Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.385 A Thief in the Night

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[POV Change ]

As the night falls on Celadon City, the bustling metropolis begins to quiet down. The neon lights of the city's many skyscrapers illuminate the darkened streets, casting a colorful glow over the empty sidewalks.

The sounds of traffic and people fade away, replaced by the soft hum of insects and the occasional screech of Zubats.

" There is an abandoned pipe under the old bridge and inside it lives a hobo, who embezzled company funds and he embezzled a lot. Since he is a wanted man, he can't deposit it at the bank so he keeps it in a bag." 

Hearing the words of the runaway leader Erika gazes upon the old stone bridge that stretches over a small, winding river.

Beneath the bridge, a large, rusted pipe juts out of the embankment, its mouth gaping wide like the maw of a hungry beast. The area around the pipe is dark and foreboding, with only a few faint patches of moonlight piercing the thick canopy of trees overhead.

The air is thick with the scent of damp earth and decaying vegetation. The sound of rushing water echoes through the pipe, mingling with the occasional rustle of leaves and twigs as nocturnal creatures scurry about their business.

"And it's about time he went for his dinner rations. Go and grab it and return it to the company and let's get the reward." 

Erika thought that this was a fair way to earn money and she thought that maybe her family would recognize her when she appears on TV.

'When I go back, I need Jarvis to show me how to contact him ?' Erika thought as she approached the abandoned water pipe.

Erika cautiously stepped into the dark and damp entrance of the abandoned water pipe. She could hear the sound of dripping water echoing through the narrow passage as she took a few steps forward. Suddenly, a foul odor hit her nose, and she wrinkled it in disgust.

As she looked around, Erika's heart sank at the sight of the endless piles of garbage littered across the pipe's floor. The place was a complete mess, and it looked like no one had bothered to clean it in ages. However, her attention was suddenly drawn to a bag lying amidst the debris, and she moved closer to inspect it.

"Who are you ?! You goddamn brat !"

Something from the trash lunged at her. Erika yelped and stumbled back, and her heart raced as she realized that there was someone else in the pipe with her. She looked closer and saw that it was Tom, the beggar who had helped her.

"Mister !"

( ~ Bang ~ )

The sound of the runaway's leader hit Tom on the head as he screamed out.

" Grab the bag! Run !" 

As Erika grabbed the bag and started running away with the other runaways.

Erika gulped when she heard the others talk.

" Fuck, he was home !" 

" He is supposed to be out at this hour." 

Erika felt like something was wrong as she heard them say.

" Fuck, we hit a jackpot !" 

Erika glanced back to see Tom stumbling out of the abandoned pipe.

" S-Stop, you thieves." 

Seeing Tom in tears made Erika think.

'Is he really ..... a criminal ?!'

Even as the group ran through the subway station Tom chased after them, crying and screaming, "That's my money! Give it back!" They could hear his footsteps pounding on the pavement behind them.

"Fuck, he's still following us ?! Persistent Bastard !"

Suddenly Tom tripped and hit his head on the ground, causing it to bleed yet he began to rise as he outstretched his hand.

"That's my ... money."

 Erika slowed to a crawl as she stopped causing the runaway leader to exclaim.

" Hey ! What're you doing ?!"

Erika looked down and asked," You guys .... tricked me, Didn't you ?"

The leader seeing his scheme being foiled suddenly grabbed the bag in Erika's hand as he screamed.

" Fuck! Hand me that bag !" 

Yet Erika didn't seem to let go surprising the leader by her strength.

'Why is she so strong ?'

" If he is so rich, why is he living on the streets ?" Erika asked as the leader screamed out in anger.

" Let go of the bag." 

The leader tried to snatch away as the bag ripped causing the quarters that Tom had collected to be thrown in the air in the middle of the subway station filled with homeless people.

" Money !"  

The homeless people lunged towards the coins as the runaways ran away while the leader looked back at Erika in anger.

'I'll get back to you.' 

