Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.387 Love is in the air

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[POV Change]

The morning at the marriage hall was abuzz with activity. The soft golden rays of the sun slowly crept over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the proceedings. The air was thick with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sounds of people bustling about. The wedding ceremony was about to begin, and everyone was in a frenzy of preparation.

Outside the marriage hall, Tom stood nervously alongside Austin. Tom's eyes darted around the area as he tried to take in everything at once. He was dressed in a sharp black suit, his tie pulled tight and his hair slicked back. He fidgeted with his cufflinks, adjusting them again and again until they were just right. Austin stood by his side, fixing Pikachu's tiny bowtie. The little yellow Pokemon was standing on his hind legs, looking up at Austin with a mix of excitement and apprehension.

As Austin finished with Pikachu's bowtie, Green approached them. She was dressed in a beautiful emerald green gown, her hair done up in an elegant chignon. Yellow was standing beside her, fidgeting nervously with her dress. 

Erika's eyes flickered over Tom and Austin.

"You both look great," Erika said, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Tom, your suit is perfect. And Mr. Austin, Pikachu looks adorable in that bowtie."

Tom let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "Thank you. I'm just...nervous, you know?"

Austin nodded sympathetically. "I know. But don't worry, everything will be perfect."

" Sir, I'll give you back the suit," Tom exclaimed to Austin who felt incredibly uncomfortable being called Sir by someone who was at the age of his father.

" No, worry." Austin quickly answered.

Yellow spoke up, her voice trembling slightly. "Do I look okay?"

Green turned to Yellow and took her hand. "You look beautiful, Yellow. Don't worry, everything will be fine."

As the group made their way into the marriage hall, Tom couldn't help but feel a sense of despair as he thought.

'Do I deserve to see my little girl ?' 

Seeing Tom stop Erika as she exclaimed," Mister, Hurry up! or you'll be late."

" Hey Erika, maybe... it's not a good idea to go there. After all these years, do I deserve a second chance? No one will welcome me."

" ... " Erika stayed silent not knowing what to say to Tom.

" Mr. Tom, why are you going to this marriage ?" 

Tom and Erika turned to see Austin and the others looking at them.

" M-My daughter."

" Even if no one is there to greet you, does it matter? As long as you get to see your daughter." 


Tom made his way into the bustling wedding hall, his eyes scanning the room as he searched for the groom's side. The hall was filled with the sweet scent of fresh flowers, the gentle melody of romantic music, and the sounds of happy chatter from guests mingling about.

" Oh boy, how did they afford a place like this? It must've cost a fortune."

Tom handed over the envelope of money to the groom's side just in case someone might recognize him. He didn't get a food ticket or write his name down on the visitor's log.

I guess he was afraid his existence would spoil the wedding.

" Ash, can I give some money to the bride's side ?" Yellow whispered to Austin who smiled and asked," Are you sure you want to do this ?" 

" Yes."

" But what if Tom doesn't want this to happen ?" 

Yellow stayed silent at Austin's question as Green stayed silent throughout the whole ordeal.

Erika looked confused at what was happening.

Tom couldn't help but look around the wedding hall once more. He saw the beaming faces of the bride, his beautiful daughter, and groom, a man he could tell would love his daughter, as they exchanged vows and rings. 

Tom stood at the back of the wedding hall, along with Austin and the others.

" Mister, are you sure you are ok with this ?" Erika asked as Tom replied.

" Yeah, what right do I have to act like a father after all these years? It's already been ten years. I am just grateful that she grew up so well. I'm already happy." 

Suddenly Tom saw the rows of guest part to have Tom face to-face with his daughter, Sarah.

" Dad?"

Tom quickly hid his face as he stuttered," No, I, Uh, you have the wrong per...."

Tom saw a blur of movement out of the corner of his eye. Suddenly, he felt a small body rush into his arms, and he looked down to see his daughter.

" What took you so long?!"

Tom couldn't hold back his emotions any longer, and he burst into tears, overwhelmed by the love he felt for his daughter.

Looking at this emotional reunion, Austin glanced at Yellow as he remembered her answer.

"Everyone deserves a second chance and I can sense that Sarah wants to give her father a second chance."

Yellow, was looking at Tom and his daughter with a wide smile on her face as she saw Austin looking at her.

" What? Is there something on my face ?" 

Austin chuckled and answered," No, there is not.'

As a gentle breeze blew through the wedding hall, Yellow's straw hat was suddenly lifted off her head, swirling away into the air. Without hesitation, Austin leaped forward, catching the hat just in time before it flew out of reach.

