychic abilities are so strong that they can bend spoons with their minds and perform telekinesis on objects weighing more than 100 pounds. Their most notable feature is their enlarged brain, which is considered the source of their immense psychic powers as they gain access to the Mirror world.

Alakazam's evolution from Abra and Kadabra sees a significant increase in physical attributes. The three tails on its back are said to be a representation of its brain's increased power and capacity. With the increased mental capacity, Alakazam is said to possess an IQ that surpasses that of even the smartest humans.

The Mega Alakazam form is an extension of this power, with the brain growing even larger, and the psychic abilities becoming even more potent. The power of its mind has grown so much that it can even bend space and time to its will as it connects to the Mirror World and expand its psychic reservoirs to an endless amount as its intelligence is increased to an unthinkable level.

According to research, Mega Alakazam's psychic powers are so great that they are capable of moving mountains with their minds alone. In this form, the two spoons Alakazam held in their regular form combine to form a single, larger spoon that is capable of amplifying its psychic powers even further.

The exact nature of Mega Alakazam's evolution is still a subject of much debate and research. Some scientists believe that its mega-evolution is a result of its DNA reacting to a particular type of energy, which causes its brain to grow even larger and gain further access to the Mirror world, leading to an increase in psychic abilities.

Mega Alakazam's power is so great that it is said to be able to access different dimensions of reality, and can even create small black holes with its psychic powers. However, the Mega Alakazam form is not without its drawbacks. Due to the immense power of its psychic abilities, Mega Alakazam is highly susceptible to mental fatigue and can quickly become exhausted if it exerts itself too much.


Lucario observed the Alakazam, now Mega-Alakazam, levitating in the air, its psychic aura giving her slight creeps. Now, he wasn't a psychic by any accord, but judging by what he knew about Mega Evolution via Austin and Alakazam in general, there was a high possibility that the Mega-evolved psi was scanning him, inside out, and the more he allowed himself to be in its direct psychic gaze, the more his secrets would be milked out.

I need to end this quickly.

Lucario thought while transmitting his thoughts via aura to Austin who nodded.

Looks like my assessment is correct

Lucario nodded as lifted his paws, before releasing a powerful burst of spectral energy, which automatically shifted into the shape of a large, spectral dragon before shooting toward Alakazam, who didn't seem at all concerned.

Rip control, and send it back. Sabrina commanded.

"Kazaam!" The psi type muttered as the five silver spoons floating above it shone with eldritch power, forcibly containing the dragon's pulse back into a sphere of compressed energy, before propelling it back to Lucario.

Lucario raised his left arm, as a bone structure formed from the aura, before swatting away the incoming attack to the right. The redirected dragon pulse slammed into the ground, creating a terrific explosion.

Use psycho cut. Sabrina commanded.

Instantly, several psycho cuts appeared in front of the Mega-evolved creature, who sent them towards the aura pokemon, said pokemon easily dodged them, and if not, countered them with a bone rush. Not that it mattered to Alakazam, it had all the psychic energy in the universe to harness and use for this battle.

Analyse. Precision set. Successive fire. Came the next command.

Instantly, a dozen psycho cuts reappeared in front of Alakazam, as the psi-type instantly calculated the possible movement patterns as demonstrated by Lucario, depending upon its analysis of Lucario's height, weight, body movement, move sets, shape, and length of wingspan, and hundreds of other statistical data that Alakazam had gathered via its psychic scan on the aura pokemon. In less than a second, all that information was matched with the movement patterns that Lucario had just demonstrated, and the trajectories were created, and set, taking wind movement and probability distribution into account.

Set. Fire.

All twelve psycho cuts shot into the air, and despite all of Lucario weaving through the air, several of them slashed into the old veterans, who just grin when they felt the pain

"Don't stop," Sabrina ordered. "Repeat fire."


Another set of psycho cuts appeared in the air, their trajectories now taking into account Lucario's injury and position on the ground, before being projected toward the war veteran.

Lucario, however, countered with a barrage of ice punches and lifted his maw, as he sent vacuum waves with ice energy inside towards the psi type, directly in the face of the psycho cuts, creating an explosion that destroyed nine of them. Two of them moved away, one to the right, and one to the left, spinning like a boomerang, as they attacked Lucario from both angles which were destroyed by the aura Pokemon.

And then the third and remaining psycho cut slammed into Lucario from amidst the smoke, scoring another head-on strike.

As the commotion settled, Lucario loomed with a fiendish smile upon its muzzle, and its crimson eyes glimmered with a tint of blue, as its aura surged out of its fur. The force of the aura was so great that it shattered the panes of the inn, sending glass raining down onto the cobblestone streets below. Meanwhile, Mega Alakazam stood firm, erecting a barrier of psychic energy to safeguard itself from the maelstrom of aura that swirled about the room.

