Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.392 Beach Resort

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[POV Change]

The cacophonous roar of the motorbike reverberated off the monolithic structures and manicured grounds of the Pokemon Beach Resort, nestled within the heart of Celadon City. As Austin, Yellow, and Green eased their bikes to a halt, they dismounted, their expressions painting pictures of palpable exhilaration. The resort was a veritable paradise, a sprawling labyrinth of futuristic architecture and untouched natural beauty, wrapped up in an aura of unattainable luxury and exclusivity that was hard to ignore.

With every step they took on the pristine marble walkway, their collective excitement mounted, their awe mirroring the grandeur of the establishment. The expansive lobby was a rainbow of colors, adorned with awe-inspiring murals of various Pokemon. The bright hues seemed to come alive, as if the Pokemon depicted were preparing to leap into reality from their painted confines.

Accompanying Austin was his ever-faithful Pikachu, perched confidently on his shoulder, observing their surroundings with a keen eye. Yellow, mirroring her moniker, was clad in a strikingly yellow ensemble that accentuated the fur of her companion, Chu-Chu, who sat atop her straw hat. Green was preoccupied in helping Lucario rid himself of the remnants of Haunter's latest chocolate prank, her expression a mixture of frustration and amusement.

The resort manager greeted them, his smile broad and inviting, his eyes twinkling with merriment. The symphony of Pokemon sounds filled the air, from the melodious chirping of Pidgeys to the intimidating growls of Arcanines. The orchestration of noises was overwhelming but felt oddly comforting, like a harmonious choir.

"Welcome to the Celadon City Pokemon resort," he announced, his voice as smooth as silk, exuding warmth and sincerity. "I trust that you'll find everything to your liking."

Austin nodded, his detective instinct kicking in as his eyes darted around the lobby, scanning for any potential threats. 

On the other hand, Yellow was almost vibrating with eagerness, her eyes alight with fascination as they flitted from one Pokemon and trainer to the next. "This place is amazing!" She squealed, her voice almost lost in the discordant symphony of Pokemon sounds.

Green simply chuckled in response, her eyes sparkling with a blend of amusement and intrigue. "I can't wait to see the trainers here," she remarked, her tone light-hearted but Austin knew, given her crafty nature, she was likely plotting some scheme to swindle the affluent trainers in attendance.

Following the manager, they traversed a seemingly endless corridor where the chorus of Pokemon gave way to the hum of advanced machinery and the soothing drone of air conditioning. Both walls were bedecked with state-of-the-art equipment, each designed to provide optimal training for trainers and their Pokemon, fostering an environment for their charges to reach their full potential.

The trio's eyes widened in awe, their expressions mirroring the grandeur of the facility. Austin's investigative gaze scrutinized every nook and cranny, noting the security cameras and other security measures in place. Yellow was almost bouncing off the walls with enthusiasm, her fascinated gaze scanning the various devices and machines. "This is beyond cool!" she shrieked, her voice echoing throughout the vast room.

Upon reaching the main training area, the concerto of Pokemon sounds crescendoed once more, with the shrill cries of Pikachu resonating alongside the deep roars of Onix. It was an auditory overload, yet felt strangely soothing. 

The training grounds were a sight to behold; verdant grassy fields stretched out as far as the eye could see, punctuated by rolling hills and artificial sandy beaches. Pokemon of all shapes and sizes frolicked freely, some engaging in friendly duels while others simply lounged in the radiant sunlight, content in their serene surroundings.

The resort manager gestured grandly towards the various amenities. "We offer a myriad of training options, from high-intensity agility courses to strength conditioning machines," he explained with a proud grin. "Our coaches are the creème de la creème, experts in their fields, and are at your disposal to ensure you and your Pokemon ascend to new heights of potential."

Austin's eyes glinted with determination. "When can we start?" he asked, his tone brimming with resolve.

The manager, picking up on Austin's eagerness, replied, "Please follow me to get your Pokemon checked. Once that's done, we'll present various customized training regimens that could cater to your specific needs."

"Lead the way," Austin responded with a nod, not wasting a second. He had arranged for a week-long membership for the trio at this world-class facility. It was a strategic move on his part, with the impending threat of a Team Rocket assault looming over Kanto. They needed to be in top form, and Austin was determined to utilize every resource available to ensure their readiness.

Yellow, meanwhile, could hardly contain her exhilaration, her laughter echoing through the corridor as she tripped over her own feet in her haste. The sight of her tumbling and Chu-Chu squealing in surprise sent Green and Austin into fits of laughter, adding a touch of lighthearted humor to the otherwise intense atmosphere.


