Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.390 Peaceful Morning

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[ Austin's POV ]

As I woke up in the inn room, I noticed the soft snoring of Pikachu beside me. The room was bathed in a soft, warm light, and I could hear the birds chirping outside the window. It was a peaceful morning, and the sight of the cute yellow creature sleeping peacefully brought a smile to my face.

I carefully got up, trying not to disturb Pikachu, and took a deep breath. The room was spacious and tidy, with a large wooden desk by the window, a bookshelf filled with various titles, and a cozy reading nook with a cushioned armchair and a small table lamp.

The warm water of the shower felt good on my skin, and I closed my eyes, letting it wake me up fully. After washing up, I dried my long black hair and wrapped a towel around my waist before heading back to the room.

I noticed my Pokemon sleeping peacefully around the room, each in their designated spot. Scizor was perched on a small ledge near the window, while Wartortle was snuggled up in a cozy corner by the bookshelf. Fearow and Pidgeot were perched on the top of the curtain rod, their feathers glistening in the morning light.

I made my way to the kitchen, where Ivysaur was waiting for me. His leaves rustled in greeting as he hopped up onto the counter to help me with breakfast. The kitchen was cozy and well-organized, with a large wooden table in the middle, surrounded by chairs. The smell of fresh coffee and cooking food filled the air, and I could hear the sizzling of eggs in the pan.

I started mixing ingredients together, and Ivysaur helped me by fetching some spices from the cupboard. "Thanks, Ivysaur," I said, smiling at it. "You're a great help."

I finished making some French toast, and the smell filled the air, making my stomach growl in anticipation. As I placed the food on the table, I noticed Yellow and Green half asleep on the table, their heads resting on their hands. "Good morning, looks like the hangover is kicking in," I said, chuckling at their painful expressions

" Chu-Chu."

" Pi."

" Can you go wake Pikachu up ?"

I asked while handinh it a small packet of yogurt. 

Chu-Chu nodded and ran over to Pikachu, gently nudging it with its nose. 

Pikachu stirred , its eyes fluttering open slowly. I smiled down at my loyal companion and ran my fingers through its soft fur.

"Good morning, buddy," I said softly. "Did you sleep well?"

Pikachu gave a small nod, still a bit groggy from its slumber. I chuckled and patted its head before turning my attention to the breakfast I was preparing.

As I cooked, my other Pokemon slowly began to stir. Yellow and Green sat at the table, their eyes still droopy and their faces showing the signs of a hangover.

Yellow rubbed his head and grimaced before finally speaking up. "Hey, Ash," he groaned. "Where's Erika?"

I glanced over at him, a small smile playing at the corner of my lips. "She's still sleeping," I replied. "I figured we could let her rest in for a bit."

Green nodded, a semblance of relief passing across her features at the idea of an unhurried morning. But soon, her gaze fell on our surroundings, her nose crinkling in distaste.

"Can't we stay somewhere else?" she began, a frown lining her forehead, "Somewhere that isn't this dump of an inn?"

I sighed, bracing myself for the conversation I knew was coming. 

"Well," I started tentatively, "It's because someone thought it would be a good idea to start a boy band." I sent a pointed glance at Green, who instantly looked down, a flush of guilt washing over her face.

"Erika's family managed to discover our location because of the conspicuous shopping trips and dispatched a swarm of Pokemon mercenaries after us," I explained, the memory of the narrow escape still vivid. "We were fortunate that you guys weren't present during the attack. But our fake IDs got compromised, so we have two options: either we craft new identities or get used to this delightful dwelling."

The stillness of the room swallowed my words, a hush that stretched out as though time itself was holding its breath. 

"I... I'm sorry," Green stammered, her voice a mere whisper, her head hanging low. 

A pang of empathy seized me. My hand found its way to her hair, gently patting her in a wordless gesture of reassurance. Her normally sparkling eyes were dim, veiled with a layer of unshed tears. 

