Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.393 A Carp Jumping over the Dragon’s Gate

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As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of pink and purple, Austin and his diverse band of Pokemon found themselves sprawled across the sandy shores of the resort's artificial beach. It was a sight straight out of a postcard - the gentle lapping of waves, the soft, warm sand beneath their feet, and the mellifluous hum of nearby Pokemon.

Pikachu, perched comfortably on Austin's shoulder, was savoring a bottle of ketchup, his cheeks sparking with delight as he indulged in his favorite condiment. "Chu," Pikachu chirped between mouthfuls, a content sigh escaping him. Austin could only shake his head at his partner's eccentric love for ketchup.

Nearby, Yellow's Chu-Chu had found a playful companion in Ditto. The two Pokemon were engaged in a hilarious game of mimicry, Chu-Chu copying Ditto's transformation antics, only to erupt in electric giggles every time her attempt resulted in a half-transformed oddity. Yellow, watching the spectacle, was trying hard to suppress her laughter, her hand tightly clamped over her mouth.

Green, on the other hand, had decided to enjoy a quiet moment with her Jigglypuff, the pair absorbed in a fascinating game of checkers. The concentration etched on both their faces was comic in its intensity. "Jiggly, think carefully. If you lose this game, no dessert for you tonight," Green threatened playfully. Jigglypuff immediate reaction was to pull off an unexpected move, gaining an advantage. 

"Puff" it cheered triumphantly.

Meanwhile, Austin's Scizor and Lucario were embroiled in a heated debate, each trying to outdo the other in a test of strength. "Alright, you two," Austin intervened, trying to stifle his laughter, "We didn't come here to start a mini Pokemon League. Cool it, you two."

Austin, on the other hand, had decided to indulge in a little relaxation of his own. Wearing a pair of dark sunglasses, he lay back on a comfortable beach lounger, a tall glass of lemonade at his side. Now and then, a stray beach ball would come hurtling his way, courtesy of the overly enthusiastic Chansey and Wartortle's beach volleyball match. Austin would nonchalantly swat it away, a lazy smile on his face.

This peaceful moment was soon disrupted by Haunter, who had managed to pull off a successful prank on Rhydon. Transforming into a rock, Haunter had tricked Rhydon into charging straight into him. The moment Rhydon made contact, Haunter disappeared, leaving Rhydon bewildered and slightly dizzy from his pointless charge. Austin couldn't help but burst into laughter at Rhydon's befuddled expression and Haunter's victorious cackling.

The rest of the evening rolled on in a similar vein, filled with laughter, friendly matches, and a fair share of pranks courtesy of Haunter. There were stories shared over a bonfire, toasted marshmallows, and the occasional singing contest between Jigglypuff and Clefairy - an event that always ended with half the audience fast asleep.

Later, as the stars began to sprinkle the night sky, Austin found himself gazing at the serene sight. He had a content smile on his face, the faint glow of the dying bonfire reflecting in his eyes. It was an evening filled with joy and bonding, a much-needed reprieve for Austin and his Pokemon.

Just as he was about to call it a night, a soft tug on his sleeve made him turn. It was Butterfree, holding out a small star-shaped stone. Austin's eyes widened as he realized it was a Star Piece. "Where did you find this, Butterfree?" he asked, his voice filled with awe. Butterfree fluttered its wings, pointing towards a secluded corner of the beach. The discovery led to an impromptu treasure hunt, Austin and his Pokémon combing the beach under the starlit sky, their laughter and shouts of excitement echoing into the night.

A couple of yards away, Yellow was having her slice of adventure. "Don't you dare, Kitty!" she warned, seeing her Pokémon inching closer to the enormous three-layered cake she had left unattended. But it was too late, Beedrill leaped and chomped down a sizable chunk of the cake. Yellow could only gape as Kitty, with cake frosting on its face, looked back at her innocently. The sight was too adorable and Yellow burst out laughing, pulling out Austin's camera to capture the moment.

By the time Austin and his team returned, they had amassed quite the collection of beach treasures - from Star Pieces and Heart Scales to the occasional Pearl. Just as they were sorting through their loot, an unexpected announcement came over the resort's PA system. "Dear trainers, we will be hosting a midnight swimming competition in about fifteen minutes. Gather at the pool if you wish to participate."

This new development had Pikachu practically jumping with excitement, his love for water battles well known. "Looks like we're not sleeping just yet," Austin commented, grinning at his electric companion. Yellow, who had joined them, chimed in, "This night keeps getting better and better, doesn't it?"

Austin peered down at the pool, eyebrows raised in surprise. It seemed the night had one last surprise for him. Among the Lapras and Gyarados splashing about, he spotted a Magikarp flopping around enthusiastically, spraying water everywhere.

The burly trainer next to the seemingly underqualified competitor was pumping his fist in the air, shouting, "Don't underestimate the Magikarp!"