Meanwhile, Erika looked on in shame seeing a bleeding Tom struggling to grab as many quarters as he could as he cried out.

"My Sarah! My Sarah !"

'I messed up, I was so naive.'

Erika thought but to her surprise, the homeless people all stood up as they began to give the coins back to Tom.

"Here Tom! Here you go, we know that you were saving this for a special day and how much this means to you. We wouldn't take it away." 

Tom stood in the middle as the homeless people gave the coins back. 

Tom couldn't keep it together his lips quivered as he was reduced to tears.


Meanwhile on the other side of Celadon City.

It was a cool night in Celadon City as the moon shone brightly in the clear sky. The bustling Celadon City Square was alive with activity, as people walked to and fro, chatting and laughing with one another. The bright lights of the shops and restaurants illuminated the area, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

In the center of the square, Green moved stealthily through the crowd, her eyes scanning for potential targets. She wore a mischievous grin on her face, knowing that tonight she was going to make a quick and easy profit. As she made her way through the crowd, she deftly picked a few poke dollars from unsuspecting victims, her movements so swift and smooth that no one even noticed.

As she looked around, she saw Yellow, who was visibly frustrated with a fake fortune teller who couldn't find Erika. Green chuckled to herself, knowing that Yellow was too honest and naive to see through the fortune teller's trickery. Green was about to expose the fortune teller when she suddenly saw the fortune teller pick up her stuff and run away, leaving behind a bewildered Yellow. 

Suddenly, a speeding car rushed past Yellow, causing her to jump back in surprise. "Slow down, you fuck!" she shouted, her frustration

evident in her voice.

Green turned to Yellow, a playful grin on her face. "Careful with your language, Yellow," she said, teasingly. "You wouldn't want Ash to hear you talking like that."

Yellow rolled her eyes. "Please, anything but that," she replied, knowing that Ash could be quite strict.

"Alright, I won't tell him this time," Green relented, "but you owe me. How about 20 poke dollars?"

"I only have 10 poke dollars," Yellow said, frowning.

"Hmm, I didn't know being a Pokemon trainer paid so little," Green remarked, surprised.

Yellow looked at her in confusion. "Paid? We get paid?" she asked, genuinely surprised.

"Oh, do you want me to show you how to access that money ?" Green asked with an innocent look on her face.

" No," Yellow answered back with a blank expression on her face.

Green's innocent look turned into one of sadness and tears.

"Don't you trust me, yellow?"

"Considering the mess we are in, considering how made Ash is going to be, no, I don't trust you." 

"That's so mean, Yellow."


[ Omake Paragraph ]

It is said that whenever you see a Sneasel, black ice is not far behind. This is not entirely true – black ice forms naturally on pavement – but Sneasel and Weavile, being both dark and ice types, can spray it as well, and Sneasel in particular is quite fond of doing so. Although this technique probably originated as a way for packs of Sneasel to hunt large Pokemon such as Stantler and Meganium, in this era it is done more often as a prank against humans, its only purpose is a Sneasel's amusement.

Less well-documented, but nearly as widely believed, is their association with heartbreak. Terms like "black-hearted" and "cold" are often used to describe people after a breakup, but it is not as though Sneasel harden hearts in the way that Luvdisc warm them. In all likelihood, this has its roots in an ancient tradition, where a man who wished to divorce his wife must first seek out and catch a Sneasel to present it to her. (Women, in this era, had no such rights.) This was intended both as a test of the man's sincerity and as compensation for the divorced woman: Sneasel are rare and hard to catch, fiercely protective of their trainers, and skilled thieves capable of stealing enough for a single mother to get by. This tradition died out centuries ago, more from the convenience of men and the increasing rarity of Sneasel than from any newfound egalitarianism. This tradition is dead, but remains in our historical memory; Sneasel trainers are still thought of as unreliable lovers, and women often weep at the sight of a newly-caught Sneasel.

As for them bringing bad luck, that is probably a combination of these two stories, warped and simplified by centuries of forgetfulness

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