The medical examination room was a claustrophobic space, bathed in a sterile glare that heightened the undercurrent of anxiety. Austin was nervously twiddling his thumbs while Yellow perched on the edge of the seat, a deep furrow of concern creasing her brow. The room was saturated with the distinct smell of antiseptic, blending uneasily with the soft humming of medical machinery, giving birth to a disquieting ambiance that seemed to hang heavily in the air.

Before them stood a doctor, a benevolent man in a crisp lab coat, clutching a clipboard like a lifeline. His eyes bore into them, seemingly digging for some unspoken truths beneath their worried facades.

"No need for anxiety," he began, his voice the epitome of calm, designed to put the most restless of hearts at ease. "Your Pokemon are amongst the healthiest I've encountered. I must applaud your dietary choices for them."

A sense of accomplishment flickered in Austin's eyes, while Yellow's shoulders sagged in relief. Their concern was not unfounded, given that they considered their Pokemon as family, not mere combat companions.

"You two are surprisingly responsible for your age. Young love indeed has a maturing influence," the doctor continued, mistaking their companionship for something more romantic.

Austin's proud grin froze, while Yellow's face bloomed with a blush that rivaled the color of a ripe tomato. "Doctor, we're not a couple," Austin corrected him, his tone carrying a hint of amusement.

The doctor's expression turned sheepish, his cheeks tinged with a blush of embarrassment. "Oh, my sincere apologies," he stammered, hastily shifting the conversation back to their Pokemon.

"In analyzing the diets you've outlined for your... vast number of Pokemon, I've noticed a few shortcomings. Shall we discuss this further?"

"Absolutely, Doc," Austin replied without missing a beat.

"Let's begin with Pikachu. His blood tests indicate high sugar and salt content. I suspect this is due to his fondness for ketchup?" The doctor suggested, trying to lighten the mood with a chuckle.

Yellow giggled at this, while Austin ran a hand through his hair. "Pikachu does love his ketchup," he admitted, looking slightly embarrassed.

The doctor offered some dietary modifications and exercise recommendations for Pikachu before moving on to the rest of their Pokemon family.

"Fearow and Pidgeot show signs of overwork, potentially stress-induced. I'd recommend incorporating relaxation techniques into their routines, perhaps a nice flight without any pressure of training?" 

As for Scizor and Wartortle, he suggested more time in their natural habitats - forest and water respectively. "Chansey, Musharna, and Rhydon," he continued, "could benefit from more social interaction and playful activities to ease their stress."

As he mentioned Butterfree and Ivysaur, he paused before chuckling softly, "You might want to consider aromatherapy. Their affinity for flowers could make it a beneficial and relaxing activity."

When it came to Shedninja and Ninjask, the doctor suggested some exposure to sunlight for vitamin D and a little 'me-time', away from their often tumultuous dual existence. Ekans, with his psychological trauma induced by cannibalism, drew a longer pause from the doctor, "Well... this is a unique case, I must say. Maybe some therapy with a Pokemon psychologist or maybe a potential mate, I think your ditto will suffice." 

"Doc, Ekans is a blood thirsty pokemon, I am sure Ditto isn't into that kind of kink." 

"The kink of what exactly ?"

"The kink of being eaten."

"I am sure, that's just called sex." 

The room erupted into laughter, breaking the serious mood that had enveloped it. 

"Quite unprofessional of you, doctor."

"Don't worry, doing a joke or two to relax their tension, isn't going to make me lose my degree."

They spent a few more moments discussing the dietary needs and stress relief methods for Haunter, Ditto, and the poor stress-ridden Magikarp who couldn't evolve.

As they wrapped up the discussion, the doctor glanced at Austin, his gaze serious yet kind. "Mr. Ketchum, always remember, Pokemon are not machines. They need downtime just like us, filled with relaxation and enjoyment. Make sure you're giving them that. They thrive on love and care."

Nodding in understanding, Austin thanked the doctor for his invaluable advice. . 


Under the twilight sky, Austin and Yellow were engaged in a lively discussion about their Pokemon's dietary plans, right outside their resort room. The duo had been journeying non-stop for weeks, and had taken the utmost care to ensure their Pokemon consumed nothing short of the best food available.

"Maybe it's time we introduced more proteins into Pikachu's diet," mused Austin, a crease of concentration appearing on his forehead. "Though I highly doubt he'll willingly give up his ketchup obsession."

