Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.391 The Man in the Rorschach Mask

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[ POV Change ]

The night in Celadon City was a somber one, with a chill breeze that swept through the deserted streets, as though whispering a secret that no one cared to hear. The moon cast a silver veil over the buildings, giving them a ghostly appearance, while the lights that illuminated the sidewalks and the storefronts provided a warm, welcoming contrast.

In the midst of this eerie calm was a small diner called "Coffee and Cigarettes," which was almost empty, with only a single customer occupying a booth in the corner. He was an old man, wearing a finely tailored suit that spoke of wealth and nobility, his silver hair neatly combed, and his posture exuding confidence that suggested he was used to being in charge.

The diner was modest, with a simple decor that evoked a sense of nostalgia. The walls were adorned with pictures of classic cars and old movie stars, while the booths and chairs were made of faded leather that had seen better days. The lighting was dim, with a yellowish hue that gave everything an amber glow. The smell of coffee and cigarettes permeated the air, mixing with the distant sounds of cars passing by and dogs barking in the distance.

The staff was equally modest, comprising of a single waitress and a cook, who were huddled together near the counter, their eyes fixed on the old man as if trying to decipher his mysterious demeanor. The manager, a middle-aged man with a paunch and a balding head, was standing at the end of the counter, counting the day's earnings with a slight frown.

Suddenly, the sound of the door opening broke the silence, and everyone turned to see a figure standing there. It was a man in a trench coat, his fedora casting a shadow over his face, his gloved hands holding a strange object that glinted in the dim light. He was tall and lean, with a rigid posture that suggested a military background, and if one looked closer they would find that the man was wearing a mask that obscured his face, and the mask featured a symmetrical inkblot pattern that resembled a Rorschach test.

The staff froze, their eyes glued to the stranger, unsure of what to do. The old man in the corner, however, seemed unperturbed, taking a sip of his coffee as if he owned the place. The stranger strode towards the counter, his boots clacking against the tiled floor, the sound echoing in the small space. He stopped in front of the manager, who seemed to shrink under his gaze.

"Coffee, black," the stranger said, his voice low and gravelly.

The waitress nodded, quickly filling a cup with the steaming brew, her hands trembling slightly. The stranger took a seat at the counter, his eyes never leaving the old man in the corner, who now seemed to be studying him with interest.

The tension in the diner continued to build as the two men sat in silence, their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills. The staff watched them warily, unsure of what was going to happen, while the distant sounds of the city outside seemed to fade away, leaving only the low murmur of the diner's occupants.

After a few minutes, the old man finished his coffee and stood up to leave. The stranger, however, also stood up, blocking his way. The old man stared at him for a moment, then sighed and gestured for him to sit back down.

The stranger took the seat next to him, the two men now facing each other, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze. The old man spoke first, his voice calm and collected.

Richard Amano asked, "Why did you kidnap Erika?"

Austin, in his Rorschach disguise, answered back in a gruff, monotone voice. "Kidnapping isn't the appropriate term for my actions."

"And what would you call it then?" Richard pressed.

"Saving," Austin replied without hesitation.

Richard let out a scoff. "Hilarious. Let's say you did save my granddaughter. Why do you demand money? Five billion no less."

Austin remained unflinching. "Let's just say that compensation is necessary for my heroic deeds."

"Heroic deeds? You're that vigilante, aren't you?" Richard sneered.

"Maybe I am, but that doesn't concern you, Richard. Can I call you Dick?" Austin's voice was gravelly and emotionless.

"No, you shall not call me that," Richard said firmly.

Austin leaned forward, his inkblot mask inches away from Richard's face. "Well, Dick, here's the thing. You either pay me or you'll never see your granddaughter again."

Richard's eyes widened in fear as he stared at the inkblot patterns on Austin's mask. "You can't do this," he stammered.

"I already have," Austin replied coolly.

As they sat in silence, a waitress approached their table. 

 "Fellas, do you need anything?" the waitress asked as she approached the table.

"Peach pie," Austin exclaimed, his voice gruff and unyielding, while Richard shook his head in response.

"Nothing for me," he said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

As the waitress departed, Richard turned his attention to his companion. "Dessert?" he inquired, his eyes glinting with suspicion.