As he handed the hat back to Yellow, he noticed how her cheeks had flushed with a deep shade of pink. He couldn't help but smile, charmed by her sweet expression.

"Thanks," she said softly, looking up at him with a shy smile.

Austin's heart skipped a beat as he gazed into her eyes. 

"Would you like to dance?" he asked, extending his hand towards her.

Yellow's eyes widened with surprise, but then she gave a small nod and took his hand. As they made their way to the dance floor.

Green's heart was pounding as she watched Austin and Yellow dance, a sudden wave of emotion taking hold of her. She didn't know what it was, but she knew that it was powerful, overwhelming even. As she stood there, her hand clutching her chest.

" No, this can't be. I have fallen for him." Green admitted to herself.

Green felt a sudden presence at her shoulder. Turning, she saw Lucario, his face filled with concern.

"Go before you regret it in the future," he said, his voice low and urgent.

Green looked at him, her mind racing.

" But "

 She was about to protest when she realized that this was a dance mixer, and everyone was expected to participate. Lucario grabbed the nearest man and pushed him towards Green, urging her to take the dance floor.

Green felt a sudden sense of panic, but before she could protest, 

" Go get that dense idiot before I lose the bet." 

"What?" Green exclaimed, but before she knew it, she was being pushed onto the dance floor with her unwilling partner.

As Austin danced with Yellow, he couldn't help but feel a sense of elation. She was a wonderful partner, her movements graceful and fluid, her smile bright and infectious. 

But as the song came to a close, the partners began to shift, and Austin found himself partnered up with Green. As they began to move, he couldn't help but notice how nervous she seemed, her movements hesitant and uncertain.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Green looked up at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of fear and anxiety. "I'm sorry, I'm not very good at this," she said, her voice trembling.

Austin smiled, trying to put her at ease. "It's okay, just relax and let the music guide you," he said, his voice low and soothing.

As they continued to dance, Austin could feel Green slowly relaxing into his arms. He was surprised at how good a dancer she was, her movements becoming more confident and assured with every passing moment.

"Hey, do tell me you were pickpocketing your partners by acting like a bad dancer," he joked, squeezing her hand gently.

Green laughed. "Maybe I was," she said, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

Austin took another drag from his cigarette as he watched the stars twinkle overhead. The night had been a blur of laughter, dancing, and good company. And now, with Yellow and Green snuggled up on his lap, fast asleep, he felt a sense of contentment wash over him.

He was lost in thought when Lucario and Pikachu arrived, with Pikachu sporting lipstick kiss marks all over his fur. Austin chuckled at the sight and shook his head in amusement.

Erika appeared from the shadows, her eyes glinting mischievously. "I think Pikachu was quite the hit with the ladies tonight," she said, winking at Austin.

Lucario rolled his eyes, but couldn't hide his smile. "Oh, please drunk women don't count," he said, ruffling Pikachu's fur who glared back 

Austin took one last drag from his cigarette before putting it out. 

" So, what now ?" Erika asked as Austin smiled and said, "It's time for you to go home." 


[ Omake Paragraph ]

It is said that when an Ursaring hibernates for the winter, they can do so in broad daylight, for no Pokemon or trainer will dare disturb them. If they do, the Ursaring typically receives a nice meal and goes back to sleep. Notably, this story refers to sleeping Ursaring; awake, they are even scarier.

Ursaring are Pokemon who climb trees, walk on their hind legs, and are intelligent enough to open doors: they decline to do so, however, because it is far easier to just break them down. Paralysis, burns, and poisons work as defenses against many Pokemon, but Ursaring simply get stronger when such techniques are used against them, and angrier to boot. Nor do human weapons work easily against their thick hide, which repels most gunfire and is too thick to easily cut with a sword – as for Pokemon, their sole weakness is fighting, and few fighting types wish to face a bear of any type in hand-to-hand combat. Needless to say, there are very few ways to escape once one has made an Ursaring mad.

It is only their fierce, untamed nature that has kept them out of the battlefield in wartime; few Pokemon trainers can command them, and far fewer officers. But there was once a great conqueror who relied on a force of armed bears (Ursaring and Beartic alike) and won war after war, as much from the terror they create as from their power: it is amazing how many soldiers are willing to risk death, provided it does not come by being mauled and eaten. Theoretically, there are many ways to defeat an Ursaring: in practice, most people prefer to hand over any extra food and either plays dead or run for their lives.

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