Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.394 Aura Styles

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In her room, under the soft glow of the evening light, Green was in front of her mirror, slowly applying makeup. She uncapped her lipstick and was about to apply it when suddenly, Yellow burst in without any warning. "Green, I need you!"

Startled, Green's hand jerked and she drew a crooked line of red lipstick across her face. "Yellow! Can't you knock first?" she said, irritated.

Yellow looked at Green, then at the door beside her. 

She raised her hand.


Green sighed, shaking her head as she reached for a tissue to wipe off the lipstick smear. "What do you want?"

"I was thinking of getting a new dress, do you mind helping me?" Yellow asked innocently. 

"Yellow, I already told you, Ash doesn't need any distractions at this critical juncture, especially since he's so close to achieving his goal," Green answered, her voice serious.

Yellow narrowed her eyes and shot back, "I could say the same about you."


"I could say the same, Ash doesn't need any distractions."

"But I'm not distracting him."



"So the 1000 Pokedollar dress you bought was for nothing?"

Green rolled her eyes, "Hey, a girl can't enjoy herself?"

Yellow smirked, "She can, but considering it's you, it's strange that you didn't just steal it?"

Green huffed, "I am not a thief all the time!"

Yellow crossed her arms, "You scammed over ten thousand dollars from trainers in the last few hours."

Green blushed slightly at that, "Wow, that's a new record." 

"You like Ash, don't you?" Yellow's question hung in the air, turning the room silent.

Green stopped cleaning her face with the tissue, looking at Yellow in silence. She finally broke the silence, "Why do you like him?"

"He's my hero. He's the one who saved me from my cage. All my life, Uncle Wilton treated me like I was a glass cannon, always trying to protect me. It was so frustrating, I felt so trapped until he came into my life."

"So, is that why?" Green asked, her voice soft.

"No, that's how I developed a crush on him. But as I started journeying with him, I saw the strength that he had developed through hard work. He showed me a path I could follow, he was someone I could look up to. But as time went on, I saw him crumble, I saw him at his worst. And I knew at that moment, I wanted his pain to leave him. If I could take away his pain and endure it myself, I would do it in a heartbeat."

Green listened quietly, her eyes focused on Yellow. "Tell me, Green, do you know why Ash... No, Austin is waging a war against Team Rocket?"


"Because on the SS. Anne, Raticate died."

Green took a deep breath, the revelation making her feel a pang in her heart. She had always known that Austin was fighting Team Rocket for a reason, but she hadn't realized the depth of his pain.

Yellow continued, "I saw his worst after her death, and even after all that, I saw that his love, his compassion was still there. Green, I love him because he is..."

Green finished her sentence softly, "...amazing."

She couldn't help but agree, Austin was indeed amazing, and that was one of the reasons she too had fallen for him.

"Why do you like him?" Yellow asked, her gaze never leaving Green's.

Green smiled and sat back, her eyes thoughtful. "I was born in Pallet Town." At this, Yellow's eyes widened. That was the same town Ash was born in.

"I had a loving father and an amazing mother. They were my world until one day, while I was coming back from school, I bumped into someone. Maybe if I hadn't bumped into that monster, my life could have been normal."

Yellow listened carefully, her heart aching for Green. "What happened?" she asked.

Green looked at the ceiling, her eyes wet. "I was kidnapped by that monster and taken to a training facility where I was supposed to be indoctrinated into becoming his follower."

"And what happened?" Yellow asked, her voice barely a whisper.

"I escaped alongside another boy who would become my little brother. And ever since then, to survive, to support our lives, I had to steal. I had to become a part of the underworld. Then Ash...no, Austin, came into my life. He caught my attention after he somehow bamboozled his own money out of my hands."

"You tried to scam him?" Yellow interrupted, to which Green simply nodded. 

"Yep, didn't work on him. He became someone I couldn't forget when a Legendary Pokémon came to meet him."

"What?" Yellow's eyes widened in shock, mirroring Green's reaction exactly.

"Yeah, my reaction too. Then, we met on the SS. Anne and he intrigued me further. He didn't rat me out to the authorities, and most of all, he could read me like a book. As if he knew everything about me. He was someone I could never forget."