"Oh, worry not, for you shall be the one to bear the cost," Austin replied cryptically.

" Do you have a pen ?"

 "You expect me to hand you something you can use as a weapon?" he asked, his voice laced with trepidation.

Austin let out a low chuckle and picked up a crayon from the table, holding it out to Richard. "This scares you?" he asked, his tone mocking.

Richard raised an eyebrow in response as he watched Austin make a few quick doodles on a tissue. He tried to discern what Austin's actions meant, but the silence between them was deafening.

"Don't you fear me?" Richard asked, his voice dripping with arrogance. "I am the richest man in this world. One word from me and this entire nation is reduced to nothing."

Austin remained silent for a moment, then slowly raised his hand and moved it in a slow, jerking motion. "It's hard to fear something that you can kill like a bug," he replied in a low, gravelly voice.

Austin's actions ended with something that Richard never expected.

As a blast of air echoed through the dinner, the staff froze in terror, their eyes widening in shock and fear. Plates and cutlery clattered to the ground, and glasses shattered in a cacophony that only served to heighten the sense of panic that had taken hold.

The waiters and cooks, who had moments before been going about their duties with calm efficiency, were now rooted to the spot, their mouths agape and their faces drained of color. They exchanged furtive glances, each seeking some kind of reassurance from the other, but finding none.

The manager, a middle-aged man with a balding head and a paunch, was the first to recover his composure. With a sharp intake of breath, he rushed towards the gaping hole where the wall had once stood, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Is anyone hurt?" he yelled, his voice thick with fear.

One by one, the other staff members began to shake off the shock of the explosion and follow the manager's lead. They stumbled towards the wreckage, their steps faltering and uncertain.

Amid the rubble and debris, they found no signs of life. But the threat of danger still hung heavy in the air, and the staff huddled together, their eyes darting nervously around the room.

For a few tense moments, there was silence, broken only by the sound of their ragged breathing. Then, as if on cue, they all began to speak at once, their voices rising in a cacophony of questions and exclamations.

"What was that? Who did this? Are we safe?"

The manager tried to calm them, to reassure them that the worst was over, but his words fell on deaf ears. The staff, their nerves frayed and their emotions running high, could only stare at the ruined wall in stunned disbelief.

" Hey, when is the peach pie going to come ?" 

Hearing the voice everyone turned to see the two men sitting in the corner and their side of the dinner was completely fine.

'Huh?' The majority of the staff thought this.

"Oh, and you might want to look a little closer at my drawing," Austin said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Suddenly, a series of psychic images flooded his mind, causing him to recoil in terror. He saw a group of snipers, each one armed with a powerful Pokémon, aiming for a figure in an inkblot mask. Then, one by one, the snipers were knocked out or injured, their Pokémon unable to stop the masked figure.

Austin leaned back in his chair, watching the horror on Richard's face with detached interest. "Don't worry, you'll be the one paying for it. Oh, and don't expect those snipers to get a shot," he said.

Richard's fear turned to anger as he looked at Austin, his eyes ablaze with fury. 

"You're a monster," he spat, his words dripping with contempt.

Austin's mask betrayed no emotion as he looked back at Richard, his eyes cold and calculating. "I am what I am," he replied, his voice low and gravelly. "Now then, are you going to pay up or are you thinking that he is going to make a difference?"

As he spoke, Austin turned to face the shattered wall of the diner, where a group of terrified onlookers had gathered. The sound of their panicked voices echoed through the air, mingling with the distant wail of sirens and the sharp crackle of broken glass.

But Austin paid them no mind. Instead, his attention was drawn to a figure who had just walked through the door of the diner, moving with a confident bearing that spoke to his years of experience as a trainer and researcher.

The man was tall and lean, his features sharp and defined. He wore a dark blue suit that hugged his body, the material stretched tight over his broad shoulders and chest. A pair of polished black shoes clicked against the pavement as he strode forward, his movements confident and precise.

As he approached, Austin could feel the weight of the man's gaze upon him, assessing him with a cool detachment that sent shivers down his spine.

"It is an honor to meet you, Blue Oak," Austin said, his words low and measured. "I have heard much about you."

Blue Oak's lips curved into a small smile as he regarded Austin, his eyes flicking up and down the length of his body. "And I haven't heard of you," he replied, his voice smooth and even. " But I can tell, you're in great danger."