"Magi-karp!" the Pokémon responded, matching its trainer's enthusiasm with an excited splash.

Austin chuckled and leaned over to Yellow, whispering, "Hey, watch this."

Leaving a bemused Yellow, Austin stepped forward, waving his hand to grab the attention of the burly trainer. He pointed to his own, noticeably distressed Magikarp which was flopping in his hands, trying to get away. "Mind if I join in with my own Magikarp?" he asked.

A ripple of laughter went through the crowd, but the burly trainer just nodded, a serious expression on his face. "The more the merrier," he replied.

Austin stepped back and, ignoring the snickers from the crowd, lifted his Magikarp high, adjusting his grip like a pitcher preparing to throw a fastball. The Magikarp looked down at the pool and then back at Austin, its eyes going wide with what could only be interpreted as terror.

"Alright, Magikarp," he said, his voice calm despite the situation. "Remember what we talked about? You're going to make a splash."

He winked at Yellow, who was watching with wide eyes. "And by splash, I mean..."

And with that, Austin wound up and launched Magikarp toward the pool. There was a collective gasp from the crowd as the Pokémon rocketed through the air, a red glow enveloping it as it flew past the startled Lapras and Gyarados. There was a moment of silence as everyone followed its trajectory, their eyes wide in shock.

Then came the splash. The Magikarp hit the water at an angle, its velocity creating a gigantic wave that soaked the spectators and sent the other Pokémon scattering. The race hadn't even officially started, and Magikarp had already crossed the finish line, thanks to Austin's throw.

Laughter erupted from the crowd, their shock replaced with amusement. Austin, soaking wet and grinning, took a bow, while Magikarp just floated in the pool, dazed and confused but victorious. The burly man, who was now soaked to the bone, could only stare in disbelief as the crowd chanted, "Magi-karp! Magi-karp!"

As the laughter and cheering faded and Austin and his Pokémon headed back to their rooms, he couldn't help but smile. It had been an unforgettable night, one that perfectly embodied the spirit of their journey - full of unexpected adventures, laughter, and memories that would last a lifetime.

As the judges presented Austin with the gold medal, a few looked skeptical. It wasn't every day that a Magikarp took the prize, especially one that was...launched. Nevertheless, the crowd was ecstatic, their laughter and applause filling the air.

"And now, a few words from our winner!" announced the judge, offering Austin the mic. 

Austin glanced down at Magikarp, who looked up at him with determined eyes. He shrugged, then bent down to place Magikarp on the podium. The crowd hushed, the spectacle of a Magikarp about to deliver a speech was too bizarre to miss.

"Karp, Karp," it began, flapping its fins in what might have been a wave to the crowd. "Magi, Karp Karp." 

There was a collective sweatdrop from the audience as they tried to decipher the impassioned speech. Lucario, meanwhile, was doing his best to keep Yellow's ears covered. Green looked puzzled, finally leaning over to Lucario. "What is the fish saying?"

Lucario paused, his eyes narrowing as he translated the speech in his mind. Then he began to relay the message. "He's saying... 'Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for this wonderful honor. I have always felt misunderstood, a mere flopping fish in the big pond of life. Many of you see a Magikarp and you think, 'Oh, it's just a weak, helpless creature.' But look at me now! I've just won a swimming race against a Lapras and a Gyarados!'"

Green blinked, surprised. But Lucario wasn't done. "He goes on to say... 'And to all the young Magikarp out there, don't let anyone tell you that you can't achieve your dreams. If you believe you can swim, then you swim! And if someone tries to throw you, just remember to flop with grace. After all, we're not just fish. We're Magikarp, damn it!'"

"Does Magikarp know that he won because Ash chugged it to the finish line?"

Lucario turned to Green, an amused grin on his face. "Green, when you're a Magikarp, you don't question the how. You just celebrate the fact that you didn't end up as someone's lunch."

While the audience didn't understand a single word Magikarp had said, the absolute passion and conviction in the Pokémon's voice had them in tears, applause thundering around the resort.

The champagne popped, the bubbles fizzing out as Austin lifted the bottle in a toast. It had been a strange day, that was for sure, but also a truly unforgettable one. A day filled with laughter, challenges, unexpected victories, and most importantly, a day where a Magikarp, through its heartfelt speech, reminded everyone of their potential to make a splash.


[ The Next Day ] 

Green strolled towards the bar in the bustling Pokémon resort, basking in the satisfaction of a successful scam that had swindled a few unsuspecting trainers of their hard-earned cash. However, her thoughts were soon interrupted as she came face-to-face with the timid and usually introverted Yellow, who was blushing furiously and looking nervous.

Green raised an eyebrow in surprise, wondering what had caused the typically confident and outgoing Yellow to become so shy. Before she could even ask, Yellow blurted out her request.

"Green, can you help me catch Ash's attention?"