"Then, he hired me. I saw his kindness and his cruelty, his ferocity and his power. But what cemented my love for him was that he was someone I could lean on and cry. I didn't have to be this strong, amazing, beautiful..."

"Get to it, Green," Yellow interrupted, her eyes filled with impatience and curiosity.

Green chuckled. "With him around, I had something I never had but always wanted."

"What?" Yellow leaned in, her attention fully on Green.

"Someone I could rely on. Someone I could share my burden with," Green confessed. They stayed silent for a while until Yellow moved closer until they were face to face.

"Let's see which one of us can win his heart after all this Team Rocket nonsense is over," Yellow said, extending her hand towards Green.

Green chuckled and shook Yellow's hand. "Don't blink or I'll take him from you, Yellow."

"As if you could," Yellow retorted, her eyes sparkling with determination.


[Pokémon Resort - Flying Course ]

The Flying Course was an open-air stadium that seems to stretch up towards the clouds. The sun beats down from a clear blue sky, and the air is filled with the sounds of excited trainers and the flapping of wings.

If one looked down, they would see a vast, circular arena surrounded by a moat of water, with four towering pillars at each of the cardinal points. 

A series of panels in the floor slide open, revealing four tunnels.

A group of Flying-type Pokemon, including Fearow, Butterfree, Pidgeot, Shedinja, and Scizor, have gathered in a clearing.

An instructor, dressed in flying gear, walks up to them.

" Guys and Gal, let's start with some basic exercises, and then move on to more advanced maneuvers. And to add to the excitement, whoever performs the best is going to win a special prize."

The Pokemon looked at each other with a competitive glint in their eyes.

"First up, we're going to work on your takeoff and landing techniques. Fearow, why don't you show us how it's done?" 

Fearow puffed out his chest at being chosen first.

Fearow took off from the ground and flies a few feet before landing smoothly.

"Great job, Fearow! Now, everyone else, give it a try."

The other Pokemon took turns practicing their takeoffs and landings.

None struggled as they finished the warmup which couldn't even be considered a warmup when they remembered Austin's training of using Clefable's gravity to increase the difficulty.

"Next, we're going to work on your aerial agility. Butterfree, I want you to demonstrate a loop-de-loop."

Butterfree takes off and flies in a circle, performing a loop-de-loop.

"Excellent, Butterfree! Now, I want everyone to try it."

The Pokemon take turns practicing their loop-de-loops, and again, none struggled even when obstacles were placed.

"Now, let's move on to some more advanced maneuvers. Pidgeot, I want you to demonstrate a barrel roll."

Pidgeot took off and flew in a straight line, then flipped upside down and rolled in the air.

"Fantastic, Pidgeot! Now, everyone else, give it a try."

Austin leaned back in frustration as he watched the resort instructors' lackluster training. He couldn't help but groan inwardly. "What a waste of money," he muttered under his breath. 

"I thought this resort would provide some way for me to be strong enough to kick Giovanni's hairline back to hell ... Ugh!"

Meanwhile, Lucario and Pikachu were relishing in Austin's suffering.

"You know, brat," Lucario spoke up, breaking the silence. "During my time in the war, we didn't have fancy training resorts like this. We trained in harsh conditions, in the thick of battles to master the ways of the aura styles."

"Aura styles?" Austin echoed, intrigued.

"Pika?" Pikachu cocked his head, equally curious.

"I'm sure you know that moves done by Pokémon are performed through the flow of life force or aura," Lucario began. "Aura styles utilize this flow in ways to enhance the effects of moves for greater speed or strength."

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" Austin asked, slightly exasperated.

"You didn't ask," Lucario replied nonchalantly.

Austin took a deep breath to calm himself before asking the question burning in his mind. "Lucario, can you teach everyone aura styles?"

Lucario shook his head. "Can't."

"Why not?!" Austin exclaimed in frustration.

"How did you achieve aura manipulation, brat?" Lucario countered.

"Visualization of the flow of aura," Austin replied, his tone unsure.

"Exactly. That's how humans learn aura. But what about Pokémon, who can utilize aura from birth through instincts? How can you teach them to control that flow?" Lucario explained patiently.

"Pika, Pi," Pikachu chimed in, offering his two cents.

"Nope," Lucario replied before taking a bite of his chocolate-covered popcorn.

"Then how can we teach everyone?" Austin asked, growing more impatient by the second.