Austin's mask betrayed no emotion as he listened to Blue Oak's words.

"I do what needs to be done," he growled, his words a low, guttural snarl. "And I will not be stopped by anyone."

Blue Oak raised an eyebrow, his expression unreadable. "Is that so?" he said, his voice soft but firm. "Well, we shall see about that."


The dinner had once been a haven of activity, a place where the aroma of fresh burgers and the clanging of dishes filled the air. But now, it was a scene of destruction.

The wall had been blasted through with such force that the entire structure trembled in response. Dust and debris lay scattered everywhere, covering everything in a thick layer of grime. The air was heavy with the smell of smoke, a pungent reminder of the chaos that had ensued.

Chairs and tables lay strewn about haphazardly, overturned, and broken beyond repair. The kitchen, once a place of order and discipline, was now a complete mess. Pots and pans were scattered everywhere, their contents spilling out onto the floor, mixing with the ashes and debris.

The staff and manager had fled, leaving the dinner to its fate. The only sounds now were the occasional crackle of flames and the eerie creaking of burnt wood as it began to give way.

Blue Oak stood before Austin and Richard who was expecting the great Blue Oak to put Austin in his place.

Austin's eyes glinted through the slits in the mask, and his voice was low and gravelly.

"What brings you to my doorstep, Blue?" spoke Austin in a gravelly voice, his mask obscuring his features and adding an eerie quality to his tone.

"Tell me, where Erika is ?" Blue demanded before he instinctively took a step back as his body sensed danger as Austin stood up.

As Blue reached for his Pokeballs, the sound of metal clicking against metal filled the room. 

Austin looked up to the ceiling and chuckled.

"Such a weak tactic won't work on me," Austin sneered, his eyes locked on Blue whose eyes widened.

Suddenly, there was a deafening explosion, and a massive hole was blasted through the ceiling 

As the dust settled, Blue looked up in surprise to see his Golduck, knocked out. The creature's body was badly bruised, and its eyes were glazed over.

Lucario stood nearby, one foot on Golduck's chest, holding Pikachu by the tail. The little creature looked frazzled and scared, its cheeks sparking with electricity.

Austin slowly moved to the counter and took a slice of peach pie from a nearby table and began to eat it, his face morphing into that of Gary Oak. He spoke in a voice that was not his own, a subtle hint of menace underlying his words.

"Dad, save me," Austin said, his eyes glinting with twisted glee.

Blue was stunned, his mind racing with fear and confusion. "What is the meaning of this?" he demanded, his voice shaky.

Austin's face returned to its normal shape of a Rorschach mask and he held out a piece of pie to Blue. "Want a bite?" he asked, his tone deceptively calm.

Blue responded by releasing an Alakazam, the sound of psychic energy crackling in the air as Lucario pointed an aura bone at the psychic chain type.

Blue's eyes shifted from Lucario to Austin seeing the man from his posture to be unimpressed.

Suddenly Austin threw a phone at Blue.

The phone had a live feed of Blue's son's car, and Austin spoke with a sinister edge to his voice. "You might hurry up," he said, "or your son is going to meet an explosive surprise."

Blue's heart was racing, and he could feel the sweat beading on his forehead. 

" How do I know this isn't real ?" 

"Hrmm, Shirakawa-go. Gifu Prefecture. Time's running out, Gary Oak will be gone, gone like the inkblots on my mask."

Blue bit his lip so hard that he felt a metallic taste in his mouth, almost like blood. He looked at Alakazam, who nodded solemnly, confirming what Austin said was true. Richard's voice echoed in the background, shouting a futile "Wait!", but Blue had already made up his mind. He couldn't waste any more time.

Without a second thought, Blue vanished into thin air.

Meanwhile, Austin continued to eat his pie, seemingly unperturbed by the chaos he had unleashed.

"Quite the admirable father, isn't he? Not much of a realist, if you ask me. So, where were we?"

Richard looked at Austin in fear as he gulped.

"I have the 5 Billion you asked for." 

"Hmph. Insufficient. My services do not come cheap. You waste my time, you pay the price. Make it 6 billion."

"What ?"

"7 billion. Don't waste my time."


"8 billion. Take it or leave it."