"As long as you and Yellow are safe, that's all that truly matters to me," I softly assured her.

Her quiet thanks was barely audible, lost amidst the lump of emotion that rose in her throat. A single tear traced a glistening trail down her cheek, shining in the soft light as it fell onto the worn wooden table.

"Thank you, Austin," she managed to whisper, her voice carrying the weight of her sorrow. It was a testament to the bond we had built, a quiet promise of unwavering support even in the face of impending calamity.


After breakfast, I started my daily routine of taking care of my Pokemon. I polished Scizor's and Wartortle's shells, making them shine in the morning light. The sound of the polishing cloth rubbing against their shells filled the room, and I could hear the gentle clinking of the metal. "Looking good, guys," I said, admiring their shiny appearance.

I then gently brushed the feathers of Fearow and Pidgeot, making sure they were clean and free of any tangles. They cooed softly, enjoying the attention.

In the bathroom, I gave Ditto a quick wash, making sure it was clean and happy. The sound of the water running and the splash of bubbles filled the room, and Ditto giggled

as I tickled its squishy body with the soap.

As I made my way back to the kitchen, I saw Krabby scuttling across the floor. "Hey, Krabby," I said, bending down to pet it. "Did you have a good night?"

Krabby clacked its pincers in response, and I chuckled. It was always nice to have some company in the morning, and Krabby was a great listener.

I then turned my attention to Dragonair, who was coiled up on the couch. Its scales glimmered in the morning light, and I could see the soft rise and fall of its breathing. "Good morning, Dragonair," I said, patting its head. "Are you feeling well?"

Dragonair nodded, and I could feel its warm breath on my hand. It was a gentle Pokemon, and I always enjoyed spending time with it.

As I walked past Lucario, it gave me a small nod, its eyes focused on the book it was reading. "Good morning, Lucario," I said, smiling at it. "What are you reading?"

"It's a book that Haunter gave me," Lucario said, looking up from the pages. "I find it fascinating."

I nodded in agreement before looking at the cover as my eyes widened as I looked my shadow that smiled.

" Seriously, where did you find porn books about lopunny ?"

Haunter just smiled as I turned to Lucario whose tail was wagging like crazy.

" Try not to let Dragonair see that." 

Lucario didn't answer as he kept reading.

"At least go to the bathroom."

"There is nothing wrong with just looking."

I rolled my eyes and continued my rounds, giving Rhydon a pat on the back and checking to see Shedninja still standing at the corner, menacingly.

Musharna and Ninjask were curled up together in a cozy corner of the room, their soft breathing creating a soothing melody. I didn't want to disturb their rest, so I quietly made my way past them.

Finally, I came to Charmeleon and Butterfree, who were sitting on the windowsill. Charmeleon was lazily flicking its tail, while Butterfree was fluttering its wings. "Good morning, guys," I said, giving them a small wave. "Are you ready for the day ahead?"

Charmeleon nodded, and Butterfree gave me a small nod of its own as I gave Butterfree a few flowers to such nectar out of while I checked to see if Charmeleon was properly shedding his scales.

As I finished my rounds, I sat down at the table and sipped my coffee, enjoying the peaceful morning knowing that the days to come would be anything but peaceful.

As I took the last swig of my coffee, my eyes drifted to the old, rustic clock on the wall. The tiny ticking of the minute hand echoed in the quiet room, resonating with my own heartbeat.

Suddenly, the serenity was shattered by the shrill tone of my phone. The name 'Sabrina' flashed on the screen, and a knot of tension twisted in my stomach. I set my mug down and swiped to answer.

"Sabrina," I greeted, trying to keep the worry from my voice. Her calls were rarely good news. 

"Hey," her voice sounded strained, "We need a change of plans."

"Change of plans?" I asked, immediately concerned. Sabrina wasn't the type to make changes unless it was necessary.

"Yes," she said firmly, "I see an unstoppable barrier in the future of your plan." 

"What did you see ?!"