Green let out an exasperated sigh as she pursed her lips. "Why ask me for help?"

"Because you're the most beautiful, I know," Yellow replied eagerly, her eyes pleading with Green to assist her.

Green couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of the shy and reserved Yellow trying to capture the attention of the oblivious Ash. However, there was one problem: She also had feelings for Ash.

"Yellow, I don't think it's appropriate at this time," Green finally said.

"Huh?" Yellow replied, confused.

"Why are we here, Yellow?" Green continued her voice low and measured.

"To train," Yellow answered uncertainly.

"Exactly. I don't think Ash needs any distractions at this critical juncture, especially since he's so close to achieving his goal," Green reasoned, hoping that Yellow would understand.

"I... I guess you're right," Yellow murmured, her eyes downcast.

"Hey, tell you what," Green said, her tone brightening. "After all of this is over, I think I know how you can blow Ash's socks off and make him notice you."

"Really?" Yellow exclaimed, her face brightening with hope.

"Yes, really," Green lied, her heart clenching with guilt. "I promise to help you then."

As Green watched Yellow walk away, her heart heavy with the knowledge that she had just lied to her friend, she couldn't help but think, "I'm sorry, Yellow, but Ash is mine."


With two fresh drinks in hand, Austin maneuvered through the bustling crowd of the Pokémon resort, heading toward the bar where Green and Yellow were seated. His eyes locked onto his targets, he didn't notice the imposing figure striding towards him until it was too late. Their shoulders collided, causing Austin to stagger slightly and spill a bit of his drinks.

"Hey, normally you apologize when you bump into someone," the figure said, a hint of annoyance in his voice. He was a man of considerable height, with broad shoulders, a sharp jawline, and slicked-back hair that glinted under the resort's lights. His name, Austin would soon learn, was Richard.

"I'm sorry," Austin said without looking back, clearly unbothered as he continued walking. But Richard wasn't satisfied.

"I don't think that was genuine," Richard called out, reaching out to grab Austin's shoulder. Austin turned to face him, his expression flat.

"Then I'm not sure what to tell you, Richard," he replied dismissively. The crowd around them had started to notice the confrontation, forming a loose circle around the two.

At this point, Yellow and Green had seen the commotion and were making their way over. "Austin, is everything alright?" Yellow asked, concern filling her eyes.

Before Austin could reply, Richard, visibly infuriated by his disrespect, decided to up the ante. "How about a Pokémon battle then?" Richard challenged, his voice echoing throughout the crowd. "Unless you're scared, of course."

Suddenly, Richard felt a sharp smack across his face. Clutching his reddened cheek, he turned to see what hit him. To his surprise and the crowd's amusement, Austin was holding a Magikarp that was flapping about, looking as shocked as Richard.

"I'll have you know, Dick, this Magikarp can smack harder than you think. And if you're not careful, I just might have to beat you to death with it," Austin retorted his voice icy cold. 


Magikarp moved his flippers around to intimidate as if he was squaring up with Richard before he realized that his trainer was going to beat off this man with his fishy body.

Magikarp looked at Austin and said, "Karp," as if acknowledging his role in this bizarre turn of events. The crowd erupted in laughter.

From the crowd, Lucario's voice rang out, "I guess you can say... a Magikarp in hand is worth two in the bush!" The Pokémon made a face as if he just delivered the punchline of the century. 

Meanwhile Green rolled her eyes while Yellow carrying Pikachu and Chu-Chu giggled.

The crowd laughed harder.

Magikarp looked offended and muttered something that sounded a lot like a fishy insult toward Lucario.

Eugene, trying to save face, reluctantly agreed to the battle. "Fine. Let's do this." Little did he know, he was about to face off against a fish-wielding trainer and his notoriously sassy Pokémon.


[ Pokémon Resort - Trainers Arena ]

The arena, a natural cove replete with rocky outcrops and a cascading waterfall, provided a most befitting environment for the water-type Pokémon to engage in battle. The heated pool served as a comfortable combat arena, offering ample space for single and double battles with ample room for trainers to provide commands.

Numerous observation decks encircled the pool, furnished with comfortable seating to facilitate an immersive viewing experience for the spectators. The shade of the surrounding palm trees provided the perfect respite from the unyielding sun. A referee stepped onto the field, ready to officiate the forthcoming battle.

One corner of the arena was occupied by Austin, his Magikarp cradled in his arms. Across from him stood Richard, a haughty trainer who looked upon Austin and his Pokémon with a disparaging gaze.

"Welcome, trainers! This is an official battle between Austin and his Magikarp and Richard with his Goldeen. Are you prepared to begin?"

Austin nodded confidently, questioning his Magikarp, "Are you ready to showcase your prowess, buddy?"


Richard sneered in amusement at the sight of Magikarp. 

"You are going to regret this."