"So, let me be clear. You want Erika, and you have to live. The price for both is 10 billion. Do not waste my time with negotiations or pleas for mercy. Things you want don't come cheap, and neither do I. Either pay the price or face the consequences." Austin exclaimed while placing a piece of pie on Richard's side.

" It is well-made. The crust is firm and flaky, the filling is robust and flavorful. A fine example of culinary craftsmanship." 

" Quite the expansive order, isn't it ?" Richard asked with a gulp.

" Too bad, I am not the one paying." 


In the bustling garage shop located in the quaint village of Shirakawa-go in Gifu Prefecture. The shop was filled with the pungent smell of motor oil and gasoline, and the air is thick with the sounds of machinery and the low murmurs of customers.

Within the garage, one could see Gary Oak, dressed in a red jacket and black pants, standing next to his damaged car. His face is twisted in frustration as he engages in a heated argument with the mechanic, a stocky man with oily hands and a greasy apron.

Suddenly, a brilliant flash of light illuminates the garage, causing Gary to reach for his Pokeballs as the figure of Blue Oak, materializes in the midst of the chaos. 

" Dad ?"

"Gary, are you alright?" Blue demands, striding purposefully toward his son.

Gary's heart raced with confusion and dread. "Yeah, but what's going on? Is everything alright?"

Blue's eyes shifted from Gary to his car as a realization hit him.

'The live feed was fake ?' Blue thought as he felt his palms sweat when he realized that he had ditched Richard Amano alone with that dangerous man.

" Dad? What's wrong ?" Gary's voice was barely above a whisper as he watched his father's face contorted with a mix of terror and guilt.

" I gotta go." 


Blue Oak teleported in front of the destroyed dinner, his heart pounding in his chest. He scanned the scene with a sense of dread as he took in the broken tables and shattered glass. His eyes darted around frantically, searching for any signs of danger.

Suddenly, a gleaming car caught his eye. Blue's heart lifted as he recognized it. He sprinted towards it, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

As he approached, the window of the car opened, revealing Richard Amano

"Sir," Blue tried to say, but he was quickly silenced by Richard raising his hand.

"My granddaughter is now safely in my hands," Richard said, his voice cutting through the night air. "But I didn't expect you to leave when I hired you to protect me."

Blue tried to speak again, but Richard interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

"Forget it," Richard said. "I can understand the responsibility a parent has when his children are in danger. I just want to forget this night."

The window of the car closed, and Blue was left standing alone in the rain. He watched as the car drove away, his heart heavy with the weight of the night's events.

The rain began to fall harder, soaking Blue to the bone. He stood there for a moment longer, his mind racing as he tried to process what had just happened. 

How did that man know he was coming?

Where did he get that information?

Why was he so prepared? 

Blue bit his lips as he tried to think of something.

Some kind of explanation for everything that had just happened.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

It is the deserts of the Arctic, a land too cold for any rain to fall except during the rarest intervals, which most wild Piloswine call home. Their fur, probably the warmest and thickest in the entire Pokemon world, protects them from temperatures cold enough to make other ice types shiver and flee for warmth; in temperate climates, special care must be used to prevent them from overheating. (A fact which has proven dangerous at times, as many people hunt Piloswine for their fur to get through cold, northern winters. This, however, is of little concern for most Piloswine, who live further north than any significant human settlements.) The hump on their back resembles the twin humps of a Camerupt, despite the lack of volcanoes, it contains Piloswine's food and water supply, along with ice for many of its attacks.

Unlike Swinub, who can only break through the surface with their strong noses, Piloswine is skilled diggers who use their shovel tusks to tunnel under cavernous walls of ice and snow in search of eggs and smaller burrowing ice-types such as Snover. Their digging is so fast and powerful that icebergs are known to form when a Piloswine inadvertently burrows too far and cracks the polar icecap itself, a fact which was believed to be a sailor's tall tale until recently confirmed by satellite imagery.

In this phase of evolution, wild Piloswine rarely ventures even into subarctic zones, although the few who evolve into Mamoswine often migrate south for vegetation. However, isolated populations have been found in Johto caves, leading some to theorize that Piloswine got lost and tunneled not only under

 polar ice but through the earth's crust, then searched beneath the ground until they could surface somewhere cold enough for them to survive.

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