[ Amano Family - Head Mansion ]

The sun was just setting over the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the most grand and luxurious mansion in the world. The mansion, an architectural masterpiece that spanned over twenty acres of land, was a sight to behold. Its towering columns and intricate designs gave it a regal and refined feel, while its lush gardens and shimmering fountains added a touch of whimsy to the grandeur.

Inside the mansion, on the top floor, was the family head's office. The office was adorned with exquisite artwork and rare collectibles, which gave it a sense of royalty. The walls were painted in a rich shade of gold, and the ceiling was adorned with a sparkling chandelier. A large mahogany desk stood in the center of the room, while a comfortable armchair was placed opposite it. The desk was littered with papers, and a few books were scattered on the shelves. A soft, plush carpet covered the floor, and a fireplace crackled in the corner, sending tendrils of warmth into the air.

Richard Amano, the family head, sat at his desk, dressed in an expensive suit. His salt and white hair was neatly combed back, and his piercing blue eyes were focused on the papers in front of him. His secretary, Anna, stood by his side, dressed in a crisp white blouse and a black pencil skirt. She fidgeted nervously with her notepad, her eyes darting between the papers and Richard.

"Mr. Richard," Anna said softly, "I'm afraid the mercenaries' failed to capture the kidnapper. The international police are doing everything they can, but..."

Richard slammed his fist on the desk, cutting her off. "Incompetent fools!" he bellowed. "I gave them one job, and they can't even do that and I even hired an Elite four member yet they failed. My granddaughter is out there somewhere, alone and scared, and they can't even find her. What do you have to say for yourself ?" Richard asked while glaring at Sabrina who sat with an indifferent expression on her face as she drank her coffee.

" 3, 2,1." 

As Sabrina counted, the phone on his desk rang. 

Richard hesitated for a moment, eyeing the caller ID to be from a public landline phone as he glanced at Sabrina who just nodded, before picking up the receiver. "Hello?" he answered gruffly.

There was a moment of silence before a cold, menacing voice spoke on the other end. "Mr. Richard, I have your granddaughter. If you ever want to see her again, you'll come to Coffee and Cigarettes dinner tonight at the address I'll send you. And you'll come alone and you'll bring 5 Billion Pokedollars if you want to see your granddaughter."

Richard's heart raced as he listened to the voice. He knew he had no choice but to comply if he wanted to save his granddaughter. "I'll be there," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Richard hung up the phone with a heavy sigh. The silence in the room felt louder now, an oppressive echo of the news he'd just received. His heart pounded in his chest like a drum, keeping time with the frantic thoughts racing through his mind. The stakes had never been higher. His granddaughter's life hung in the balance.

With a trembling hand, he picked up his phone again and dialed a number he knew by heart. 

"Lance," Richard said, his voice thick with worry, "I need a champion."

There was a pause on the other end of the line. Then, Lance's voice came through, calm and steady as ever, "How about one of the previous champions of Kanto?"


[Author Note: Guess, who is going to meet Austin ?!]


[Omake Paragraph]

A Swinub's method of locomotion bears little in common with that of its evolutions, or indeed to any other pokemon known to science. Swinub have short legs, and can move slowly with them when stranded, but like a Persian's claws they are retractable and more often than not retracted. In the wild, Swinub move like trainers through the puzzles of Johto's Ice Path, sliding across ice from boulder to boulder.

A Swinub's nose is best known for its excellent sense of smell, and it indeed uses this nose to sniff for small bug and water-type pokemon which hide under snow and ice. But the strength of a Swinub's nose is equally remarkable: it is this nose, not its weak front legs, which it uses to push off boulders to begin its slide. Likewise, Swinub plunge their noses into the ground, often punching through ice, when one needs to stop and there is no rock large enough nearby.

Sadly, most Swinub today travel inside pokeballs, leaving them only to walk and battle very slowly on short, stubby legs. They are owned by trainers who carry them far from the majestic snows they call home and they use their noses only to sniff for treasure.

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