Yellow nodded, deep in thought. "It's a sound idea. Heck, perhaps Pikachu could benefit from some therapy as well. You know, to help with the mood swings and the ketchup addiction?"

A hearty chuckle escaped Austin's lips. "I'm all in, but getting Pikachu onboard? He's a stubborn little guy."

Swinging the door to their room open, they were met with a lively tableau of chaotic merriment. Their Pokemon were scattered all around, some snoring away blissfully while others were caught up in various antics. There were clusters of Pokemon engaged in a high stakes card game, while another group was causing culinary chaos in the kitchen.


Austin's gaze was locked on the balcony, where Green was bathing in the sun's glow in a scanty bikini. The sight was enough to send his young, eleven-year-old heart into a wild overdrive, pounding like a drum in his chest. Her fifteen-year-old figure was only just blossoming into womanhood, the bikini subtly accentuating her curves in a way that left little to the imagination.

Unbeknownst to Green, Austin's training with aura, combined with vigorous workouts, was fast-tracking his journey to puberty. And with this, came an acute sense of awareness. An awareness that Green harbored more than just friendly feelings towards him. After all, it wasn't hard to decipher. 

Green, who had been stolen away from the comforting embrace of her parents at a young age, thrust into the demented lair of a madman, had no shoulder to lean on. Her escape, along with a young boy she'd come to see as her ward, had only added to her complicated past. It was no wonder, then, that she found solace in Austin. 

Austin was the one who'd been there for her when her father had passed away, the one who'd offered her a home, a place where the gnawing worry of where her next meal would come from was non-existent. Not to mention the considerable amount of money he'd provided... but let's not dive into that just yet.

Thus, it was no surprise that Green was developing feelings for the boy who'd provided her with so much comfort and security. But, Austin, oh Austin... He was playing a dangerous game. His act of being oblivious to the feelings of both Green and Yellow.

Austin suddenly found his thoughts derailed by a passing memory of Cynthia, the Sinnoh Region's Champion, a woman of considerable strength and enigma. They'd spent long hours discussing battle strategies over countless cups of coffee. 

'Hmm, was it just friendly chit-chat, or was it... No, Austin! Don't go down that rabbit hole!' He chided himself. 'Cynthia is a renowned Pokemon trainer, surely, she's just keen on discussing strategies. Nothing more...right?'

However, as Austin considered this, he couldn't shake off the memory of the soft twinkle in Cynthia's eyes as she engaged in intense Pokemon discussions, the way her laughter rang out, pure and musical whenever he shared some bizarre tale of his adventures. 

Then there were those weekly phone calls, always lasting more than an hour. 'What kind of battle strategy talk lasts an hour? Unless, unless... No, no, Austin, stop! You're just an eleven-year-old Pokemon trainer! Why on earth would Cynthia be interested in you?'

Yet, the memories of Cynthia's soft, knowing smiles and those subtle hints... Was it all just friendly banter? Or was there something else lurking beneath the surface? Austin's head spun faster than a Poliwrath using Rapid Spin.

And right in that moment, Austin decided, his strategy would be obliviousness. Yes, obliviousness was his Protect against this onslaught of confusing female attention. He'd be more clueless than a Magikarp out of water. After all, he was Austin, a rising Pokemon master, not Austin, the burgeoning bachelor of Kanto.

'I swear if this gets any more complicated, I'll probably need therapy or...maybe...a Jynx's Lovely Kiss to erase these thoughts,' Austin thought, chuckling to himself. 'Just focus on Pokemon, Austin. They're simpler. They evolve, they fight, they win or they lose. There's no hidden subtext or underlying signals. Pokemon battles are easier than this... this game of hearts.'

He was caught in a web of young love, puppy love, and was it possibly... cougar love?

Austin's mind was spinning, his internal monologue running faster than a Rapidash in a prairie. 'Oh boy, this is more intense than battling the Elite Four!' He thought. 'How did Brock handle these situations? Wait, scratch that. He's the worst example.'

Suddenly, Austin found himself missing the days when the biggest problem he had was choosing his next Pokemon for a battle.

Those were the simple times. Now, he found himself navigating the whirlpool of adolescence, battling puberty and dealing with the onsets of affection from not one, but three girls.

If only he could consult the PokeDex for advice on this. But alas, puberty and young love were levels of human evolution Professor Oak had, unfortunately, forgotten to include. 'Great. Trapped in the Bermuda Triangle of puberty and crushes. Could life get any more complicated?'

He could practically see a laughing Jigglypuff scribbling on his tormented face. Yep, it was official. Puberty, it seemed, was a tougher opponent than Team Rocket.


