Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.395 Austin and Primeape

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[ POV Change ]

[ Apenheul Primate Forest ]

In the heart of the forest lies a spectacle that both beguiles and bewilders. A sight that beckons the curious and adventurous alike, yet also commands caution and respect. Here, amidst the verdant foliage and earthy humus, reigns the Mankey, proud and dominant.

From every tree and shrub, their curious eyes observe the comings and goings of those who dare enter their domain. Children, eager and innocent, venture forth with naivety in their hearts, seeking only to appease the more amiable members of this simian society with treats and titbits.

Yet, in the shadows, unseen by the youthful and unwise, lurk the trainers. Armed with pokeballs and determination, they seek to capture these creatures, to harness their power and make them their own. 

And so, this forest of Mankey stands as a dichotomy of innocence and savagery, a place of wonder and danger intertwined. Those who would seek to tread its leafy paths must do so with caution and respect, lest they fall victim to the primal might of these untamed beasts.


The forest was a vibrant tapestry of emerald green, a labyrinth of intertwining branches, whispering leaves, and animated wildlife, a bustling ecosystem frozen in time. In the distance, Austin and his motley crew had set up a picnic, the aromatic bouquet of their delicacies crisscrossing the tranquil air like a hypnotic perfume, irresistible to the nostrils.

Among the dense foliage, a tribe of curious mankeys stirred, their eyes twinkling with an almost human-like curiosity in the fractured sunlight. They were initially coy, their instincts cautioning them about the strange humans and their tempting spread of food. But soon, the irresistible allure of these exotic odors vanquished their primal fears. The band's leader, a particularly bold specimen, descended from his arboreal throne, his nimble fingers filching a trainer's cap in a blink of an eye.

To the collective surprise of his furry companions, the trainer slumbered on, oblivious to his head's sudden nudity. As the alpha mankey brandished his trophy in triumph, he realized his friends were staring at him in disbelief. Bewildered, he gazed at his hand only to find it empty, the once present cap now mysteriously absent.

His surprise quickly morphed into a simmering frustration as he lunged at the sleeping Austin's grasp, trying to reclaim the stolen cap. Each attempt was thwarted by the clever Musharna's trickery, who kept swapping the cap for leaves and random forest items.

Time slithered by as the forest echoed with the mankey's disheartened yowls, a drum roll to the primal comedy unfolding in the wilderness. Eventually, Austin, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, stirred from his nap and locked eyes with his furry antagonist.

"If you fancy the cap, well, we'll have to settle it with a duel, my friend," he announced, his voice laden with anticipation. 

With a battle cry that would have given King Kong a run for his money, the diminutive mankey lunged at Austin, his fists a flurry of rage. But Austin casually intercepted the creature mid-flight, snatching him by the tail. The sight of Austin manhandling the furious mankey sparked laughter among Yellow and Green, who likened the absurd scene to a child being reprimanded for consuming too much candy.

"Listen, my furry friend, this is not a brawl. This is a Pokémon battle!" Austin's tone was part schoolmaster, part amused observer.

"So, Pikachu, are you up for a showdown?" he called out, turning his gaze to Pikachu who was fast asleep, cuddling a ketchup packet like a long-lost teddy bear. In stark contrast, Chu-Chu, Yellow's Pikachu, was shooting the ketchup packet death stares, as if it were the reincarnation of the devil which was fair in Austin's mind considering the brand that Pikachu loved was macargo's sauce, well if Pikachu's liked the juices of a snail on his tongue, who was he to deny Pikachu something like that ? a conversion therapist.

"Anyone else feeling game enough?" Austin inquired, struggling to maintain a straight face.

"Oh, I could do with a little morning exercise," Lucario chimed in, holding a bowl of chocolate ice cream, the sight of which would make a dietitian weep.

"Yes, Mankey, let's rumble," he addressed the still seething creature.

"But hold on, if I put down my ice cream to fight you, wouldn't that count as an armed assault?" Lucario questioned with a smirk, glancing at Austin for validation, who responded with a nonchalant shrug. The forest was once again filled with laughter, leaving the mankey utterly baffled and even more determined to regain his dignity, and, more importantly, that elusive cap.