"Buddy, are you ready to show that arrogant ignoramus who the top fish is?"


"Don't be discouraged, fight as we have planned. Everyone is cheering for you, right guys?"

Austin glanced at Pikachu and Lucario, munching on their Cheerios.

"~ Crunch ~ Pika."

"~ Gulp~ Go you useless piece of shit," Lucario exclaimed, as Austin shook his head and focused on Magikarp.

"Don't worry, buddy, I have faith in you."


"Very well, let the battle commence!"

The whistle blew, and the skirmish began. Austin tossed Magikarp, but he misjudged its weight, causing the fish to hit the side of the pool, and triggering a wave of mirth from the audience. 

Sighing, Austin walked forward and nudged Magikarp into the water with his toes.

"Ha, pathetic. Just because your Magikarp is pink doesn't make it powerful," Richard chortled.

Undeterred, Austin ordered Magikarp to use Splash. The crowd laughed and jeered as the fish floundered uselessly. Meanwhile, Goldeen charged forward, aiming to exploit Magikarp's vulnerability.

However, Austin remained unperturbed, knowing that this was just the commencement of his strategy.

As Goldeen approached, Austin called out to Magikarp to use Splash. To everyone's astonishment, Magikarp sprang into action, launching itself up as it dodged Goldeen's horn attack and retaliated with a tackle, utilizing its weight and gravity to increase its speed and force.

Goldeen attempted to counter with Horn Attack and Water Pulse, but Austin had trained Magikarp to evade and counterattack with Tackle.

Inexplicably, Austin's Magikarp began to radiate a bright light, a sudden burst of energy coursing through its tiny frame, illuminating its body with an intense glow. Austin watched in wonder as Magikarp's fins lengthened and sharpened, its scales acquiring a fiery orange hue.

In the next instant, Magikarp was gone, replaced by a towering Gyarados, its body rippling with muscle and power, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly fire.

Richard recoiled in astonishment and admiration, acknowledging that he had miscalculated his opponent.

"Golden, use..."

But before Richard could complete his command, Gyarados roared, launching Goldeen into the air and smacking it out of the arena.

"No, my fish!"

"Good job, Gyarados!"

Austin let out a triumphant cry as Gyarados, the fierce and imposing Pokémon, turned to face him. For a moment, there was a palpable tension in the air as the creature regarded its trainer with a cold, calculating gaze. Austin knew that this was the moment of truth - Gyarados was sizing him up, determining whether he was truly worthy of its allegiance.

A slow, ominous chuckle escaped from Austin's lips as he extended his hand toward the beast. Gyarados responded with a sudden, violent movement, lashing out with its powerful tongue and engulfing Austin in a slimy, putrid embrace. Austin recoiled in disgust, his body writhing as the mucus-covered tongue slithered across his skin.

"Thanks for the bath, buddy," Austin muttered weakly, his voice barely audible over the sound of his retching. 

"Any help guys," Austin asked as he saw Pikachu and Lucario backing away.

"Oh Mew, you smell worse than a rotten egg left to dry out in a garbage shoot." 

"So like the toilet after you use it and forget to flush." 

"Pika, Pi." Pikachu agreed with Austin.

"Hey, I flush." 

"Lucario, breaking the handle doesn't mean you have flushed." 

"Then what does it mean ?" 

"It means that you have left a big mess." 

"Well, I blame your cooking." 



"Don't support him, you two.."




[ Omake Paragraph]

It is common on hot summer days to see children running around, spraying one another or wild Pidgey with jets of water from the mouths of toy Remoraid in the manner of a BubbleBeam attack, or a Hydro Pump on some of the newer versions. It is with good reason that out of the countless Pokemon which shoot water, these toys are shaped like Remoraid, for wild Remoraid attached to Mantine act in a strikingly similar way.

Mantyke, a Mantine's infant, Remoraid-less form, is capable of using water attacks, but the attacks bear more resemblance to an altered current than to the attacks of most water Pokemon. Once they evolve into Mantine, the attacks become blasts with more force than a hose and are expelled not through their mouth, but by the sharing of water between Mantine and their attached Remoraid. This allows Mantine to focus on maneuvering in midair, while their Remoraid, shoot small birds such as Wingull out of the air with jets of water, or repel other Mantine from their territory. Once a Remoraid lands a successful strike, the Mantine feasts, and the Remoraid picks up the scraps.

In time, as they grow in skill and feast on more and more scraps, a Remoraid will grow too large for their attached Mantine to fly. When this happens, they will lay an egg on their host's wing, which hatches at a rapid pace into a new Remoraid. This is a traumatic experience for many Mantine, who lament the loss of their partner, ignore their new host, and start using physical moves such as Take Down and Wing Attack instead. The Remoraid soon evolve into Octillery and, lacking someone to take them flying, trade in their water attacks for powerful, blinding blasts of ink.

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