Austin's cheeks turned a fiery red, making him look like a ripe tomato under the soft lighting. Yellow, who had been observing Austin's reaction with a mixture of amusement and burgeoning jealousy, decided to stir the pot.

"Hey, Austin," she began, pulling his gaze away from Green. "I got a bikini too. Care to see?"

Austin, caught off guard, could only manage a stuttered, "Uh, yeah," his gaze involuntarily flitting back to Green. 

Internally, he berated himself. 'Smooth, Austin, really smooth!'

As he dropped his head into his hands in frustration, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked up to find Lucario, an expression of pure mischief playing across his face.

"What do you want, Lucario?" Austin grumbled, his tone somewhat acerbic.

Without uttering a word, Lucario spun around, his tail hilariously tangled in a rogue Roomba. Austin snorted with laughter at the sight. 

"I see we both could use a little help," Lucario retorted, a smug grin plastered across his face.

Just then, Yellow's voice pulled his attention. "How do I look, Austin?" 

Austin and Lucario turned to find Yellow sashaying towards them in a bright yellow bikini. 

"Hey, Austin!" she chirped, striking a pose and giving him a wide grin. 

Austin's gaze roamed over her petite figure. He was about to respond when Lucario interjected, "In case you didn't notice, my offer to help still stands."

"Yeah, nice bikini," he finally managed to say, struggling to keep a straight face.

Yellow's smile faltered slightly, but she quickly composed herself. "Thanks! I bought it just to show off to you," she responded, her tone teetering between playful and hopeful.

Austin, not missing a beat, said, "You know, it'd look better in black." Yellow's face lit up instantly, "Really?"

Just then, Pikachu zipped in from nowhere, landing straight onto the Roomba, setting it off on a hilarious chase around the room with Lucario in tow, the aura pokemon trying to keep his dignity intact. 

Just then, Pikachu zipped in from nowhere, landing straight onto the Roomba, setting it off.

Lucario, tail still entangled with the rogue Roomba, was dragged along, ricocheting off furniture and bouncing about like a ragdoll in a tumble dryer. The stoic aura Pokemon, known for its discipline and pride, was now embroiled in a scene straight out of a slapstick comedy, struggling to maintain some semblance of dignity.

Austin watched the spectacle unfold, his inner turmoil momentarily forgotten. He could barely contain his laughter at the absurdity of the scene. 

Abra chimed in, "And here we have the 'Roomba Rodeo', ladies and gentlemen! On one side, we have the champion Pikachu, riding the wild Roomba, and on the other, we have the unfortunate Lucario, playing the part of a Pokemon pinball. Let's give them a round of applause, folks!"

Internally chuckling at Abra's joke, Austin's tension eased. It seemed that the universe had decided to intervene and give him a respite from his adolescent angst. "I guess the moral of this hilarious episode is 'When in doubt, remember that your problems can always be dwarfed by a Pikachu commandeering a Roomba with a Lucario tail-trailer', Austin mused, shaking his head at the lunacy of his life.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Although wild Corsola have not yet been spotted in western Sinnoh's many poorly-mapped swamps and lakes, many have speculated that the difference in color between the two types of Shellos and Gastrodon is due to the presence of Corsola in the western group's diet. Crushed Corsola provide a pink dye which looks remarkably like a Gastrodon's color, but this does not explain the brown shell, a weakness in the theory which many consider fatal.

It is not completely impossible; pink dye from Corsola was traded as far north as Sinnoh in antiquity, and perhaps some live specimens were given to a king by a rogue trader – rogue, for the pink dye was a source of great wealth and the pokemon it came from became a closely guarded secret. If the ruler lived in Western Sinnoh, Mount Coronet would block their spread east and Corsola multiply quickly anywhere they can grow. Yet it must be remembered that virtually every pink pokemon from Clefairy to Mew has been theorized at one time or another to use Corsola dye in its skin, for Corsola have long been associated with beauty. And this is not a Milotic's beauty, but a beauty which, like its dye, can be seized by humans. Corsola, being part rock-type, are inedible for humans and most pokemon (interestingly, Gastrodon are among the few exceptions) but in every age, a few foolish beauty seekers have broken their teeth trying.

Even today some skin care products tout the benefits of their Corsola-based formulas, claiming to give your skin a beautiful pinkish hue. Were they made from real Corsola, however, they would only cause massive itching. The dye does not create a soft and pleasant tint, but a bright pink which would make the unwitting user look more Mr. Mime than human.

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