Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.386 Bitter Cold Nights Under the Bridge

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[POV Change]


Erika sat in the wooden pew of the small church, as she heard Tom exclaim.

"I swear I never lived my life in that way but the world didn't treat me better even though I was nice."

Erika could hear the faint murmurs of the priest as he gave his sermon, but her mind was focused on Tom's story as he was praying fervently to the God of Birth, Mew. 

Erika watched as he bowed his head and closed his eyes, his hands clasped together in front of him.

" I was a grantor for a friend's loan but I was too soft. But the loan sharks started harassing my family. I got a divorce and ran away. At least to not involve my family. I haven't contacted them in a decade so my family isn't mixed up. I abandoned my family. But one day I happened to hear my daughter was getting married. I know that I don't have the right but for one day I want to congratulate my little girl even from a distance. This money is earmarked for a wedding day. I know I won't be able to walk her down the aisle. I know I'll ruin her day if I showed up," Tom exclaimed in tears as he gazed upon his daughter's picture," But Still for that one day ... I want to be her dad." 

Despite the dingy clothes he wore, there was a sense of peacefulness and tranquility about him as he prayed.

Erika felt her heartbeat as she thought.

'So your daughter's wedding was the special day you were talking about, huh."

Erika turned to see the pastor give all those that prayed a few quarters in the form of Alms.

Knowing that those under the age of 65 don't get free public transportation, Erika's eyes widened when she realized that Tom walked hundreds of kilometers from church to church to collect the money for his daughter's wedding.

'If only my father was like you.'

Erika began to pray, silently asking Mew to bless Tom.

That day, Tom stayed behind and prayed for a long time.

To Erika, he looked so desperate from afar.


The frigid air whipped through the empty streets, cutting through Erika and Tom's clothing like a razor blade. Their teeth chattered and their breath came out in visible puffs as they made their way towards the abandoned water pipe under the bridge. The dark sky was obscured by thick clouds, making it difficult to see more than a few feet in front of them. The only sound was the crunching of their boots on the pavement and the distant sound of dripping water.

" Haha, you're from the Amano Family, so why are you out here on the streets? Shouldn't you be in some kind of grand mansion?" Tom joked, trying to break the tension.

Erika felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. "I just need to contact them and I'll even get you a job at the Amano Company," she retorted, trying to sound confident.

As they approached the water pipe, the echoing sound of their footsteps bounced off the concrete walls, creating an eerie cacophony in the otherwise silent night. The air was thick with the smell of damp and mildew, and the sound of water dripping echoed off the walls.

Suddenly, Tom and Erika stopped in their tracks when they saw two ominous figures in front of them: a Rattata and a Zubat. Behind the two Pokemon stood the Runaway gang, led by a menacing figure who glared at them with dark eyes.

" You shouldn't have messed with us," the leader growled, a sneer curling his lip.

The light from the Rattata's eyes glinted menacingly in the darkness, and the Zubat let out an eerie screech, sending shivers down Erika's spine.

Erika reached for her Pokeballs, only to remember that she didn't have any. Panic rose in her chest as she realized they were defenseless. "Tom! Run!" she screamed, her voice cracking with fear.

Erika picked up a rock and threw it at the Pokemon, hoping to distract them, but they effortlessly destroyed it. The Pokemon lunged at Erika, but Tom got in the way and took the hit.

Blood seeped from Tom's wound, staining his already dirty clothes. Erika's heart raced as she watched her friend crumple to the ground, barely conscious.

"Stop this or you'll face the wrath of the Amano Family!" Erika shouted, trying to sound confident, but her voice wavered.

The Runaway gang stopped momentarily and looked at Erika, before bursting out laughing. "Oh no, Boss, we might have pissed off the Amano Family!" one of them jeered.

Erika's heart sank as she realized they were in grave danger. But just as the gang turned their attention back to the attack, a low buzzing sound filled the air.

( ~ Buzz ~ )

( ~ Crash ~ )

Erika felt a wind hit her face as she opened her eyes and saw an Alpha Beedrill standing before the knocked-out bodies of the two Pokemon. The Beedrill's wings buzzed furiously as it let out a low growl, warning the Runaway gang to stay back.

"Hey! Stop that!" a voice yelled from behind them.

Erika turned to see two familiar faces: Yellow and Green, both trainers she had met before. Seeing their Pokemon knocked out, the Runaway gang tried to run away, but their leader stumbled and fell.

Rubbing his head, the leader turned to see Austin standing as his crimson eyes bored into the leader's soul. "S-sorry," he stuttered, trying to scurry away.

Yellow screamed out," Ash! He is the bad guy."

Yellow's shouts were followed by the leader finding the world shift upside down as Austin's fist crashed into his face, knocking him out cold.

Erika cried over Tom's injuries as Austin released Chansey to heal him.

Erika was overwhelmed with emotion as she watched Tom's injuries slowly heal under Chansey's tender care. Her heart was pounding like a jackhammer, her breathing ragged as she tried to make sense of everything that had just happened

Austin turned to Yellow, his eyes piercing hers with a laser-like intensity that made her sweat like crazy. "You better explain everything," he said in a low, menacing voice.

Green tried to slowly move back, but she felt herself hit Lucario's front. She put on an innocent look on her face, but Austin wasn't buying it. He fixed her with a cold stare that sent chills down her spine.

" Ashy ♥️."

" Don't Ashy me."

"But this little lady is innocent."

"Well, this little lady ordered over a thousand items," Austin said, his voice as sharp as a knife.

Green tried to brush it off. "Hey, I needed those," she said with a shrug.

"To do what?" Austin asked, his eyes narrowing.

"To create a boy band," Green answered, causing everyone to look at her in surprise.

Austin didn't seem convinced. "And is that boyband, a money laundering firm?" he asked, his voice dripping with suspicion.

"No, tell him Yellow," Green said, turning to her friend.

Yellow without hesitation spoke up. "It's a money laundering firm."


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Although Beedrill and Vespiquen honey are harmless, one must be careful when eating honey, for the honey concocted by Teddiursa contains a powerful spell. In small quantities, it only means extra body hair and a somewhat plush-like appearance, but if too much is eaten, one must be careful not to go outside on the night of the crescent moon, lest they turn into a Teddiursa.

Parents have often warned their children of the dangers of eating too much honey, but the children seldom listen; surrounded by Teddiursa toys and obsessed with Pokemon training, it encourages them as often as it discourages them. Nor is a Teddiursa's life a harsh one; it is spent climbing trees and making and eating honey, and the paw over their face hides a smile. Most Teddiursa continues to live in their old homes, their horrified and loving parents pretend they had captured these Pokemon, and that their children had run away. Others whose families are not so kind flee for the forest and for the most part, live peaceful lives, but must dodge avian predators such as Fearow and find shelter to hibernate in during the winter.

It is not only children who choose to become Teddiursa, nor who change into it by accident. Many an adult can find grave sorrow even in this world of Pwarmson training, and choose to start over as a Pokemon, or simply have a sweet tooth and eat the wrong honey. They are distinguished from younger Teddiursa only in that the crescent moon on their chest is far less open and more circular, a sign of the Pokemon's experience: when it closes completely, they evolve into Ursaring

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