Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.400 Hiring Mercenaries

[ Author's Note: I would like to make an important announcement regarding the schedule for updates on my current work. Due to recent changes in my college schedule and academic commitments, I have decided to adjust the frequency of updates. Instead of daily updates, I will now be posting new content every other day, specifically on Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays, and maybe Sundays.

This adjustment is necessary to strike a balance between my studies and my passion for writing. I greatly appreciate your continued support and understanding during this transition, and I sincerely hope that this change in schedule will not cause any inconvenience to you, my valued readers. Thank you once again for your support.]


[ POV Change ] 

In the world of competitive Pokemon, trainers who manage to succeed in the rigorous and highly competitive Pokemon League tournaments are often hailed as the cream of the crop - the elite few who have managed to conquer the various challenges and obstacles that lie in their path. These trainers go on to become Ace Trainers under the training of Elite Four members, are held in high regard by their peers and are often sought out by aspiring trainers who hope to learn from their experiences and insights.

Some even succeed the Elite four to either become a member of the Elite four or they go on to become Champion.

But what about the trainers who couldn't make it? What happens to those who fall short of their goal and are unable to achieve the same level of success as their more accomplished peers? For many of these trainers, the road ahead can be a difficult and uncertain one, fraught with challenges and obstacles that can be difficult to overcome.

For starters, many trainers who fail to make it in the Pokemon League tournaments are forced to re-evaluate their goals and priorities. They may find themselves questioning whether they have what it takes to succeed in the competitive world of Pokemon training, or whether they should perhaps pursue other interests and passions instead.

For some, the disappointment of failure can be too much to bear, and they may choose to give up on their dreams of becoming a successful trainer altogether. Others, however, may use their setbacks as a source of motivation, redoubling their efforts and working even harder to achieve their goals by going to other regions and starting anew but only a rare few ever manage to succeed by starting over as their old pokemon rust away while their new pokemon can't keep up with their advanced skill level.

Despite the determination of some, however, the reality is that many trainers who fail to make it in the Pokemon League tournaments will go on to become little more than statistical curves - footnotes in the grand history of Pokemon battles. 

That being said, there are still plenty of opportunities for trainers to make a name for themselves outside of the Pokemon League tournaments. They can participate in smaller-scale tournaments and competitions, battle in local gyms and arenas but for those who still yearn for something bigger. 

Those trainers become Pokemon Mercenaries.

Essentially, Pokemon Mercenaries are trainers who use their skills and expertise to battle other trainers and capture Pokemon for whoever pays them the most since the pokemon league ignores their existence only focusing on the new batch or the Elite batch of trainers.

Some may work as bodyguards or protectors, using their Pokemon to defend their clients from harm. 

Some mercenaries even work as poachers to capture baby pokemon for young trainers whose parents can't afford to pay the league for starters. 

The league ignores such poachers as long as they don't disturb the wildlife and only capture weak pokemon to be used as starters.

A tiny minute some, works as treasure hunters or explorers, using their Pokemon to navigate dangerous terrain and uncover hidden treasures for organizations.

For many of these trainers, becoming a Pokemon Mercenary is a way of carving out a niche for themselves in the competitive world of Pokemon training. It allows them to put their skills and expertise to use in a variety of different ways, and provides them with a sense of purpose and direction that they may have lacked before.

Of course, being a Pokemon Mercenary is not without its challenges. It requires a great deal of skill and expertise, as well as a willingness to take risks and face danger head-on. Trainers who choose to pursue this profession must be prepared to battle fierce opponents, navigate treacherous terrain, and deal with a wide variety of unpredictable situations all for a quick buck.

A common expression sums up the life of a mercenary trainer.

"Money may not buy happiness, but it can certainly buy a whole lot - which is pretty close."


The vast and sprawling cityscape of Celadon, alive with the incessant hum of the city's throngs of inhabitants going about their daily affairs. But if one looked closer to a particular nondescript warehouse. This is no ordinary place of business, for it is the domain of a Pokemon trainers mercenary guild.

The Black Torus.

The interior of the warehouse is illuminated by a cold, harsh light that bathes the space in a clinical glow. The guild members, each one clad in their uniformu, are scattered around the space, preparing for their latest mission. The air was thick with the sounds of pokemon and the whirring of machines as they did mock battles.

Inside Green sat in a small, elegantly crafted wooden chair, her eyes fixed on the imposing figure seated behind the large oak desk. The guild master's office was heavily influenced by aesthetics, with shoji screens lining the walls and a delicate bonsai tree perched on a nearby windowsill.