With a lunge and a series of blistering fury attacks, Mankey, a small simian Pokemon fueled by a potent cocktail of rage and frustration, hurled himself towards Lucario. The Aura Pokemon, Lucario, sat on the ground, tranquilly consuming his frozen dessert with an air of sublime detachment. This picture of peace was disrupted by the onslaught of the diminutive, yet fierce, Mankey, who harnessed all his primal rage in an attempt to disrupt Lucario's ice cream session. 

However, Lucario was no mere Pokemon. He was a seasoned veteran, a martial arts maestro, his body dancing in the arena of combat like a symphony of movement and anticipation. Each frenzied strike from Mankey was artfully dodged, Lucario's evasions graceful and fluid, as if he were caught up in some form of violent ballet.

Mankey's tantrum continued to rise, transforming from a simmering pot of anger to a volcanic eruption of uncoordinated savagery. The wayward primate combatant, in his unbridled fury, made a critical miscalculation. He directed his wrath towards something precious and sacrosanct to Lucario — his beloved bowl of ice cream. 

As if possessed by the spirits of legendary martial artists, Lucario responded with a blistering counterattack. In the blink of an eye, Mankey was launched through the air, his trajectory ending abruptly against the unyielding bark of a nearby tree. 

"Well, someone's got a temper," Austin observed, an eyebrow raised in amusement as Lucario dusted off his paws.

The Aura Pokemon gave a snort of indignation. "When it comes to protecting my ice cream, I'm like an Ursaring with a honey pot."

"Ok, Winnie the Pooh, isn't murder a bit overkill?" Austin retorted, the corner of his mouth twitching in amusement.

"Definitely not, when ice cream is on the line. It's a matter of principle," Lucario insisted.

"Oh, sure, and I suppose 'assault and dessert' is going to hold up in court?" Austin shot back, shaking his head in disbelief.

Austin's attention was diverted by a bright light, a universal sign of an imminent evolution in the Pokemon world. Mankey was transforming, his body altering and growing, his appearance becoming more menacing. As the light receded, a powerful Primeape emerged, complete with heavy metal shackles on its wrists and ankles, simian facial features, and the notable addition of an impressively throbbing vein on its forehead. It was the picture of raw power, a bipedal manifestation of furious strength.

Without missing a beat, Primeape hurtled himself at Lucario, opting for a swift Mach Punch. But Lucario, having resumed his ice-cream-eating zen state, sidestepped the incoming attack and reappeared on Primeape's arm in a flash. 

Lucario placed a foot on Primeape's face, applying just enough pressure to send the raging primate sprawling to the ground with a comical splat. The dust cleared, revealing a crater worthy of a comic book, where Primeape had taken a rather dramatic tumble, lying unconscious and spread-eagled.

Strutting back to Austin with an air of satisfaction, Lucario extended his bowl, now a dejected landscape of dust and dirt-covered ice cream. "Get me a fresh one."

"I think therapy is what you need, not a dessert," Austin suggested, still chuckling at Lucario's theatrics.

"But I always feel 'bowl'd' over by how much better ice cream is than therapy," Lucario replied, adding a cheesy wink.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

One of the oddest traditions of Mahogany Town, or indeed all of Johto, is the festival known as the Day of the Delibird. Held in the darkest days of winter, the day contains all the usual celebrations of a favorite pokemon, such as a parade of Delibird floats and a one-pokemon battle tournament to determine the town's Delibird king or queen. And then there is the gift-giving.

In the twisted manner of a Delibird's presents, people on the Day of the Delibird fill their wrapping paper with either genuine gifts or explosive devices, and give one to everyone in town they know. Some explosives are practical jokes – a present is opened, a faceful of powder received, and everyone has a good laugh. Others are a mess to clean up after and intended as statements of contempt, and even cause slight injury. It is for this reason that all kinds of potions and soft drinks are also commonly wrapped as presents for good friends, and sometimes even revives.

According to a deeply ingrained custom which has achieved the force of law, no present may be refused on this day, and no person prosecuted for any injuries which their presents cause. Although this is a festive and joyful day for children and those who know they lack enemies, for many it is a day of fear, a day for settling old scores, a way for the people of Mahogany to resolve their feuds with death before they tear the community apart.

And it is exactly like the capricious pokemon this festival honors. Despite the common belief which many trainers desperately cling to, there is nothing random whatsoever about a Delibird's presents.

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