 " You have quite the unusual Pokemon, Ash. 

let's match the powers of me and my Mega-Alakazam, who can divine nearly almost everything by nary but a single gaze, against your powerhouse of a Lucario, and the best commands that you can give him."

Austin grinned. "Let it be so. Lucario, show her what you got!"

And the entire floor seemed to be submerged in an aura-like mist. For someone like Alakazam, whose entire existence was maintained by psychic energy, aura seemed to provide an extremely annoying distraction, as he forced his power to forcibly create convection, in an attempt to seep away the aura towards the ceiling.

"Raze the field, Lucario," Austin commanded. " 

In fear and trepidation, Sabrina pondered the meaning of the enigmatic phrase of Austin's command.

"Dirty Fireworks!" 

Meanwhile, Lucario, stood poised to take action. Raising its paws, it summoned forth a mist of aura that swirled and twisted around them. With a mighty effort, Lucario gathered the mist into hundreds of shimmering spheres of aura, each glowing with an inner light that bespoke of its incredible strength.

"Strong Style! Dirty Fireworks!"

With a deep breath, Lucario flexed its mighty muscles, and the aura spheres grew to the size of great orbs as if imbued with the very essence of Life itself.

"Your Alakazam can calculate Lucario's movements. I can admit that. But… can it do so while escaping from these?" Austin waved at the multiple hundreds of giant spheres, that moved, independent of everything else, making it difficult for the mega-evolved psi to even concentrate in the battle, its entire concentration engrossed in maintaining convection to clear out a large amount of aura from wherever it stood at any moment.

And just like that, the tables had turned.

You can run, but you cannot hide. Austin smiled.

Alakazam, use psycho cut on Lucario. Sabrina commanded, inwardly feeling that the battle had once again, turned into the same as his Bronzong against that Lucario.

" Launch them !" 

At that moment, Mega Alakazam's mind was racing as it desperately attempted to teleport away from the incoming danger. But no matter where it went, the hundreds of giant aura spheres relentlessly pursued it, tracking the very essence of its being.

The air was thick with the tension of the chase, as Mega Alakazam darted and weaved, always seeking to outmaneuver the relentless assault of the spheres. Each passing moment was a dance of life and death, as the psychic Pokémon pushed its abilities to their limits.

But the aura spheres seemed to have a will of their own, and as Mega Alakazam moved, they twisted and turned in midair, always closing in. It was like a game of cat and mouse, with the fate of the psychic Pokémon hanging in the balance.

The world around them seemed to fade into a blur, as the intensity of the battle reached its peak. Mega Alakazam's movements became a blur, as it teleported and dodged with all its might. But even the most skilled psychic could not evade forever, and eventually, one of the spheres connected with a devastating impact.

The explosion of energy rocked the surrounding area, and for a moment, all was still. Mega Alakazam lay crumpled on the ground, battered and bruised but still alive. It had survived, but just barely. 

Suddenly Mega Alakazam devolved back into its natural form before falling to the floor.


As Austin's form shimmered as he, Pikachu, and Lucario teleported out.

Sabrina sighed and returned her Pokemon as she felt her earpiece ring.

"Miss Sabrina, why did you let the target run away ?" 

"You saw the battle that man is stronger than me, if you think you can get a champion to fight for you then be my guest." 

"What should we tell the family head ?"

"Wait for a call ?" 

"What ?" 

Suddenly Sabrina plucked out the earpiece and crushed it with her powers.



[ Omake Paragraph ]

In the early days of Pokemon contests, before there were Poffins and Pokeblocks, berries were turned into appeal-enhancing items through the use of live Shuckle. Shuckle is a Pokemon that naturally cause berries to turn into juice that has beneficial effects when prepared properly. In Pokemon and humans alike, it restores health and cures illness, and further fermentation allows it to be turned into a hard cider which has replaced beer and wine on Cinnabar Island.

This process took far too long for most coordinators, who instead used the hole on a Shuckle's back to stir a mix of berries with a stylus while swinging the Pokemon around until it became dizzy; dizziness signified that the Shuckleberry was completed. Although Shuckle is more than sturdy enough not to be harmed by this technique, many find it so annoying that they hide under rocks whenever a coordinator, or indeed a trainer (for they can not tell them apart) passes by.

Competition between cider brewers and coordinators combined to virtually wipe out the wild population of Shuckle, a problem compounded as increasing shortages changed the process from one of using wild Shuckle to one of capturing to secure one for future usage. In time, the brewers won out, and other methods were developed to allow contest Pokemon to make use of berries. But among a select few coordinators on Cinnabar, the ancient art of Shuckleberries continues, using Shuckle passed down as heirlooms for generations.

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