As she waited, the soft sound of footsteps grew closer, and the guild master's secretary entered the room, bearing a small tray with a steaming teapot and two dainty cups. She bowed respectfully before placing the tray on a low table in front of Green.

"Please, enjoy the tea," the secretary said, her voice soft and melodic.

Green poured a cup of tea for herself, savoring the delicate aroma and the soothing warmth of the liquid. She took a sip and then set the cup back down on the tray, her eyes never leaving the imposing figure seated across from her.

 The guild master sat regally upon his seat, dressed in a traditional Japanese robe that flowed elegantly around him. A katana was secured at his side, a constant reminder of his prowess and authority. His piercing eyes took in the figure before him, evaluating the young woman who had come to their humble guild.

Green took a deep breath, steeling herself for the task at hand. She was here to hire their entire personnel, and the weight of her mission was heavy upon her shoulders. The guild master's no-nonsense demeanor did not ease her nerves, but she pushed on nonetheless.

"I am seeking your services for a mission," she began, her voice clear and unwavering. "I want to hire your entire personnel."

The guild master's eyes narrowed, his curiosity piqued. "Go on," he said, his tone expectant.

Green hesitated for a moment, glancing briefly at the smiling secretary beside her. "If I want to continue, I want to speak to the true leader," she finally said, her voice firm.

The secretary smiled, her interest now fully engaged. "Hmm, many people don't know who I am, but if you are equipped with such knowledge, you either have a lot of money or all the right connections. Which one is it for you, doll?"

Green's lips curved into a sly smirk. "Both," she replied.

The true guild master raised an eyebrow, impressed despite himself. "Interesting. So, your proposal isn't some kind of prank?"

Green's response was immediate. She opened her briefcase, revealing rows and rows of money. "Ten million," she said in a monotone voice, freezing both the guild master and his vice in shock.

Meanwhile, Green's heart was breaking at the thought of parting with so much money, which was akin to watching a bumbling bard butcher a beloved ballad.

"We can't do anything illegal, even for that much money," the Vice guild master said, his tone wary.

"Oh, it's nothing illegal. I just need your people to act as protection," Green replied casually.

"What kind of protection?" the guild master pressed.

"Standard protection," Green replied with a shrug.

"From whom?" the guild master demanded.

"That you don't need to know for now," Green said with a coy smile.

The guild master's expression turned serious. "Doll, that's not how this works. You either tell us or we won't take the mission."

Green raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Hmm, then can you point me towards the nearest Mercenary Guild? I think they can provide me with what I want if I throw in a couple of millions."

As she made to rise from her seat, the guild master suddenly spoke up. "Wait, wait, wait, doll. Maybe we got off on the wrong foot. Let's just keep talking."

Green arched an eyebrow in surprise, but she settled back into her seat. "Yes, but I don't like my time to be wasted," she said pointedly.

"My apologies. Is there any way I can make it up to you?" the guild master asked, her tone conciliatory.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm just going to reduce the ten million to nine million, if you don't mind," Green said with a wry grin.

The guild master's eyes narrowed at her words. It was as if she was here on behalf of someone else who thought that their guild was worth ten million.

"Oh, that's not a problem. So, could you tell me about the mission?" the guild master asked, her curiosity now fully engaged.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

The recent tragedy across Hoenn's coast should remind us how fortunate we are that most Kingdra sleep in the deep trenches of the ocean, where the strange storms which come about whenever they wake up are merely weather hazards for ships and water pokemon. When one drifts towards the coast when it ends its long slumber, it is certainly destructive, but nowhere near the total devastation that occurred when Team Aqua became involved.

After Kyogre's defeat, what remained of Team Aqua discovered how to manipulate ocean currents to bring Kingdra (and countless other water-types) closer to shore, and managed to send the sound of a Poke Flute from Dewford to Mossdeep through the use of an amplified Wailord song. When the Kingdra awakened simultaneously, the force of their numbers joined a hundred twisters into one; rather than a small, manageable storm, Hoenn was struck by the largest, most devastating typhoon in its history. And the devastation was made far worse by the fierce whirlpools which formed around Hoenn as soon as the sleepy Kingdra yawned; no outside relief could reach the island, and the local Pokemon League was not nearly up to the task.

For a moment, it seemed like Team Aqua's mad victory had come and Hoenn would be reclaimed by the sea. Yet they were soon annihilated by an unlikely enemy in the Kingdra themselves, who were as annoyed by being woken up as they were appalled by the devastation they caused. Before long they sent a new storm, this one aimed directly at the source of the melody which had roused them from their sleep, then got to work destroying their own whirlpools and freeing people trapped under rubble.

Team Aqua has not been heard from since and is thought to have been drowned at sea.

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