Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.389 Mewtwo has come to talk

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The night sky over Celadon City wore a cloak of rich, velvety indigo, bejeweled with a myriad of twinkling stars. The city, a place of contrasts, was a symphony of sights and sounds after sundown. In the distance, the grand edifices of the wealthier districts sparkled like an opulent fairyland, their lights reflecting in the serpentine river that threaded through the heart of the city. 


Leading away from this glamour where the cobbled streets leading to the old quarter of the city were dim, illuminated only by the sporadic glow of faded street lamps, their light producing long, sinister shadows that danced on the cracked walls. The architecture here was not less impressive, but simply older, showcasing a more humble time in Celadon's past. 

Nestled among these structures was the old inn, an edifice with as much character as age. It was a three-story building of weather-beaten bricks, with a tilted signboard announcing it as 'The Silver Serviper'. The inn stood like a defiant rebel, refusing to succumb to the passage of time. Its ivy-covered façade was animated by the glow of a single lantern that hung by its entrance, casting a warm, welcoming halo of light on the cobblestone path.

Inside the inn, the air was thick with tension. The low wooden ceiling creaked overhead, while the tavern's worn wooden floor bore the brunt of the tensioned trio - Yellow, Green, and Austin. Each surrounded by a collection of quiet watchers - Pikachu, Lucario, Scizor, and Erika - silent sentinels to the unfolding drama.

"You two," Austin's voice boomed, reverberating through the wood and stone, "have a serious issue with understanding the weight of responsibility. And because of that, we're all stuck here, on the run, in this godforsaken part of the city."

He turned his gaze first to Yellow, her head bowed, her eyes wide and filled with regret. "Yellow, do you realize that your reckless actions have nearly cost us everything? We had a simple job. Just keep a low profile and take care of Erika, but no, you caused Erika to flee from the hotel."

He then turned his attention to Green, whose eyes remained steadfastly on the floor. "And you, Green. You were supposed to be the level-headed one among us. But instead of helping Yellow with taking care of Erika, you led the enemies right to our doorstep. You should have known better."

Austin stopped his pacing, standing still as he drew in a long breath, his chest rising and falling heavily. "I trusted you both, and you both treated my trust as a game. You put us in danger. More than that, you put yourselves in danger, and for what? Some cheap items?"

His voice grew softer, but more intense. "We are not playing at war, this is real, and it's deadly. If you don't understand that, if you can't take it seriously, then you have no place on this team." He let out a long sigh, as if the weight of his disappointment had finally become too much to bear.

"Your actions have consequences. If you can't think before you act, then you will pay the price for it. Tonight, you're both learning that lesson. Tomorrow, I hope you'll remember it." 

And with that, Austin fell silent, his words hanging heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the seriousness of their actions.

Green was the first to break the silence. She swallowed hard, her hands still raised above her head, "I'm... I'm sorry, Austin. We... I should have known better," her voice was barely more than a whisper, filled with genuine remorse.

Yellow took a moment longer, her gaze dropping to the wooden floorboards as she wrung her hands, still held up in penance. Her voice trembled when she finally spoke, "I... I didn't realize... I'm sorry, Austin."

Their apologies hung in the air, a vulnerable admission of their faults. Austin sighed heavily, running a hand through his short, coarse hair. His expression softened slightly, the harsh lines of his face easing into something less severe.

"I know you didn't mean for any of this to happen," he said, his voice gentler but still serious. "But intentions don't mean much when actions speak louder."

He looked at the two young women, their expressions sullen and regretful. It was clear that they were truly remorseful for their actions.

"You need to understand that this isn't a game. Our actions can have serious, sometimes fatal consequences. We can't afford to take risks like this." 

Green ventured a request. "We have learned our lessons so can we lower our hands now?" she implored, her face turning a light shade of red. Austin's gaze shifted onto her, and she swiftly diverted her eyes, looking anywhere but at him, the intensity of his stare too much to handle.

Just as Austin drew breath to continue his lecture, he froze. His gaze flickered over to Lucario, who was standing as still as a statue, its eyes closed. In the dim light of the inn, they shared a silent exchange, understood only by them. Lucario's eyes snapped open, and it gave a single, solemn nod.

"I'm going to step out for some fresh air," Austin declared abruptly, his tone softening somewhat. He turned and strode towards the exit, his departure leaving a brief, but profound, silence in its wake.

Yellow, quick to take advantage of Austin's departure, tentatively asked, "Can we lower our hands now?" Austin, just at the threshold of the inn's entrance, paused. 

"No," he replied, his voice carrying a note of finality, "you two aren't going to learn your mistakes so easily. So think of your raised hands as your punishment. You lower your hands, and you're going to get a spanking." With that, he stepped out into the cool Celadon night, leaving behind a stunned Yellow, a sheepish Green, and a room filled with an air of reluctant amusement.

A moment passed before Yellow slowly began to lower her hands. Green raised an eyebrow, the corners of her mouth twitching slightly, as Yellow mumbled, "My hands are tired..." The blush that crept up on her face said more than her words could.