"Through battle," Lucario answered simply.

"Battle?" Austin repeated, surprised.

"Exactly. Through harsh battles that would push a Pokémon to not rely on their instincts," Lucario continued.

"Can't you do it in another way?" Austin pleaded.

"Instincts aren't that easy to discard, brat. So if you want everyone to get stronger through aura styles, you need to look for a place that has extremely strong wild Pokémon to battle and push them over the edge," Lucario advised.

Austin listened intently, absorbing every word. 

'Strong wild Pokémon.' Austin thought while leaning his head back, closing his eyes as he let out a deep sigh. 

But his contemplation was abruptly interrupted by the ringing of his phone. Austin jolted out of his reverie and reached for the device, his heart racing with a sense of urgency.

"Hello?" he answered, his voice a mixture of trepidation and curiosity.

The voice on the other end was hesitant, unsure of how to proceed. "H-Hello," it said, followed by a grunt as Austin knew Jessie had snatched the phone from James.

"Pleasure to hear from you, Mrs. Jessie. How have you been?" Austin said, mimicking the voice of Donquixote Doflamingo.

"Cut the Tarous crap," the voice interrupted impatiently. "We got what you need?

"That's great and all, but when do I get the information about my mom?" Jessie demanded.

Austin's mind raced as he considered his options. 

"You'll get the information on the day Team Rocket launches its attack on Kanto," he finally replied, his voice firm and unwavering.

"What?!" the voice exclaimed in disbelief.

Without hesitation, Austin cut the call off, his mind already racing to plan his next move. 


As James paced nervously amidst the clutter of Jessie's unkempt quarters, he couldn't help but notice the anxious tension etched upon his countenance. His eyes darted back and forth, as if seeking escape from the oppressive atmosphere of the room. But alas, fate had other plans.

Suddenly, a piercing scream shattered the silence, as Jessie's voice reverberated through the cramped space. "Hello! Damnit, he cut me off." James winced, as if struck by a physical blow. The phone call was clearly not going well.

As he surveyed his surroundings, James couldn't help but notice the disarray that surrounded him. Pizza boxes littered the floor, discarded clothing strewn haphazardly about the room. And amidst it all, he stood, a beacon of nervous energy in a sea of chaos.

But before James could even attempt to make sense of the situation, Meowth appeared on the scene, his southern drawl cutting through the air like a knife. "Guys, why do ya lock the door?" he drawled, narrowing his eyes as he took in the scene before him.

As James and Jessie exchanged tense glances, Meowth continued, "Am I interrupting something?" His voice was thick with suspicion.

Without missing a beat, Jessie replied, "Meowth, what is it?" Her tone filled with anger.

And then, like a bolt from the blue, Meowth delivered his news. "The Executives have called for a meeting." The words hung in the air like a death knell, and James could feel his nerves ratcheting up to new heights. Whatever was about to happen, he knew one thing for certain: nothing in this world was going to be the same again.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

In retrospect, there were many telltale signs that Octillery were smarter than we realized. They learn psychic attacks and pick up rocks – tools, weapons - in order to hunt their prey, even in the so-called wild. With a human trainer, they are remarkably adaptable, and can learn even fire attacks with remarkable ease. The oddest thing about Professor Elm's recent discovery was not that the Octillery ink marks so often found in underwater caves were a form of writing, it was that it took so long for any of us (save a few presumed crackpots) to notice.

Human language is based to a large degree on the powers of the Unown and the vocalizations of countless wild pokemon, yet this has proven little use in deciphering the Octillery script, a strange array of ink which resembles no letters or symbols known to man. What we have learned from it is little; we do not know if they tell stories on cave walls and inside their burrows, keep records, or merely relay elaborate orders in astonishing detail. What little we do now know is that Octillery ink is not a naturally occurring substance, but one carefully crafted in small holes from undersea minerals, eaten, and spit out by Octillery to produce messages which other Octillery clearly comprehend. The rest is conjecture.

Interestingly, when the black ink ball called Octazooka explodes on an Octillery's opponent, many of the signs seen in its explosion bear a striking resemblance to those commonly seen in undersea caves. Perhaps this is a coincidence, but most consider it likely that Octillery write messages on their target when they attack which only their own kind can understand.

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