Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.397 War is coming part 2

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[ POV Change ]

Austin, Saul, and Dr. Akihabara stood in the vast expanse of the dimly lit warehouse, surrounded by towering stacks of cardboard boxes that stretched toward the heavens. The flickering fluorescent bulbs above cast eerie shadows, creating an atmosphere that seemed equal parts mysterious and comical.

Saul, the fast-talking hustler with a perpetual twinkle in his eye, took center stage, his arms sweeping wide as he embarked on his grand pitch to Dr. Akihabara. With an air of confidence and a hint of mischief, he began his persuasive dance.

"Doc, my good sir, feast your eyes on this magnificent space! It's a veritable playground for a brilliant mind like yours. Think of the possibilities! You could set up your groundbreaking experiments right here, and no one would suspect a thing. And the cherry on top? This box factory next door, my friend. It's the perfect cover-up!"

Saul sauntered over to a nearby stack of boxes, tapping one with his foot as if it held the key to all the secrets of the universe. He turned to Dr. Akihabara, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

"Behold these boxes, my dear Doc. They travel far and wide, unnoticed by the masses. Your lab could be tucked away right next door, concealed in plain sight. It's a stroke of genius if I do say so myself."

Dr. Akihabara, the epitome of skepticism with his arms folded across his chest, arched an eyebrow and shot Saul a questioning look.

"But what about the workers? Won't they grow suspicious of any peculiar goings-on?"

Saul's grin widened as if he had been eagerly awaiting this moment to unveil his trump card.

"Ah, my good doctor, you underestimate me. These hardworking souls are too engrossed in their tasks to pay any heed to the wonders brewing next door. And fear not, for I have a few tricks up my sleeve to ensure their curiosity remains at bay."

He deftly pulled out a thick wad of cash, waving it tantalizingly in front of Dr. Akihabara's skeptical gaze.

"Money, my dear doctor, holds immense power. With this little bundle, I'll make sure every worker here knows to keep their noses out of our business. You won't have to worry about a single prying eye."

Dr. Akihabara's uncertainty was palpable, but Saul was not one to give up easily. He pressed on, his words laced with charm and a touch of cheekiness.

"And just imagine Doc, the limitless possibilities that lie within these hallowed walls. This space is colossal! You could conduct a myriad of experiments, and run tests that push the boundaries of science. And the best part? No one would be the wiser. You'd be a secret genius, hidden in plain sight."

Saul punctuated his persuasive tirade with another grin, his teeth gleaming in the dim light like a mischievous Cheshire cat.

Dr. Akihabara glanced at Austin, who stood silently observing the unfolding spectacle. Austin's raised eyebrow conveyed a mix of curiosity and amusement, while Pikachu had stars in its eyes as it gazed upon a particularly large box of ketchup.

With a glimmer of hope in his eyes, Dr. Akihabara addressed Austin, seeking his input in this bizarre yet oddly intriguing situation.

"It's your call, doctor," Austin replied, a hint of mischief in his voice as if he had already sensed the absurdity of their predicament.

Dr. Akihabara took one final look around the warehouse, his gaze drifting from the towering stacks of boxes to the scattered equipment. As he surveyed the scene, his eyes settled on a colossal machine at the far end, the kraft pulping machine. It emitted a deafening noise, and the vibrations seemed to shake the very foundations of the warehouse.

With a furrowed brow, Dr. Akihabara turned to Saul, a trace of concern etched on his face.

"Saul, my friend, I appreciate your offer, but that machine over there, the kraft pulping machine, poses a rather substantial problem. Its noise and vibrations will disrupt the delicate nature of my experiments. I require a tranquil, stable environment to carry out my research."

Saul waved his hand dismissively as if brushing away the concern like a pesky fly.

"Oh, come on, Doc! That machine hardly ever runs, and even when it does, we can soundproof the walls or something. You can't let a little noise stand in the way of progress."

Dr. Akihabara's expression remained resolute, unwavering in the face of Saul's persuasive tactics.

"I'm sorry, Saul, but this simply won't work. I need a controlled environment to conduct my experiments, and this place is far from suitable."

Austin, ever the voice of reason, chimed in with a sly smile playing on his lips.

"Come on, Doc, I'm sure Saul has something else up his sleeve. Let's see what other gem he has in store for us."

Saul's grin faltered for a moment, his confidence momentarily shaken. But true to his nature, he quickly regained his composure, determined to find a solution that would satisfy the enigmatic Dr. Akihabara.

"Fine," Saul replied with a hint of defiance, his eyes glinting mischievously. "Let's move on to the next adventure, shall we? The world of clandestine science awaits!"


Saul led Dr. Akihabara and the others into the bustling tortilla factory, where the air was thick with the irresistible scent of freshly baked tortillas. The sound of machinery reverberated through the space, as the workers, adorned in hairnets and aprons, diligently operated the tortilla-making contraptions, churning out a seemingly endless stream of warm, circular delights.

Saul led Dr. Akihabara through the factory, pointing out the different machines and explaining the production process. As they walked, Dr. Akihabara expressed concern about the potential for unannounced government inspections, given the nature of the food industry.

Saul nodded, his eyes gleaming with mischief and a hint of confidence. He leaned in close to Dr. Akihabara and spoke in a low voice as if sharing the most closely guarded secret.