Pikachu, Scizor, and Erika watched the scene unfold with bemusement, clearly picking up on Yellow's intentions. A smirk began to form on Green's face. She lowered her own hands, attempting to mirror Yellow's innocent tone, "My hands are also tired."

Yellow's eyes widened, her blush deepening. "But Austin's going to spank you," she warned, her voice barely a whisper.

"Us," Green corrected her with a grin, and the duo blushed in unison.

Pikachu gave a facepalm, grumbling in his Pokemon language, "Human mating rituals are beyond me."

Wartortle chimed in, adding his own observation in a gurgling voice, "You call that weird, what about their mating ritual?"

"Whose?" Scizor asked, turning to look at the water Pokemon.

With a flip of his stubby arm, Wartortle pointed at the inn's door. Scizor, curiosity piqued, made his way over and slowly opened the door. Inside, Fearow was caught in an intimate moment, lovingly preening Pidgeot under her wing. The duo froze at Scizor's intrusion.

Scizor blinked, then slowly closed the door, taking a few steps back. It was a moment before the realization hit, and he quickly opened the door again. This time, Fearow and Pidgeot were in a heated argument, pausing only to cast a surprised glance at Scizor.

"Either I'm in a parallel universe," Scizor began, looking back and forth between the arguing Pokemon, "or you two think that no one knows about this thing."

Fearow, flustered and taken aback, quickly retorted, "This is a parallel universe."

Scizor chuckled, a metallic sound that echoed in the room. "Sure it is, buddy. Sure it is."

Erika, observing the unfolding scene, blinked slowly at the absurdity of it all. She looked down at her drink, her eyes narrowing at the amber liquid as though it held the answer to the chaos around her. 

She gave a sidelong glance at Yellow and Green, their faces still beet-red. Her eyes traveled to Pikachu, who was shaking his head in exasperation. Then to Scizor, who was now in deep conversation with Fearow and Pidgeot, each blushing a deeper shade of pink under their feathers.

"Either I'm getting better at handling my liquor, or this is turning into one hell of a night," she mused aloud.

She lifted her glass, peering at the liquid as she swirled it gently. "Am I drunk?" she pondered, raising her other hand to her forehead, "Or high? Or maybe...both?"

The corners of her mouth twitched upwards as she shook her head, the ridiculousness of the scene amplifying. "Definitely both," she decided, raising her glass in a silent toast to the ludicrous tableau before her.


Outside, the night's chill brushed against Austin, as he stood under the muted glow of a solitary lamppost. The quaint hustle and bustle of Celadon's nightlife was only a distant hum. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a solitary cigarette, and looked at the figure beside him. "Got a light, Mewtwo?"

Mewtwo, the legendary psychic Pokémon, turned his gaze toward him, the piercing blue of his eyes bright against the darkness. With a simple snap of his fingers, a flame sparked to life at the tip of Austin's cigarette.

Just as Austin took a drag, a blur streaked past him with blinding speed, causing his hair to whip about wildly. Mewtwo reacted instantly, erecting a shield of psychic energy around himself. As the wind settled, Austin saw Lucario, standing tensely, its eyes glaring menacingly at Mewtwo.

The shield around Mewtwo started to crack under Lucario's glare. Lucario pushed off the ground, surging forward with Agile Style: Bullet Punch. But Mewtwo's hand shot up just in time, catching the punch with a calm ease. A small smirk played on Mewtwo's lips. "Quite the strong Pokémon you have there, Austin," he observed, freezing Lucario in a psychic hold.

Austin blew out a smoke ring, his eyes still fixed on Mewtwo. "Don't be too hard on the old man, his bones may break," he warned.

Mewtwo gently lowered Lucario to the ground, his psychic grip still holding the fighting Pokémon in place. 

Mewtwo said, "I came here to talk."

At that, Austin raised an eyebrow. His eyes glowed a vivid red as he exhaled a plume of smoke. "I'm listening. Talk," he commanded, the cool Celadon night hanging heavy with anticipation.


[Author Note: What does Mewtwo want to talk about ?!]


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Wherever a Magcargo slithers, its trail of flames is not far behind. insanely hot body temperatures heat the ground up like a volcanic eruption, and their slow, legless method of locomotion leaves their own lava there long enough to sink into the ground, burning through the Earth's crust and creating a river of lava prone to bursting into flames.

This is one of the reasons that, despite their obvious power, many trainers decline to use Magcargo: even though they spend the vast majority of their time carried in pokeballs, few trainers wish to clean up after them after they are sent into battle. Water is often used to combat fire, but against this heat it will simply evaporate; instead, one must wait hours for the trail to begin to cool, then cover it with enough rocks and dirt to stop its flow. It is not an accident that Blaine of Cinnabar Island, their most notorious trainer, holds his battles inside an active volcano where his Magcargo will simply be another source of magma.

Ironically enough, Magcargo were once prized for this very ability. Moats were usually made of water, but wealthy lords or those living on volcanic islands often preferred Magcargo lava as a defensive material, for water is not nearly as terrifying. Although few ever were so daring as to lay siege to such castles, they contained large food stockpiles all the same. This was because at times the Magcargo flames would burn away the bridge connecting the castle to the outside world, leaving the people there isolated for months until the moat began to cool.

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