"Don't you worry, Doc? I've got this all figured out. We can ensure that nothing unsavory catches anyone's eye in this place."

Dr. Akihabara arched an eyebrow, intrigued by Saul's plan. Leaning in even closer, Saul whispered, his voice a conspiratorial hush.

"Here's what we can do. We'll schedule the tortilla production exclusively during off-hours, under the cover of darkness. That way, there's zero chance of anyone stumbling upon our little laboratory."

Dr. Akihabara's expression remained skeptical, his mind working through the logistics. Suddenly, a realization hit him, and he couldn't help but voice his concern.

"But Saul, what about the residue from my experiments? Won't it affect the tortillas made afterward? We certainly can't have them smelling like... well, urine."

Saul's confident facade faltered for a moment, a mix of embarrassment and frustration crossing his features. He nodded, conceding to Dr. Akihabara's point.

"Ah, yes, a valid concern indeed. We certainly wouldn't want our tortillas to develop such an... unfortunate aroma. Back to the drawing board, I suppose."

Meanwhile, Austin, ever the opportunist, noticed a golden moment unfolding. He glanced mischievously at Yellow, who had been eyeing the freshly baked tortillas with longing. In one swift motion, Austin broke off a piece of a piping-hot tortilla and blew on it before offering it to Yellow.

"Careful, it's hot," Austin warned, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

"Thank you," Yellow blushed, her hunger overpowering any embarrassment as she eagerly took a bite of the delicious tortilla.

Saul, watching this exchange with a mixture of amusement and exasperation, couldn't help but shake his head.

"Young love, am I right?" he mused, turning to Dr. Akihabara, who simply nodded, his focus still on the matter at hand.

Unfazed by the temporary setback, Saul reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, his eyes narrowing as he began to tap away.

"These clients are no ordinary folk. I need to establish a strong connection, one that won't crumble under the weight of a little urine-scented tortilla mishap."

As he muttered to himself, Saul unknowingly brushed against a stack of tortillas, causing them to topple like a delicious domino chain. In his attempt to catch them, he inadvertently stumbled backward, his arms flailing and his face a mix of panic and determination.


Saul stood outside of the grand entrance of a massive, modernist mansion with Dr. Akihabara and the others beside him. The mansion was a work of art, with floor-to-ceiling windows, sleek lines, and a beautifully manicured lawn. Saul gestured towards the house, grinning widely.

"Doc, this place is perfect for your experiments," Saul said, enthusiasm evident in his voice. "The layout is open, the rooms are spacious, and the wiring is state-of-the-art. You could do anything you want in here."

Dr. Akihabara nodded, impressed by the scale and design of the mansion. "I can see that this place was built with attention to detail," he said. "But how will I be able to ensure that my work remains confidential?"

Saul's grin widened as he produced a set of keys from his pocket. "I've got that covered, Doc. This place has top-of-the-line security systems, with cameras, alarms, and biometric locks. And I know a guy who can set up a system for you that is completely off the grid. No one will be able to access this place without your permission."

" Wouldn't someone get suspicious?" Yellow questioned.

Saul smiled and put his arm around Dr. Akihabara's shoulder. " Well, trust me. This is Albuquerque Lane. No one is going to notice or care if this place is off the grid. Plus, the owner of this house was a billionaire recluse who passed away, leaving no heirs. The estate was sold by his estate managers in a private sale. So, we have complete anonymity and discretion here."

Austin asked "I see. And what about the neighbors?"

Saul chuckled. "What neighbors? The closest house is half a mile away, and the only other thing around here is a golf course. You won't even know they're there."

Dr. Akihabara's eyes gleamed with excitement as he considered the possibilities. "I can't wait to get started," he said. 

"What's the price?" Austin asked.

Saul winked. "Let's talk inside, Doc. I promise you won't be disappointed." 

They walked inside, the sound of their footsteps echoing through the vast space as Saul began his pitch, highlighting every feature of the house that would make it the perfect home for Dr. Akihabara's experiments while being extremely respectful to Austin and Yellow.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

The annually molted blade feathers of a Skarmory's wings have often been described as natural swords, for when placed in a soldier's hands and given a hilt, they work as well as the artificial kind. Because of this, Skarmory feathers were prized as a source of weaponry in many lands without access to significant metal reserves, from the dawn of the Iron Age until the era when gunpowder finally replaced swords in warfare.

Skarmory typically live in remote areas which in that era were far from any nation's real authority, and when multiple armies came to claim them, the Skarmory usually flew away in the chaos. This gave the impetus for the Skarmory Sword Challenge, a competition where champions from each interested nation would face off in an effort to win these coveted blades. And it was a challenge – for if the champions themselves did not kill each other, stealing feathers from a Skarmory was no easy task either, even with their Pokemon.

Skarmory nests on hazardous cliffs and mountaintops which are never too accessible for climbers. They cover the approaches to their nests with long arrays of Spikes and Stealth Rocks, as much to toughen up their chicks' defenses as for any real protection. The Skarmory, despite their new steel coats, are hazards in themselves, for they spend the competition spitting old feathers from their beaks at the contestants or attempting to blow them into the sea with their wings.

If any survive long enough to reach the Skarmory's sword-covered nest, they will find more than an armory there, for Skarmory are all too glad to be trained by those who have proven their strength and courage. Today, it is the Skarmory, not their feathers, that are the real prize of this contest.

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